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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 19, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 19, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ire rns noccup ouse, By CORKY DORN HOODSPORT - Funeral services were held at Dryer's Fir Lane Chapel, Tacoma, for Walt Daniels, who died Feb. 11, the victim of a heart attack. Burial was in the familyplot at Orting. As it was a Masonic service, honorary pallbearer's were, Vernon LaBelle, Donald Allen, George Lonergan, Robert Morrow, Harold Bibbe, and William Parsons. Walt Daniels was born in Thrift, Wash., July 3, 1902, lived most of his life in Tacoma, where he was a member of W. P. Doughtrey Lodge No. 224 F & AM. The Denials moved to Lake Cushman in 1968, where Walt became a deputy sheriff, and operated the security service for residents and the Lake Cushman Development Co. In line of his work, Walt saved many, much damage to their homes by spotting fires, checking on and turning on and off waterlines as the weather called for, possible windfalls, and of course vandalism. Harold Bibbee, long time friend of the Daniels, has been taking care of the security service and wilt continue to do so until other zrrangements are made. Friday the 13th Friday the 13th started out with a blaze on Lower Skok. Road. At approximately 1:30 a.m. the volunteer firemen answered the wailing siren and i made haste to the Snider house. "-i Nothing could be done to squelch the raging fire, which took the two-story dwelling completely, leaving the brick fire-place intact and standing. Fortunately no injuries occured, due to the fact that the house was vacant. The fire is believed to have been caused by spontaneous co mb ustion. Welcome the Reasons After eight years of owning a ranch and general store in Northern California, Elenore and Clyde Reason took a shopping trip up to Hoodsport and purchased the Hood Canal Supply Store, as of Feb. 10. The Reason's have a daughter in Pollack Pines, Calif., Mrs. Jerry Hereon, and a son Dick who is managing a Hereford ranch in Elma. Clyde informed me that there would be no change in either store policy or hours, so it will be business as usual. Stop in and say hello. Several Accidents Leone Tahja was doing a little window washing last week, and in the process jumped off a planter window box, spraining her ankle. This slight mishap, however didn't put a damper on her weekend, as she still managed to set a very nice table for her son Dale and his friend Bill Little,who came home for a weekend visit from HiLine College. Also attending the Saturday dinner were Leona's mother, Mrs. Mable Anderson, and Mr. and Mrs. Puree Gules. John Tabernig was released from hospital, but is wearing a brace due to back injury he received when he fell while logging. John isn't the only one in his family to have a mishap. Mrs. John Tabernig stopped by the Lilliwaup postoffice last week and while she was in posting a letter, her car decided to take a scenic jaunt all by its self. The vehicle backed itself across the highway and down into the canal. Ed Johnston and his ever ready tow truck were called, and with the Reg. $3.33 22 • • 100's Reg. 98¢ 10 oz. Reg. $2.29 69 Protein 21 in regular,: dry or oily. 7 oz. I Reg. $1.59 Regularly $1.59 Crest Family Size Regular or Mint Model 39:[ Reg. $29.95 95 i Plus Blades, O's 0 Reg. $1.89 [ ,I J JL 5th Franklin 426-3327 CONNIE VISSER looks at the ruins of the unoccupied Snider House on the Lower Skokomish Road which burned Friday. help of Pete Visser, pulled the mud and muck covered car out and returned it to a somewhat bewildered Mrs. Tabernig, who placed herself behind the wheel and drove down 101 with much mud and water flowing freely from her adventerous vehicle. Flu still here John Vinzant, the friendly Home Gas Delivery man is and has been fighting the flu all week long. Also taking aspirin and getting a lot of rest was Joyce Kilbourne. Joyce had been fighting a losing battle with the bug since Christmas, finally decided home remedies just weren't doing their thing, so went to doctor to find she didn't have the flu but pneumonia. Joyce returned to her desk Monday at Hoodsport Realty after missing more working hours in the last month and a half than she has in her 15 years. Alfred Brown returned home from Mason General Hospital where he was taken and treated for ulcer. Grand and Great Parents Roy and Phyliss Nickelson received a long distance call from son Harry, in Boulder, Cola, which informed with pride the birth of a son, Erick Grant, weighing 8 lb. 7 oz. Feb. 11. Great grandparents are also Hoodsport residents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Pierce. Kentucky Bound Mr. and Mrs. Gene Johnson left Saturday in answer to a call informing Gene on the serious illness of his father, and expect to return in four to six weeks. Betty's parents are about a six hour drive into Illinois from the Kentucky border home of Gene's family, so during there trip will spend time with both families. © / \ , Join our Shoe Club! Now 1592 Members Strong! "The Fa.,ez¢ S/.,e 107 South 4th Shelton Page S-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 19, 1970 ""d I~1 oung By CODG BROOKS PIONEER - Tim Morton, a second grader at Pioneer School, celebrated his ninth birthday last Matlock By DORA HEARING MATLOCK - Next Sunday nite at 7 p.m. at the Matlock Community Church the second series of the Moody Science Film will be shown. The Pinochle Club met at the Grange Hall Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barnes host and hostess seven tables of cards was played with High score going to Mildred Bozarth and Felix Brazeau; Pinochle to Dora Hearing and Edward Valley and low score to Sadie Dawson and David Valley. Next party Feb. 28 with Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash, host and hostess. Friends here will be saddened to learn of the death of Mrs. Fred Poyns at Lima Nursing home last week at the age of 83 years. She leaves her husband Fred at Lima, a son Forrest, in Bellevue; and three brothers in Tacoma. The Poyns lived in this vicinity five years while Mr. Poyns was supt. of Mary M. Knight school from 1933 to 1938. Easter Seal Coffee Day Set The Easter Seal Society's annual "'Coffee Day" fund-raising campaign - an event which gives coffee drinkers a chance to consume their favorite cup and help a crippled child - will be kicked-off in restaurants throughout the state in mid-February. "Coffee Day" buttons go on sale in participating restaurants for a $1 contributionto the Easter Seal Society in the campaign, co-sponsored by the Society and the Restaurant Association of the State of Washington. Those wearing buttons are entitled to drink free coffee all day long on "Coffee Day" at any participating restaurant• Saturday with a Valentine Party. Guests included Sandi Knoop, Rose Fouthe, Ann Brooks, Louis Wells, Jeff Knoop, Eric and Matt Hawkins, John Pedersen and Mrs. David Chamblin and four children of Alderwood Maner spent the weekend with her folks Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash. Mrs. Marie McKay of Shelton was a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portman. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry spent Tuesday evening with the Lon Brumfield family near Montesano. Mrs. Steve Dudics has been ill the past week at the Mason General Hospital in Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Davis and granddaughter, Beverly of Tacoma were Sunday visitors at the Dan Walker home. Mrs. Larry Walker and Janet of Tacoma, were weal nd guests at the Earl Walker home. Mrs. Archie Kelley and Mrs. Dave Smith spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Edward Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Bridges and daughter and Dave and Wade Boothe of South Bend spent Sunday at the I.C. Ford home. James Rossmaier and daughters, Brenda and Lisa, of Olympia, and Stanley Goodburn of Shelton were weekend guests at the Lud Rossmaier home. • Saturday evening the Larry Chamberlin family of Shelton were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier. Sunday the Carl Goodburn family and Danny Goodburn of Shelton spent at the Rossmaier home. Mr. and Mrs. Wells M;,>'er and sons were Monday evening dinner guests at the Rossmaier home to celebrate Mrs. Mayers birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smith and Kelly Ann of Aberdeen spent the weekend at the Archie Kelley home. Drop in callers Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Pearsall and son, Roy, of Shelton. There will be Grange meeting this Friday night with Pot Luck Supper at 6:30 p.m. Shannon Francisco. Susan Doyle greeted 15 years of age on Valentine's day. Nita and Valerie Castle were on hand to help. Weekend guests of Jill and Bonnie Brooks, were Bonnie Demmon and Barb Brigham of Shelton and Susie Dickinson of Deer Creek. Bob Hartley, principal and Anne Ambrose, 4th grade teacher, have been on the flu sick list along with Odella Brown, head cook and Kay Sushak, teacher's aide. The school's pupil absenteeism has been averaging approximately 13 per cent. Betty Moran is now home from the hospital recuperating after a bout with the flu. We are sorry to hear that Mary Trexler is once again hospitalized. - Just a reminder, Mom, there will be no school Monday, Feb. 23rd. School will resume at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday morning. Pioneer PTO executive board will meet Feb. 26 at 7:30 p.m. in- the School library. All members are urged to attend as plans for the Father-Son - Mother-Daughter fun nights will be finalized. Both events are to be held in March. Girl Scouts of our area plan to be out this weekend offering their selection of cookies for sale. The Cadette Scout troup met Monday after school at Bonnie Brook's home. The girls are busily setting up their paper mache village and hope to have it completed by the end of March. The Intermediate Scout troop is avidly learning the fine points of knitting under the instruction of Leah Irwin. Troop leader Irene Goldsby reports all girls learning and interested, for further information on the Girl Scout program in our area please phone ' Irene at 426-1296. If you haven't received a Heart fund envelope by mail as yet please call area Campaign Chairman, Kay Sushak 426-6050 and she will see that you get one promptly. If you have received your letter, please respond generously and mail your envelope to Mrs. Sushak as soon as possible. Valentine Day visitors surprised Mary Cook of Agate. Son Jim Cook and wife Iris with children, Julia and Rhonda came down from Ashford with a big box of Valentine chocolates for Morn. Mary Ella and LeRay Gregerson and WiUard and Karyll Cook with all the grandchildren also paid "Grandma" a recent visit. A phone call from Harry in Black Lick, Ohio, also told Mom to start looking for a homestead 'cause he'd like to settle in our beautiful area when he and his family come out this summer. If any one would like .a free kitty just call Brenda Surlow at 426-8907. The Seventh grader says her Morn would be happy to give them away! I The DISCOUNTS that COUNT THE MOST in nationally known products you want MOST the MOST in honest-to-good- ness SAVINGS are at MONEY SAVER! Wall-to-wall our aisles and shelves are loaded with DISCOUNT PRICES, the BIG SUPER BUYS that really COUNT FOR SAVINGSt. By Cherie Reg. 99¢ Super Size Reg. $1.98 Sale Good Thru Feb. 26th Purse~carry'All°nlY Reg. $4 Set of 3 Stainless Steel Reg. $4.79 Most Wanted Gag Item Reg. $3.98 Flash CubesSy'~ania$~~eg Big 39 Reg. 39~ Complete Home $12 Permanent Reg. $1.69 5" for Baby by Crib Mate Reg. $1.00 Large Selection Values 99¢ Hurry! Save 20-50% Sale Ends Man. Feb. 23 Free Parking Free Delivery Regular and Hard-to-Hold 13 oz. ,Reg. $1.69 Reg. $2 Open 8:30-5:30 Monday thru Saturday George says: "You ..,, 4th & Cote 426-4702 Sure Save Herel" Plastic by Hi Flier Reg. 39¢ Each 4th & Ililrld Thursday, February 19, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page S-13