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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 20, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two Shefcon Man’s Uncle Passes At Puyallup Walter Scott, 77, uncle of Rob- ert Scott of Shelton, died at his' Puyallup home Monday. He had been a resident of Puyallup and the State of Washington for ov- er 40 years. THAT “HATE To“ WORK” FEELING no" your york have to wait because you "don’t feel like doing an "7 This list- lessnesa no be due to Golan bowel action. 'Give those bowels I gentle nudge with ADI. '8 3 laxatives and 5 cumin:- dvea. . mum today. Your Grants: In: it. FIR DRUG STORE CONCRETE MASONRY UNITS for Walls and Foundations O Strong O Permanent O Economical SHELTON comm PRODUCTS PHONE 123 Regularly 50¢ sq. ft. l l =truck a similiar sum ,disorderly charge “ C. I . no leased, Fin-ed 0n Motor Code Violations T Five motorists felt the wrath of justice after breaking traffic regulations over the weekend. All were arrested by State Patrolman Cliff Aden. Drunken driving charges which Justice W. A. Magoon found George Barron, Shelton, guilty of resulted in a $50 fine and costs. Barron was arrested on the Isa— bella Valley road early Sunday morning. His companion in the car, Gladys Moulton, Lost Lake, forfeited $12.50 bail on a charge of being drunk in a public place. An out-of—state drivers license which he mistakenly believed was good in Washington cost Ger- ald Pierce, Hoodsport, $10 and 'a second charge of driving with- out trailer plates on his logging in Justice Magoon‘s court. Pierce was ar- rested Saturday on the Tahuya road. Virgil Rice, Shelton, was fined $10 and costs on a drunk and in Justice M. Zintheo’s court Tuesday after his arrest by Aden Sunday morn- ing in Shelton. George Allshouse, Elma, is awaiting trial after being arrest— ed Sunday at Hoodsport for hav- 4 i Venetian With Wood Sluts 396 sq. ft- ing no license plates on his car. DAUGTHER ARBIVES A baby daugther arrived at the Shelton Hospital on Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Rudy scher of Lost Lake Route, Elma. uu ONE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS Special Offer linds The Quality Blind Chosen by Discriminating People Everywhere Because of These Features: O Enclosed Head of Wood Q Best Quality Oil-Base Enamel Kiln-Dried Bass Wood 2” Slats Automatic Cord Lock Q, Smooth Working Worm-Gear O Choice of 16 Slat and Tape Colors REMEMBER—Venetian Blinds are becoming increasingly hard to get. February 25 is the final date of this offer” sq. ft. Beautiful Ready-Made Drapes INTRODUCTORY OFFER $6.95 and $8.95 per pair FULL WIDTH AND LENGTH Make Your Selection from Many AttractiVe Patterns! , Hang Them for You TODAY Oisen Furniture- Co. “Fine Furniture For The Home” We will Loert— SOCIAL ' Mrs. Ed Elliott Hostess l 0 Bridge Club Members Mrs. Ed Elliott was hostess on Friday to the members of her bridge club at her home. The Valentine motif was carried out in the 1:30 dessert luncheon. Mrs. Bertha Cameron, guest of thei club won honors along with Mrs. Bill Smith of Potlatch and Mrsi Elliott. 9 '8 9 0‘. I I 0 3e :0 Mrs. Charles Borst Hostess Thursday Mrs. Charles Borst was hostess at her home last Thursday for members of her bridge club. Those present were Mrs. George Cooper,' Mrs. Glen Edgley, Mrs. Jesse Mar- . rett, Mrs. Carl Hellman, Mrs. Royl Getty and Mrs. Clare Hammond] Mrs. Hammond and Mrs. Edgley won honors, with Mrs. Hammond winning the galloping goose also. Leaves For Canada l Mrs. Earl Hallonquist left on‘ Thursday for Vancouver, B. C., to spend several days visiting rel- atives. Methodist Circles Slate Meeting Circles No. 1 and 2 of the Me- -thodist Church will meet with Mrs. Vernon Davidson next Wed- nesday for a 1:30 dessert lunch- eon. Mrs. B. N. Collier will be co- hostess. Fort Lewis Visitors Here Visitors at the home of Mrs. E. F. Hatch on Sunday were her cousin and son of Fort Lewis, Mrs. George Munro and Lt. Mel- vin Munro. . Weekend Guests Here Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Stevenson and son Andy Bill of Camp 5 and Tacoma, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. William Stevenson. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Hosts At Dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott en- tertained at their home on Sun- .day with dinner for Mr. and ‘Mrs. Phil Murphy and Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Brown. I Visit Parents I sonic hall Beans, cud Party Features i Union Society,’ K Union, Fcb. 17~After scverali weeks of quiet socially, there; seems to be by comparison' a, number of social events this week. Too late for last week was the card party at the Ma-l given by the Elinorl Chapter of Eastern Star. This} was one of the largest ever giv-, on with attendance from Tahuya,! Belfal'r. Potlatch, Skokomish Val-l 10y, Hoodsport and Shelton, be— sides the many from here. Con- tract, auction, pinochlc and Chin—‘5 cse checkers Were in play with; honors going as follows: contract,§ high prizes were given to Mrs} Bertha Grisdale, Herbert Wyckoff, and low to Mrs. Vera Duffic—ld: and Vern Gifford; in auction Mrs.1 A‘nne Phillips and Lud Andersen were high and Mrs. Sophia Nel-, son low; pinochle high honors.‘ went to Mrs. Faye Johnston and, Vern Wyatt, low scores were; held by Mrs. Wanda Wyatt andi Art Bogue. In Chinese checkcrsi the lucky ones were Mrs. Ida‘ Kirkland, ‘Mrs. Viola Kimbel and: Bill Anderson. After cards a( dainty lunch was served. Mrs} Floy Yenter was chairman of the affair ably assisted by several of the chapter. In accordance with plans of‘ some weeks ago, the intermed-lI late class of the Sunday school; held a party at the home of Mn; and Mrs. Fred Short with Miss Marie Short as hostess. About- 20 young folks were there. Mrs. Jones, their teacher, and her \ l l SHELTON-MASON COUNTY J O URNAI] LargeiPotIatch Warehouse Makes Way for New Home? __ 1 By Elizabeth Hussman l Potlatch, Feb. 17v~eDuring the; last few weeks E. Carlson and J.| F. Simmons have been tearing; down the big Warehouse at Pot-,i latch. For many years it has; been a familiar landmark. Kathryn Wilson of Seattle. plans; to erect a summer home on the; site occupied by the structure. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pearce ell-l joyed a brief visit in Seattle on{ Tuesday and Thursday. 3/111} Pearce is now on civilian duty up5 at Lake Cushman. Mr. and Mrs. Les VVycrs and tiny daughter Frances spent last; Sunday in Seattle. l Mr. and Mrs. Al Main and chil-1 dren, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sim-i l mons and son, and Mrs. Roy Ascl- . son, were guests of Mr. and Mrsi Ted Aselsoll in Bremerton on: Saturday. 5 Mr. and Mrs. William Smith; visited friends in Olympia Sat—l urday. ‘. James Sisley is home fromi Bremerton on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Marten-l son and Mr. Morris, of Seattle} were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.1 F. Simmons on Sunday. Dick Tyler returned to Pot—, latch the first part of this month; He had been attending school at1 Chico, Cal. Mrs. Gronvold visited in Ta-; coma the past four days. Mn! Gronvold is clearing land at Mattsi Beach where they plan to build. g 1 daughter from Tacoma, also Vern husband Mrs- Wyatt, the class advisor, were, there. Games featured the even-E ing. The Valentine motif was car-! ried out, Neldon, assisted by Mrs. Francisi Wright, staged a complete sur‘-' prise party for Harley and Mrs. Clara Bittle, whose birthdays are both this month. Pinochle was the evening entertainment with highl honor going to Ray Arbogast and low to Harley. After cards many freshmentsl‘n decorations and re“icd, and at midnight. the beautiqHill Saturday evening Mrs. Harley.E Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutchin- son of Seattle spent the week end iwith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hutchinson. Mrs. Corrine Brown, cousin of Mrs. Hutchin- son, and Miss Shelliah Williams of Edmonds, spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Hutch- l inson. Visits Mother Mrs. Arnold Stenger and daugh- ter Sharon of Bellingham are vis- iting in Shelton with her mother, " Mrs. Putnam. Rainbow Mothers Postpone meeting. The date it will be held will be‘ announced later. " Mrs. Roy Eells Hostess To ' Women's Club Wednesday Mrs. Roy Eells was hostess to lthe Skokomish Valley Womens Club at her home on Wednesday. lAbout 14 members were present. l A short business meeting was held after the dessert luncheon. A social afternoon followed. ' P.E.O. Will Meet Monday Afternoon Chapter 8., RED. will meet at 2 p. m. on Monday with Miss Jessie Knight. Mrs. Mary Strat- ford will be the assisting hostess. Mrs. Phil Murphy will talk on an imaginary journey to the Philip- pines. Return to Seattle I Mrs. Herbert Loop and baby' daughter returned to Seattle on February 14 after a five weeki visit with her mother, Mrs. Er- nest Crane. l Visit Parents Sunday Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lord and son, Dickie of Vancouver, Wash- l ington, spent the week end with ! his arents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lotti? I Two Injured In Traffic Mishaps: Two persons required hospital treatment for injuries suffered in l week end traffic accidents occur- ’ ring ill Mason County. I Catherine Evans, 22, Shelton, received a broken wrist when a I car driven by James Evans, 23, Olympia, hit a concrete bulk- head near Kamilche when swerv- 3 ing to aVOid collision with an un- identified car Sunday morning". I Glenn Sewers, 17, Shelton, was‘ treated for head cuts when his; car and one driven by Ole Kjon- ; aas, Camp inorth of Shelton Sunday morn- ing. Considerable damage wasl inflicted on both vehicles, their] reports said. I Two other minor accidents were reported, a car driven by! Mrs. M. L. Watson,. Potlatch, . Route, and a truck owned by the Moller Beverage company collid- ing Wednesday at Fifth and Franklin while Emil Carlson,, Port Angeles, was sideswiped at Deer Creek Saturday by anotherI car which did not stop, Mr. Carl- son reported. MARRIAGE LICENSES Harold Hattrick Wilson, 21, Yuma, Ariz., and Beatrice Lor— raine Nickens, 22, Bremerton, at, Shelton, February 12. Three-dayl wait waived by order of 'Superior Judge D. F. Wright. Carl Eugene Welch, 21, and Betty Helen Bond, 18, both of' Manette, at Shelton, February 14. Albert H. Brown, 27, Bremer-l ton, and Delia D. Beyer, 27, Seat- tle. at Shelton, February 18. John A. King, 29, and Myrtle M. Sommerville, 27, both of Port Angeles, at Shelton, February 18. Larry J. Storey, 27, and Marie Emel, 28, both, of Bremerton, at Shelton, February 1-9. Joseph Herbert McCoy, 21, 1 Fort Lewis, and Gwen Ruth Smart, 19, Shelton, at Shelton,‘ February 19. I lT‘WSday Meeting Date Mrs. Bessie DeRosia and Mrs. The Rainbow Girls Mowers Edna Carroll have both , peen' Club Postponed their TueSdaY quite ill with the flu. Their 'mo-r ; prefer to any place they have I lived. They are now in North Car- [ Dewatto camp, moVed out Sun—i ‘ good things to eat were served but especially enticing was the; lbeautifully decorated cake with the inscription “Happy Birthday”i to Clara and Harley. Those en-. joying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bonners, Mr. and, Mrs. Lyle Bittle, James Wright,‘ Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wright, Mr.l and Mrs. Ray Arbogast, and Mr.l and Mrs. Neldon. Monday Mrs. Mildred Robichau,l Mrs. Alice Martin and Merrittl Stark were on duty all day at the air patrol as registrars for, the third draft. They also took‘ over the air patrol, watch for the; day. ther Mrs. MacCauley, who withli Mr. MacCauley, has been visiting; them as their nurse. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Al Stone of 511-; verdale, former residents here, were dinner guests of Mr. and} Mrs. Al Martin, Sunday. 3 Guy Kneeland was summoned to Tacoma Monday by the death of his sister Mrs. Grace Franz. who had been seriously ill for some time. The funeral was held,- in that city on Tuesday. Saturday evening Mrs. Alicel Martin, Mrs. Sophia Nelson and? Ed Hegaas were joined by Mrs. Leila Adams and all attended thei party at the home of Mrs. Floyl chter in Hoodsport, given ill/i the officers of Elinor Chapter of: the Eastern Star, honoring their A l Worthy Matron, Mrs. Alice Mar-i tin who was presented with al beauLiful Chenille bedspread in, appreciation of her leadershipl and cooperation during the pasti year. Mus. Martin also came home with the first prize for highl iscore in cards. ' The Kurt Langes have pur-: chased the cottage where theyi lived for many years and the‘ cottage next to it of Enoch Nel- son. This will make a nice home site and on the Canal that they olina but hope to arrive here in,’ the near future. The community; will be glad to welcome thesef lgood citizens who have always} helped with all civic affairs. j Edwin (Bud) Martin took thei physical examination at thei Bremerton Navy Yard Monday' and went to work Tuesday morn-! ing in the yard. l ___________ I Eagle Dance Program To Continue In Valley Continuation of the popular series of dances conducted each Saturday evening at Shefton Val- i 3, collided four miles ley, was announced this week by Langlows well and haPPY- the local Eagles lodge sponsors of the dance. Rails Orchestra will for play ‘the dancers as before and the dances will continue on a regular, schedule. mi. l I [VISITORS HERE WEDNESDAY,l Mr. and Mrs. John Maule ofl Seattle, former Shelton residents. were visitors in Shelton Wednes- Iday, renewing old acquaintances. SHIP YOIIII FREIGHT I '0“ l FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight via. Str. SkOOkum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, BY B No. lwas divided into four units. Roy . Beebe was selected as warden of .l {lived across the bay from the |ham drove- to Port Gamble via, They 3 '5 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily. execept Sunday, at 5 pm. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE GARLANDER, President PUGET solan FREIGHT 1.1le As a birthday surprise for her E. Carlson enter-i tained guests Saturday 'evening.‘ Two tables of contract were in play. A delicious lunch was Serv-q ful birthday cake was cut andl congratulations given the honor; guest, Mr. Carlson. Mrs. Westfall, recently moved to Potlatch, had the misfortune to break her arm while working“ in her yard Friday morning. She was confined to the hospital a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Lavender have moved from Hoodsport to Pot-g latch and are. now getting settled in the house formerly Occupied by the W. H. Smiths. l Billy Reader has had to be ab- sent from school lately due to“ illness. 1 Bob Smith has been cutting wood on the Potlatch beach the' last few days. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Simons, who have been living at the Junction Auto Park, are new residents of Potlatch. They are now occupying the teacher's cot- tage. Only 2 Register ff At Dewatto For Dewatto, Feb. 17~—The regis— tration for selective tion in this district is all log- ging and requires younger men. There were but two showed up for registration, Harry D. A. Orcutt, both 43. At a meeting held at the gym on Thursday evening. February 12, which nearly every one in the bay and the valley attended, , ‘35 an organization was started for: 5, Austin Sebringi ,of Tahuya. was present and hadl " . civilian defense. just attended a bomb demonstra- tion at Hoodsport was able to give us some valuable pointers re—! '~‘ garding bombs of various sorts} land also a description of gas and! . how to handle it. This district District 1. C. E. Williams, Dis-| trict 2, Gordon Cunningham ofi District 3 and Wheeler Nance of District 4. ’ The Cameron family, who have day to near Longview. Roy Beebe bought their house boat and has moved in. He has about finished his new fishing boat, has a Chevrolet engine installed in it and is almost ready for a trial run. , John Cassidy reports he is or- dered to return to the colors this coming Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cunning- Bremerton on Saturday. visited Mr. and Mrs. Norris Lang- low, the principal of the Port Gamble school since leaving here three years ago. They returned home Sunday evening, reporting We received a letter from George J. Ellis, our last teacher,I " now located near Yelm. He re- ports he had a hard fight to keep , water works, light plant, etc, from freezing up during the cold spell. His mother, who suffered a heart attack around Christmas, is much recovered. Wellington bomber planes use Douglas fir and Sitka spruce. 2 y Februal Friday February Way Ployee: Defens¢ EH Wt the state LEGAL PUBLICATIONS Shelton Girl’s F' Killed At Pearl . . 1 I Offlcml announce 1" oyees of M) I H I“ the Navy Department 0 ll‘ “'1‘ “RA N T (‘A LL Notice ls Ilé'll‘lly given that till! following Mason County Warrants m"- 1““.lm.\ ii at the offirr‘ of the Treasurer of said County. and that Cd late l’lst week by ,. purChaW Will w-a sn the date of thv publication of this notice: kje Vl/msor of Shelt 5 their 5nd“ ! Warrants Nos. 10957 to 11240 inclusive; V (Social Security) W'arrants Nos. 2268 to 2273 incl.; lot No W: . lit Nos. 1185 to 1188 inclusive; irlct No. 43 Warrant Nos. 1982 to 1998 inclusive: 4:; Warrant Nos. 3018 to 3087 inclusive; i her 01" the death of h L. Vanderpoole, navy ‘1 third class seamen, ed by machine gun f' tifense Saving 10“ Was mad when Safeway ed arrangem( School l) Sttillwi I School Iliilztl'it-t Nu Sillnol District, No. 302 V‘Vnrrant Nos. 1646 to 1671 inclusive; . ' ‘ 1):].03’1 at Shelton, Washington. February 20, 1942. . iHal‘bm' durmg the J lon‘WIde V0111 (.uIvJAl.) OMER L. DION, Treasurer of Mason County. tack December 7. ‘ 37 all empl alien, Miss Winsor and accordi 2—2051t. l poole had planned to tea divisional ' ' ' next summer. tOI‘BS in ‘ Aqullary Police iMachlnery Rep-air , —m——— regime Was; ' ' - HOSPITALI I'esenting John Adams of 'v‘|temp10yees, : A1__ I admitted to the hospi r1buting re City Police Chief Andy Hansen To help farmers check on than. day for treatment. °Ward the 1 3 and Sheriff Gene Martin have fin- i machinery repair needs, the Wash- 1_A_ amgraml it ‘ ishcd appointing their auxiliary ington State USDA. Defense ““‘“F‘““ 10 wk- 1 police units under civilian defense. Board has just issued a check list rises and m The city auxiliary police in- for repair parts. i es ($1935ng ‘ Cllldé JOhn EliaSOD. A- J- CurtiS, This check list is designed mere- roughm L. L. VanCleave, I. H. Woods, M. A. Clothier, Homer McComb, Les-‘ ter Chase, Henry Hansen, M. H. Needham, Clarence Rhi'fies, Bill1 Pierce, Jess Wolfe, Jerry Samples, Paul Hughey, J. L. Catto, Roy 1y as a reminder to the farmer that it is vital that repair parts for farm machinery be ordered immediately. A copy of this list is being mailed to every farmer in the state through local county , ePtin tl‘. THEAT rinsing}; Shelton.W ‘3, deputy st 0f defense s ‘ g ecords Ends Saturda. 0 flmsni‘le TWO FEATU, Plans; many Sheldon, Gerald Byrne, Walter extension agents. Farmers are re unre L George and Ben HallgrimSOn. urged to fill out this list and Paul Mimi, Geor initial-Sort? The county auxiliary police in- take it to their local dealer im- “ l 9' S whlchg 1 elude: mediately to order parts needed re the v 1am Allyn—Victor Raisoni ’during the coming year. ,1 plus , for thoeug: VICtOF‘TJameS Morton . The check list contains provi-T , Belfalr— Sam Theler, Marlon sion for the major parts on trac_‘ Spencer Tr lNeWkWR' DOC Eddy ,tor and combine motor, combine,’ “SKY DEV TahuyaiGordon Stolze, Harveyi Relldsland Union-—Al Martin, M. C. Stark ’NorthsideWCharles Reed, Geor- ge Woodruff motor t'ruck, binder, mower, plow, disk, spring and peg tooth har- row, weeders, manure spreader, grain drill, potato planter, potato .digger, feed grinder and hammer tefiékeéig’igtiDon DunOyer’ Les" i mill, milking machine, electric mo- GrapevieW'7R0bert Young, J. B. E tor and miscellaneous equipment. Johnson HarstineHJohn P. Smith, John : Rainbow Trout : Hitchcock , Agate—Lyle O'Dell, E. F. Haw- Planted In Lost Lake kinson ' Game Protector Paul Hughey} planted 10,000 rainbow trout run—_ ning from three to six inches in length in Lost Lake last week as first of three shipments, Southside —~— Harry Hurst, Joe: 11'" Kamilchc-WR. F. KeySers, R. R. McDonald A Cloquallum~—R. V". Strike, Bar- ,1 the ney Loerstcher Satsop—L. L. Rice Matlock—Don Hansen, Lee Val- ley Dayton~A. E, Lemke, sen. Charles Baker scheduled for the fore part of; 1942. V The rainbows were reared at‘ the‘ Thurs, Feb- , \ 17¢ Nit “Mi TWO FEATU ithe Aberdeen hatchery of John 01- state game department. Skokomish Valley—R. C. Sprin- ger, Paul Hunter Lower Slrokomishchorge Ad- ams, Percy James Hoodsport—J. W. Goodpaster, Will Lunt, H. R. Dickinson, Dan- Relieve M isery of i WE ' ‘ iel L. Anderson, Harold Millo , . l Serv1ce Mondayi ~l I service of? , men eligible under the law was i lcarried on at the school gym on; Monday. Marguerite Cunningham‘ E'- was chief registrar. Our occupa-l Burt and i CIMA' l I MISIEELE TOM Lilliwaupv~ Bert Davis, Georgel Aaro, Fred'Sauer IsabellawGene Insull, Mel Sac- ger Sials fr Fridy d tra one noun mus PABKIN for all M & S Customers in the Convenient Lot Next Door NUT MEATS 'l/LrLB. .............. NOODLES ‘i! 35 FRESH RANCH—GRADE “A” Eggs 2’ dez. ALASKA PINK Salmon ' leans V - . l lulu.- ""hi'kviszi'ig/g‘: is... ___________ m I SWEET DILLs Shnmp zc’ans ,1" '1 33??? -------------- 15¢ Macaroni 2-Ibs. JAM or JELLY ELOW A 3 figs??? _____________ 35¢ Spaghetti 2—ibs. Spaghetti with 2 CANS Rich, Ripe Meat Ball SHOPPING BAG FULL Oranges bag 490 GUARANTEED N0. 2 Potatoes 50-Ib. 1.19 SHOPPING BAG FULL Grapeirllt bag 43a LARGE BUNCHES ‘ bu. 5c Sack ................ __ Carrots _ I b n 4 Pink Grapef INT“ 3370 Cocktail PURE LA ' ode,“ wil -lbs. ............ .. COFFEET Morning Star -lb. Can ............ __ . Pancake F ', Hungry Jack ’ cabbage Onion Sets 2-lhs. 29;; 2...... __________ Store Closed Monday—Washington’s Birthday S 17",». T,,¢~ . i... 1,