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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 20, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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February traliaus“ and Re E133] “February ‘30, Fred Hickson LIii'ma Rossenow Engagmnent _W># figalfieggggs (rammed at Hwi.’»l.n(nm1mced Tlinrjday Eve . . _ . a «A 0 ~ 721.1"12-0‘ . ' “nil 13133; “1 I" e 0f Mrs. Fred Hickson on pulpit;lgéfiajéozg; ““ll»ir:l.).l.:1..t£ de-l'y evening 1701’ tl‘i‘O tilbli’fi. ~ February 19 £0; a ysocial 2m?“ £138.: lwi ‘ ngvge‘. Honor? WOW 1‘70“, I)?" um: with Miss Anne Harmon, “grog, b'VVO‘, o “ham NOOICU“ M1?“ ‘VW': .<‘llilll nurse, back for 3,945” ,,}-,‘,.,r,')xs ests rgan and Mrs. J- h- C‘I'T‘vy- cation from duties at ' c \ Were Mrs. Gray, Mr: :5? iisivo, friends and fel- L _ 1nd Mt. View; Barret, and Mrs” l101‘|‘\' , ~,-, .w 1, .~( . t “a A. ‘1’“; of ‘lle‘ Erma Ros- Y‘11P‘” 330‘s 0, Refreshments v. . . .- 73-1. . j . a. WW A m ‘ ,I . iii..((,l to lcain of 1,, 081...). eVenlng bV to“, 1 I ,7 , Ammo“. Can] . A out to Fred Heckiy id Aberdeen " M 0f Series of ' 11 Sam 5 11nd robin thi 1' Parties Slated , ,. tied With les com etitiq 6 Ladies Auxiliary of run. "1”? whims With. Silver 5 father—son entertain with the d ()‘l' ‘ “wormed “305319 and 's and Bill Co, ‘ Series of card p *' "‘0‘ the {Mills (ll ,tnc Com" with FeSpect preSentingy SHUTCL v. p,‘ hi aliair. Red, (1 683. i‘olloV bruary 215g It will EC 1... ‘ ilO’WQZ'S centered smith [A M0036 hall starting :lt' . ‘1‘,“ by Whlte 131' 1a, with 686, PinOChle and bridtvp m1] nee. With red and blue Wm, p}; Wol’ed with prizes forhoaph 'ii'lual cakes and ice lipjnfx‘ m with Shments will be servcd_" ' .ed out the same color ‘1: .v flay lefl .. W." W. m. imnbcil of 01 Marion Magnochi and ille 12M. i’ollo Anne Harmon were co-‘ ‘ . . for the deli htful even— liggiBlllsar‘gn Ladles AuX1liary , g 913, 1225, . I A j Guests present were Thelma 319,, 1217' and ' ' ' inoems. Rose Post, Margaret Ferri er of Sh ,MLL , Meyers, Miss Zella Deeny, Ard— IT‘. -EVD IN Mil“. Dahlman, Edwina. Henry, i Ida Kirkland, . Jean Spurlock, Clara Fanger, Hel- id on a comb 3rd in Series ;on Knecland, Flora Lambert, Mrs. Stewart, Dorothy Rob- ‘asure trip to ‘: gEmalyn erts and Wilma Bailey. incsdav, February 25, at the home .‘inb Holds; Meeting it. , g ‘ al«‘lll‘day, Feb. 2]: 5 of Mrs. Connie Duckliam for a The Mill Creek Home Econom- ‘ Activelles Slate i a g Pillochlc Bridge Prize 15:30 dinner meeting. ir's Club met on IVednesday with MOOSE HALL iii'wmosday Meeting l 259 PET person —~ includes 1 Glen Storey. Mrs. James 7:30 pm. i The Activcttes will meet Wed- Refreshments =Mill Creek Economic ‘RIDAY SA’ February w, (1, F“; N w 'h was guest of the club. The, T ' ' .after ion was spent socially withi G rentshzrcnts being served by the i T 1 hostess. The next meeting will be with llll‘,‘ John V‘Jebbcr on March 4th. FlOVVER AND GARllEII new Seattle CIVIC AUDITORIUM March 15-22 with lloria Jean, L. Butch and“.. ’s more than ‘ It's HOWLA 0 News (fart : The group will make reed baskets. ‘Bridal Shower Honors Miss Margery Klian A number of guests gathered tain View last Thursday for a bri- dal showor honoring their daugh— ,ter, Miss Margery Klink, bride- elect of Frank Waters. Guests were Shirley Crait, Lenita Chen- SIJN.-MON. 1' Matinee Sunda . ev. Donna. Cheney, Margaret ;c(,.rpi10ts,.‘ Mower, Kay Steinsoker, Ruth Co-Riots .' il l, Lois Dunbar, Norma Hall, M T¢1\ r": .. := ‘v'r v '_ . u ice hung. kitty -ov.nsend, Lll Id Abbot L0 I liar. Dudnn. Violet Knox, Betty "‘ .I.atzel. Alice, Dorothy and Edith w Klink and tire llO‘lOl‘Qd guest, Mar— gery. Many lovely giits were re— cc red by the bride-elect, for her , future home. 55¢ (“dudes 8c Federal Tax) rtha Raye, lliam Gargan,- Also Juveniles D. of II. 4‘ Clark, Lucille McDaniels. Dorcus. ‘ at the M. F. Kiink home on Moun- , n COUNTY JOURNAL Girl Scout News i i GIRL scours SERVE i In the midst of all their work for defense, the Girl Scouts of Shelton are finding time to re- member and observe February as their International Friendship Month. They remind us that Girl ‘Scouts in the United States plan not. only for war but for the peace to come. This determination to think of the future as well as the present is a timely example of the im— portant work that Girl Scouting is doing in Shelton. The women who lead Girl Scouting are con— tributing greatly to the civilian defense program. They are doing a job which, although sometimes .not as spectacular as some, is in- ,finitely more lasting in its re- sults. In their hands are the wo- men of the future whose job it lwill be to help restore the world ito normal. ; To do this job. Girl Scout lead- ‘crs must be, and are, trained in group leadership. They must ap— gpreciate real values, understand ithe democratic way of life and :assume responsibility. i The qualities which a leader {must have are also the qualities which are urgently needed by to— day’s girls. Normal participation iin group activity, such as lead- iers can give girls in Scouting, goes far towards developing re— {sponsibility and a true sense of .values in tomorrow's citizens. More Girl Scout leaders inecded today than ever ITrained and experienced in their work with youth, they are an in— are tregal part of America's Victory ' powder blue afternoon dress with Program. :3 >l< >l= ‘. TROOP 7 I Geraldine Carlson, scribe Brownie Troop No. 7 met Mon- day at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Morgan. Viola Ogg brought the treat of cookies. The girls work- ied on their Mother Day presents. , =i~' a: l TROOP . Glenna, Fitz, Scribe We had our usual folk danc- ing with Mrs. William Stevenson at the Lincoln grade school. Miss Mchlland talked to us about the eight things the Girl Scouts should know about defense and what we can do. We are taking , up First Aid and reviewing what a Mrs. Morgan taught us last year. * * =l= TROOP 3 Anna. Lou Elliott, Scribe, Miss Ottenni’s Girl Scout troop had a. meeting at her home on Monday. Jane Clothier called the meeting together and Patty Case called roll. A discussion was held .':-F s’ ' . e a' IN“ Sport T'ckek WI” cosT 85c When i M’1‘th olfétthc Degree of 01 the handlSr-rafzrt bfdges' dVdnce Sale Closes 1Home will meet. this Saturday TROOP 7 “7ED__T Bu ‘at 1 o'clock at the Odd Fellows Gale Ahlskog, Scribe . yNow and $0116 liall. T meeting: will honor The Brownies of Troop 7 start- ‘ane Frame, frel .‘Nashingti birthday. Refresh- ed making their Mother Day MAGS merits will be Served. gifts on Monday. Colleen Smith .eon Errol an 'M’)‘ ",0 g“ brought the treat of ice cream wax; .3 t.. .. ' . Au“ 1‘ 1y Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rowe! and "cOOkles' Emoved to Seattle last Saturday. TROOP 2 r where. he has been'transferred by Beverly Dickinson, Scribe with {thf‘ Simpson Logglllg Compan)” { Our regular meeting this week olmnie Down O’Dea. MARIA M0 .15 News and" Short Fen "Here’s one thing I ’m sure to do right—- You can'i make a land cup of ’M'J'B" "JIMMY LYDON tells MARY ANDERSON on “’6 Set of Paramount’s “HENRY AND DIZZY” MARY: To play the part of Henry Aldrich, you must i‘ But to keep ’ a genius at doing things the wrong way. the rails. -’~ "MMY: Don’t get personal! Anyway, there’s one thing even Henry Aldrich can do rig/at. inks and gun5 . . . . r" .MARY: You mean toffee-making? Well, I’ll admit Ibis )ly plants. L :he job. Tw. ‘ rer built, hav. 1er super-p0 .r a past five W ’l 1‘ Very good even [bong/9 it is strong. JIMMY: Sure it’s good. Now to prove my point I’ll make some weaker. M'ARY: It’s perfect! How come coflee-making’x 5m]: 4 CIVIC/9 for you; “MMY: med M. f. B. Whether you like (OffL’L’ strong W weak or lit-between, you can't make a had (up of M.].B. Here’s Your Co You ha exc111s Why it never fails! Make 386; With the same care as Y9 1n the past. These two umeTnllVe M. J. B. features—a ing\wmmllst~ and double. blend— of Coffe gIVe you the finest cup 9 You ever tasted! :Ouu: yo" wasted in it.. lents. For. m , Union P-a ng East will 1e transporta 'v R MONEY BACK! Buy agfiz:n?tflf M- J. B. If you don’t coffee 3 better than any other Co. a‘return the lid to M.J.B. You; nd We Will refund double Purchase price. {was postponed until Tuesday. We ‘are making tentative plans for our spring program. Next week we will all bring suggestions as to what we would rather do. The members of our troop are Patty Byrne, Bobbie Jean Gardener, Betty Mast, Jo Ann Tice, Nedra Downer, Ernestine Crane, Kath- rvn Botts, LeErma Dunbar. Chloe iDickinson and Beverly Dickinson. :5: a TROOP I Glenna Fitz, Scribe i We have been very busy doing 150 many activities including our ,rcgular folk dancing. At the last meeting Mrs. Stevenson taught 1 us the waltz, Miss McLelland read {an article about Home Defense. lThis was discussed and it was ,decided we would review our first aid, at a meeting in the near future. We have been Spend- ling our Saturday afternoons to- lgether at Miss McLelland’s apart- iment, knitting squares for an ,afg‘han for an army hospital. The itreat was served by Toni Vigor and myself. We met at the Lincoln school on Tuesday as usual. Mrs. Steven- lson taught us dancing before our 'meeting. It was decided we would all bring a. few cents regularly for our weekly dues. Also discus- sed sending a box of candy and cookies to soldiers in the Hawai- ian Islands. * r :1: TROOP .4 Charlotte Ross, Scribe Girl Scout Troop 4 met on Thursday, February 5, at the home of Mrs. B. N. Collier for ltheir first dancing lesson. Attend Funeral Mr. and Mrs. A. Almaden drove to Seattle Sunday to attend the funeral services held Monday morning for Arthur Gagnon, Mr. Almaden‘s brother-in-law. Annual Husbands Banquet Held on Friday Evening The annual Husbands Banquet, given by the ladies of Camp 3, was held Friday evening, Febru- ary 13. The hall and tables were very prettily decorated in Valen- tine motif and large red candles lighted the tables. Dinner was served to forty club members and their husbands. After dinner, the tables were cleared away and games and dancing formed the evenings diversion. The commit- tee in charge of entertainment and decorations were Mrs. Betty Hulbert, Mrs. Evelyn Ellison and Mrs. Adelle Morgan, in charge of refreshments were Mrs. Hazel 'lDammann, Mrs. Myrtle 'Strine, Mrs. Alvin Dahlman, Mrs. Shir- ley Marshall, Mrs. Oliva Mathews and Mrs. Grace Wells. Harry Cole Honored {On Birthday Wednesday ‘ I Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grunert were hosts at their home on Wed- nesday for a dinner party hon- Oring the birthday of Harry Cole. ‘Bridge was played in the eve- Thing with Mrs. Mead, Mr. Grun- ert and Mrs. Fentiman winning honors. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mead, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cole, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fen- timan and the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Grunez‘t. before. the groom was best man. SHEnTgig-MASQ PHON Dennis-Dion Wedding Held Saturday, February 14th A small wedding of charm and distinction was the St. Valentine nuptial services which united in marriage Miss Rosalie Annetta Dion, and Charles Leslie (Jack) Dennis Saturday, February 14,, at 11 a. m. in the St. Edward’s} Parish. The Reverend Mark‘ Weichman performed the cere-i mony before the immediate fami—K lies of both couples and close‘ friends. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Omer L. Dion, Ma- son County Treasurer, and the. groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dennis of Matlock Route. i The charming bride was lovely in a dusty pink afternoon dress with shirring in the sleeves andi bodice, braided up the front in‘ self material forming a swirled flower at the yoke of each should- er. The skirt was a soft flare. Her hat matched her dress with the veil caught at the forehead with two large velvet roses. She wore white gloves with satin em- broidery. Her corsage was a white orchid. Her only ornament was a string of pearls, a gift from the groom. William E. Dennis, brother ofi The matron of honor, Mrs. Wil-| liam Dennis of Aberdeen wore a} trapunto trim forming a coil de- sign at each shoulder. Her skirt, was of ripple pleats, accentingv the front. Gardenias and rose- buds formed her corsage. A navy hat with pink trim and white: Everyone in attendance wore a. white carnation or a corsage, which formed the only floral dec-i orations. gloves completed her attire. Mrs. Bernard Winiecki sang, “At Dawning,” and “I Love You! Truly" and played the wedding marches. Harold and Sam Wilson, cousins of the bride, were ush- ers. Mrs. Dion chose a deep rose dress with black accessories, for her daughter’s wedding. Her corsage was of gardenias. Mrs Dennis wore a blue dress with, gold trim, black accessories. Her; corsage was formed of gardenias. The reception was held at the home of the bride's aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis E. Wilson at 1403 Railroad Avenue. The bride‘s ta- table was centered with a three-l tiered wedding cake with minia- ture bride and groom adorning] the top. Small floral arrange- ments of pink rose buds and white freesia were on each side of the cake. February 14 was also the wed- ding anniversary of the groom’s parents. : For the wedding trip to Port- land, Mrs. Dennis added a light beige fitted topcoat with match- ing fur. The new home will be at Brown’s Point in Tacoma, where the groom is employed as a weld- er in the ship yards. Both are graduates of the Irene S. Reed high school. Mr. Dennis with the class of 1938 and his, bride in 1939. He also attendedi National School of Electrical En- gineering in Los Angeles, Calif: Mrs. Dennis has been employed as secretary for the past three years at Shelton Hardware and' Furniture Company. Camp 3 Scene of National Defense Card Parties The second of the series of card parties for National Defense work, Will be held Friday evening, February 20 at Camp 3, right af- ter the school program. The pro- gram will begin promptly at 7 o‘clock and the card party at 8:30 p. m. Everyone is welcome to at- tend. Mr. and Mrs. McConkey Hosts at Dinner Party Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConkey were hosts at a dinner party at their home on Sunday given for Mrs. Harry McConkey. Guests. were Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCon- key, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Karns and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Martin. Cards were played after dinner. Queen Esther Girls Give Church Dinner ' Monday evening the Queen Es- ther Girls of the Methodist Church gave a covered dish din- ner and program for tho mom-I bers of the church and their friends. The program depicted the costumes and music of India. which the girls have been study- ing. A musical selection was giv- en by Patricia Rhodes, violin and Helen Troy, piano. A social eve- ning followed. Homebuilders Hold Regular Meeting The Homebuilders of Baptist Church held their regular meet- ing at the church Tuesday eve- ning. Mrs. Otho Moore and Mrs. Robert Hoyle served the refresh‘ ments. V.F.W. Auxiliary To Olympia. Friday The V. F. W. Auxiliary will journey to Olympia this Friday instead of holding their regular meeting. Mrs. Serle Osier of Spokane. department president, will make her official visit there at that time. She will visit Shel- ton on Tuesday, at the special meeting slated for that night. Mr. and Mrs. Faubert Entertain Guests Here Gordon Windle of Spokane.i Homer Windle of Portland and Miss Lea Jo 'Windle of Seattle. daughter of Mrs. Faubert, spent the week end in Shelton with Mini and Mrs. Ed Faubert. Windle will go to San Diego this week to join the navy. Saturday dinner dance Auditors annual evening they attended the Statel held in Olympia. I l Visit Grayland Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Wilson spent. the week end with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Gir- oul at (iii-cymbal. Gordon' lNo-Host Dinner At E100 Engagement of Bud Daviscourt Announced February 12th Miss Florence McHugh, daugh- ter of Mrs. McHugh and the late Thomas C. McHugh, of Seattle, will become the bride of Bud Daviscourt this summer, it was announced by the bride’s mother at a party given at their home on February 12. Guests included Mrs. Guy Mc- Kinney of Puyallup, sister of Mrs Daviscourt and Mrs. Nick Davis- court of Centralia. Mrs. Lloyd Daviscourt of Centralia and Mrs. Emil. Daviscourt of Shelton who planned to go up to Seattle fort the announcement party, were unable to attend. i The exciting news was made‘ known by means of a singing telegram, individual copies of which were presented to each guest. The supper table was cen- tered by an elaborate, tired heart- shape cake the top of which was completely covered with skillfully fashioned deep red roses. This. was flanked on either side with tall red candles to which were tied with white. satin ribbon small sprays of fressias and fern. l Miss McHugh is a graduate of Holy Names Academy and Forest Ridge Junior College. She is at present assistant registrar at Sezfitlc College. Her fiance, son of Mr. Emil Daviscourt. at- tended Notre Dame University and the University of VVashing- ton, where he affiliated with Sig- ma Nu Fraternity. Shelton Garden Club Slates Tuesday Meet When the Shelton Garden Club holds its regular meeting Tues- day, February 24 at the Memor- ial Hall at p. in. Dr. John Han-' ley and Mr. J. J. O’Neil will| speak on the Northwest flower‘ show to be held in Seattle in March. The. space alloted for Garden Club exhibits will be en- largened this year. Dr. Hanley is also connected with the Arbore- tum foundation. The place for the advance sale of tickets will be announced next week. Mrs. Ray Mitchell and Mrs. Ray Bailey are. in charge of the monthly ex- hibits. The members are asked to bring for exhibit a speciman or collection of heather. crocus, snowdrops, daphne, azalea, prim- rose orany other flower 'now blooming. Containers will be fur- nished. In the artistic arrange- ment any of the spring flowers may be used in their own con- tainers. ' Shelton Woman's Club Studies U. S. History The meeting of the Shelton VVoman’s club was held Monday at the home of Mrs. L. C. Bur- rell. In the absence of the pro- gram chairman, Mrs. Cliff Wivell, Mrs. W. F. Roberts took charge of the program on United States History. Mrs. Leo Martin's topic was the. "Revolutionary War": Mrs. Purl Jemison. “War of 1812"; Mrs. Duncan Wilson, “Civ- il War”; Mrs. Robert C. Johnson, “Spanish American War”; Mrs. L. C. Burrell, “World War No. 1.” , Mrs. Walter Elliott was ap-" pointed District Federation chair- man for the Victory Book cam- paign. Mrs. W: F. Roberts and Mrs. E. L. Lovell were appointed to the committee for the club. Mrs. William Maxwell was voted in as a new member. Red Cross sewing was done during the af~ tcrnoon. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Francis Eacrett on. March at 1 p. m. l , i Carnation Club Meeting Held Last Thursday The Carnation Club met at the home of Mrs. C. B. Mitchell last Thursday with 14 members pres- ent. The afternoon was spent. sewing for the Red Cross. Plans were made for a food sale to be held Saturday. February 21 from 9:30 a. m. at the L.M. store. Mrs. Mitchell Entertalns D. of H. Girls Saturday Last Saturday Mrs. C. B. Mit- chell entertained at her home for thel girls who were escorsts at the Degree of Honor installation. Games were played with prizes of defense stamps going to Joan Moran, Ruth Hall, Gloria Swan- son, Ramona Remnie. Mrs. Bes- sie Barrett was the assisting hos-i tess. Ice cream and cake were served. The Valentine motif was carried out in the decorations and a handkerchief was at each place card for the girls. Rebekahs Plan Potluck Dinner The Rebekahs met last Friday for a regular business meeting with Mrs. Susie Dobson presiding. All the officers were present. The Rebekahs bought a defense bond. The noble grand and the vice grand served candy. Plans were made for a pot luck supper to be held this Friday, February 27 at 6:30 at the home of Mrs. Warren Earl. -. Red Cross Sewing At Lutheran Church Wednesday Special Red Cross sewing will be done at Parish Hall in the Lu- theran Church on Wednesday, February 25 from 1 to 5 p. m. The public is invited. Bring scis- sors, needle and thimble. Seattle Residents Visit Twin Brother Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Nation and daughter Enid of Seattle, spent Sunday evening visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Breitspecher. Mrs. Nichols and Mr. Breitspecher are twins. Colonial House Attending a no-host dinner at the Colonial House, preceding, the Shelton Dancing Club dance Fri‘ day were Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Kap— hingst, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc- Conkey, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McKenzie, Mr. and Mrs. Winston tiff-ill. and Mm, (Tam). Shelton Music Study Club Holds Regular Monthly Meet of the guest book and custodian ' alike; ‘ and music. A quartet composed of of The monthly meeting the:l A change in the chairmanship Mrs. Kay Jordan was in charge: of the program. The group sang “Star Spangled Banner” and “Hail Columbia” in unison. Mrs. Lentz gave an interesting paper on the earlier American music of the 19th Century. Mrs. J. O. Bovee, Hymn Study chairman, gave the history of; three inspirational hymns of this period, “Blest Be the Tie that Binds," by John Fawcett, “Ne’er My God to Thee,” by Sarah Ad« ams and “Bethany,” by Lowel Mason which are used by the Catholics, Protestants and Jews Mrs. Lentz reviewed the life of Stephen Foster; Mrs. Jor- dan gave an article on L. M. Gottschalk; Mrs. Milre Grimes gave a. paper on music from 1860 to 1900. Many numbers of these com- posers were interpreted in voice Margaretta Miller, Milre Grimes, Lillian Norvold and Bird Dotson sang “Yankee Doodle,” “Oh Sus- annah" and “Old ‘Folks at Home." A 3010 by Miss Miller, “Jeannie With the Light Brown Hair.” Duet, “Uncle Ned” by Mrs. Jor- dan and Mrs. Ferwerda. Mrs. Palmer, played and sang “Oh Loving Heart.” Mrs. Jordan ave a solo “The Matin (Morning Song." “Tragic Story" was given in duet form by Mrs. Jordan and Mrs. Winiecki; “Alla Marcia.” was given on the piano by Mrs. Bird Dotson. Mrs. Winiecki accompanied all vocal numbers. At the close delicious refresh- ments were served by the host- esses. The March meeting is scheduled to be at the home of Mrs. Marguerite Ferwerda. Valentine Party Given February 14 A Valentine party was en- joyed at the home of Mrs. Flor- ence Knutzen Saturday, Febru-, my 14. Mrs. Helen Biehl and Mrs. : Bethel Osterberg were surprised with birthday gifts. Others pres-E ent were Miss Phyllis Gifford of Seattle, Miss Frances Boylan of' Fort Lewis, Miss Vera Rowe and the hostess Mrs. Knutzen. Mrs. Thomas Rowe Hostess At Party Mrs. Thomas Rowe entertain-, ed a group of friends at a. Val-1 entine luncheon Wednesday, Feb- ruary 18. Those present from ‘V Matlock' were Mrs. Elvin Hearing, Mrs. Rediska. Mrs. Mary Goggin, Mrs. Dumont Portman and Mrs. Augusta. Portmanp Mrs. Belle Hopkins and Mrs. Elmer Brad- .bery were from Shelton. General-Welfare Club Slates Regular Program The General Welfare Club. will hold their regular dance and eve- ning program this Saturday. There was a good turnout for last Saturday’s meeting. 75¢ Listerine l-lb. Granger A FAmous POTTERY co: OPERATES wiTH us To m- TRODUCE AND DISTRIBUTE A GORGEOUSLY BEAUTI- FUL DINNERWARE PAT- TERN IN THIS COMMUNITY NOW ON DISPLAY 'Nomate for Dogs, '... 75¢ 75¢ Nox Zema . .' . . . '. 49¢ Pt. Cod Liver Oil . . .. 69¢, 25¢ Combs 5¢ 50¢ Mennen Shav Cr, 39¢ $1 Jergen’s Lotion .. 79¢ 4 Woodbury Soap Q. . 50¢ Phillip Milk Mag. 39¢ 1.258araka 98¢ 1-lb. Velvet 79¢ l-lb. Geo. Wash. 59¢ Camp 3 Club Meets iThursday Afternoon Thursday afternoon the Camp Shelton Music Study Club was. Club, met at the club hall for held at the home of Mrs. Nena! a. short business meeting and a ,Roberts on Wednesday afternoonisocial time. Mrs. Dammann pass-i iwith Mrs. Caroline Lentz assist-i Iing hostess. ed out the hospital gowns to be made and returned by the next. club meeting. The material fori these gowns was Hulbert and all who were so kind i and generous to spend so many} evenings the past two weeks fin-l _ishing the hall kitchen. ‘, Return From Trip Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kreienbaum returned home last week from at, three weeks trip to Indigo, Southern California. purchased by 3 ini i If you Wish Lo . . Luanda»... .__.l"_‘.agel_l-‘five Sen you'll Have i to Tell—Journal ,Want—Ads. ‘lwas taken over by Mrs. Lillianlthe club and the garments will, Norvold. The Year BOORS were‘lbe turned over for National De-, ‘presented. The artistic covers tense use. Valentines were ro—i were made by. Miss Margaretta,ceived from mystery sisters. A: Miller, Jean Mallory printed the'birthday cake was served byi programs. The Shelton Club ex- those members whose birthday", tended an invitation to the Olym- i occurred in January. i pia ladies to be their guests in The Womans club wishes ton. April. thank Victor Ellison, Norman} & Loan The New 1942 Model 60615W A cool, chaste. gleaming :lemrgan 16 lone combinations. ZENITH EXCLUSIVE a white cabinet in fine plastic. Striking block appointments for added beauty. Has con- vefieni carrying bundle. Hear Ibis glorious new Zenith! Its dope will delight you. power- ful cubes, lnclfiding rectifier. Olsen. Furniture COMPanY PHARMACY 59¢ 26¢ 69¢ lags; OPPORTUNITY A Complete 30—Piece Service + GIVEN await- ‘PBEE! ASK us FOR DETAILS .' ’L. A.Formula 1.39 1.25 Anacin , . .' .. 98¢ i O Convenient Terms 0 Reasonable Rates 0 N0 DELAY Mason County Savings Title Insurance Bldg. i” HOME LOANS ‘ Association 1 'Radiorgan: ' 2 ConsoHan'e 3 Consul-tone Dial 4 Wavemagnel 5 Hang Eondenseu Banned Grand Speaker 7 Double Purpose lufibs Quiz! Club lured R. F. We Deliver . ‘ L. ' .V ,«f . < ‘ . l