February 20, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 20, 1942 |
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Page Six
In the story of the annual Ma-
son County Savings and Loan As-
sociat'ion meeting carried in last
week‘s paper a typographical er-
ror listed Mrs. Diehl as a director
of the association, whereas Mr.
F. H. Diehl is actually the per~
son the story intended to list.
Sponsored by
I Shelton Eagles |
Rau’s Orchestra
SAT., FEB. 21
Admission 25¢ # Tax 5¢
Total 30¢ per person
Dancing 9:30 to 1:30
Even Log/e A‘S Der?
N unexpected blow to the pocket-
book, that. But suppose it’s a
matter of not just a plain tive spot——
but a tive spot with several big ciphers
on the end Any number of unexpected
losses can run to such figures? Dom-
age trom tire, windstorm or explosion
—-domoge suits resulting from an
automobile accident. Then the prac-
tical question is: Who pays—you or
a reliable insurance company?
Why not see today just what your
actual insurance protection amounts
to. Consult this agency. We will be
glad to analyze your individual re-
quirements and give you expert, up-
to~the<minute advice on how to obtain
modern coverage at a low cost. We
are always at your service. I
' 1021. the latter 1010.
lour sincere appreciation for
8/6 ,
Too Late to Classrt‘y
-c 4::
pair ladies brown
l return to Journal office.
Small black terrier
type. white vest, white front
feet. Named “Soxs.” Merritt
l . .,._¥L.,.
‘LEAVING for Sioux Falls,
lost dog.
passenger. Have 1942 car. In-
quire 610 Fairmont West.
13—2-20, ——1 t.
FOR. RENT: small 3-room house.
Inquire 1714 Ridgeroad.
{ 5—2-20 —1t. ;
{OLD GROWTH fir wood. $7.50
cord plus tax. Glen Watson.
Phone 405—WX.
i - . _ 1..._._.
'FOR SALE: modern home 6—
! rooms and bath, furnace, base-i
ment. Close to mills. Inquire
436 Fairmont.
‘May we extend in LillS way
kindnesses, sympathies and floral
offerings given us during our be-,
lreavement over the death of our"
[beloved son, Teddy.
l Mr. and Mrs. F. B. PharriS'
and family.
May we extend in this way our
isincere appreciation for the kind-
nesses, sympathies and beautiful,
.floral pieces offered us during]
out bereavement over the deathi
of our beloved Charles leell imd‘
, Nadine Evans.
1 Mrs. Charles Wivell, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Evans and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
, Wivell, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
‘ Wivcll and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Wivell, Mia,
'and Mrs. Clarence Wivell and 1,
family, Mrs. Estella Holmani
and family, Rufus Wivell, Mr. ,
and Mrs. H. L. Durand. l
' Werberger Bowlers
9th In Seattle Meet:
'With their 2578 count, Wer-l
berger Wines of Shelton finished;
ninth among teams in the an-
nual Seattle Star state women'si
handicap bowling tournament,_
held the past two weekends in:
Hazel Ferrier and Marie Ku-l
ibik were 14th among the dou—
Vbles contestants, while Pauline ‘
l Staley and Kay Allen, and Fran-Ir
kie and Freda Fredson finished;
yamong those with better thanl
:1000 scores, the former getting;
WA ,'
By popular request-mixing
bowls that you can use for
mixing, baking, and serving.
Designed to fit your hand,
easy to bold, line for electric
mixer. A set ofthree- 9 ‘
nested together only
This good looking dish has
a dozen uses. Bakes delicious
bread, fish, meat, desserts.
Can be used to serve them
i in hot at the
table. 91/," size. . . . .
PAN. It’s new and smart—
the latest thing! You'll want
all 3 sizes. Wide flat bot-
toms. Easy-pouring spouts.
You can see food
cook! lqt. size only
1.1.. Catto
l M'2-20mit. 2
'REWARD for information about}
iciimbers missed a half dozen set-l
" 18 at the end of the quarter, then
.final period opened. Woods, how— like our community.
1 week end with their parents, Mr.
; family moved from Hoodsport to
Belfair Regrets l
Mrs. Irving’s Loss
T hru Departure
..-W_ 1 Belfair, Feb. 17——Mrs. Gladys.
’ [Thank the good 10rd for theilrving, a resident of Belfainfor
‘lMontesona Bulldogs. They’re one: ten Year-‘5, moved t0 BlrdSVleWi
.prep outfit the Hiclimbers seem; Wash. .near her daughter last
720 Birch. 2—20-—1t. to be able to lick once in a while I. week end.
While in Belfair Mrs.l
‘— l on the basketball court.
‘ The
Dakota February 23. Want one 3 Southwest Conference victory was and the Red
Cross. All Of her
lliung up Tuesday night with thei‘mal’l} friends want to Wish her!
lIrving was an active member in
1942lthe Belfair Improvement Club
Highclimbers' first
Bulldogs as the victims, 30 to 26 i all the happiness in her new home.
being the count. but not before the , She has Pm'Chased therei l
visitors had staged a, spirited ral-| Mr, and Mrs. Walter Morrisonl
13; which whittled down an eleven— moved Mrs, Irving Saturday,
point Highclimber half-time lead;staymg the night with her and
to only two markers as the third 2 returning Sunday,
ed r av "thl
Elgglfilimagfno, ‘11:“ leagam “1 l Donald Wells, Mrs. Lucy M.
, . ‘f p‘y. .' . {Foster and children Kate and
Shelton started olf like it wasipaul
going to make a walkaway of the
game, a tight zone defense hold-
ing the Bulldogs to but three field
left Saturday to visit the
3 Miller family in Onalaska. re-l
{turning Sunday. The Millers were,
ionce Belfair residents. !
goals in the first half as the High- , . , ,
Climbers piled up a 20 to 9 advan- 1 Donald wells returnEd Frlday
age. Wrancn VVOOdS contributedifrom a week’s visit with his sis-
eleven points to Shclton’s total fOI'l tel's Faye and Mrs‘
Homer MC‘
mC ham iKmney at Chelan Falls.
First Half Lustre Dulls 3 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rose
But something went wrong as have purchased the Irving home.,
the second canto opened, the High- 1 Mr. Montgomery of Illahce, vis—I
ited Mr. and Mrs. Rose Sunday.
ups while the Bulldogs netted four 1 George Triplett of Colorado, is
foul tosses and three baskets to i a new neighbor in Belfair. Wel
Whittle the margin down to 22 to want to welcome him and hisl
|family who are on their way out
lfrom Colorado and hope, they will
They will|
crept to within two points as the
ever, bagged three more quick ‘ live in Mr. and Mrs. Rose’s place.
baskets to ease the situation “10" The card party held at the
mentarily, only to have the visit- school house last Friday night
ing Bulldogs come right back with was well attended.
a trio of field tosses to again nar-i The First Aid
row the margin to two pointslTuesday with an
Eurwin Loop sneaked in fora crip- 30 people. This is the third class
pie just before the gun for the l0 be tauflht hem-
i'inal points of the evening, after The Girl Scouts of Bell'air are
having also contributed the first} holding their annual hobby showy
basket of the game. {and basket social on February
Ken Fredson's defensive play I at 7 p. m. at the school house. The
class started
attendance of I
was outstanding along with Woods entire door proceeds go to the
markmanship. (Red Cross. Admission 1(\>. Every
Seconds Stage Thriller one come and bring your hobby
Montcsano won the second team and a basket.
contest by 19 to 17 on a basket Thirteen girls from Girl Scout
which was still in the air as the Troop No. 1 of Belfair, made a
final whistle sounded. ‘trip to Snoqualmie Pass to wit-,
Last year Shelton’s only confer- l, ness outdoor sports on Sunday,l
ence win was scored over Monte-(February 15. They were accom-
sano, and last fall Shelton’s lone i panied by their leader. Three cars
were used to make the trip. Ev-
d Mrs. O 3,. Am. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kreien-
anMr. and its Merle Wade and baum returned to their Shelton
' home early this week after en-.
Joying a two-week vacation trip
to Palm Springs, Calif.
Camp 5 were visitors here last
Horseshoe Camp last week.
Gordon Dickinson spent a .
three day furlough from the
seldom failed to bag her deer ,J‘m Loner and Mrs‘,w'
each (all, too_ ,T. Ferris attended a shower given
Mrs, Huff was born May 23. in the valley for Mrs. Alvin Hul-
1834, at Stjardalen, NON,a ' but bert. The hostesses were Mrs.]
came to the United States at an , Wilkinson and Mrs. Arthur!
early age. She is survived by her} JOhnSOH‘
Ihusband, Harold, and a. daugh-‘ Mr. and Mrs. Don McDade of.
ter. Mrs. Mabel Fish, both living i Turnwater, visited Mr. and Mrsl
lat Springwater; two sons, Mar- i Ted Ferris and Mr. and Mrs. Jimi
[tine Oberg and Mrs. Agct Glan-i
ihomri of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Bel
Bremerton Navy Yard. with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Dick—
inson over Saturday, Sunday and
| Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Al Main, and Mr,
iand Mrs. Neil Simmons, all of
Potlatch and Mrs. Ray Asleson
of Hoodsport, motored to Brem-
erton Saturday to visit Mr. and
Mrs. Ted Asleson of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mack Handly
moved here a few weeks ago
from Monticello, Arkansas, and
a cottage in Kilby’s Row.
have now taken up residence inl Ammerman house
spent Saturday and Sunday at
Gateway Inn with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Follette.
Naomi Horne, owner of the Old
Mill, flew to Spokane Tuesday, to
spend a few days visiting rela-
tives and friends there.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson and
family motored to Ollala last Sat-
urday to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Carlson.
Mr. and Mrs. Layman and
family have moved into the Art
to take up
permanent residence. Mr. Lay-
i Dr. and Mrs. Joers, of Tacoma. man is employed by the P.U.D.
O O O O O 9 9 O O
0.. .09....
Camp 3 Doings
Reported Here
By June Qllarl‘tlel‘ i
Mrs. Louise Huff,
Sportswoman, To ;
Be Laid To Restl
. Camp 3, Feb. 17‘77Ml‘. and Mrs.‘
'I. Stcnberg and family went to
Mrs‘ Loulse HUff' 5" proml_iEglon. VVash., to visit friends.
and Mrs. Jack Dammann
nent Mason county sportswomani
and operator of the Springwaterl MT-
Camp, near Lilliwaup, for the past and 50“ Erle Wth to Tacoma
15 years, died at her home there Saturday 0“ busmess- l
Sunday after a short illness. l Mr. and Mrs. Dean Bonner andl
She was an enthusiastic fol- baby daughter 0f Seattle are.
lower of the fishing and hunting, spending the week with Mr. andl
pastimes which Mason county soiMl‘S- Allen Strme~
abundantly affords and often} Mr. and Mrs. Len \Vhitaker. of
went fishing three and four times I White Star, visited Mr. and Mrs. ,
a week during the salmon runs in i Joe Townsend over the week end.
HOOd Czlnal' She was _a regular: The men of camp have recent-i
entrant in salmon derbies held in
t .‘ . . . . 1 . {ly made improvements on
.ms Wmth eammg .Secom‘ prize ’ Union hall's kitchen, for which!
in the 1941 Shelton Silver salmon the womews Club thank them.
derby as well as being a prize
winner in most of the other der-
bics in which she competed. She
Vic Ellison is in charge of the
work being done.
l Mrs
tin leen of Tacoma and Oscar
Olsen of Bellevue, Wash; thrcel
brothers, Martin Essendup of Sc- , w,
attle, and Oscar and George Es~i 1‘“) REBATES FINISHED i
Final discharge of the executrix
sendup of Manchester (Kitsap
County); three sisters. Mrs. Ma- ‘01“ the estate of the late Harry A. l
Young and the executor of thei
rie Oyam of Everett, Mrs. Chris-
estate of the late Winnifrcd G.i
Knceland was ordered in super,
,ior court Saturday by Judge D.’
F. Wright.
Lozier in camp Sunday.
ville, both of Manchester;
eight grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held
from Witsicrs Chapel Saturday at
two o‘clock.
Maples Auto Camp
Shell Service
Under New Management
Los Angolan Arrives
For Visit In Shelton.
Mrs. Kathryn—VF: Plunimcr of
Los; Angeles, Calif. arriVed at the
Tuesday morning, several hours
later than schedule, and plans to
visit her brother, Ned Brooks, at;
Your patronage would he
Roslyn, for an indefinite stay!
Mr. Brooks has been in poorl MI‘S. P3111 Armstrong
health for some time, and Mrs.
Mrs. Marguerite
Nettie Hodge has been in attend-
ance. All are older residents of
Mason County.
. _.. ..._ ._....._~.e._. W- - LL- _- .. (44. VC “L...” .s.
. .0.”
O o 9 o o o o o e e o e o
0 0 «.0 9.09.0... 0.00.0 e.oe.ee.«.o
lLylc McCreary, Omer
Dion Earn Promotions,
Army promotions have come to
:service and has been transferred 1 ing).
to Minter Field, Bakersfield. Ca1., illm‘fi “‘01 its instant
with qu. qu. Suadron
crew), A.C.R.T.C.
Lyle McCreary, son of Mr. and llllll“.&’lll-
Mrs. George McCreary, has just
the f ._..
Many Other Lenten Specials
6 O O O 0 O 0 O O O
O....O0.00.00.00 “.OOONOOOOOO.” 09‘” 00.00.90 00:00... 00
Friday February 20, _ 1 5’.
two Shelton boys recently in ,
widely separated encampments. Buck|eyls Famous “CANA '
Omcr Dion. son of County. Mature Acts Like a Fla \
Treasurer and Mrs. Omcr L. l Slit-11d a low (.‘I ms today at Fir ‘
Dion, has earned th’e rank of cor. Store, Mt-Collkcy Pharmacy l\i
poral after seven months in the
‘é’fifgi’glf'fihgnfifig"51,?51 N,
Take a couple of ps at
live spread thrmxgll '
liead bronchial lulws. It
once to loosen up thick. 0
soothe l'uw liimiiliran
breathing: easier.
(air- 3
l make
Sufferers 1' r o in those peril i
been pI'OmOtEG t0 thf‘r rallk Oflllll‘ily irritating coughs dur- to
sergeant at Wheeler Sack Field, liir lJl'KlIlClllal irritations
' . .- l cy's Jl'illgs quick relief. Over
at,Pme’ York' HE S “1th the i lion bottles sold. But in: Sine y Q
Almy A” COIPS- l::ii.-l;li-y'.< CANADloL Mixture. Cavg
There’s Increased Durability in
fabric woven ot' three-ply wor-
sted yarn to give you the utmost
in satisfactory wear. It now with-
stands 100,000 friction rubs by actual
test (more wear than you‘ll ever de-
mand). Smartly tailored by Cloth-
craft and an ideal choice for business
or travel. After years of steady ex-
perimentation, the new Sturditwist
offers almost double the durability,
plus distinctive appearance.
LiNiNa av EARL-atoll {7
4‘97: i HS} ‘5‘
“C S. M! 0"
football victory was posted again-l . ¢ ’ “ "w “W” ' .
St the BuIIdogs. lewone reports a Splendid day's
6296. o:
Other conference results of Fri- l ouggg- It dd d 0:6
day and Tuesday found OlympiaI e Communl y was sa ene
suffering its first defeat, 43-29, Monday to learn of the suddenj’z"
from Hoquiam, and Aberdeen tak-ldeath 0f MI:- A- BOPUL He was 0..
ing over the division lead with 36- StriCken While working near his .o.
21 and 46-35 victories respectively hoin/[e atI Sunset gefich. I I
over Montesano and Raymond. 1‘s. Aavma l rams was '11! o
D dmpdpeé'g‘lepiméa'” ‘°.i“°'i?eic‘ii-“ni i122
353‘ Kim“ a 3‘5" if. - ~
am, an o a man . l v i
quShelton goes to Raymond Fri— VValtel' Eddy had the
gay Entertains Hoquiam here next gllllm’mgf legieaflégltg all}:
lthallwggl‘: g .z, .‘g.
lies a . l . , -.
y FlRST TEAMS land will have to wear a cast for l 0.9 p '- ~
scene” 1(730) F Mogtesanr(26)2lthr'l‘elfc Wight? of John
Matthews“? WE
(1 Own ee '- i
L02?) 55 F Hglkkinen 8i was burned last week. The fuel... Fai
Wilson 1 c Hopkins alwas caused by a stove pipe. g
Fredson G mamas. Mrs. Alma Bard, who recently
A Phillips 4 G Davidson glunderwent a maior operation at v.0
2' Chase-ltheorisrtn.;sc::1' xs nnounce e us a 3 Ion \r
-— h k 1, all h . on r . . V
Monte Emerge _G ag er ! Attending a meeting of Na- ’z‘ 961')
. . ltional Girl Scout Leaders
[Bremerton yesterday were Mrs. .
Lavina Williams, Mrs. Mary 13.1.3. 9 \
‘Nl ‘ Theler. Mrs. Joe Hackett and .0 n u
iMrs. Laura Culbertson. t .3.
o - Richard Stillwell. who recen 1y 0 . ‘ y
had an operation for appendicitis I 0:.
> .in California, 18 domg nicely. HIS,.O.
By Yvonne Bands "father, Harry Stillwell of Sunset I V ‘
Hoodsport, Feb, 18__on Wed- IBeach, went down to see him. lo,» . V '
‘nesday last, Miss Ruth E. Lin- —‘_”‘**
scott of Tacoma, formerly of; o ,
Hoodsport, flew from Seattle to 30:0
San Francisco to meet John U. l . 0.9 , '
lHadleys. From there they flew .0.
to Reno, Nevada, together and
were married, returning to San: 5 Cars 0-K. 0:0
Francisco for their honeymoon. 9 , .o.
’ ' the Mason County Rationing
Cushman has been employed for . 0 9
’ , , . Board this week released four— I" , l
gle kpasft Tye‘al aat ngheaclifiacgia; teen tires, thirteen tubes and
'3. W
WE: wgek :acdiifiiona for h%r wed— four antomObiles’ plus the ap'
. . s. ‘ t of two new tire inspec— ' o . . i
dn . Mr. Hadle lS l‘lI‘St Class ppmtmen. .,
iieiiy one... myth. U.s.s. Miss- hugging-,1. at the Genera, P9 l oio Type
Measurmg and Mlxmg Machinery . . . redec- ~
. I. . . . . a l o
15:21:? but hls home ls m Porter’ troleum station at First and a. ,
, ' Kneeland streets, and Claude oe '
Clhe Metal, cgagtegaofaghghgigg Tron... at the amnion son... at 3. orated
our quarters and installed Fluorescent
lesi. file ash rel bit hereaftte First and Railroad streets were :
€961,le $fif32d35mafternoon from designated as authorized tire in- 0.0
'. V
1:30 to 4:00 om. is in spam“ and apphcafims f“ the a. Lightlng — We
re proud to be able'to 1nv1te the
th lub r oms for Red Cross purcnase of new “res may be ‘
meeetiilgs 0 presented to them hereafter. 0.0 '
' New cars for which contracts. 0 ~ - o -
S. filonaag’Mtre Jdréftnfccfifg’ 1332‘ had been arranged prior to
Jan- .3.
Iiimg O .s‘ ‘d J V .1" uary 1 were released to Martin ‘.0
Si “93’ gaglsranosts’in °§a 3:6 Stevens, Route 2, by Shelton Mo-
l liveliest: mg! ngw additionsy to tor company, to Walter S. Scott, '.
ltfifi‘ diam age Route 2, by the Mell Chevrolet 0:. .
' , . _ company, to W. H. Watson, Un- o.
, dMsrst‘ r132“.er§i3?te:vit§n;ert:;€ ion, by the Mell Chevrolet
com- e ,
33 ha u ,ayf tfi *‘iflc rs of mg pany, and Owen Pigmon by the ’0’
‘1‘? . fnolh Oter ef OEaSteem star Pigmon Motor company under 4:.
mo} c ap , ' authority of the rationing board. 9 .
f M}1' and J" figosetggg Tires and tubes from the coun- .3.
emaveGateSSE ylnn “:0 Hie ty’s monthly quota were ration- 0.0
C 'g 1 . .e y , ed to Kimbel Oil company, onei 0
house near Strandwolds Garage. . . . 00 .
Mr and Mrs Richard Addle_ tire, and W. J. McGowan, Lilli-l I
'hav "Ieted th .1. new waup, one tire and one tube, both 0’
{1mm t ethcomptent whil the being fuel delivery agents, and .0.
333.1 i. “no wee? y the Batstone Logging company» WE THANK— the people
and merchants of
M . . y . one tire and one tube, under pro- 9.9
axme Bitney, who is attend- visions for loggers .
'“$12231llmTifffatéii? ill? Obsolete tire and tube par-l Shelton for
their continued patronage of our
we; Me 1 th B.tp t’L k‘ chases were approved as follows:l9° « ,
"an h rs' enne Iney a a e Phillip Kneip, one tube; Harry=., - . .
Cupping.“ Dunham has been Johnson, Ron. 1, two of mnl products whlch has
made pOSSlble these
visitilfig in1 Tacoma for some time Kenneth Wiley’ Route 2’ two 0f .3.
. . , each; Frances A. Rogers, Route -
novv,t undergomg doctors treat- 3, two of each; Fred Miner, She1_l
mew“; d M Wn. D . 1 ton, two of each; George Aring-i°¢°
l 1' an rs' 1 lam ame.s dale, two tires, one tube; and'...
spent Saturday and Sunday in Frank Verdot one of each.
Seattle with their parents. ..9
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ahl of .Q.
dozen '
O. 000 O
o o o o 0.0.