February 20, 1942 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 20, 1942 |
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~ l "amuangv
...___._.A_.____~_ ._ __-. ,.e_.._fl..‘¢ A.._—V ————--
Robbins of Union, Mrs. S. Bed—i If you don’t think It pays to
nary 20.1 Viewed .201, 1942. . ,, . . _...,
. ‘ '7’" January i i I i and
feqstltnyauntlrgarfaneli; of gdvertiia'e—place a Want-Ad in the
‘ Driest On Books! Adds 50 Percent 1; ft lg'l‘vl‘ age: Annual Pin
Meet; y Here For March Cunnil- t, d h," l'
At. an («mi-Why; inches, Jflfi‘lfi e Sincere appreCiation
topthe 1311131;i l
UGHS! , .
nous “CANA ‘ y g l , ary of 1942 was the second driest‘ i Me“
subject to graft can win _____ for its excenent Support Of the Will be paid
by the manufacturel
its Like a Fla \ ‘ ill rainfall 0“ Rayonlcr weathel'l Motorists
whol full to o crate s V .v' If ou’rc looking for an ace in; Despite
tho heavy drain on in-, campalgn 11} VleW 0f the many 0m 1- can Ar]:
'llts iodny at Fi ‘ ‘ ‘ bureau records, today's slightly I
their cars in a safe, C(V‘fllgtnical ,hnazfictfvei‘ft‘tfigi the
dinnual Shelton Bowling as— ‘ dividual pocketbooks for other I other
dlverSIOHS f0?“ Spare Change fcoéRainSyrngEfi cofi‘fi
§f4il'P2ul)lillll:l(i-g 0? i antiquated (due to military re—
manner We hindering “among” ‘3‘“ ried during the: present times
it SOCiatiO“ City tournament you’d Worth-V “311393 "he 1942
‘Mamh these days and.also expr.essed 1.115 cannot remove. It. Never
i Mixture {trip ‘i' .Stl‘icmns’ report "“VCQL‘L [loose
efforts as well as creatinglwifi; announced about have to hang the garnet1
of Dimes’ for infantile paralysis thanks for aSSIStance glven hlm 35¢
and 60¢ Gordon's Shelton l
)Uplt) of sips H ‘ . ' by Gus pharmacy. phone 89_
Nam puwmml ‘1 Only January of 1937, With 3.96 ‘ future serious
inconvenience for; The government is not seeking on Bill .Noblett,
secretary of the relief was about the most suc- chairman Graf, assxstant
(jad through 1 inches: of rain, was drier than the; thems‘t-lyirs it is
declared by the to discourage marriagfi Inform_ assomatlon. I I .
Vc‘csslhi] m Ngason Countxs hlstory, .
hi3] “‘h“- It ‘ 000 .lllSt Past- AS 3" aVCl’flgf‘. l
AlltomObilt‘ Club of Washington. ‘ ation is just wanted to avert any
Noblett found a prize-Winning Chairman Gene Martin comment- .
en up thick, 6 ed Wednesday While announcmg
iJanuary brings over ten inches olfiwhich is cooperating actively suspicion
that potential draftees hitch for himself in all three of
,iminm'man E”, and ‘ precipitation in these parts. lwith state and
national defense may be trying to avoid the draft the tournametnts
divisions, rolling {hit tadtotallpf $258.68 was con-
H" 111089 hers ' ,w i w ‘ This past January also had
alofficials. l}, mama C. with he firs place Assocxa e T1 11 e 003 y. I
“glad” SERVICE 1.1 inch snow fall on the SQVOnthi Because indiuiduals
and organi-t yQuestioné in the affidavit in- Oilel‘s in the team eVent
Pairlllg J HalfV thatf Surln rfmfiin-fi Véuthltnl e
.k 1.81191; )vel. 10 . l and had l8 fl‘t‘é‘Zlng'
telili'iei‘aturcs. , zatiOng ,.,1g8ged directly in defense ‘ elude
the following: up With Jess Daniels for a, third; the county or oca ai in
rea -
, ‘ , Rain fell on 15 days, the greatfieffofts hm.“ bmn Von remit in;
“Did ou ho e to avoid induct- spot in the doubles with a, 1203; ing
infantile p'aralysis patients. ‘
Save Wltll Safety“ est in any one day being 0.85!“m mummy, “av
tirgslandyim‘inn by yxmr mgrrjage?" ~ total, and earning third in
the; Sources of income includedl
inches on the eighth. Lowest tem— Her tub” it jg especiauv import,
“would you have married on the singles with his own 659 count. “(limb
depositorios“ scattered ,
V . A. . . . . i , ‘1 . ' < .
en You with ‘ peraiuies of the month were a , ant that motorists exerCiSe
géngiu above date if you had not been other prlze wmmng semen ofI
throughout tie county into which ,
But be sure y
DIUL Mixture.
. . , air of iii—degree readings on the . v. w, n k. . - _ the tourney,
held last weekendi$124l4 was. dropped in small I
f), ' .Igirst and fifth, warmest a 58_ hit gingmtgeaiiitze
:iegésifired m the selective scr 0n the Shelton Recreation alleys]:
coins, $5.1) 'irom the Eagles, $15? 36_1nch
MERS AUTOMOBILF : degree reading on the twentieth. i éd' ‘ h'
‘ ‘. 1 were: from Kamilche Grangeu $13.2.)
‘ E «I . Six days were listed as Clean; ‘ gr i What provisilcmshave
y01l mile TEAM EVENT Efrem Hoodsport community club, Washable ...... ..
'lNSURANCEEXchan-ge ,five as partly cloudy, and twenty: Automobile
,Ulib Official-9, urgefor your Wife? SUPPOfi 1” he Associated on
______________________ .2920; $21.53 from Skokomlsh Grange.
i as C10udy_ that all motorists take the iollcwr1 event you are inducted.
Lucky Lager M2813 $12.71 from General Welfare Club,
, ,__7_-._VA.DD, ing steps to reduce tire Weai'zi In addition, the
potential selec- Mads Corner _____________________ "2767155 from
Belfair Ladies Club, $3 S - - . - . . . ¢
. EQTATE QFTTI ED avoid eatmissivc speeds and sudden 1 tee‘ is asked
fjofnamre thOt PiIBOPéel DOUBLES 'fmm Waterwheel Groggry' $5
‘ stops: a e turns at modera 9 who can vouc or e ac 3 ea . ._ from Hebert
Hedrick . from ' '
Y , Judge .F- Wright 51511199 «'1 speeds; shift tires
occasionally‘ing up to the marriage. ggfggr_¥erggils?fiw ‘Lowey
skokomish parentmeach- . . . . . . . .
ISTRICT MANAGER decree 01 dIStribUtlon and 1m?“ from side to side and
from front‘; Dependents are a determining N0b1ett_Danie]S ...... __ lers
club, $2 from Humphrey Nel- _—————-————
. discharge of Luella Baldwm Phil- l to rear; keep inflated to pro at"
factor in analyzing the draftee's White_v. Savage ” son at Allyn, $1
each from E. A. B d
Phone 215 i lips as “€011th 0f thefsmte 0f pressure; inspect tires
frequen ly: status, it was announced. However. C Savageyourre
_________________ __1195 v
~~——~——————-———-———-——‘- t
tho late Chris C- Baldwm in SU‘ have wheel alignment
checkedz'where‘ men have married after SINGLES 1" o
?P91‘i0l‘ 00”“ sawmill" iavoid bruising against curbs and they
have been classified subject Paul Fredson _ V _ _ _ _ _ ,_ 361, , .
- V in chuck-holes. ito call the policy oihthe board; Jim Dunbar 660i s I
Pro er driVing practises can addhas been t0 “1th me“ a“ Bill Noblett
659* l S -
fully £0 per cent to the useful life ; ignore the marrlase. Walt Elliott
Jr. 22.3 . CUT RATE DRUG POIIShlng
_" Arnie Aronson .
of ‘Washing’ton is affiliated, in Your Contracts
making nation—wide efforts to em- Five hundred, Chinese checkers
#:1311132; vle‘lgfinisyg‘: “D033; FREE DELIVERY
phasize the necessity for econ- ’ and pinochle will be in play at a.
‘ omical o eration of rivate cars ublic card party to be sponsored
0f Cdrs and Tlres Means p p Ey Townsend Club No. 3 in Mem-
in the nation's defense activities. _
Conservation of rubber is essen- ' orial hall February 23, club offi-
9 . , t. . i 1 ,,
‘ ; ml and the output of tire factor- 1 cels announced this week.
ies will be diverted increasingly: The club continues U5 hold its
to military and defense needs, 210- l regular meetings each Monday
cording to 'the Automobile Club. [evening in Memorial hall.
., .
"‘l mu BOTH WAYS-Burma “Lo a
AND SELLING-THRU ,_ ‘ ouoggTJKEO'ufifissI,
{ WW“
Needed by Farmer;
of the average passenger vehicle} ~ ~ ~
' ‘ ' 3,225,? WjitgfilgfiifemisittéggfiTownsend club Card
gggrggkgsggngmyw ;;; 33:; We F111 Prescriptlons 16-02.. . . 25¢ 1/; gal. .
. 83¢
. with Which the Automobile Club Party Feb. Blondie Peterson
.................... ,. 615 We Can Also Handle
. ,. . 479/. . . . THE WASH. CO-OP . , a
l , To correct a. rather geneial HUS" . ,1
I 7. . 1g." fl simpression of Washington i'arm-‘ , l/
r .,‘ -- .wi '9 ,, l ners in need of farm machinery, I,
' r“ “‘7 "A Iequipment and repair parts, Pri-. if? '-
«AM-w ' 3V 7 /_ ‘\:‘,\\ \ :oritios Division of the Office of,
bozoozoofio: ‘ , i Production Management in Wash-l .
95 e ‘ ., i .ington; D. 0, points out that “re- ,
i f é". ‘tail consumers cannot and must;
"' l inot be expected to produce prey
‘ .-’- ,‘ , «~\ , feronee rating cretificates, when
. Economical, Easy ' placing normal orders for finish-
1'1 . i»— , ' ed goods.”
/‘ " ‘3“ Transportation ' In the confusion incident to at-
/\ . 1,, (in With p 1 C n t y Of ‘ tacks upon the United States dby
/ . , Axis powers, says 0PM, many is-
-- ,v Healthy Exermse l tributors of consumers‘ goods have
,A/ ,1 comblnedll I told their customers they can not
.-./" 0’ sell to them unless their orders
are accompanied by preference
rating certificates. This seems 0
WE HAVE A LARGE STOCK 0N HAND have been most prevalent among . . ‘
0 - dealers who handle metal pro- J_ v_ PETERWN, President
f Famous Columbia, Colson, World (1mm pamculariy m the farm ma. Washing“)
Cmopemme Egg &
and Rollfast Bikes chinery and hand tool fields.
In the case of important civilian
items, as, for example, farm ma—
chinery and spare parts fer pri-
Keep Your in Good Repair in Our vater owned automobiles and Washington
Up-to-Date Repair Shop
Eiuiiiisl’é‘l‘lfitlisfiélfégfltfliifl’; & Poultry Co-Op
' .
that they may continue their pro- . . . '
N V duction. Goods manufactured as a Year
V; result of this assistance are then
' made available throu h the nor ‘ .
‘ "' ' ‘ ‘. “ lv nver- ,
It- t 0 mal trade channels. and retail sas;ly?b$:§§e;:qofszhgrvagsfiing
‘ a,
buyers in general do not need, and ton ’CO_Operative Egg and p011]- '
Headquarters for Bikes and Supplies hB-YC not been issued, Premrence try
Association from all over the
. mung certlf‘cates' state, met in Seattle on February '
t l " 12th for the 25th annual stock- '1
' "" u
holder’s meeting.
Poultry Associatioili
General Manager, 'Harry J.
l .
Wh t h ‘Beernilnk callcedt attentiém' in his .
.’ u r, or o a ne .mcrease ‘ , ‘ .
, r ere you get 6 ?:Iln:mb:£ship of the Associatian WASHINGTON CO-OP
members who use this two-way sen-Vice of
Of more than members dur-v
‘ no.) ‘
. .1 . S c . ~
$1,}! “trialling mg 1941. The total memberbhlp “their Association get
extra returns when they sell_thelr products
as of December 31 was 29,043. ‘
Total sales in all departments for ' ' -
1941 were in excess of $16,500,000 ' land When they buy the" feed
and farm supplles°
as compared with slightly under
$13,500,000 for 1940;10perating re- 'At the en'd of each. year {He
net sayings of this sfgfeqvi'devxssocia.
serves created for 941 were $1,-
Budgel Minded Cotton Fashions
Smart Homemakers Will 272,721 compared with $629,560 . o r ' . . .
Welcome These Values! for 192% distributedtas folk,va hon are returned to
the members In proportion to their patronage
eggs, 0 er case: urke s, like v . . . . ' v» ‘
per pound? feed. 8 per 3tent of of Its marketing and buying serwces.
purchases (average $3.07 per
ton); farm supplies, average 10
per cent of purchases.
net worth of the membership as
.3§2}§§8?”‘E";§ figniifiifhfiat‘t; AMOUNTED T0
$1,137,694.00 .
of the Eastern Division outlined
Crisp Cotton Frocks
The smartest. freshest collection of
cotton frocks you're likely to find!
a See them . . try them on . . you'll I
be amazed at the quality! Coat
styles, zipper front types. breakfa‘st
coats and long torso models. In
bright prints and stripes . . buy ,
yours today. the operations of the Associatio
in the Eastern markets: ‘ .
“Washington eggs and Wash-
assaulting: can 9:13.; l ‘
g new markets,” he declared. Per ‘2
ESPRING COAT NOW!: Sada: sigmoid: , i .
: 1...... 3 *seasonings.Para? .2 gTURKEY5" /2‘ P" .
‘ $7 90 to $16 50 1 asthma: atom. is: ' MW 1
EA.AA.AAAA:-AAAAAAA-A:A-AAAAAA: Come agpattern fol: farm co-opera- '
Of (average per to" l V’
tives all over the country and he
'told how the poultrymen were
O Striped per— , h , k' t t t ‘b
gflieglgfiigéeat “NEH MR, you WORK “om [Egnigg 31.6
igggrgpplycogfntfie P averagerio% of purchases
. Cheery plaid- United Nations. ‘
fitted waist Buy the Best Now All the officers, and all direc-
and full skirt. -.
Save More B)’ Longer Wear! itors were re-elected exce t f .- .. . .
B ’htd . , . l P 01‘ . . ~
0015;500:1355; Mans mg Mac one vacancy on the board fined ilf you are a
farmer and are not enjoying the benefits of this
by the election of A. H. Ander- '
son of Chehalis as director from , ASSOCiCHOfl, 05k the manager
the 7th district.
.pfgafigllefy print
with smart
b r a i d trim-
O Sanforized-Shrunk For Fit
. 0 Extra Heavy Weight Covert
or Chambray
0 Dress Type Collar and Cuffs
O Bartacked Strain Points
m... .a“ i
,lNGTON CO-OP brunch fiction foEVHel'uilsq"
CO-OP Fresh Graded EGGS . 1: 110-0? I'mh' mafia POULTRY
fill-0P Broad-Breast TllllKEYS‘ LYNDEN
p s
fiature style Cotton
“sh . Cotton fr
3011i3r m the sprfncgssegj
stripes,”an seersuckers.
plqueS. W 0 v e ii
an and novelty mo MAC
. Ore! S in gay, fresh col- ‘ \l
Strongly made of tough Soz.
denim! Sanforized!
An amazing shirt value for
workmen everywhere!
Durable! Neat!
~<74 ,,~_T»T_~.:_../- .
‘wnsmneiou‘coLorEii‘A'niIEi ‘V
for the Thrifty Women
atyoedéyilf(gt3ilpe:.ngloilalg LONG WEARING WORK SHOES ____________
checks and plain colors. MEN'S GOTTON WORK SOCKS ________ "2 for
35¢ I
H. J. BEERNINK, General Mgr. .
Washingto Co-Operative Egg & i , "\
BIG BANDANAS, RED OR BLUE ...... ..2 for 25¢
Poultry Association ' g I H _ _ _ _. U ,3.