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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 20, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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February 20 \W __._4.,, ~11._ A. Page Nine lruary 20, w.“ 1. -14 , 1942 SH oLTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL) [VORCE ORA Valley Road. and stating a tl‘afilt'. , ‘ F. Wright Si officer will help out on enforcingi I . .. ‘ Sallie, received and filed. I . . papels 1“ Board adjourned. I'VWVVVV'VVVVVVVVVVVVV‘" day for A1111 0 ' December 22nd 1941 I t npson and 9' TIC!) 0F TE mums Ishinglillg of Memorial Building rorI Boar-d met, all wandprpspm as H“FOR SALE: 1936 Terraplane De- . s Richardson. anlllMllllNA'l‘lle sum of $465.00. Ipl-eviolls llleeting. I Luxe Sedan, 4 new tires, new . l in State SchoolI It was moved and seconded that Henry Garrison paid $3.00 for 2 ' ' be given in the office of bid be accepted and that contract bcl loads of gravel on his road. Same WaS battery, excellent (2 Olldltlon. lolly Superintendent of SchoolSI 011181151 in“) accordinglxr carried. .tllrned ill to Treasurer for credit of George Kennedy! Liniwaup' Sa OCR A- M-. March 7. 1942. T01) Dl'lC‘J Icont‘ract With Union Oil County Road Fund. Road District No. 2—6-13~207~3t. , y 2.20.27_2t, Co. of gasoline for 1942 was signed. 1. _ a v“ .‘ ). hy~7/‘( y_ y,- V, . ‘ -.. C 'OdS 0 , 7 FLOWE : l w .ngfhtldr‘zi kw“. tilinrl.f.2isrmii‘.1....52lcklrt. ‘gii...i.!::ri}..°g‘lntma iS.‘ FOR SALE 33 Chevrolet 00361in Real Estate lassufle erVIce I For cut I (LASSWIED ADIERTISING r-m «—~——--—~—-~ ——--————-—-—-——-—- - c x— m‘-4—————»-————v— .__.——.__——_-___._____.____——- "M..— _____—_____.._.__._._...__.._..__.._ ._.——._ Limit and speed limit on SkokonlishI"'vvvvvvv"I'V‘VV'V‘T‘l "VVVVVV‘ ,— -—_.____._.—— WV 'm" Bring (3°me ISS‘ONERS PROCEEDINGS following bids were received and oil-t rcntai ior Tl'axcavator and t- Ck.‘ good condition. Heater. new TE 3' Happiness l “3:33 January 5th. 1942 Qn0d2rAIOIIICliexlrolct (“310.t32208142 rmidi same was lll‘l'llt‘tl‘ over to Tl-calslllre: battery, tires hardly worn. $150 w““‘“‘“‘““‘““ WW“AMA‘A‘A‘AA‘.AQ 20 wordslg'éless §n i nimum ‘L DES'GNS recelllegufgfill" $5323}. Realfigllfi’i‘ei-b? llngllllptecl]. 0” $415"'60' I ifiicitlixi..c'led” “1 mum R‘md 13”” cash. Adolph Kopperman. Mt. FOR SALE: 50 acres Midolle SRO—I USED FURNITURE lCABINs FOR RENT: lights and charge) 3 Weeks $1.00. 1 week 50c. 'AL BOUQUE r rent to Janu: c V r. A . . l I , . y lst, tomcat Top price for gasoline for 1942, will” Lou...- mm. DINMM. of HighwavsI View or inquire Journal- I komish valley land. 38 acres un- 2_w00d heaters VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV "$19.50 water furnished. Inquire LogI Lower rates I01‘ large!“ ads and ‘ l 'gmeHIber from Seattle,I Claims allowed. tu Sh. . Ea o- Ed (1‘ . ' '. -~ 7 - t fth ‘ ‘- - the defense mSt‘tUte “alonggfifigfglmbe, 8th, 1941 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMls- County Court ouse in the city of SHICK AND GEORGE Tr‘POd and 0‘1"” models, 09“ “mm 60 “335 am” the da 6 0 e a. year. fiandrubbed Satin {in 1: first ublication of this Summons; [may under the Spon' Boardvnlet, all members were pres- p She}’-.riii “.l%1“°.f‘n‘ ..i . 2-13-20—2iwv3tv do cultivation. Best good Manges l _. 19.50 - 24.50 Cabin on Hillcrest. 3.. w... ~ ‘ *' *wv-J- »4 r ~ . [I “1-- _ fl .,. r . r' 5 by Archie Kilian-d on approved and luai'r'wd: J W to“MzigfiilkCoillllvuglilfinttlltllvglll- FOR SAIE‘ ‘37 Nash 4-door se— Ioa‘ds‘ gOOd SChOOl' Inquwe 2*4'6 bEdS ~- 2-50 H 6 13 20 3t I 750 minimum (Wise “5‘ ‘30“ “.0906- s NEH/4 Section 27-22-3- Cruis- 1303111 adjourned ount estimated by the Director or: . _ Journal office. .2__4_6 Springs __________ __ 3.50‘—»—~~-——A~~-«-~i—er-rv—wwu ——- Card of Thanks._ .150, original “I” was received. showing: Monday, January 26th, 1942 IHighways, to Muintommo “(.mumI dan. 4 new tires, new battery, J__v2_6_13_20__3t. 1;4_6 coil spring .195 I FOR RENT. 1-room house partly goetlry pu lgth,etclasslf18d Hardware Bl e51“ amount of $119.60. Board Eoui'd met. all were present. Ireceived and filed. I new plugs, in perfect condition. , ,,,,, _, . .1... i 2 table: 495 furnished $10 a month. Call ‘flpdiirtlé‘efifmié‘ 1.13.135?er over _beinectlon of same, I i I _'lop price contract Wllll‘ Standarda Letter. ll'UIl‘l CliaIl-lllan oi Collntyi Reasonable for Cash. 701 Frank' FOR. SALE OR TRADE for 2 ‘1 """" ” ' b' 92-J, 1302 Cota, St, the [el’ephone from] phoge Subscrib- . .g the time set fm open-.011 C0. 1“! gab dud lubiltatlng (ills. COD]lYllSSl(>l’l(‘l.\ ol Kltsap County. ask— -. ‘470ak LhalrS 6.0 M on County Sup. and Shor~I 1'01' 1942 was Slgm’d- Iing that road to Trail's End be grall~I lln' Cit-V BA"2'20*'1t- downtown property 01' nearI F CO F—2'20_W1t' 83‘ .Cafih should ,fiifii’tmgfi’fi _.___..,~_, .. gig” following bids were rt», It, W415 moved and seconded that! ed in Preparation for possible evaoll-I * , *7 town, good six room house at sen um] ure - I 901351 81'? “gm? 8‘?” me month In opened: Bill PGaI‘S‘m-I“pplmi’ons W WWW-i" 0‘ tax “‘10! film 1'1"“ 1“ Bl’mm‘lon. received. FOR SALE: 193‘ 41”“ Ford 524 Fairmont Ave Hillcrest. ' m""'""\"" v save excuse of billing An extra ’ it.“ at“ I outrun-lint??- iii dump truck. Good char... no. no 90 All ' Lost and Found r“ be W" 3 un or (701181 era ion > "a 'l (l. . . . . w ' '~ * ~I -. .b‘ . 0 ‘ . filake decision- later. 7th. 1942. carried. I Additional Bond of 52500000 furl Herb Allenl Um‘ml {Vafh- v.-. . .7. -I Imperial vvashable I blumg ‘5 ’ifffgfiay‘mo In lglared appeared and paid .11 W85 “10"“(1 and seconded that Treasurer Onicl' L. Dion was Oxanl—’ 2‘20'2"")‘6""’3t~ FOR SALE: equity 1n $1600 5-I ‘ ’~ 4] willl settlement for trcs— Dle ‘11!) .tFuCk DUI‘ChflSfid fm' En- med and approxch I 1.00m house in Shelton. Inquire‘ . 1 t. NE};t seam" 21122.2~ ’ gmeer s‘ oiflce and no longer necdedI Copy of letter from County Ad- mvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvw I l ff, . 1 100 I W P LOST: 16/2'ft- flat bOttom boat- . alarmed in to Treasurer. by Englne‘ir- be tW'm‘d 0V” to R‘. D' ’mnlslmt‘” to Dr" H- L Konm‘dl’.‘ Journa 0 me’ plone .‘ Reward. Inquire Journal office. mmvvvvvvvvwvmvc lowed. I. No. 3 to be. used for foreman. carried. outlining proposed lllethods by whichI D—-2-13-20-—2t. NOW available in Shelton in G 2_6_13_20__3t I V 7" .[iood Canal Improve- It. was moved and seconded that medical care to indigent families not — ‘ ma,‘ , beautiful fitter“g and _' ‘ acalhng' attention to gar- Engmoor be allowed mileage at OCICovcred lmdcr the Old Age Assist-. AAAMIAAWW FOR SALE- 1 have for sale a ‘3 p — . . ,, a“, umped on road side along per mile for use (IflhIS own car on antic medical program might be ml-‘ * ' 2,. b Shades to decorate every LOST: black pup With 4 White ‘.- “y Read, received and .1193???ngngogggmgggglesgnoggiogi t lnlillsértrra. Il;1:t*iv0d Dzind filed. POSITION AS PARTNER or farmhlIgmfi 0f d ‘ 1.302915: la 0” room in the house. feet, white tip of tail, white. M «l I ‘ ' ' l 0 I" 0 .1'1 0 _ u l or arrv l.‘ 'ntto 1') l . . n a c care we. e louse, , . . . , , . ' . . aGlow-nod V contractor on Memorial Building roof that the stat... Dupart¥nont “ft manager 0f fann.f.()r woman’ gain garage anfi wood Shed. “KCIUSJVQ m Shelton at ClICle on neck. Inquire 1019IFOR SALE. green and dIyPVKOOd r January .6, 1942 Job, by Lawton Lumber CO_ reuwed Security Md 18km W“. Um sale of, Guernsey cattle preferred, also I in, p d t tr h m3 Dearborn. LeC-2*20—~1t. also cedar slab wood. one all prose,“ as “1' you. 11118 léledfimagurv Wumm V0 826 in f(;0(;9:3€6l8618 alldlthatFelwllving FullllI poultry. P. O. Box F, Gig Har- Vthel plpe u 01 ‘ed £353 133d CO. Shelton 288. R—2-20—27n3-6u3t - - . “ ,1 O m) . wou< no ongcr be, hood—I box. Wash F_,,2_6_13_20._13t a spring on ’16 an . ' ., _________.._. the amount of $1,000.00 in payment ed, and resented his chec' ' . . ' . t i - ' r - , , for SE MINE of Section 11. 20. 4. amount. ISame was turlledl‘ ()lxilvthllél Olictru‘tlty'bl XII/111.8611 trilsrrgiogfl SOUth' FlrSt Phone )6 J n FOR SALE: 2 ranges, blue U11- rned. v. IAn-port. received and turned over tol Treasurer for the credit (,1- Current: V‘fOL/[EN WANTED: Immediately el a It argain, on e ., I }. wersal’ gray Monarch. Phll gm” January 7th. 1942 “wager-{mm Department of Label Excl’lense FIIM- d . to train for aircraft Small fee deswed- C. Willey. 706 Cotal l I DeRosia 1/2 mile east of Un- l 2 3' A aims a owe. . .‘ . . ,' .. . _ _ _ l hallowed and.1nd' that Claim 0f F’pd 13,31“ In the matter of bid of Fairbanks1 Ior tralnlng- Amerlcan Cltlzens Street 13 20 . 2t" DO YOUR TRAVELING comPUted f°,r oakland Bay I ion, Wash. R—‘Q-20--3-20——-1M ..1blds 0“ Slwl‘iff'e PM“ Pr. “1 0’“ amount 0f 3942-50 .10" time Morse 00.. for Marine Engine for only. Box 1223 Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE. 23% acres artly ON A (H0001 anal.t1des am 9‘39 hour '—'——- .. ‘- COet Cu amt, 5572,43, loss. had been allowed. received and Hamimo terry, It was unwed and. W72_31_20_27_>43t - 4 ~l_ p & 5.) minutes earlier) NOTICE: I am mafiqonger con_ 'MSI“$987.95. llledl. seconded that bill be accepted andl cleared, 6 room house With bath, B I C Y C L E I _ , t d .th th Sh It V ne ndJOurned. Notice from District Engineer that purchase made. subject to confil-ma- , . f“ 11', mile from 01ympic highway . T1306 W1 ' e l? on 34‘ y mnr. January 8th, 19.12 resolution accepting bid 01 Al Huer— tilm hy letter that same could be re—' WAD‘TED' men WIth drag Saw ”‘ A d-, .. d T rms if de_I * * I LOW 4336 a-m- 3-1' ft~I dances or Wlth their handling. el- ' by Motors on two Dump Trucks. had' till-lied any time within 30 days,‘ to cut wood. $3.50 a cord. PhoneI 9‘1 ma “1 103 - e ‘ Fri, High 10:54 a_m, 14.1 ft. Ray Morkert. ‘~ 0‘. November meetings been approved. rerelved and filed. after installation. should said motor 473-“; H¥2_13_20‘27h3t Slred. L. R. Kolmorgan. I . . IF b 20 I W 530 m 25 ft _‘ approved. I 'NOLlCC lroni Office of DlVlsmn En- prove to be. inadequate to power for- ' 2—6—27_4t_ AlSO Blke Repairs 9 {0 ' p' ' W for Road Emplovces asI gineer. that Report of War Dept. on {'3' proper-1y, carried, I ’~ ___l . I High 11:42 p.111. 12.1 ft. FOR SALE: berry plants, Wash-. day , 11.242: Road Eoremtan I ExisgllfigggniflSflyfigg‘fgg‘mlg:(I: Appéicaéflionl 23:121.: received from Mar- WANTED: man or woman inter—I _ I and ACCI'GSSOI'ICS l _.__ ington Raspberry best for this .f . .. axcava or "era or ' '»' ion . we 0 '(il' rc s .’ ' ' . * . r. 63 ' graderman $6.00 pt'l'I in. had been unfavorable. on the of SW of 249—4 (CollJI‘ilitypaFearlglf).NIIE' eSted {n workmg as Insurance I FOR SALE- modern bungalow: 5' * ISat. Low 5.20 a.m. 4.4 ft-I section $1.00 for 20, $3.00 per drlv rs $5.50 per day. I grounds that the cost would bc- more was moved and scammed that appli_I agent In M33011 COuntY EXPBF- rooms and utility. Wonderful Feb. 21 High 11:28 a.m. 13.6 ft. hundred Rockhln everbearmg , tors $5.50 per day. labor- than the. benefits. received and filed. cation be accepted. and that valua- lance “0t l‘equl'Cd- write L~ B- view of bay and mountain. 11/33 We hiake Keys LOW 6220 pro. 2.4 ft.| Strawberries 45¢ per dozen. .day. I I Clerk was instructed to VVl‘ltf; State non of $250000 be placed on same‘ wens 214 East Fifth Street 1 d S all orchard inside $ :1: . ,. I Ch t R- b» ' Sk k . h .CaflflPllTllIOll of taxes i Dir. of WPA' in re a/tf of Shelton including personal propel-1y, valued 01 ’. 'I ages ‘an‘ i m l l w; ‘ I 1 es er osen ergl 0 omls Igned Iglwtrltfltcgbuggl“, Roll-h cl motor for 3111310000, that Imus he “Kw as. ympla, WaSh- 243th City limits, $2800, terms, less ’ Sun. High 12.0: a.m. 11.23 Valley 2-20--3-6..3t, . i'- U W l . ~ l’ 1‘0 ows: -— m -- ~~ ~ 11. 1 . 2-W. Feb. 22 Low :1 a.m. 5..) ‘Januarv 12, 1942 Board ml‘iourned. $300.00 cash at time of sale. andiWANTEDZ woman to take care f0! Gas 0315}: 72_6_13_20__3t . SLEYSTER S Hi .h 12.07 pm 131 ft OR SALE. d , 365 h ' BOARD OF COHNTY QORTMIS- balance to be paid in ten yearly pay-l of mother and baby for ten ‘~ w ' g I i '2 F . ' rag 58“ cas ' District Engineer that SIONERS; MASON COUNTY. lllellts. With interest. at 5% on do—I da S In ., t J m1 ‘— LOW 7-16 I3~m- 2- ft- Pines Auto Camp. 2-20——1t. ase fr membm' 29' 1941‘ in WASHIIIy'ngFNCKMANV fmvredt‘paymenls" angdilayablto at film y quue a OW a2.13 tf FOR SALE' 4 room modern house ——~ ' , _0 2 truck; had bppn 3). ~- A; A same min am in a Him 0 year-y ~—— 4* , . . rrm- ,. . . _ ,_ used m meenng xWaived and mod. I I Chairman of Board. payments, and that Same be offered Close in $650. cash Inquire 347 I , IMon. High 321’? a.m. SALE. Stewart warner n m seconded that AKIESL. for Sale bV tllf‘: Slicl‘llf on the Front “LANTED: strong woman for fun S th Secofid S__2_6_13_20__9t Feb‘ LOW '1 a‘m- ' IlOOl‘ model electric radio, PCd to carry ad 1 n ,d HARRY DEYETTE. steps at Court Honse at 10:00 A. M. A r _ 0U ‘ ‘ ' ’ I Hi h 12:51 ,m, 12,6 ft, r ' Agmcy b. authonzr . . nmo w k H o B r s l g . P See it at Shelton Printing Co. known the test to Fleet Insurance for Clark 0‘ Boai'd- 243"“- Smurday. January 17. 1942. ~ 0’" '1 rs- an“ ege “nil I Low 8'16 m 20 ft 220 It . ~ *——‘—~—--' l Yvon notice from c. Okerstrom, 1325 Railroad Avenue, 2-20--1t, ‘ . . p. . . - _ . is m good stead (.mmmmmm PROCFFDmm soc. Mason Colony Plalming Coun- . ..__.....__._.._...___..____ ion SALE: all of block 6 Olyln- I . _—._— ___-_____..._ tionifi counting “May .1 a1 mo i Wilondin norm. r ‘t ll‘ill h Elm IlladHh lVXWd agdt a“ E' t‘ R J S l J 1 pic add’ $250; let 9 blow 4 Hm- Tucs' ngh 3:46 am' 12'2 ft' OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale: -. anuar , . .4 A ‘/ l‘ :8 y. , ‘ “g ‘ l" I‘ 2100 p 9 ap— .smlle imos nown as . .0" ms aco)- .. r. , . _ ‘ ,— e task and they met. all wen'y prowl“. Board met in regular sessmn. Prcs— pomtmcnt on Council and had licveri son, Sophus Jacobson amid/or 01' S. (Jest Ex'.$12o’ 3 lotSrFflOCk 3 - Ft‘b' 24 LOW 8:40 a'm' $7.00 per cord plus tax. R. W. . ,' report of Agriculturist ent R. Trenckmann. Chairman; Vln- attended a meeting. it was llloved and. Jacobson. all being one and the same Olymplc VleWr ea" $70- 101: 3 for better pIC‘I'UI'eS ngh 0144 P'm- 1 Killough; phone 586—J. damn that the tied and approved. cent‘E. Paul and Fred Ferris Jr., Conl— seconded that the office of eagll be person) were granted to the under- Block 20 Hillcrest add. $200} Low 9:15 pm. 1.7 ft. 11.21 12-30—1M_ _,f8110wed, HI'ISSIODCI‘S. and Harry Deyette, Clerk declared vacant and that E. J. Wright. signed on the 24th day of January, Lot 9 Block 17 Mountain View H __ ‘ . comm District Engineer that ol the Board. Grapevch and L. .D. HackHShellon. 1942. O 17 M I H. h 4.56 127 ft , ,. “gty's share of gas tax for Received from U. S. Treasury Farm be appomtcd to fill vacant-les. cars All persons having claims against $200, L013 10 BIOCk 91ft“ BOOKS ON wed- 1g a-m' ' FOR SALE. National electric -—---—-7—-““ Whats? on'Dnccmhor collcca Egrtlgig ggnllwygffi piglsgngintfln lieu main“ from U 9 , , f from estattfi {fire required to ierve tain View $200; 5 acres 30111- Feb. 25 Low 10:04 a.m. 7.1 ft. cask re isipr perfect working . e to .2 6.86 receive r l‘ 0 COLm- " . l. Anglnecrs 0- cm, wi e necessar vouC ers, - l . , 30” I nil-t. $9 5 ty road, 15-214. same turned over to fice, Seattle. stating that Rayonier upon the undersigned at Elie Law Of— mg Maple .Beach Resort $150 PHOTOGRAPHY ngh 2:44 pm. 120 order. gPair of Toledo candy 33°11 of Depository. by: Treasurer. Inc. had applied for permit to drive fice of Alden C. Bayley, Title Insur- F- O. RObblnS, Rt- 1, BOX 145 d LOW 10-10 P-m' 1’3 scales 64b limit with rice ta_ ~ ' I Ifiasurer. designating Shel—I Claims _allowed. I V piles for log storage in Oakland Bay ance Building, Shelton, Washington, Shelton, Wn_ 2—20—10 How to Make Goo __ - p RAPH COM Mi. Seattlwpirst Nationm Resolution re Superintendents Carl miles NE of Shelton, and asking that being the place designated for __ ' .________ .V pictures_How to Thurs High 5:46 am. 133 ft. ble attached. Don Paulson, 319 Plume wVed and filed, was Signed. and approved. Ill Board had any objection to the the transaction of the business of the .. v ~- . r', L 11.10 . 69 ft Cota St. 1-13-20-27—3t. w? receied from Roy Fe]- Board adjourned. grantmg of salne.‘ received. Clerkl estate. within six months after the MUST SELL EQUITY in $1000 Make Good Movies—and other Feb- “6 ' .OW - d-m- ' . d la, -f .mthe removal (,f' Wednesday—December 3rd, 1941 was instructed to inform them that date of the first publication of this '- h h- b k . ngh 3:44 p.m. 12.0 ft. {finishing of‘ material and Board met. all were present. the Board had no ObJCCthlL notice. towit: within six months af— ' 5'301‘6 mOdern house, acre land, au‘hen‘lCP Otogl'ap “3 00 LOW 10:59 pm 08 ft GUERNSEY_JEIRSEY milk cow ‘ Claims allowed. Board adjourned. - ter the 30th day of January. 1942. and Owe $780. Kolmorgan house, , .Resolution re payment of Taxes was Monday, December 29th, 1941 file the same with the Clerk of this East Dickinson Street Hincrest CARRYING I ‘ for sale: 5 years old. $80. Lu- Slgned and approved. Board met. all were present. Court. together with proof of such . 'l Fri. High 6:25 a.m. 13.8 ft. ther Rogers Arcadia Road. Approval of award of bid for D-4- Top price contract for gasoline for service. or they will be forever barred. write BOX 374. Shelton: CASES Feb 27 LOW 11.56 am 65 ft I R t 3 Sh it Traxcavator to Western .Tractor, and 1942 was'SIgned With Gilmore Oil Co. Dated this 30th day of January, M_2-20-27_..2tl ' , : - - 2-2 ft'l 011 e e on- ILqulpment Co. by District Engineer. Check in the .amount of $62.25 from 1942. ,_ ngh 4.39 p.m. 1 . . 2_13_20-2,_3t_ Igelaartment of Highways, received andl J. Hotert 53ml): paymerig‘lff Christa Ad nyIA JétctpnsfipN,t Big assortment, Low 11:41 pm. 0.5 ft. _____.V._.__.~,._ . . , ., 1e . mas rec . ge or receive minis rarix 0 le S a e. - , I Board adjourned. _ and turned in to Treasurer. of Jacob S. Jacobson. de- WANTED To LIST _ Wlde Price range: FOR SALE: 2 milk goats. Cheap - p'rh‘a's“a{“‘fimmb” 4"" 19“ ingmgnbilllhiréggcvslnfiopfi‘ghrlgl‘iogeag; ALDEchagdd‘BAYLFY Homes or Farms for Sale— mdudmg mOdels N 40 3 W G Scofield Route 2 “ear ’ 2031" me, a were . .‘ -. ~- A , - - ‘o. 7. ' ' ' . ’ ‘ 3 ' ' Resolution 1.9 AIFDOFIJFSQSFélttO U. s. set out in resolution dated Decem- Attorney for Administratrix, l See Shick and George. I for Brownies; {Oldmg KOdakS» SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION Spencer Lake on Harstine road. .,. . . l was approved and carried. her 15th. 1941. proper notices halving Title Insurance Budding. I __ I miniature Kodaks. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 2-13-20-27_3t, , Check in the amount of 3300 from be”, 33'1"”! as appears from affidawt Shelton. Washington. 1—30<2-6—I3A2O—-4t. ' TATE OF WASHINGTON FOR ‘_ ,,,, _,_________ 3 A If t t b H S v C. R. Uhly for gravelilig road was 9’1 f”."~ and “0,0“0 appearmg ‘0 0b- — W‘— 3011 wan 0, 113’ Omes 0’" MASON COUNTY E_ ‘22 f b t .th IMSQO . . received and turned in to Treasurer Jmtl was. mow“ and “Wonded that , FarmS—566 ShICk and George. Fannie Tanner. Plaintiff, FOR SAL * ' 00 03' WI 3/ I Eats utlng is no; ab ctlub $0,. the credit of Road District No. 1. Illa] resolution be approved and car- NOTICE ('EFDISIEIAIE‘qngF STATE ‘ CAMERA _vs__ Star inboard motor. Phone 8. L. I o , “all AGO . .v ~‘ 1.. c ‘1 l l . 's‘ ,, f t. - -_ - . . a is “fenngfartidwniis, Blair), ion in Feysgferfttéglgfifimcfigzgfihgngglgv Resohmondm gum“? 0f Trucks N991ng IS 1§E1§E§YdGIVEN, Tm}? If Ilfnsurancevtsie Hetrb Anglg. SUPPORTS I Tg'zil‘llicnegF lafAesligla‘gGTON‘ To Pearson 132 or 251 R. 2 6 13 20 J -.- . 'l w r) ‘ l v r l, «I 3‘ .. W351 appl'fil‘e an Sign? .- . . ._.. on ues ay. . e r. ay Of Marc , , —— ou wan 0 de marrie v ‘ ‘ I DE- ’“"““——"“"—,—— emu/louse '_’ Girl Scout regional com- 32d Owned pmpwty' “CU“d Claims allpwed.’ l942. commencing at ten o’clock in see Ni} Zintheo b THE SAID FRANCIS TAVVER REPOSSESSED ~_PIANOZ_ Spinet Board adjourned to meet again the forenoon of said day, in front ’ ' a January 5th. 1942 at 10 o'clock A. M. of the main ntrancc door to the Kodak Table Top FENDANT: ‘ v n w You are hereby summoned to appear type, .37 high. Used less than SIONERS. MASON COUNTY. Shelton. county of Mason. State of pod for clamping to shelf, Koda— Wm,“ 60 davs after me 160. day of. ish,,. in excellent condition. 10% 0 the local Girl Scout ent. VVARH. Washington. by the County Auditor odf ~ t f ces e'tc lenuarv, 1942. and defend the above down, balance on easy pay- . .' , This being the time set for hearing Rv TRENCKMANN. of said county. the followmg de-. P 0‘ guppmg rees’ e“ ' .cntitled action in the above entitled t F r further information . i. on petition of Louis weinel and Ona I Chairman of the Board scribed state tide lands. together with ., Court and answer the commint of me.“ 5' 0 , 3 5 smuting has a strong na— husband and wife. for the vacation of M350“ COUYllY COmmiS- the improvements situated thereon. FOR SALE Plaintiff and serve a copy of your. Wnte Messmgale Musm‘ C0- , - - - Ogeadquarters behir‘ld it a a portionf of Olympic Avenue. and a Attost_ Sloners- a‘i‘gfiliegttgggfigr 10 the Tract of land, more than two city Answer {won the Undersigned Attorney kAberdeen‘ 2-13-20-27f3t r . l - . . . — : , l ' , f -' V l Dl‘y Pack ., 9 of ethics to live up to £191 21%?)(12 fgggug'né“ Igggggf HARRY DEYETTE. NOTE—No one except citizens of the mtg, “.611 located on Ralmoad Kodak Sky Filter for Pl‘m-t‘ff‘ at hit-S 0mm} 191‘310W :tatt ' ‘ r t . . : ed, and in case_ 0 your al ure .q o to {nderful work for any mm COfi’S P13" of Union City; Proper giiifnmcfili‘iyrd Can 13 1t ggifliasti‘lfiir ‘ihté’filii‘l‘s t? 118.933}: oArve‘ Nlcelplafi forha “s‘dgmel color Filters For do- judgment “113$ renders? agfalygt . LARGE SIZE .,&rtici in n she add_ notices .al'ing been posted asappears .' " A ' severa re a ouses. ar- ’ _ ' you according to c d'eman's 0 o ' I , , 3/5 , pate ' IIgnlogigdgyggtaggefizlzg qgli’ld fl‘lghaIfitgtl; ———~M“—””* S“CI‘;‘IE%‘£IBX¥FS$§ §§t°101§21§ds gain at $450 cash. I trait Attachments, Pictorial le. (ignirigialnlt (3mg; bcegfilrtfllgliaimiitfl; Duplicating .- . ;e ll' _' .. VO n 1.. fi 3 ; . . . e err. , ; ‘ 0 . . . l . q . . A A.l tldc lands of the second class, _______ 11D] 5 s_ ( CW6 ll EEamzatlon’S Purdue is l 998.3393? a: ..,. owned in the State moon more... mm. mm... “5” ‘ S’fi“°’g““‘e dismal. ‘32:. hil°“..t0..:alr..: SALES BOOKS . -l efill, balanced CltlZ‘enSIlwpqejved from Guy H. Allison. A pe-i ‘\ THIE.SU?F.JRIOR COURT OF VIII—IE “mat? 1“ front 01' adlamlu t0 01" f1 . “ f 1’! sole and exclusive care. custody. and” d 3 17 e"(310p Girl Scouts» Intoltltlon. in protest against vacation. sign- gmAsolgl (1‘ ,YgélSHINGTON I‘OR abutting upon the southdZo feet of 001's, fireplace, u basement control of Russell Shirl Tanner and for 4 for . S . . t led by 16- property owners in vicinit . . CCU“. , r. U“ 3 section 32- towndh‘p 22, 1101111. and furnace. Also lar e unfin- Patricia Tanner. ' . ‘ V Ype Of women. There WEN received and a“ rotests wage UN JUVENILE COLRT range 1 “vest! W. M,, With a frontage ."h d . . . anS R LEWIS . fancy . ' 0 girls registered as " ~ « rp 1“ the Matter of “10 Dependency of of 1 9 lineal Chainsv more 01' less 1" e upSta‘Ts' ‘5 home 15' Andrews Studlo ~ 1 ' t’ff‘ ' t on" e 65 doz n * (20 read. Olal piotests b) 16 property . 1 Pauli 5 At orney. m e per e kilns in the nation .now—— owners in vicinitv, was received and fiiaqngfiee Bfilljceh Bfi‘i’l‘iglgq and Helen app” §$P5§16$:%¥%V V0 10-30 qcated (an Ogledt Street an? has and Post Office address: . ' ' -' 11 t t ,' . . . . ’S 50' *' l ~ - or nice ar . n ire ro er ' sum 1. Lumbermen’s eat 3/ . f3 to ’ald their country avg}? egpiefferg 2:25;“ If? $1999“: THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. All tide. lands of the_ second. classI excellint condition pang $03 No_ “72 Bu‘ildinz. Shelton, Mason We also take orders for all kinds ‘ warr' She en“Phasmelj- Weinel. In view of the fact that Mr. TO' Helen BurSCh Gould' Percy owned b-" we State 0‘ Vvasmngton ’ p NOTICE T0 CREDITORS County. Washington. 0f Sp99131—‘ offered to make the Weinel is deeding to Mason county Bursch. Mrs. Lester Huntington. Mrs. situate in front of. adjacent to or bElOW present value. Will con- elton from Seattle at Lots 1 and Block 110, in lieu of F~ Robertson and T0 WHOM IT abutting upon the north 125 lcet of Sider terms.——$4375.00. IlN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE ‘ 146—23-30--2-6-13-20-27——7t. I STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR PRINTED SALES BOOKS ' MAY CONCERN: the south 251 feet of Lot 3. section 32 l l to . sald_ Mason Avenue. this lvmg the NO EN. Th t . 9 l -————-— MASON COUNTY . v v v . 3/ “Wild till: Lfiilifefi oabgggzisontso hailingfailgén afrilgt atIII 3’ g: Gllgrosécuiillg gill/"5&3;th A: ngfigfaggnief 11.3;eslingll FOR SALE In the Estate of . our pri°e§ are as low or lower t'l ' ' ' l ’ the satisfaction of those present it agorggythof elksggy Coofuligiuzgyuslpgzgz- more or less. appraised at‘7-room modern suburban home in Carl Smith, Deoeased,’ Notice iskhereIily giviin shat Regis- than OutSIde salesmen ca“ (1110“? e " was moved and seconded that on Or- .- ' .9 . . _. ‘. ‘ .- . ' , HEREBY I EN, tratiOII 1300 5 WI be 5059 0" orlgl' OU- . Aid Civilian Defense der of vacation and Final Vacation, filed herein. a Petition alleging that Said lands wIll be sold for not less 85%“th condltlon' PlaStered thEOEggg‘siIgsned Elia sgni‘ih 31:51:? 1131 registration and transfer of reg- y .. °’ ting local civilian de- be approved. carried- Iiféé‘ittfi Al‘fie Ems“? agtl‘tir’dl‘é 35%" the apl’lfa‘sfd valuiné‘bmdS-imd' if?“ fireplflce’hfulll basementé had been appoinfed and has “31”” “mum in a“ “68”” rmSlMl‘tson THE J OURNAL’ ‘ l 1 . I osse e ursc , a :. upon e erms con lions ower s r r 1 ‘_ , utside of it 0 ie on. “fink-Houston. county c0- thggolllesicgggsmggrgf k131i glosgggigfi dependent children, and seeking to followmg: I an u and f u as Adm‘mstmtmx With the WI” an county 0 y . nexed f the Estate of Carl C. Sm‘tl. 0n and after February 20th. 1942. Deceasgd. and that all persons havlnlg until Saturday. March 7th. 1942. the vvvvvvvvvwmv." claims against the said Deceased are game being the date of $911001 9190' hereby required to serve the same. OHS. HARRY DEYETTE: ‘ ~ . I n Pointed out to the' in- vigil in regard to vacations and some . . l . encE that scouting as times did not get notice, Chairman children, and seeklng to have said mln- chase price must be paid at the time has Trenckmmm suggested that some pep ors committed to some suitable in- of sale. The purchaser. if he be notl Also plenty of excellent gar- have said minors adjudged dependent Not less than one-tenth of the pur~I g]??? :2] nilany vafi'ietielsl- £130: n awn, a we ep . . a problem to see son he a Ointed as a e 93 tative stitution or to the care of some reput- the. owner of the improvements, must . ls 3/ l .home is organized. to whompll) copy of notice? 033m belable oltlzcns .al‘ld that such assocla~ forthWIth ay to the officer maklng gel? 1amdl- Chicken house and glélyylinyggéltedx a}??? tigewtiilrlldggilgnm? County Auditor, Mason “A I ' ' -/ can -' . . h sent to and who would notify intern tlon or indwlduals be given the auj thesale t 0 full amount of the ap- arn. Gravity water system. or hér Att ne of Record at the; County, Wash r w , Fancy ~u fr and by poncmg t '3 ested parties. Mr. Frank Noseworthy “Wily with the assent 0‘ the CW” praised Value Of the ‘mprovem‘intsv as Would cost $10 000 to replace office 1' chr‘ YR Lewis Suite 1 2-3-13"2t- v ‘ l 'mesofn schools into var- was sug ested andnccepted. [0 place such _children and each of above stated. One-tenth of the pur- and is a real bérgain at $4406 Lumberompnfiaiéuild'mg. Sham“ Ma; ‘l 1' W . em times °f air raids' Rem" m“ redPurChase 9‘ Sheriff's 3535103; a mm” mm“ or “ms {0’ i‘il‘élrsgcll'é?cewll’ilusintg‘icsl’a’gn all“??? terms ’ son Conroy. Washington, the ' same r . mi. 1432 a l AIIDEN C. BAYLEY. a“ a’d'mate’i’my by “Olgfscill’l‘l’llogeédafiffiflggied from NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Mred payments at the rate of. six $22"; lis‘gnaledtfif tflfisifitfie 3}" 312 women TO‘CREDITORS' « ATTORNEY AT LAW " '2 morale." he said- Louis Weinel et ux for Lots 1 and 2 Said DEtition will be heard 011 Sam!“ Der Centum per annum: Prov'ded’ H b t G A saidsahg lo? 0 d file such claims to; IN T YE SUPERIOR COURT‘OF THE” ' ‘ of th . .d Block 110 Hours Canal Land and day the 18th day of April, 1942. at That any purchaser may make full er er - ngle 'ethe S 351' 3,? f of {service will; the STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR Title Insurance Buildm i Hi 9 way the a" “1 Improvcmént Co ’5 Plan of Union City the hour of 10 o‘clook in the for“ payment of prmc‘pal' interest and Angie Bldg. Phone 304 'Ele kr “El thp 00b ve entitled Court MASON CO NTY ' g N l; 8mm 5 unc Ion noon at he Court 00m in t e our , n o- - . . . l 1. . l ' “Ed w -~ g f t. I"1 he“ or vacated portion at masmi H t h] 1% h' t h C t iggutgggdfee'iq’mgtpggghaggl‘e gfdlagd Within 0Six rgonzlhg after the date of I ROBATI“ f Opposne First Natlonal Bank every out it is better t3 Alglglilgsaafitlioglgjered placed of record. (Bastidmtgise tlgrtlh d3; igfg gglébmary containgng timber or other valuable Ihe Iirstth pg'bhlitéationf (fifbthis noltggg. Mggdethg $33; Ogeggfsefstate 0 Phone 23 Shelton . e ' . , ’ ' ' ' v o-wi e- a o e ruary. , , - ~ I r lump rson tramed an An Ordinance creating a county De- 1942. ~ afifilalirlsrerplsgfibltii bls'uéfiw from NOTICE OF BOND CALL. or said claims will be forever barred. NOTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN' that , . th not needed than to reuse Carmen, prescrlblng its duties (SEAL) CIARE ENGELSEN. m. mamas Withogut gm 0,3333?“ Notice is hereby given that ,the ELLA SMITH SISSON. the Underslgnedv Maren Shorten has lb. .. needed but not pre- and declaring an emergency was ap- Clerk of llgason gouIntyélx:slgE consent of the Commissidner of Pub? following Utility 'Bonds. Series of Administratrix with the will been appomted and has qualifig‘d as proved. carried. mgton an. 83-0 tie? the State he Lands, until the fun amount of 1935. of Public Utility District No. 1 annexed of the Estate of Executrlx of the Last W111 and esm- ‘ ‘ I in Board adJ'om-ned, the Superior our 0 350“ the pqrchase price has bflen paid and of Mason County, Washington. are Carl C. Smith, Deceased, merit of the Estate of Maude E. Shor- INSURANCE I . 1“ “I118 Stalls bad propagan- Monday, December 15th, 1941 of. Washington for M deed Issued. called for payment at the Office of CHAS' R. LEWIS ter, Deceased. and that all personsI Hgm 1b, a.“ youth of Germanynl Board met, all present as of prevmus County. 2-20—27--3-6-13-20— Au sales of state lands are made the Treasurer of said, County and Suite 1, Lumbermen’s Bldg. havmg claims against the said De— . er Ans 11 f Portlam’i meetmf- WM subject to the reservations of oils. that “16 InteFESt OD‘Sald Bonds Will I Shelton Mason Count)“ Wash- ceased are hereiy. 399‘“er to serve [HERBERT G. ANGLE ‘ l f; 0f the CC“ 10 s t a'I ‘lReso will)“ riacw'c‘ltygneéinsfna Oct-(lili- No 1433 g‘lses' “’31' “35' minerals and £05" ceaPsteblgn fit” “In 1t9 at N 1 Utl Attorney [or said Esmg'e 13 20 27~4ti glgnggmgxggllgriNeréllegegnAttrlgrgagegf " . ,- ' i it' cou n - Cl_ was :1 rev an S1 - , sis of every name, kind and d- 1 10 ~iiy is ric o. i~ —— — -‘ . l , _ ' staff! said‘ “Perhaps ned‘ NOTICE To. Clgll‘gfirsons To scription, and to the additional ternls lty Bondsévmselfiles Of 1935. numbGI‘Ed , ‘-— 'Repm'd at the CHICO ?f Chfis- .R- LeWIS- Office at Angle Bulldmg " ' Mlnstall Some 00d r0 - Cheek m the amount or 541'75 was ,"i‘I IN THE SUIgg‘g‘IOgt‘COURT OF THE and conditions prescribed in section 46 to 55 mcluswe. A ‘ v 1‘. ‘ -. r ‘ Suite 1. Lumcbernien sWBuIIdlnfg. Shall; ‘ I ' ‘5 111m" Amer'cang out‘h go iglvfiiisfrfgdH'sgnfilvflaguEggdg’ill‘(loI STATE or WASHINGTON IN AND gflghgptg 2531MB the Inacva bot I907. figBIiICOgTIIJIgg‘gN Pclggglfg‘ Nofiggijgofigls‘Z; ggAggMggDON 23% “£355; “35,335... agstgggpg‘c-é f0,; l . 2 l . , in an W1 e so su 'ec to -' ' ,‘ . l . , r b- seallze the vallle Of our Treasure” {0" the ‘Eredfi Of County FOR THE COITNTgAgFE MASON. the terms, conditions and reserjvations wASHINGTON Noticenjsrhereby given that on Tues- I the transaction of the buSlness of the la - _ . Road, Fund. Road District No- 1. I IN PROf hA E t t f of chapter. 312 of the Session Laws of i by R. E. JOHNSON. day. the am day ‘of March. 1942. said estate and file such. claims l}?- « I c Claims allowed- ', IJ n the matter 0 t e S a e 0 1927, relating to easements for rights- 2-13-20-2i--3-6-13-—5t. Manager. commencing at ten oclock 1n the fore— gether With proof of serV1_C€ Wlth l e ,, . Su - Matson and Carlson paid $63.00. -,Lee Pauley. Deceased. of—way and the earl-yin of timben . mom of. said day‘ m from of the Clerk of_ the above entitled Court B . g‘g'estions Made . . ‘Urve: . , , stumpage on 2209 Christmas trees cut NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that stone. minerals and “get products l. ‘4 main entrance door to the county court Wlthln Sl-‘i mom-1.13 after ,the dale 0f , Ups: ,, tilts 1W. ll‘l-Spll‘lng‘. talk to ,‘pn county lands, same was turned in Letters Testamentary on the Estate over the same_ N0. 4032 ' ,house in the City of Shelton, County the first publication of this notice. to— Ace u t." T x s . l Working With Girl to Treasurer of Mason County. of J. Lee Pauley. deceased. WereI JACK TAYLOR. SURIMONS BY PUBLICATION of Mason, State of Washington, by Wit: the 6th day of February. 1942. "I 9 a eerCCS ’ Miss Ansell took up Received from L C. Smith $2.00 for granted to the undermgned 0n “PEI Commissioner'bf Public Lands. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF the County Auditor of said county. 01‘ sald Clam" W1“ be forever barred' Bookkeeping Systems . sins of th . one load of grave- Same- was turned 7"” (1513’ Of FEbruaer 1942- by 531d, By FRANK YATES, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON the timber on the following described MARCIA SHORTER v him 9 local mum“, in t0 Treasurer for credit of COUHWI Sign” Court , Assistant Commissioner. IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF state land will be sold at public auc— Executrlx of the. Estate of: 123 4th St Ph 565 ,3. excellent sugges- Road Fund, Road District No. 1. OTICE IS FURTHER‘ GIVEN that 1-30.-2-6-13-20_27__5t_ MASON tion to the highest bidder therefor, Maude E. Shorter, Deceased. . one ,~ E. P. Davenport was granted per- all persons havmg. claims against Waylanm Lessmg and Wendell “kw”: . Shelton. Wash. I _ « ._ 7, Angel mission to moye m the cabin onCoun- said estate are required to serve the A. Lessing, Plaintiffs, APPLICATION F-390 CHAS. R. LEWIS. ' . n, 1 also brought out ‘3! Farm. subJect to sale of farm. Mr. same. With the. necessary vouchers. No, 1436 I , VS_ Timber on Lot 4 and 51:11,:l of swié Attorney for said innate. ,In d“- teaching Girl scouts avenport agrees to act as caretaker upon the underSlgned at the Law Of— NOTICE .01? HEARING FINAL Ralph H. .Small and Katharine N. of section‘ls. township 24 north. range Suite 1. Lumbermen s Bldg. . . of farm. durin his 00cu ancy.. rice of Alden C. Bayley. Title Insur— Iffense were hell-“mg ml Report receiged that ltarespasis wasl ance Building. Shelton. Was ington. . .v ' ‘th.ays through each of being committed on county land lnl that being .the place deslgna ed for T “Wind of one wa b 27—22-2. Harry Hurst was instructedl the transaction of the busmess of the .... 1"“). . a , y y to investigate same. estate. within Six months after the . 'Phe nother line of de- REPORT AND PETITION . Small. husband and wifenDe‘fe‘nd nts. 3 w‘e‘st. W.- M” containing 63.06 acres. Shelton. Mason County. Wash. WITSIERS “mm or less. according to the gtwern— 2-6—13-20-27—4t. -———-— FUNERAL HOME merit survey' thereof. appraised at FOR DISTRIBUTION .‘ THE STATE OF WASHINGTO “I STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR rine Small, husband and wife, defend $2,737.50. gestlons” 20 ., . IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH the said Ralph H. Small and Katha— MASON COUNTY ants: According to the State’s cruise. therc‘ NO- 1424 Licensed Embalmers . “ Notice from Department of .High- date of the first publication of this are.approxjmatély 1045000 feet sap— NOTICE OF HEARING OF‘FINAL .. 1 . . . . . IN PROBATE v You are .hereby summoned to at- l‘lncl eaders should teach I ways. that Mason County‘s share of notice. tOWlt: Within SIX months af- 11 p19 of democracy-gas tax collections for October. has: ter 13th day of February. 1942. and gxample ed on November collections amounted' file the same with the Clerk of this In the Matter of the Estéte of pear Within sixty (60) days of t e liné'firand 100,000 feet hemlock. REPORT AND PETITION FOR . W. A. Witsiers, Prop. Mayme E. Taylor. Deceased. first publication of this summons. to- The-purchaser of the above descrin DIQTRIBUTIO Allan L. Bell. Executor of the ES. wit: Within sixty (60) days after the ed timber will be requiredzto. comply‘ IN THE SUPERIOR CO T 01“ THE Phone 180 ' ' Shelton: WaSh-v l : Ruth 1 to $10.536:60. received and filed. . Court. together With proof of such tate_ of Mayme E. Taylor, Deceased, 12th day of February. 1942 A. D.. and strictly with laws governing slash dis~ STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND I " Stephenson also n3- This being the time set for open: serVice. or they will be forever bar- havmg filed herein his Final Report dafend the above entitled action 1'11 Dosal as found in Title 36. Chapter 1- FOR MASON COUNTY I v staff ing bids on Diesel Engine for New, Nd. “ and Petition for Distribution. askinglthe above named Court, and answer Remington's Compiled Statutes and In the Matt” 0f the Estate 01‘ Iy V res d member, 0f Ferry, as. per call, of November 24.. Dated this 13th day of February. the Court to settle and approve said the complaint of the plaintiffs. WEY‘ laws amendatory theretfi- ‘Fmd :TOhnS‘m' DeceaSEd‘ C v .the'council how toiand pubhshed according to statute, 1942. Report. distribute the property to Iand Vl‘. Lessng and Wendell A. Less- The purchasers of state timber are. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that E S Se ting ‘ up Girl Scout as appears from affidavit .on file. , SUSIE E. PAULEY. those thereto entitled. and to dis- mg. and serve a copy of your answer requiredto run out the lines and are Frank S. Smith. adnllnlstrator of the V r eaus a d t the followmg bid was received and Executrlx of the Estate of charge said Executor. Illan .the undersigned attorney‘ for responsible for trespass in case timber Estate,“ Fl‘Od JQhDSOm deceased has ,. . N. in. ,._.,n_ how 0 or- opened; I . J. Lee Pauley, Deceased NOW. THEREFORE. NOTICE IS plaintiffs. at hls office below stated; is cut on adlacent statetowned prop— tiled In th“ Office.“ the Clerk of ‘ - .. ED SALM 0r orne ,, " seryice Scouts for Bid of Fairbanks, Morse and Co.. ALDEN C. BAYLEY. HEREBY GIVEN. that pursuant to and in case of your failure so to do. erty. said Court. his Final Report and y y ' I ‘ 1 5H” F's” ls 8- vital need now $750.00. AFtorney for Executrlx. an Order of the above entitled Court. JUdgmL‘nt Will be rendered agalnSt Said timber 0“ Said land Will. be Pel't‘on for ‘D’Stn‘bmlon‘ asking. the ' - ' t l‘ H I H U; ( “com . It was moved and secondeq that Tlfle Insurance; Bldg” duly made and entered herein on therou according to the demand of the sold for not less than the appraised. Court to settle said report. distribute Angle Building ' fill” have their troops bid be taken under consideration to Shelton. Washington. I7th da.y00f February, 1942. said Final complalnt. Which has been filed with value. as appraised by the Commis‘Ithe Property to the persons thereto Phone 337 .. . ide lend kits for their be decided on later. Carried. 2<13-20-27--3-6——4t.'Report and Petition for Disyribuuon_ the clerk of the said court. The pur- sioner of Public Lands in'the nian- entitled and to discharge said ad— Letter from J. B. Bartlett. aSkinE will be heard in the Court Room in' pese of this action is to foreclose a len . . I net provided by law. a statement ofI lllinistrator and that said report and 1- . g every Chlld permissmn to remove trees from the Court House in Shelton. Washing-lmOl‘tgag‘e on a certain tract of real which is now on file. in the office of petition will be heard on the 28th ' hr x 1ESri'or something streets in Plat M. LakevieW- BM?“ NO- 1480 , ton. at the hour of 10 o’clock in the property situate in the County of the Auditor of said county. day of February. 1942. at 10:00 a.m.. . . rolled beds of instructed Clerk to inform him that NOTICE TO ('REDITORS TO FILL forenoon. on Saturday the, 14th dav Mason, State of Washington descrlb- Terms of sale are: Cash to be paid at the court room of the Probate De- ' ea or ‘” . . timber could be removed from streets CLAIMS of March, 1942, ” led as: the WV; of the NEIL and the on the day of sale. partmnnt of said Court. at which R llam.~ _. P3 of their in front of his praperty, but must. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE Dated this 7th day of February, NW1/1 of the SE14 of Section 25. The purchaser of timber on state time and place any person interested 0 of w mg Identity and 10- I be done before fire season and all STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND 1942. Township twenty (20) north. Range lands will have 5 years within which in said estate may appear and file. gardens "and f- t aid slash burned. *0 FOR THE COUNTY OF- MASON. CLARE ENGELSEN. West W. M. to remove said timber. with the priVl- objections thereto and contest the ATTORNEY AT LAW ctlé'e - H‘s . ‘ Resolution re Emergencies apPI'OV- IN PROBATE I (SEAL) County Clerk CHARLES T. WRIGHT. lege of securing extensions of time same. . o ,_ . te Qutdopr COOkmS'l ed and signed. In the Matter of the Estate of CHAS. R. LEWIS. Plaintiffs" Attorney l under the statutes governing. Dated this 24th day of January, Bujte 1 L M Bldg ’ehvelé .ach‘ one song and Resolution re Signal Skokomlsh Jacob s. Jacobson. Deceased. Attorney fornxecutor. , Office and p. o. duress: JACK TAYLOR 1942. , v, - - smaller children Vallev approved and signed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that Suite 1, Lumbermen‘s Bldg” Shelton. Mason ounty, Commissioner of Public Lallds CLARE ENGELSEN. Shelton, wasmngton ‘ "etc .. Letter from District Engineer 119- Le‘tters of Administration on the 138- Shelton. Mason County, Washington State of Washington. and Sec. State Forest Board. (SEAL) Clerk'of said Court §°£...d9f§nse~ proving Resolution placing‘ Load [tale of Jacob s. Jacobson. deceased. 2-13-20-27--3-6——4t. 2-13—20-27--3-6-13-20-27--7t 1-30--2-6-13-20-27—~5t. 1-30-—2-6-13-20--4t. l