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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 20, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 20, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Ten . .' . d i ' WES? 5222? 1231‘32‘12 i5r‘éiiiri‘éés Job Opportunity and tasteless when dry. l Shelton Eagles DANCE SHELTON VALLEY VOURNAL' li‘ridziy Febru airy/7720 ‘ ply/'(‘F’iiilll’éliiy well, time and a half; Students Can is piuvimd lo! OVCltlll‘H: With. In Naval Reserve Now‘ pié‘lliy or opportunity to work oV-i In Naval Reserve Class V-l an Gmwmg; Loggmg , Posts Available up to :33. and the men can leavci opportunity for high $011001 andl without delay. Some of the otheri couege undergraduates t0 jOin thei l jobs open :11 present call for ma-i Navy and Still complete their CW" 3 cliinistii, body and mam; rent year .311 SChOOl was Offered, floor moulcr, shop foreman fOI‘i yeStcrday 1’1 an 0rd“: issued-bYI wood work and automobile inc-é ‘Jommander Hv J- MCNUltyv Officer “1.1mm i in charge _of the Seattle navy re- Thn United States Employmenti CFUltmg d15tr1Ct~ g p . Service in Olympia also has an; The order permits high school excellent opening for young men; and college students between the i ‘ " ’ / v -. V ’V i‘ 0” S!" h ' l Sponsored by | {day jobs. For example, right now, \ ho \.lSh to r,o to ,d, but do not ages of 17 and 20 to enlist in the i Mrs. Alice 1. Helenius, Manager of the United States Employment loftlice in Olympia, states that the‘ number of listings for job open-i ings is increasing. Most of these ‘jobs call for men to work in de— fender care to enlist in the Navy. The,i Navy immediately, and at their‘ ‘ thcr.‘ are a. number of openings, Merchant Service will take youngf own request be. placed on inactive i 1“ thlef.19§g“}gb industry Th???“ men betwan the ages of 18 andi‘ duty until completion of their cur- I. .2 I . 2. a” (3‘1’19 J0 openings 0“ A19 24 who are sound in 'sicall and rent scholastic 'ear unless a ' ‘ Rau S Orchestra at the Employment office in, teach than, to be COIOkyS’ radix) up“! Change m the m‘nita;y situation; i rOItiémPlathi’v'gmh. can for (fillOker. 9mm“ 01' apprentice seamen-J necessitates them being called to,; ‘59 91" 11” I'lggersv Slgnfl mend This training 'rovides uniforms, k '2 ' H :second riggers, Second loaders, {00¢ lodgilg 2nd pay for the} acme duty beforehand } Admission 25¢ ——— Tax 5¢ ifaixlglihgngeggglfeg‘to ON the can: duration 0th training course; ———-——-—— Total 30¢ Per person i ““ g ‘ Anyone doslrmg mrther Inform” ’\ representative of the. United L Dancing 9:30 to 1:30 BUY is Still open for worker's t0 8'0 t0? zition with regard to these jobi ‘Alaska. The need is for carpcn-, Openings Should can at the Em- i States 1‘Jmployment serVice is in i ,ters.‘ electriCiaizs, stcanifitters,ip10yment office at 522 Capital; the court house in Shelton every iplumbers and _oranental ironi way in Olympia. The phone is, Tuesday from 8:30 a. m. until 4:30 ‘ 1 workers. These JObS in Alaska pay 7779. ' in the afternoon. a- Mason Com Bulge Concern . . . . n of ’m Save for Victory! Buy your food needs here where every price is a low price every da urday, M2”. and take your savings in Defense Stamps. Here’s another way you can help~—if it if"03‘f $129: your custom to drive to our store, invite a neighbor to shop with you, uSing your ca the count): one day and hers the next. In this way, you will both save tires and gasoline. ' SALMON 2 cans 3 COFFEE . lb 9 2 :i-eifliié SOUP MILK W! Buy Your Needs Now while we have adequate Stocks. Consumers goods will'be short and we will have to use substitutes. We do not advise hoarding just buying what you can use! j Alaska Gem Pink lb. Tall Can Dehydrated Chicken Noodle Carnation, Pet, Federal Tall Cans Wewfla/ulaafiaf ‘ within the WVVVVVV‘VVVVVVVVVVVVvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvVVVYV'VVVV'VW ter pl . : 3 SHORTENING . . . . . . 3-lbs. 6..., °f r s E 1 Jewel Pure Vegetable ‘ v H?Udllfg r 4 rt t ROLLED OATS . . . . . Ill-lbs. c H- R £4 E 3 Sperry Quick or Regular Skzlfommh‘ ~ g 1 S M“ 3-. t i TOBACCO 14-oz.can “9km! E : Velvet, P.A., Granger E'QQJ Egdy ’ . i. W- Such ed Priced at E . _. . -_, . . v . 3 PANCAKE FLOUR . Iii-lbs. inmgfgxgi / ‘ Albers r' Emma. ] 2 I OPANGES 10 lbs 49 1 U ‘ . . . o o u I 4 Wg\‘ r $ 1 .39 and $ .00 E Large Sunkist Navel sin shopping bag ¢ 2 E . _ 1 Shredded Wheat Cerca1~--9~oz. pkg. def Arizona Seedless, Sunkist \Hl' ‘ E APPLES ____________________ 10-1bs_ 49¢ 1 . . . . . . . . . 27-0Z. “splint: : Fancy and Extra Fancy Winesaps 1 Pure Semolina e\Mrs' -C1 , E POTATOES ....... .. 25—lbs. 95¢ 3 um‘ C. an . , ‘3. Valley Rosein. S. o. 1 { . . . _ I - o " p\\ , L. ’ Quahty SWEET SPUDS . . . .. 4-lbs. 27¢ 3 I. Wu C True-Cut Sizes U' 3‘ NO' 1 1 1 u NETTED GEMS . . . 50-le. 1.29 ; CHERRIES . . . . . . No. 2 can 0 Guaranteed Seams : Yakima No. : Sour Pitted : FROZEN PEAS... 12—oz. pkg. 21¢ : Easy—To-Adjust Hems : Good as Fresh ones : LETTUCE ...................... .. for 15¢ 4 : Crisp, solid heads 1 4 ; FRESH CHERRIES. 2 pkgs. 39¢ 1 M ; Frosted pitted 1 ~w “W7 CANDYH .PALMVOEIVEA ,. CHOCOLATES L], Box of Gold .. 3-lbs. Asst. ...... .. 59¢ MILK DUDS EEG 0’ MUTTON . . II). de h Our [Men’s Department has put in a large stock of Clothing Chocolatefioated Caramel t H3; and Accessories to take care of your needs. 16'02' box -------- -- 27¢ 'b' r ‘ FUDGE AND PINOCHE mx MED. PIECE BACON lb. i ’ . Extra Special No cooking. Easy to make CELLO WRAP I V MEN’S OVERALLS 2 pkgs- -------------- 37¢ MORRELLS BACDN 1/2 lb. . Union MagelcgfiZZ-Soz. denim. 1 l I I Ib. N O W I N Begum" 3" $149 For Toll House Cookies 2 pkgs. ............. 25¢ BEEF SHORT RIBS . . lb. If you want 3 W001 Suit we suggest you I _ Chocolate Eclairs 2-le. 49¢ Hugs“ oysngns _ _‘ pt 3 U Y N 0 W! Rich Chocolate and Marshmallow on Cookie Base I COLUMBIA RUN I am; . . Mrs. ay, I I I I I 3-IbSI V °Des toRobe’ 50 .00 6’ and a. PRE COOKED “Your Complete Department Store” Heavy White WOOL SOCKS " Just the Sock for your heavy Shoes. Regular price 49¢ . . .. Friday and Saturday only at... ‘ Eggs 2doz. Large Special “A” Strictly Fresh Local Butler 2-Ibs. 85c Wild Rose, 90 score SKINNED HAMS. . . lb. STEWING HENS . . . lb. ALL KINDS OF LENTEN FOODStirLe SPECIALLY PRICED St SUSPENDERS 49¢ STATES 55v! N c s DON 95 Rubber is Short so lay in a supply NOW.!! . . . Regular price is 59¢ WIS he ' iaycla'ssy W e lsts ratii . Other WW) 55 . eang‘. Regj