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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 20, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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MASON COUNTY collided at First and Railroad• A vehicle was found to have va-ndalism to a house, the City of Shelton during the DISTRICT COURT A vehicle driven by Roger driven across the lawn at R. A. Austin reported a past week were to St. Edward's ~?pe~ing on the docket in Hoff went off the road at First Bordeaux School. residence burglarized. Catholic Church, ceiling, $4,000. tCi~r"_~°unty District Court andPark. Vandalism was reported to John Reeman reported ~?IPR Judge Carol Fuller durin FIRE DEPARTMENT ~itast week were: g Damage was discovered to doors and windows at Bordeaux vandalism to a gate on the several street lights. School. Spencer Lake Road• February 14, 9:30 a.m., ~L JustieeCourt A door to the Middle SchoolA calculator was reported Dick Watson reported a Vickie Taylor residence, 1430 gym was found open. taken from Lanning's Appliance. neighbor's cow at his place.Dearborn, sleeping bag against IcIll?,i~llt°bert Mathena, 421 Arcadia, A concrete planter at the Barrier warning lights on the wall heater, $15 loss. on, defectwe equlpm SHERIFF'S OFFICE February 1 7, 5:55 p.m., "~'td4f°rfeit; Charlotte Celest~n~i Hy-Lond was found tipped over highway in the Coulter Creek area Rt. I, Box 210, Hoodspo~, and broken. Virginia Cook reported a were reported broken. Lloyd Gruver residence, 1205 W. [dtng, no valid operator s A bicycle which was found on television taken in a burglary. The Reed Jones residence on Harvard, chimney fire. _jr~S,~46forfeit;AlbertSinger, Highway 101 N. was brought to Joe Sweitzer reported he the Thomas Road was found SUPERIOR COURT ~iI1| ~" 11 th, Shelton, speeding the police station• found a female dog. broken into. Dissolutions of Marriage "'lf°rfeit; Richard Howell, RII The remains of a squid werett. H. Kiehn reported a dogHelmut ttinzmann reported Linda Barrington and Larry ldillB°x 142, Shelton, crossin found on the sidewalk on Second came to his place• an aluminum rowboat taken. Bardngton. ~,lme, improver u~o~ ng Street. Lorin Longland reported a Tim Kelly reported a car Dixie Swan and Duane Swan. l~.e~e,$25for{eit; ~"~ "" Vehicles driven by Rhea stop sign torn down at Highway vandalized. Sherrie O'Sullivan and rt Stouff, 8035 Gordon LaClair and Mary Ponischil 101 and Cole Road. Bill Dills reported a service Terrance O'Sullivan. l~lK(l.,Portland, speeding, $36 collided at Highway 101 and Louis LaRiviere reported a station brokeninto. Patricia Neth and Donald it; Gary Brown, 1 115 Dearborn. Ms. LaClair suffered a cabin burglarized. Four cattle were reported on Neth. broken finger and Ms. Ponischil Lois Mercier reported a cow the highway in the Kennedy Joan LeBresh and John ~n Ave., Bremerton, back injuries. Both were taken to and a horse shot with a pellet gun. Creek area• LeBresh. _g, $25 forfeit; Phillis er, Rt. 1, Box 305, Mason General Hospital for Roland Cuzick reported Tom Temple reported several NewCases ~[e:~Y~c~e.eding, $38 forfeit; treatment, vandalism to avehicle, cases of wine and some Joe Sweitzer reported a Adella Dwyer reported equipment taken from the James Sauer against Mr. and '"IE, ~nu!tz, 21915 7th Ave. checkbook taken, trespassing on private property WerbergerWinery. Mrs. Herbert Vanairsdale, ~5i~ rapines, speedm, 3 2R~l~Se~ltI Wickett, gl~t$ 18, Marvin Snelgrove reported and a cable and padlock stolen• George. Toupin reported a forfeiture of real estate contract. " IL_ on, no motorcycle vandalism to a vehicle. Jim Dickinson reported a wood and coal stove taken• Edith Williams against Evelyn J,/ll~~ement, $10 forfeit;A vehicle driven by Cliff house burglarized and a small safe Skip Wilson reported a cabinVoris, administrator of the estate //[ary Pitman, p O Box 238 Rickards went off the road on taken, burglarized, of Minnie Smith, quiet title• • SPort, s eed' " " • , Anthony Sannicandro FIRE DISTRICT FIVE / [~i,~ P rag, $41 forfeit: San Joaquin. The vehicle took out Bob Owens reported an li'"s~rrmgton, 124 Arcadia a section of guardrail and went attempted theft from the Belfair reported several items taken• over an embankment• Care. February 9, ambulance call, .J~ o.elt°n, no operator's Gerald Bartles turned in a Walt Rischer reported he COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Victor, 0:22 head injury, la_~ltn Stoe,pets°n, $25 forfeit; Building permits approved by transported to Harrison Memorial wallet he found. It was returned found one of his cows dead. p , Hospital, Bremerton. ic~.|,~' rKWell, Rt. 3, Box 97B, to the owner. Cows were reported loose on the Mason County lanner s i [hc"o Speeding, $25 forfeit" February 12, ambulance call, 3ti~lhin,~rueger Jr•, 1929 Travis Fiskreportedawindow Highway 101. office during the past week were shot with a BB pellet. Mrs. Floyd Hovey reported a t o R o b e r t A n d e r s o n, Lake Devereaux, difficulty lttor,~',u,n, Shelton, no Vehicles driven by Alvin Eagle shotgun taken, garage-bedroom addition, breathing, tramported to Harrison ~na Gie~~eense, $25 forfeit; and Andrea Waters collided at Eric Stroud reported items $10,500; Mafia Beaird, carport, Memorial Hospital. Ih.: . rsch, P.O. Box 128, February 13, ambulance call, F:cr~s soPeeding, $32 forfeit; Fourth and Franklin. taken from a garage. $2,500; Jack Bennett, bedroom, :ll-I opaul(ling, P.O. Box Ken Lane reported a residence Simpson Timber Company bathroom, garage addition, Allyn, heart failure, CPR at scene, it~°°dsport, speeding, $25 broken into and a television, reported two cedar trees cut. $3,000; Tom Bieniek, snow roof, resuscitated and transported to ,,,~ tileRs°bert- Gillanders, P.O. radio, chair and sleeping bag Bill Frye reported a house $1,200; Gerald Ness, retaining Harrison Memorial Hospital. taken, burglarized and household items wall, $800; Willis Nolan, mobile " ~lin~"J'-Bainbridge Island, A vehicle owned by Janet taken, home, S12,492; .,,m-" ~, :1;25 forfeit; Bryan Illiless, Rt 10, Box 50 Viger was hit by another whileMary Dickie reported a goat Albert Petersen, utility room, Qualities 111~[~;, ~'e" . O, the Viger vehicle was parked in a loose ontheValleyRoad. $450; Robert Spanier, mobile A gre~it man is great not ilL' *~' ecting, $25 forfeit; parking lot. Ruth Portner reported mail home, $17,790.90; Elizabethbecame his personal qualities give l 'J[ ee McDonald, Rt. 3, Box ~Jla--urt Orchard, s eedinGeorge Grisdale reported boxes knocked down by avehicle. Stark, residence, $20,000; G. R. individual features to great ;,,,,"It; I),- .- P g, $36 gasoline and other items taken Richard Franklin reported a Stephenson, retaining wall, $450; historical events, but because he 13"2~'naJa E. Hansen, Rt. 1, from a construction site on Park house owned by the Spragues James Stewart, mobile home,possesses qualities which make It;-', union, Speeding, $25 Street. broken into. $3,000; Jerry Wright, residence, him most capable of serving the I~s Ralph Ervin reported about A wallet belonging to James $17,078. great social needs of his time, Hein, 929 Railroad, needs which arose as a result of 75 gallons of fuel oil missing, i c k i nson found and CITY BUILDING PERMITS general and particular causes ilr(l w~eaing, $25 forfeit; D was Street signs at Fourth and returned to the owner. l~inelfo~Sl°cker Jr., P.O. Box Building permits approved by George Plekhanov Alder were found torn down. William Johanson reported .:l~01~'r~, petit larceny, injury ~. - .... ~ - ,ty of another, $25 fine, ",, ' " ~ "" •][ 204":[ restitution;E. C St.,Tim°thYshelton,L" f"A very special "A very special r~g, $41 forfeit; Jerry Dean, / kind of store.'" Shop 9:30-5:30 LAY-AWAY kind of store.'" i1~'0 BOX 653, Shelton, [ II i~'. no Operator's license, | l['"elt; '~ IESWayne, 1830 Jones Rd., 11 I[.:' negligent drivin $150 O g, Weeks m " • tw Bart~ Jail, suspended; DEPT. STORE I~, fa.,tes Jr., 502 Maple, 3tO & Railroad Ill'e [~lcUre to secure load, "- ' ' ~ld, Rt° SUspended; Edward ~-'to ~ 1, Box 33, Sumner, 1~25 fineeP right of center It, e, $12.50 suspended; t r°ss, Rt. 4, Box THE "IN" LOOK FOR 1It(l, fail,.- 251, Port |atio~s"re t° .°bey rules and JUNIORS , r, defec,:~L b.ulk hauler's [ -ve taft lights, $75 t.ns Spring, P.O Bo COTTON DENIM & COTTON TWILL [Port, fail.. • x 294, i[USPende"~.ure to stop, $25 . • n~ " " I[ speeding, $25 ISItELTON POLl • 28" bell 2-pocket pant _/~rtin Perez CE • 25" bell shellpant ~Vl[ieatio,, L reported milit --. • 28" bell hi-rise pant ~l~h .. ", =ust. a,y • All pants have zip front " f~e:le LaMarsh re ort It' en. P ed a • Snap front short jacket [,~i~t~k(~Sn . All in blue denim or white twill tevin reported • Pantssizes 7-15 .,, ,t"leles •~ . • Jackets S-M-L unvetby Larry l rn and Bet y Cormier FROM Lb:UG NAMES ~. Ife~:rs Ph:~vmeaCeutical ][~. ey ,~, at the • "E'r UCtsT ht for their I ~ ~ting ~. nere is Often ' B ~ broc~esdry behind this Ir ate gus ~s (ROche) ~ Th .•~;to .°riginalb, : • "S ~'l~r~ ~W~ries Z .Intended ~ :~uUCts u, b (Penta) 6:00 Regularly $1 3 YOUR CHOICE The s.E.A, negotiators will- "Ninety-four percent of our servic, es in guidance, music, art, meet for the third time with the members indicated that reducing and other areas, increased Shdton School Board negotiators the teacher-student ratio should February 24. be a major goal of S.E.A. because numbers of teacher's aides and "While teacher wdfare items teachers know the importance of additional teaching resources are ,, all items being negotiated which are a natural concern, S.E.A. giving each student the individual president Nola Parsons pointed attention he needs," stated Ms. have to do with student wdfare, out, "they are certainly not the Parsons. she said. only things teachers care about." More preparation time, more Shop 9:30-5:30 LAY-AWAY DEPT. STORE 3rd & Railroad REGULARLY $36 i:i::::: • The great new look for men. • From one of America's most famous makers • 100% polyester double knit • Superbly tailored for the finest fit • Shades of heather grey, camel, navy • Don't wait! These won't last long at this price! BUY ON LAYAWAY, OPTIONAL CHARGE, MASTER CHARGE, BANKAMERIcARD ver v special kind r)/ store. " Shop 9:30-5:30 LAY-AWAY DEPT. STORE 3rd & Railroad Women's Support Panty Hose by Park Avenue 85% nylon - 15% Spandex Fashionable hosiery for every occasion. If perfect 4.95 44 G irdle Top - Sheer Legs by Park Avenue. 4 sizes I f perfect 3.50 6 6 Parkilon Control Top available in 3 sizes plus the full figure If perfect 3.00 I I I ::::::::::::::::::::: •.-.%-..•••.°%°..•. ...•,-.....•....•.., ::::i:i ...•..:.: • ..::::::::::::::::: Thursday, February 20, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3