February 20, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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t think
we need it."
"Everyone should
be exposed."
"1 don't let my
children watch."
"Shows the way things are."
"It's used to keep
people watching."
lere are always,,
le getting shot.
Loggers, protect your
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Do you think there is too
much violence on television?
Out of 16 persons interviewed
by tire Journal this week in
downtown Shelton, 11 were
emphatically affirmative in their
answers. Only one person polled
was completely satisfied with the
violent aspect of television, while
two persons felt it was acceptable
lot adult viewing, but not for
tlalfof the people polled were
concerned that the violence might
have a bad effect on children, and
a few people pointed to the
abundant detective and police
shows as tire major offenders of
too much violence.
Mrs. George Simmons,
housewife, Rt. 1, Box 50, Union.
Yes, I certainly do. I think that's
why there are so many problems
in the world today. I don't let my
children watch the violence. When
they do, they get pushy and talk
back at home.
Jenny Vansickle, retired
accountant, Hy-Lond Inn. It
could be for the younger
generation. But with old folks like
me (I'm "almost 87) it doesn't
make much difference.
Robert Monger, unemployed,
221 N. let. No, not really. I like
the way the shows are on TV. It
shows the way .things are.
Mrs. George Saupe, retired,
513 Bellevue. Yes, I do. I can't
find a decent new movie to watch
any more.
H. J. Anderson, retired shop
owner, Rt. 5, Box 750. Yes. My
wife and l were discussing that
last night. I used to watch a lot of
television, but I don't watch
much any more. There are too
many detective stories. There are
too many flaws in the shows. I
er Wegen writes
Van de r W egen, anyway. Yesterday, Atsushi made there are still quite a few around.
Mr. and Mrs. Sel me a Japanese style one. It sure After all the throwin_g was
Shelton, is tasted strange. I finally figured through, we all had to eat a
tr in Japan. o u t
think it's bad for the kids. It*
shows them a way where they can
get away with things, or try it. It's
getting to be just too much.
Bernice Morrison, housewife,
Rt. 5, Shelton. Yes and no. I'
think everyone should be exposec[
a little bit. After all, we do live in
a violent world. But I don't like
for them to go overboard on
every last detail. I don't think
children should be overly
protected by not having any
exposu re.
Maxine Kadoun, housewife,
Rt. 1, Box 176A. I most certainly
do. 1 just think there's a lot of
crud on TV.
Dennis Graves, unemployed,
912 May Street. Yes, It just seems
like every station you turn to
there are always cops and robbers
and people getting shot.
Mrs. Frank Marshall, grocery
rest around this place when every
15 minutes another visitor comes,
is beyond me. I sleep between
checker, 519 Grant Street. At
times, like for the kids. 1 can see
putting it off until after nine
o'clock. I'd like to see them have
more shows for kids at an early
Pete Yarrington, police
officer, Shelton. I've been in law
enforcement for eight years.
There's no question about it. My
main gripe is that tile youth
watch it and accept it as being
Dan McNair, sheriff, P.O. Box
673, Belfair. I don't think it's any
different than what you've got on
the street every day. it affects
people. I don't know how nruch.
This seems to be the age of
,Ed Doench, under-sheriff,
Olympia. I think what law
enforcement has against it is that
they may show ~'cnes that show
how to make things'like Molotov
cocktails. Then you gel some kids
who make them.
Ruth Boysen, county auditor,
Shelton. l)efi~litely. There's
enough of it wilh,,ut advertising it
on TV. Kids like it) copy.
Bill Osborn, electrical
installer, Renlon Yes, I think so.
why. Japanese style number that corresponds with our doctors. And I'm beginning to Every time you turn it on, you
Wing letter was milkshakes aren't made with ice age. They didn't taste too bad. feel like a pin cushion.
ler parents and cream but with sugar and eggs and Yumi's cousin, one that lived Well, anyway, the trip to see it.
VeiLs George, apartment
of her activities in ice instead. The ice is crushed in Kokura and' is having a Okinawa was cancelled. Papa said manager, Rt. 10, Box 500. Yes, I
very fine, and along with the eggs marriage arranged for her in the if it made me feel any better I
Dad,: , do, parlicularlv a show called
and sugar, gives it thickening, near future, was here the other could watch a golf tournament , "
if it s been a long Very strange. Orange juice isday. She comes and her motherbeing played in Okinawa that was Baretta. II s senseless. They had
e Written. 1 don t made ahnosl the same way. bring h .: pgctiv suktors to.com¢ on T.V. It dldn t help mucl . Mr. one like il before that was very
er'wheta the lagt-Monday was a holiday here. talk ar 'd eqery fie eise Jacobsen also came or& to check good. 3his t,J,c is the same type of
Was. I had the flu for " ,, storv, but they've increased the
Setsubun, the eve of the The formalities that they go on me today. The Nakaharas'were violc'nce a x ,'holc htmch. Violence
:hought I'd gotten beginning of spring. It was very through are very interesting. Her here at the time and Dr. N. gave is okay it" it s a necessary part of a
:ay for a few days, interesting. On this day everyone brother spends a couple days with me a shot. 1 have never seen program. Bul I think so much of
n with a double tries to rid the house of evil and us each week. He goes to school anybody who's as scared of
a ! started looking bring good into the house. They very early on Saturdays. Anyway, needles as Mr. J. is. tte turned his it is used to keep people
iprnunk (swollen do this by throwing beans (it has in Shimonoseki, so always the back and shut his eyes and, after watching.
Is taken to Dr. Jack Saegcr, shop owner,
something to do with a legend night before he stays here and Dr. N. was all through and about 1306 Olympic High ,ay South. I
he Swelling has that devils will leave in the tutors Yumi or Atsushi in what 10 feet away, I screamed just for
OWn; 1 feel better presence of dried beans), they need help with at school, the effect. (Mr. J. didn't know it would ~,l\' vc~. I d~m I ~cally think
h I was supposed Anyway, we went through the tte"s here now. Then another was all over). I thought he was wc need all lha'. IV has great
Friday had to be house throwing beans (dried cousin is coming up this weekend going to faint there for a wh~le. It potcmi:d. I d~m't see why we
was the trip to soybeans which are more like from Fu kuoka Yumi's didn't hurt at all, but my arm is a need thevi,dence.
medicine Dr. little nuts than anything else) grandmother, the one that lives little stiff now. But at least it
rne Works, but he
pretty hard to
as bad as
What makes it
me here doesn't
but in powders,
Swallow it. It
and it takes
taste out
don't know
,r taking
I should be
a rnilkshake for
in Japan,
both inside, and through every
window and door. Along with
this, of course, we said the
appropriate words, telling the evil
to go outside and the good to
come inside. This throwing of
beans raised a few problems.
Atsushi and Nobuyasu got in a
hean fight, and Papa discovered
that his bed, along with the
pockets of shirts and slacks, were
all filled with beans. Even though
a considerable amount of time has
been spent cleaning them up, they
are very little and completely
round and roll everywhere, so
%' /..
• ;I • (
' t
, ,,' i
,"// ;"
with us, is sick, so she has gone to
stay in Kokura with Mr.
Hatajima's sister for a while cuz
it's closer to her doctor and Mama
has her hands full with people at
this point. Not so much with
people who are living here, but
with visitors. One thing about
being a Rotary exchange student
to a club that is mostly doctors is
that if you happen to get sick
they all feel it's their duty to
come and personally check on
you to see that you aren't dying
or something. It's ridiculous. How
anyone is supposed to get some
• /
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evened me up. The last couple
have been in the other arm. Dr.
N's verdict is the medicine is
working. I'm still running a
temperature, but the swelling in
my glands has gone down some. I
should be fine just about the day
after the day I was supposed to go
to Okinawa. Great, huh?
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Thursday. February 20, 1975 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Paqe 9