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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 20, 1975
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Stove, public waters, subject to existing 9 reDruary ;'u, 1~/o, or ~ne same t n on June of himself to his resen" t o" mien, f~ g..arage, rights, from Purd.y Creek, NOTICE OF HEARING employees" bargainin unit NOTICE OF APPLICATION 17, 1974 under Application No. S Cre?k in the amount of 0.02 the proposed appropriati(~n ,s AMENDMENTS TO UNIFORM (Shelton Education Association)FOR SHORELINE 2-23257 fileD TOr permit to c u o i c feet per second, located within Government Lot 1 '69 P-'~',',~u*e-I sit, no tributary of SkoKomisn Hiver inBUILDING CODE ORDINANCE and to be represented by an MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL appropriate public waters, subject continuously each year, for of Section 32, Township 20 N., ~-~ 'a~'/"uefn the amount of 1.5 cubic feet per NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN employee organization of their DEVELOPMENT PERMIT to existing rights, .Trom Phillips aomestic supply. The source of Range 2 W W.M., n Mason EV 14x64~-~ ~ second continuously each year, THAT: The Board of County own choosing and that an election Notice is hereby given that J.Lake in the amoum of 0:02 cuoic the .proposed appropriation is County. . . a-[ ~clroom for fisll oropa ation The source Commissioners did, on January 6, be held to determine these issues, W• . p .. .. ..... otests or object,o s Phillis and D P Molinero feet per secong, continuously Iocateo within Tract 21 of Pr n to e, Jrnishe - - g " , • .... d-$155 per of the proposed appropriation is 1975, adopt a Uniform Building NOTICE, THEREFORE, IS have filed an application for a each y.ear,.for f,re protection and Madjng~s Sunnyshore Add,t,on approval of this application must ~,u>,t. 4Zb-5855. located within NWV4NWV4 of Code for Mason County, as HEREBY GIVEN that an election substantial development permitirrigation uawn ~- garclenj ourmcj N.o. ~or ",ection 33, Township 22 include a detailed statement of ,~. ~ Section 22, Township 21 N., required by Chapter 96, Laws of for the above described purposes for the construction or irrigation season, inn source or ~., K ange 2 W W.M•, in Mason the basis for objections; protests N 1-bedr. ,N,. .... nouse CountRange 4 W W.M., in Mason the 1974 1st Extraordinary will be held pursuant to the development of Residential pier the proposed. . appropriation is ~ounty. . mu~t_........... hA ;trc'nmrutnllu'lp...... hut .... = fuun or s • y. . . Session; and provisions of WAC, Ch• 392-35 on and float Ioca.ted at Route 1, Box located w, thm Lots.22 and 23 of Protests. or objections to dollar ($2.00) recording fee and n,,rove, carpeted. Protests or objections to W H E R EAS, it has now the 20 day of February, 1975 at243, Union, Wash. 98592 withinPhillips LaKe, uivis,on P~o. :)nO~ fnPcPlr~alaOT this application must filed with the Department of • ' pets. 426-8269. approval of this application must become apparent that some the hour of 11:00 a.m. -- 1:00 Section 35 of Township 22 N., Section 5, Township 20 N., Ra g" . . detailed statement of Ecology, Southwest Reqional ir~(~lude a detailed statement of revisions in the Code as adopted p.m. and the polling place for said Range 3 W.W.M., Mason County, 2 W W.M., in Mason County. . the Da.s,s ror objections; protests Office, Olympia, WA• §8504 the basis for objections; protests are required; election will be at the Mt. View Washington• Said development is Protests or objections to must De accompanied by a two within thirty (30) days from ouse unfurnishedmust be accompanied by a two THEREFORE, the Board of Elementary School office proposed to be .within Hood approval of this appl!cation must (~z.uu) recording fee and February20, 1975. nd°uble carport', dollar ($2.00) recording fee and County Commissioners of Mason hallway• Mrs. Barbara J. Canal and/or i[s associated include a detailed s[aeemem orr,eo. w~m the uepartment of 2/13-20-2t "___ -filed with the Department of County, Washington, will hold a Zimmerman shall be chief wetlands, the basis for objections; protests Ecology, 5outhwest Regional Ecology, Southwest Regional public Hearing in their office at election officer of the election Any person desiring to must be accompanied by a two Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 and charged with the duty of )~i~h and a half,Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 the Courthouse in Shelton, on express his views or to be notified dollar ($2.00) recordin? tee anD within thirw (30) days from NOTICE OF APPLICATION a_e home on the within thirty (30) days from Monday, February 24, 1975, at preparing the ballots and of the at[ion taken on this filed with the Department of February20, 1975. TO APPRnDal~'n: ,~ounty R ealty~ _ • .............................. r ....... a ..... . PUBLIC WATERS the hour of 11:30 A.M., for thepromulgating .instructions hOWever inherent that o linen i n$1e~o included• February 20, 1975. " " I ......... appl,cat,on shou d not,fy the Ecology, Southwest Regional 2/13-20-2t PUBLIC WATERS ;.~, uu a month 2/13-20-2t purpose of considering several concerning the Details of the Board or Mason County Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 ~ C.TATI= t%l: WAr. I-IllUP_Tt'~N amendments to the Uniform election. Commissioners m writing of hisw,thm th,rty (30) days from MF'NT (~1: IC('t'~/O~ Building Code. /s/Louis R. Grinnell . . DEPART ................ interest wlth_m th,rty days of the February 20, 1975. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TAKE NOTICE: NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S Any interested person may Secretary last date of publication of this 2/13-20-2t TO APPROPRIATE That PERRY R McDONALD trat er a~ ¢A F REAL ESTATE appear at the Hearing to be heard Shelton School Board notice. Publication dates of this ~ PUBLIC WATERS of Belfair, Washi~ton on June :,Dee t LE O e,... o store and~T~:r'P OF WASHINGTON either for or against the adoptionof Directors notice are t-eb. , 1975 and Feb. STATE OF WASHINGTON. 26, 1974 under Application No S ~JLIU ...... , .... • 943-4179. SHERIFF SOFFIcECOUNTY OF MASON, ss• of the proposed amendments•DATED this 18th day of 2/13-20-2t 20,1975. 2/13-20-2t NOTT%EAO;AP;LICATION TDAEP/~RNT~VIT~NT: OF ECOLOGY 2;2r3o4p5i7tef~lue~licfOrterl~s[?t~tjt~ :b--I~k'-'A--l~,~By Virtue of ORDER OF February, 1975• ~ PUBLIC WATERS That ITT RAYONIER, to existing rights, from an ..... -~-~, =u SALE issued out of the BOARD OF COUNTY NOTICE OF APPLICATION STATE OF WASHINGTON• INCORPORATED of Shelton, unnamed spring, tributary of i~3':2:~n.,d°wnt°wn Honorable Court of the State of COMMISSIONERS OF TO APPROPRIATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY/ Was.hin~to; on June 27, 1974 Hood Canal in the amount of MASON COUNTY, PUBLIC WATERS No. 4553 TAKE NOTICE: uncler/~pp ication No. S 2-23476 0.22 cubic feet per second, -- -,ruth r'lrst. Washington for Mason Count~on WASHINGTON. the 6th day of February, 1~/~, /s/Ruth E. Boysen STATE OF WASHINGTON, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF That EVERETT F. GROVER filed, for .permit to appropriate continuously each year, for group rent ,, - by the Clerk thereof, in the case DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY THE STAT_E OF W.A_SHINGTON of Shelton, Washington on JunepUDIIC waters, subject to existing aomesdc supply and irrigation Sg,,k.~°°clspoft o~ CONRAD W• JOHNSON and Auditor & Clerk -~/~o~rn I RENE JOHNSON, his wife of the Board. 2/20 It TAKEThatNOTICE:MARVIN J. and GRACE FOR MASON CUUNTY 27, 1974 under Application No• S rights, Trom Hill Creek, tributary during irrigation season. The E. FENSKE of Shelton, MARIEMcKA.Y, Deceased. appropriate public waters, subject 0.03 cubic feet per second, appropriation is located within Newa~ versus W & A DEVELOPMENT In the Matter of the Estate of 2-23562 filed for permit to of HOOD Lanai in the amount ofsource of the proposed _~wer 2-bedroom C O M PA N Y, a Washington Washinqton on June 27, 1974 The uno.ersigned is the to existing rights, from an continuously each year, for group NW~SW¼ of Section 9, Township pexunits, carn~ corporation; ALLEN A• under Application No. S 2-23472appointed.anD qualified Personal unnamed sprng, trbutary of domestic supply and industrial22 N., Range 2WW.M., in Mason Washer, ranae' B OWDEN and WANDA L• NOTICE OF APPLICATION filed for permit to appropriateRepresentative ,OT said estate•North Bay in the amount of 0.04use. The source of the proposed (.;ounty. Water includ~,~' BOWDEN, his wife; SECURITIES FOR WATER QUALITY public waters, subject to existing Persons having] claims against the cubic feet per second each year, appropriation is located within Protests or objections to ~Sphere, tenn~'~ SERVICES, INC. a Washington CERTIFICATION, Public rights, from. anunnam.ea, slpring in deceased must serve the claim on for irrigation during irri~ation NW¼SE¼ of Section 14, .approval of.this application must ound creek anti corporation; HOOD CANAL Notice No. 071-OYB.1-002365 the amount OTU.UZCUDiCTeet per the u no.ersi(ined, or the season. The source o~'-the Township 22 N., Range 4 W• inclu.oe a.oeta!led statement of u Per month c'=,,ASSOC I ATES, a l im iteo STATE OF WASHINGTON, second, continuously each year,attorney or recorD, at the address proposed appropr ation is located W.M~, in. Mason County. the .oasis ror oojections; protests ~ea ...... Ity, 426-4486 partnership; and P!OR~ENEcR DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY for domestic supply and stated below ancl must file an within Government Lot 1 of ~'rotests or objections to must Deaccompanied by a two • NATIONAL TITLE INSU Notice is hereby given that stockwater. The source of the executed copy of the claim withSection 17, Township 22 N., approval of this application must .oo,.ar (.~pz~:uu) recording fee and COMPANY, a corporatiofl, No. Mr. Lee Warner of Mason County proposed appropriation is located the Clerk of the.Court within four Range 1 W. W.M., n Mason include a detailed statement of L, le~. wire .~ne uepartment of has filed application with the within NE¼NE¥4 or ",ection 36, months ar[er tne clare of first County. the basis for objections; protests ~?.logy, ~outhwest Regional Lte~Y" Dine,redecorated,fireplace. Directed11640' andand Delivered:t° me, as Sheriff, Department of Ecology for Township 20 N., Range 4 W. publication of this notice or Protests or objections to must be accompanied by a two u.•)ce, ..U. lympia, WA. 98504 ~er 6:30 n m" NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN certification, as provided in W.M., in Mason County. within tour monroe after the date approval of this application must Dollar ($2.00) recording fee and w,}nm tnLRY ~30) days from Section 401 of the Federal Water Protests or objections to of the filing ot a copy of this include a detailed statement offiled with the Department of r-eoruary Z/, 1975. "-" " that I will proceed to sell atPollution Control Act, that a approval of this. a.ppl!cation must notice or th.eclaim will be barred, the basis for obiections; nrotests Ecology, Southwest Regional 2/20-27-2t public auction to the hignest r " 8 BR house ¢,~, bidder for cash, within the hours proposed discharge to navigableinclude a cletaileo statement of except unoe those provisions must be accom~ni~d hv~a twn Office, Olympia, WA. 91 504 waters will comply with the basis for objections; protests includedm RCW 11.40.011. dollar ($2.00) recordine fee and w,thm thirty (30) days from itment• 42~'~)~'.pr.escribed by law .for Sheriff's applicable provisions of the must be accompanied by a two Date. or til~n.g copy of notice filed, with the Depar~'ment of February27, " -),-,~ .... "r~.n~ ........ 1975 NOTICE OF APPLICATION 'trn " thebales'14thto'wit'daytenof°'c'°CKMarch,/'~M"1975,on Federal Water Pollution Control dollar ($2.00) recording fee and to creoitors:or-eDruary zu, t~/b. I:.cology, Southwest Reeional ,;/,:u-,:,-~L ,__v e'~rrr~/rr~l~/F_ filed with the uepartment of Date OT first publication:Office, Olympia, WA.-~8504 ~ STATE OF WASHINGTON. a beautifui ~-..,before the Courthouse door of Act. • __ . , ~=,aen M .... ~" Fourth Street Project Location: In Hood EcologY, Southwest Regional February20, 1975. within thirty 30) da s from tment for rent, " ........ ounty, . Canal near Belfair, Mason County, Office, Olympia, WA. 8504 /s/Chr,s N~s February 27, 19~5. 2~0-27-2t NOTICE OF APPLICATION TDAEPARTMTE, NT OF ECOLOGY/ "ea, unfur,,~.^-~Entrance, at Shelton, m the State Washington. rport w'."~';_~u_' of Washington, all of the right, betw~=e ~-=""g title and interest of Project Description: within thirty (30) days from " ,~,-,-,~.=: =lts onl~n be P.m. defendants in and to ~ne Construct bulkhead and place February27,1975. approximate,y 1,800 cubic yards 2/20-27-2t 21tfn "' u pe~s. following described property, of sand and gravel by truck. situated in Mason County, State Project Purpose: Replace railer sna~-= ~,~of Washington, to-wit: deteriorated concrete sea wall and CALL FOR BIDS Call ~:>~:~ That portion of Govt. lots 3 prevent erosion of beach Sealed proposals will be "~" .... and 4, Section 31 Township 23 property, received_at the office.of the City North, Range 1 West, W.M. Mason Any person desiring to Clerk-Treasurer, ~ity Hall, E .......... County, Washington, described as ry=V~a~le~,~ulet,follows: Beginning at the westpresent views on the application Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 3~'/5.~" -,, town. meander corner of said Sectionin relation to water pollution A•M• on Monday, March 3, 1975, " "' 31, thence north 59 degrees considerations pertaining to the at which time they will be 46'34" east along the balancedproject may do so by providing publicly opened and read aloud the same in writing to the for: u~!Oapartment government meander line of said Department of Ecology, Furnishin9 Fencing Materials • with referencesSection 31, 757 04 feet to the ~>~nts.., 703 Pine~ true point of b~jinning; thence Southwest Regional Office, forCallanan Park. Olympia, WA 98504, within The major items needed are: -o¢s11. L1/gtfn continuinq along said meander twenty (20) days after the last1325 of 6 Fence 31, 1974 u d PP" "• ...... ~ ........r--o within N~/~SE~ of Section 17 " Protests or objc~ctions to line, nort~ 43 degrees 45'9" east date of publication of this notice. 4 -- 9 Corner Posts & Brace 1 filed for ermit to attorney o~ recuru ~t t,,e auu ~ , • • • G 2-233 9 P ................ Townshi- 23 N Ranne 1 w approval of this appl,cat,on must • , _ ~ 500 feet; thence north 67 degrees .M apartment for 0'0" west 710 feet, more or less, 2/20-27-2t Assembly , = .... nriate nubile waters sub~ect sza~eo DeIow and rile me ~ame p -, = ............... )t11, unfurnished, to the southeasterly margin of 4- 9 End Brace Assembly .'~'~'_'Y~ .... r~ahts fr^m a' welJI in with the Clerk of this Court, W.M., in Mason County. I nciu(~__.a oeta~eo.sta~ement or ~o ex >u,,y ~ , u Pr r .ec • me ~aSlS for oulec~ one" pro~eszs et throughout; all Gladwin Beach Road; thence (nopost) n r together w,th proof of such otests o obj t,onsto . , the amount of 50 geliD s pe .... :-- . :.~.:.. • ...... ,~.- ~,^~annroval of this annlication m.~t must be accompamed by a two NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER 2 -- 8' End Brace Assembly minute continuously each year,.~,7,~.= w,L,~,, j~, ,,,u,,.~,,, ...... in~c~ude a detailed""statemen't'of dollar ($2.00) recording fee and eluded except southwesterly along said margin F O R S A L E, O L Y M P I C (no post) for community domestic supply• . .................. the basis for obiections• r, rotests filed with the Department of heat. No oets 350 feet, more or less, to a point 6D.m. 426-~078 which bears north 55 degrees NATIONAL FOREST, WYN 74 150'--1 5/8" Top Rail The source of the proposed W,HU~,,U~,~U~,~,U. .... mu ~ r~'rl I~v~ t,,,~ Ecology, Southwest Regional ..... ", LE.U,~I rr~/~l~ir~Ll|~l st be _ccom,._nle_ _, ...... a ropriatlon is located w,thm / II r r dinn =,~ ~d Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 ~)-;~/20 15'0" west 670 feet, more or less, No. 2-2 (5410) SALE, located The City of Shelton reserves ~ ] - T~'TER do. a ($2.00) ecor_._ f ......., "~ from the true poim of beginning; within T. 22N., R. 7 & 8W., T. the right to reject any or all bids ~o~ /4 N W /4 o f Sect,on 12 ................... ~ fll~d with the F~_n~r~m~nt r,f with n thirty (30)days from • ~,~ r~,,~ .~.~n ........... ," ........... Februa 27 1975 edroom -- One ..... thence south 55 degrees 15'0~' 23N., R. 7W., W.M., partially and to waive all informalities. To~nslhiPM 20n N~, R+ange 4 W. Personal Frepresentative Eco.logy, Southwest_ Regional ry , " ~,.)~, .)-~ o, e feet including east 670 feet, more or less, to the surveyed. 'Public notice is herebySealed envelopes containing :lrapes, renan, true point of beginning given that pursuant to the the bids shall be marked "Fencing P'rotests or oblations to JOttHorNneCyfRoArGANte Uw~l~ce, t~irlyyml~))w~,s~r~Um4 ,-, ...... ~Washer, disposal," levied" on as the property" of said provisions of Section 5 of Public Materials for Callanan Park". approve, of this apl~icadon must .... Ti÷l" Insurance Buildin,,= February 27, 1975. Right of every man yer ~ all new defendants heretofore named, to Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. Contractual documents may include a detailed statement of " .... ilr---' Avenue 2/20-27-2t "'" ~or Your car, andsatisfy a judgment, amounting to 132-16, U.S•C. 583-583-i, Sup. 4) be obtained at the office of the the basis for objections; protests cz~,~,r~ ~u ,~ o~ ~ You will do me the Justice to furnace Located Twenty Two Thousand Four- and the Cooperative Agreement City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, ~no~;trb;$2a.C0Co~mr~niednbYfe~ twc~ ................... "'"'2/2~)~-3/6-3t remember, that | have always 5 Per month Call Hundred Eighty Two Dollars and for the Management of the Shelton, Washington. r~ealty, 426~1~8652/100-- ($22,482.52), attorneys Participating Forest Properties, in Dated at Shelton, Washington filed with the Department of ~ NOTICE OF APPLICATION strenuously supported the fightof • fees of $2,500.00 cost of suit, the Shelton Cooperative this 18th day of February 1975. Ecology, Southwest Regional N TO APPROPRIATE every man to his opinion, interest, Sheriff's fees. in favor of Sustained Yield Unit entered into CITY OF SHELTON Office, Olympia, WA. 98504 NO'lICE OF APPLICATIO PUBLIC WATERS ........ PARTM ..... " Plaintiff. " by and between the United States Helen W. Stodden within thirty (30) days from TO APPROPRIATE STAT~ CtF WASHINGTON P P-~I[S. 1, Da ted this 7th day of of America and the Simpson Clerk-Treasurer February 20, 19"~5. PUBLIC WATERS TON DEPA'R~'I'M~ENT OF ECOLOGY may be to mine. He who denies to >~mmN~_pets, s!x February, 1975. Timber company, dated 2/20-27-2t 2/13-20-2t STATE OF WASHING , TAKE NOTICE: another this right, makes a slave • • easonanle DAN W. McNAIR, SHERIFF December 12, 1946, an estimated ~ DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY That LAUREL V NELSON . ,°d~o426.-5093, /s/Ann Rose by C•R. 20,200 M board feet of timber TAKE NOTICE: of Shelton, Washing o" " P P'" =t airport. ANN ROSE, CHIEF CIVIL marked or otherwise designated NOTICE OF APPLICATION That LLOYD H.. FORS of 30, 1974 under Ap_p|ication No..S because he precludes himself the for cutting will be sold to DEPUTY Simpson Timber Company, NOTICE OF APPLICATION ST pAATR~ O~RwWO~i ~AEIR~NSE(~LToOGN} ~li6e9:ie47Mw~dil:nr~Agpf~iii~miiV.s i!!r3Oae4mx~te;i~!i;Wtha:e~n~u~!Jt~aol ! ~- ~ ATTORNEY: 1975. The minimum acceptable PUBLIC WATERS ?room, garaqe, Merrill Wallace Seattle, wasnington, March 24, TO APPROPRIATE ] ~.¢/~*27'~°rt" Rent-ol~ 304 Med-Oent. Bldg.Bremerton, Wash. 98310 ~)od-P:sr- fi rMg - , $3.board70; feetwesterniS: STATEDEPARTMENTOF WASHINGTON,oF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: a;propriate public waters, subject 0.04 cubic feet per second. I~/ ., •_ I . • . 373-1473 _ That L KENNETH ADLEY to existing rights, from Mason continuously each year, for group never used any Diner, and i trust 1 U~niAsCHELOR 2/20-27-3/6-134t hemlock and other coniferous TAKE NOTICE: . . ource..o species, $2.70; Pacific silver fir, That DONALD W. KILIAN OT Ot Shelton," Washington on JuneLake, tributary of Sherwood domestic supply. The s f never shall. Thomas Paine ._ necl, Holiday ~ $2.70; western redcedar, $2.78.Bremerton, Washinaton on June month. Pho The road amortization allowance5, 1974 under App}'ication No. S I" ........................................................ "~ on this sale is $14.82 per M board 2-23399 filed for permit to NOTICE OF APPLICATION feet for all above species, and may appropriate public waters, subject | • • • | ~,.,_ edecorated TO APPROPRIATE be adjustedpursuanttotheterms to existingrights, from Tiger Lake i Write yo, ,r own clas af,ed adl i "town• Garba,,e PUBLIC WATERS of the timber sale contract, in the arr~ount of 0.02 cu-bic feet ,^Cable furnish~'STATE OF WASHINGTON, Additional deposit recluired for per second, continuously each 'u'Z/20 .... DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY slash disposal-is $7.4'8 per M year, for domestic supply. The TAKE NOTICE: OUSeon~ That DOROTHY GREEN of board feet for all above species, ln source of the proposed I . | ~s $75za(~e~)ols~~- Union, Washinqton on October 3, addition there is within the sale appropriation is located within | Just fill in this easy-to-use order form and then mail to the Shelton-Mason | n • 1974 under Application No. S area an estimated 389 acres of all Government Lot 5 of Section 5,I | 2-23230 filed for permit logs subject to per-acre Township 23 N. Range 1 W I County Journal, Box 430, Shelton, Washington 98584. I QSPOnsl~.,_ _ .appropriate public waters, subject pr,c,ng which will be paid for a~ W.M., in Mason County. . | | t ished, to ex sting rights, from an$169.24 per acre. All of the Protests or objections to I Alaska yellow cedar determined approval of this application must I P ervtrn m°n÷UUl~les",. ~-all tributaryUnnamedofstreamHood Canaland inSpr!ngme pursuant to publ c hearings to be include a detailed statement of I JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ORDER i amount of 0.01 cubic feet per surplus to needs of domestic users the basis for objections; protests and Processors and Included must be accompanied by a two | ~ Services ~_J Want To Rent | 'We "- second continuously each year, Timber not meeting Utilization dollar ($2.00)recording fee and i~-Uedroom for domestic supply. The source Standards, s exempted from filed with the Depar(ment of ! D For Sale D Pets, Livestock I---1 Personals [~ Work Wanted D For Rent I ~'_' CarDet. d ..... of the proposed appropriation is Timber Export and SubstitutionsEcology, Southwest Regional I Cars Used D Snorting Goods [~ Instruction ~-] Business Opportunities [~] Real Estate Wanted I ~s, no Pets "~ I ocat.ed within. Lot 1_7 of Pwan~rs~a Restrictions. Bidders are advised Office, Olympia, WA. ~8504 " ueacn or :>ection 2b, /O P that violations of the Timber within thirty (30)days from J 1~ Wanted D Mobile Homel ~ Help Wanted D Lost&Found I---]Real Estate I ~,. ~ 22 N., Range 2WW.M., in MasonExport and Substitution February27, 1975. " Apts. C°U~trY'tests or objections to Restrictions constitute breach of 2/20-27-2t | | contract and may result in | ~ff.._ approval of this application must contract cancellation, refusal to I Name__~~--~ Date _~__ , 197--- ~,-teen St, include a detailed statement of award other timber sales to the i Dt. ;~ or the basis for objections; protests violator, and/or debarment or SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION | A Phone | ;'1916 must be accompanied bYreea twosuspension from bidding on NO. 12202 I ddress ~ ~ I - 7"-- dollar ($2.00) recorDing and i "~.~....~ltfn filed with the Department of tuture timber sales. If requested THE SUPERIOR COURT OF i ~_~ ~ Ecology, Southwest Regional by the State of Washington, or by WASHINGTON FOR MASON I =_ | • --- ~ Office, OIvmpia, WA. 98504 Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, COUNTY I ONE " I WORD I IN I EACH ~ 1 SPACE | VIEW within thir,y (30)days from °r by any person deemed tO haveIN RE THE MARRIAGE'OF i ~ ~ i a reasonable interest in the JAMES G. MAGNUS, Petitioner, February 27, 1975. ~_ -- " " 2/20-27-2t proposed sale, or in its terms, a and KAREN L. MAGNUS, . ~11~. public hearing will be held in the Respondent. ---- -- --i.ew u¢ office of the Forest Supervisor, ,THE STATE O F I ~ I I ~ I ~J,.~.__., NOTICE OF APPLICATION Federal Building, Olympia, WASHINGTON TO THE SAID ---qr4F,,qr, r~ TO APPcROPRIFARTsE Washington, on the 14th day of K AREN L. M AGN US,I ~ --~-~~~~~ I March 1975 at 2:00 PM local Respondent: .. SDTpAATREP:MOBE~cNTWoAFSI_I~ time. Requests for public hearingreceived in the office of the YOU ARE HEREBY| I I I ~" Unfurnished oGLTo will not be considered unless SUMMONED TO APPEAR within sixty (60)days after the date of | W-- ~o" Pet~ TAKEThatNOTIDoNALD: W. KILIAN of Forest Supervisor, Federal the first publication of this M~,-- ~ Bremerton, Washington on June Building, Olympia, Washington, Summons, to-wit: within sixty | ~ - | "-"~GER 5 1974 under Application No. Son or before March 6, 1975. The(60) days after the 30th day of ! i 2'.23398 filed tor permit to right to reject any and all bids is January, 1975, and defend the appropriate public .waters, subject reserved. Full information above entitled action in the above if,. to existing rignz.s,, from an concerning the timber, the entitled Court, and answer the -~.~ unnamed stream, ~r,outary of conditions of sale and submission Petition of the Petitioner, and I I --~ Dewatto Bay in the amount of of bids should be obtained fromserve a copy of the answer upon 0"02 cubic feet per sec°nd' the District Ranger' Shelt°n the undersigned Att°rney at his |I ~~ 2~~~~.~0 ; ~.._ continuously each year, forgroup Ranger District, Shelton, address below stated; and in case | | -"~ domestic supply. The source ofWashington, or the Forest of your failure so to do, iudgment |¢ the proposed appropriation is Supervisor, Federal Building, will be rendered against You "° located within Government Lot 4 Olympia, Washington. Dated according to the demands of the ~ °f Secti°n 28' T°wnship 23 N" February 13' 1975' Wynne M" Petiti°n' which has been filedI I I I Range 3 W. W.M•, in Mason Maule, Forest Supervisor, with the Clerk of said Court. ~~ County. . Olympic National Forest. That the Petitioner is | ~ ~ 2.90 3.O0 ! ION Protests or objections to 2/20-27-3/6-13-4tpetitioning the Court for a Decree | , approval of thi~laPpls~Ca~teiOn must of Dissolution on grounds that I ,'r,~. include a deta'ed ent of the marriage is irretrievably | • | ; ~,~J~.~, the basis for objections; protests broken. I Enclose check or money order for correct amount. The minimum charge is I "J~Y must be accompanied by a two NOTICE OF ELECTION /s/JOHN C. RAGAN r, .- dollar ($2.00)recording fee and The Administrators, including JOHN C. RAGAN I $1.50 for the first 15 words. Additional words are 10 cents apiece- the I M~'~,P.. filed with the Department of all Principals and Vice-Principals Attorney for Petitioner o. ~,?/ Ecology, SOuthwest Regional of Shelton Public School District JOHN C RAGAN ......... I I r~laj Office, Olympia, WA. 98504No. 309 having filed with the Attorney I amount for the total ad is printed below each additional space. I >~=.,~ within thirty (30) days from Board of Directors of the District Shelton, Washington 98584 ;~.