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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 20, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 20, 1975
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,i! " LE BULLDOG basketball fan, Melinda Schoene, it until she was in high school to be a cheerleader. game on Feb. ] 1, she helped lead the cheers o a Bulldog victory against Charles Wright. BONDED LICENSED INSURED = JESFIELD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING • BUILDING CONCRETE WORK = li - Wash. Jim Jesfield - Do you think we really need a plumber? PLUMBING REPAIR SPECIALIST • Remodel • New Construction 24 HOUR EMERGENC Y SER VICE Hill's Plumbing SERVING THE AREA SINCE 1968 rE CERTIFICATION #A3195 KOTE & Stick tin Finish & .E SEEDs STOCK North Mason High :hool News By BARB VAN BUSKIRK Congratulations to Barbara Chambers, voted by the Girls Club as Girl of the Month for February, as Most School Spirit. Barb has been active with spirit all four years, having been a cheerleader for two. She will be among nine girls (of the months) who will compete for Girl of the Year, which will be announced at the Mother-Daughter Tea in May. She has joined Cathy Johansen, cutest; Karen Schillinger, most athletic; Barb Van Buskirk, most likely to succeed; and Cheri Yoest, best dressed. Reminder: To all of you who wish to purchase one of the best books you will ever read, get into the office today and either put $5 down or pay the full $10 for an annual, because after 12:20 on Friday no more orders will be accepted. A group of about I 1 students and Humanities teacher Bill Hawkins took an all-day field trip Feb. l 1. The first scheduled stop was at Providence Heights for an interesting two-hour seminar in the arts. A panel of six speakers spoke on the place of the arts in King County and the surrounding area. After a stop for the hungrier members of the group to shovel down some food, the school van headed towards Bellevue for a stop at the Crockery Shed for an explanation of various techniques used when making pottery. The Burien Art Gallery was the next stop on the agenda for the travelers. A converted house, the art gallery held many artifacts which captivated the interest of the students. With a little free time on their hands the students were given permission to divide into smaller groups and explore the University of Washington campus while awaiting the hour of 7 p.m., at which time the play the students were to see would begin. The play by Henrik Ibsen was a domestic drama which "plumbs the question of life-lie-vs-happiness." The "Wild Duck" was presented by University drama students at the Showboat Theatre. Vernon Dietrich, a Baptist missionary from Bangkok, Thailand, visited Mr. Pete Merrill's current world problems class on Feb. 10. He told of his stay in Thailand, mainly about the people, their culture and his life there. Specifically, he mentioned the large Chinese population there and how they dominated the area. They run the businesses, trade, etc. Recently, the Thailand government had an overthrow and the northern part is in serious danger of communists taking over from the bordering country of Laos. Also visiting the same day was Ms. Mildred Lovgren, who has spent her entire life in the Orient. Born to a missionary and his wife in China, she left some years later and now serves in Hang Kong. Her father has been imprisoned by communists for five years and she was fortunate to be one of the last few people out before they started forbidding people to go away. She is stationed at a mission school where she teaches the Bible to children. One fact that she mentioned which many Belfairites who take lots of space for granted may be interested in: in Hang Kong, there are over 4,000,000 people per 40 square miles. Mr. Pete Merrill, director of the faculty play for this year, says, "The pace will be picking up," in regard to rehearsals for "M*A*S*H." They still have one month to go. Notice: Seniors who did not get around to ordering their caps and gowns might now want to do so, or end up wearing their birthday suit to the ceremony. For information, talk to Mr. Merrill immediately. Also, seven semester grades have been averaged and from this grade point and class rank are available in the office to all seniors. The class average for the Class of 1975 is 2.329. The top ten have also been determined. They are: l. Marjorie Cataldo; 2. Lisa Kronquist; 3. Marilyn Davis; 4. Barb Van Buskirk; 5. Ken Scott; 6. Dave Turner; 7. Jan Mottner; 8. Bob Blevins; 9. Alene Becket; 10. Steve Marker. Break-ins reported in North Mason area A lady's coat and a gun were among items reported missing after a break-in of the Old Belfair Highway residence of Cathy Cross, reported Feb. 10 to the sheriff's office. Two cabins in Alderwood Villa on South Shore have been broken into. Sheriff's deputies have been unable to learn the names of the owners so that they can be notified. On Feb. l 0 the sheriff's department received a call that a prowler was inside Beifair Community Baptist Church. There was evidence that someone had entered but the trespasser was gone when a deputy arrived. Of two evils Of two evils, the less is always to be chosen. Thomas A Kempis LOOK AT THE 2x4 8' Stud. Grade ............... Ea 69 2x6, KD Util. Decking ......... M 2x3 10' Util. & Btr. .......... ii.. Ea. 69 & UP 6-1/2x15 Insulation 50 Sq. Ft., reg. $11.15 ..................... NOW $I 4x8-1/2" Shop T1-11 ................ 3/8 T1-11 Shop ...................... s4's 3V2# DBL. BIT Reg. $13.29 NOW $10.50 20% OFF WEATHER STRIPPING & HEAT TAPES Everything you need to PHONE: CR 5-2090 USE YOUR CREDIT CARDS BELFAIR, WASH. Hours: Man. - Fri. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- Sun. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 0000oqll~m*O 0,1~n~, o 0009a=~ 00 By Leo & Margaret Livingston -- CR 5-6421 ~91B~ 41JlP ,,a~ ,1tomb ~wmw ,q~n~ ~l~l~ 41ml~ We squeaked by another winter season without the high flood tides coming knocking at our door. And to make us feel even better, we just received a letter from Dr. R. J. Stewart, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Washington• Dr. Stewart tells us that the shorelands of Hood Canal are not slowly sinking, despite the sinkipg feeling we sometimes have when the mid-winter tides come surging over our bulkhead. Geologic surveys, the latest only last summer, have established that the Olympic Mountains are rising, probably on a scale of a few inches in thousands of years. Hood Canal was not formed by submerging land. Rather it was scoured out by a series of glaciers that pushed through these parts during the Pleistocene times starting about 40,000 years ago. The last big glacier may have pushed through Belfair from 10,000 to 13,000 years ago. All the nice gravel we have around here was dumped here by the glaciers. The Vashon glacier, which pushed down through here about 18,000 years ago and stayed for awhile, is thought to have dug Hood Canal. The ice finally all melted around 11,000 years ago. The sea level dropped to around its present location around 10,000 years ago. A likely story! Just call us if you want to have five recipes for cooking 'possums. The slow-moving opossum was introduced in the Northwest some years ago and may soon be seen lurching down the North Shore. Opossums kept a number of Americans from starving during the last big depression in the 1930's. Tex and Margaret Whitchurch have recently returned from White Deer, Texas, where they attended the funeral of Margaret's mother, Mrs. Belle Skivinksi, 88. She is survived by her husband and six daughters, five of whom live in Texas, Margaret being the only one in a far place. A birthday celebration for David Crosswhite, Belfair, was held at the home of his daughter, Dorothy (Mrs. James) Griffey, • .mmmbo.qm~-imm*.lumt-.,tmBP,lID.,gml~,gn~-; . Sunday in Allyn. Family, old friends and neighbors assembled for the party. One daughter, Wava Yarey, came from Pleasanton, California. Garland and Dean Crosswhite from Belfair helped out. Another daughter, Marie, was in Palm Springs and unable to make it. This year's party is a pleasant change from last year's, when David was in a rest home and unable to walk. As a matter of fact, he doesn't even remember it. He seems to have crossed that magic line and, this year, is a year younger. David's birthday is actually on the 19th but he got the jump on. George W. by one day, George having his celebration on the 17th. Happy birthday! Frances P. Chaffee, 54, of Allyn, died Feb. 9 at Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton following a lengthy illness. She was born Oct. 10, 1920 in Lone Elm, Kansas, and came to Allyn three years ago from California• Mrs. Chaffee was a member of the Methodist Church in Colony, Kansas• Survivors include one son, Donald M. Chaffee Jr., U.S. Navy; four daughters, Mrs. Edith J. Bruno, Palmdale, Calif., Mrs. Linda A. Young, Napa, Calif., Mrs. Donna Mitchell, Barstow, Calif., and Mrs. Frances E. Wasson, San Diego, Calif.; one brother, James N. McCoy, Austin, Tex.; one sister, Mrs. Orvetta Smith, Allyn; six grandchildren and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services were held Feb. I 1 at Miller-Woodlawn Funeral Home with burial in Miller-Woodlawn Memorial Park following. The family suggests memorials be made to the American Cancer Society• Bremerton Cycle, Inc. We must make room for o now shipment of '75 YAMAHA bikes coming In this weekl! FANTASTIC SAVINGS On remaining '73 and '74 Bikes EXAMPLEt '74 YAMAHA 250 YZ Regular S1729 Sale Price SAVE UP TO I I Im Similar sevlaF N all '73 end '74 bikes in steckl Many Used Bikes to Choose Fram. SAVE SAVE $$$ $$$ NOW SAL=S NOW SHOP INC. NAVY YARD HIGHWAY 377-3341 As individual as you are! Touch-up spray cologne and perfume by Prince Matchabelli $8.25 value for only e iF 9-7Weekdays 9-8Friday 10-4Sunday 275-6161 Walter Baker of Allyn d Walter M. Baker, 70, of Allyn, died Feb. 13 at Harrison Memorial Hospital in Bremerton. He was born July 16, 1904; in Omaha, Neb. He came here 12 years ago from Van Nuys, Calif., where he had been an electronics engineer. He retired in 1962. At the time of his death, he and his wife owned and operated the Baker Art Studio at their residence. Surviving is his wife, Dorothy J., of the family home. Lincoln Day Dinner F riday, F eb. 21 Elks Lodge, Shelton 5:30 Social Hour 6:30 Dinner Tickets $6.50 at door Mason Co. Republicans Private arrangements were under the direction of Miller-Woodlawn Funeral Home. Memorials may be made to the Allyn Aid Car Fund. Fire District 5, Allyn. • i i i CHRIST LUTHERAN Church at Belfair Service of Worship & Sunday School I0 A.M. COME AS YOU ARE Lower Elementary School Gym Nursery Provided CR 5-3354 24 Hour Light & Heavy Towing $ervice Autos - Trucks - Buses Body Repair- Painting-Frame Work 3 Wreckers to Service You 275-2861 ALLYN 426-1731 SHELTON I I Tires, Minor Repairs, Lubes Open Monday thru Friday 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. BUCK'S TOWING BELFAIR TEXACO Buck and Minda Church CR 5-2077 EVERYTHING IN ONE BEAUTIFUL PLACE • Funeral Home •-C-hapel • Mausoleum • Crematory . 5505 Kitsap Way ES7-7648 i i Ul ii ii11 ill Bremerton, Wa. I Builders & South Park PRO MART B Grade Birch Very Slight Imperfections 4x4 Select CEDAR (Ce, ,.,., 33' % x6 Select REDW00D-6' ..... .o. 72' SANDED POPS .... .., 5" ¢ Sx5 Decorator ...... 29" TUB KITS Armstrong Inlaid VINYL .......... yd. 2" 4x4 Decorator $ Each Interior Mahogany EACH IO0 6 p..o,.s 12xl 2 Self-Stick Armstrong FLOOR TILE ... ¢ 4x$ Royal Tile SECONDS Bathroom & Kitchen Walls I $ 96 6' Split Grape Stakes 4' to Bundle .............................. Match Patterns with our new WALLPAPER WALL DISPLAY. I Free wallpaper paste on all orders placed during February. I Bethel Highway South Park HOME CENTER MNdey-Friday 8-6 -- Saturday 8-5 -- Sunday 94 -- Seutlq~rk aesed Sooda¥ February 20, 1975 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3