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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 20, 2020     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 20, 2020
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Feb. 20, 220 H '}.~ Thursday, Feb. 20, 2020 — Shelton-Mason County Journal — Page A-21 BELFAIR ERALD ? serving the communities of Belfair, Allyn, Grapeview, Tahuya, Mason Lake, South Shore and Victor County moves to update Belfair sewer plan System continues be danger failing meet financial obligations SyMichael Heinbach michae/@masoncounty. com County officials a step toward improving the financial out- of the much-maligned Belfair sewer system during the Board of Mason County Commissioners regu- lar business meeting Tuesday mem- ing in Shelton. During the meeting, the board au- thorized Mason County Public Works Director Loretta Swanson to amend the county’s contract agreement with a' Redmond-based consulting firm to Morning stroll A hiker walks through the fog Monday morning on the Theler Wetlands Trail in Belfair. Herald photo by Gordon Weeks EL LICENSING 30W Us N ORTH Visit North Mason Chamber, Belfair Licensing, update financial analysis of the Bel- fair sewer. Mason County entered into a con— tract in April 2018 with Financial Consulting Solutions Group Inc. to research solutions to keep the sew— er system from failing to meet its financial obligations. The office of Washington Auditor Pat McCarthy continues to warn the county via an- nual audits of the Belfair sewer that the system is in dire need of financial help. That help might be on the way as the commisioners in the past few weeks have pushed plans forward toward expansion, allowing for addi- tional hookups to the system to gen— erate more income. During its Feb. 10 business meeting, the BOCC ap- proved Public Works to request pro- posals for the Belfair Urban Growth Join the Nerth Mason Chamber'and your first \ Chamber Businesses Lunch is on us! Th-at's.just one of the many perks of membership. Give Stephanie Rowland a call today and- tind out how we can help your business grow 360.275.4267 -and Visitor Information Center in Belfair 360.275.4267 www.explorehoodca MASON, VISITOR CENTER Area’s Planned Environmental Im- ' pact Statement. A completed EIS would make the Belfair UGA more attractive to potential developers for commercial or residential construc~ tion within the UGA. The BOCC sees potential expan- sion of the sewer system into the northeast portion of the Belfair Ur- ban Growth Area. That would allow for more hookups to the sewer system and generate increased revenue. FCS GROUP'is looking into ex- tending the sewer system to the Puget Sound Industrial Center in the City of Bremerton just across the Kitsap County border. That has the potential to quickly add an influx of additional hookups and income. The amended contract with FCS GROUP calls for update of the finan- cial analysis of the sewer system to LOOKING FOR A FREE LUNCH? include potential expansion within the Belfair UGA, increases the cost by $8,200 to $72,200 and extends the deadline to complete the financial analysis to Sept. 30. The Belfair sewer system was de- signed to handle 125,000 gallons of flow per day, with a potential to in- crease to 500,000 gallons daily. Cur- rently, the system processes about 65,000 gallons per day with about 200 connections to the system. Population growth failed to meet projections during the design stage of the sewer system following the 2008’ recession, which has kept the system from generating enough revenue to properly maintain it. The county has used state funds and shified money within the Mason County budget to ' keep the sewer system financially sol— vent. 2019