February 21, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Percy M Pio
6017 S.E. 86th kve
portland, Ore
Festival Queen candid-
Mary M. Knight and
men high schools Were
t week by their student-
by the Mary M. Knight
Ls Virginia Hollatz, 17,
of Mr. and Mrs. Franc i:
Rt. 1. Elms.
as been a yell leader, a ::il
of the girl's basketball
a nas held numerous stu-
Y offices.
ior, she plans to attend
arbor Junior College and
dness course after grad.-
;d by the North Mason
as their representative in
selection was Marilyn
of Joseph Mills,
a cheer leader, a member
society and GAA.
The City
City Commission
until next week on
of the school district
the area on which
is courts next to Loop
the commission.
said they would
Zmprovements in the
but, did not fee
spending school
land Which the district
Frank Travis Jr., said
like to holO the matter
get a chance
on the
property. He said
WOuld welcome
the public and any-
c . express an opin-
ontact city hall.
layed until next week
request from the
Chli(st, Scientist,
o their build-
D. Deer told
he Would like a
the Plans and the
building would be
potential fire haz-
of the
voted to es-
not lending or
equipment. The
after receiving
tity Attorney
ne city was on
tgr°unds in renting
of Cooke's
be done
from the al-
s property and
Byrne recom-
Study the
a sys-
for any-
on city right-of:
Band Appears
Here Today
Central Wash-
on the
in the gym-
final day of
Centralia, Che-
areas before
they will go to
with a
Shelton, is a
;avings Bond
were $46,-
A. Carlson,
were $6,570,757.
Bill Smith
Set rted As
Paa ' Bunyon
Bill Smith was selected by the
Irene S. Reed high school student
body last" week as Paul Bunyan
for the 1963 Forest Festival•
The 17-year-old youth, at a hus-
ky 6'2" and 203 pounds has been
a stalwart on the Highclimber
football and basketball squads,
playing as quarterback on the
football squad and center on the
basketball squad. He also plays
on the baseball team.
He lives in the Skokomish Val-
ley with his mother, Mrs. Danile
Cush, four brothers and one sister.
Bill plans a teaching and coa-
ching career and hopes to enter
Western Washington State Col-
lege this fall.
Former Shellon
Woman Shooting
iolim In Aberdeen
A former Shelton woman, Mrs.
Jean Zillyette, about 50 was the
victim of a murder-suicide shoot-
ing in Aberdeen Friday.
The woman, known here as Jean
Moen, was shot by her husband,
Kenneth Zillyette 46 early Fri-
day morning. He 'then turned the
.22 caliber rifle on himself, Ab-
erdeen p, olice said.
The shooting climaxed an arg-
ument between the couple during
the evening over disciplining" the
five children, all Zillyette*s by a
previous marriage.
Headquarter Here
International. a world l attraction for
't- ?oct I 15 years, but foreignthis willf°resterSbring an-
a., • in other type of businessman, the
Arcle, Hal trader."
announc- , Simpson,s international opera-
uons were reorganized last year
of the under McClary, who has a broaa
Which background in production and
the Strop- sales. The group this week corn-
is full pleted its organization with the
qmporter that transfer of three men from Seat-
forest pro- tle. They are Lantz Warrick. ex-
in the port division manager, and Rudy
me. it will ira- Langer and Gordon Creasey, ex-
sale not port traders. Creasey returns to
Shelton after mx years in Min-
.neapolis and Seattle. Ken bailey,
mlport division manager, transfer-
red here eerier from Seattle.
MCCLARy ALSO announcea
onPPYWorkingt° bCcir.lO, that Marcel Alhloch of Shelton
most important, has been pt'omoted from .ssistant
forest products id ration scheduler at tl, e Saw-
ntry,,, said Me- , o a new job in Simpson In-
e Working. tn i, ternational involving, traffic con-
ma rke " .... "
t. _ t.s for local trol.
particularly,, To make room for Simpson In-
SimPSon - tel'national, Simpson's plant en-
gineering staff recently moved to
newly-remodeled quarters in the
building formerly occupied b3 e-
attic-First National Bank's "Shel-
ton Branch.
Import Quotas
On Lumber
Are Denied
The U.S. Tariff Commission last
week rejected the pleas of the
lumber industry for more restric-
tions on Canadian Lumber im-
In its report to President John
F. Kennedy after a seven-month
study of conditions in the soft-
wood lumber industry, the com-
mission said the increase in Ca-
nadian imports were not caused in
major part by past tariff conces-
Without a recommendation for
action by the commission the
President may not apply any res-
trictions on Canadian lumber im-
for an increase of $1 to $6 per
thousand board feet in tariff
boosts and a quota of 6.5 per cent
of U.S. softwood lumber consump-
tion on Canadian imports.
"We are not unduly surprised,"
said G. C. Edgett, executive vice
president of West Coast Lumber-
men's Association. when informed
of the ruling.
Under terms of the Trade Ex-
pansion Act of 1962, said Edgett,
the lumber industry had to prove
that previous tariff concessions
were a major cause of hurt from
lumber imports. This would be
virtually impossible for any indus-
try to do.
resulting from the hearings. He
said that they enabled Congress
and other interested federal agen-
cies to get a much clearer picture
of the extent of harm being done
to an American industry from ex-
cessive foreign imports. Last year
Canadian imports reached almost
17 per cent of all domestic soft-
wood consumption in this country,
he said.
"We believe," Edgett stated,
"Congress is sensitive now to in-
dustry problems and will take
necessary steps to correct the
abuses. Several bills are already
in Congress. One would prevent
the use of foreign lumber in FHA
financed homes."
Scout Fund
Drive Is
.Vet Today
The annual fund drive of the
Mason District of the Tumwater
Area Council, Boy Scouts of Amer-
ica, will be conducted today, E.
Warren Moe, finance chairman.
'Men working in the fund drive
will be visiting businesses and
homes today to solicit funds
Heading the business division
will be Ken Fredson. Solicitors in
the business division will be Vince
Himlie, Clint Willour, Sonny Lowe,
Les Young, Dick Belling, John
Cole, Bud Pauley, Dr. Lynn
White, Robert Snyder, Sel Van-
derWegen, Del Cole, Buck Mackey,
Guy Beckwith. Bill Batstone, Bill
Johnsson, Joe Chambertin, T. V.
Dunning, Frank Travis, Gene
White and Dick Gardner.
Acting as neigbborhood division
leaders for the home solicitations
will be Lloyd Van Blaricom, By-
ron McClanahan, William Schirm-
er, Kurt Mann, Roy Dunn. Larry
Godwin and Mmwin Wingard.
The drive has a goal of $2,000
for service to the 600 boys in
Scouting in Mason County. These
boys are members of the five cub
packs, seven scout troops and
three explorer posts in the county.
Funds will be used for Scouting
activities including training, camp-
ing facilities, activities programs,
program ideas ann materials,
badges and awards Ior advance-
ment and new units.
Mrs. Hansen Has
Bill To Require U,S.
Lumber In FHA Homes
Congresswoman Julia :BUtler
Hansen has introduced another
bill designed to help the lumber
economy of Southwest Washing.
ton. t The latest bill would require
all lumber used in housing Whose
mortgages are guaranteed by the
Federal Housing Administration
to be produced in the United
Mrs. Hansen pointed out that
during 1962 a total of 260 885
housing units was financed
through Federal Housing Admin-
istration guaranteed loans. She
pointed out that this was 18 per-
cent of the total housing Starts
and through passage of her bill,
a new market for Northwest-pro.
duced lumber could be created.
"Residential construction now
takes about 40 percent of the
total amount of lumber consumed
in the United States today." Con-
gresswoman Hansen. said. "Thus
about 7 percent of total lumber
consumed in the United States
goes into housing, wiUl mort-sages
guaranteed by FHA. With annual
consumption of softwood hunber
approa_.hing 31 billion feet a lit-
tle over 2 billion feel per year
would be affected by the bill.;'
Old Logger List
Gels Longer'
More nanles were added to tile
list of old loggers in Mason Court.
ty this week as the Forest Festi-
val continued its search for names.
Added to the list this week were
Albert Frank, 83: W. G. Borden.
93, Roy Nason Sr., 74 and Harry
The Forest Festival Association
plans to honor old loggers at its
annual event in May,
77TH YEAR--NO. 8 Published in "ChristmastowlL U.S.A." Shelton, Washington 10 Cents per Copy
Thursday, February 21, 1963 uEnteredAa s3OndaClcat{sssmatt.atthteliPlSt OffwieCeekla ) SheltffI, Wwas:inota n, 16 Pages 2 Sections
Three,'Killed, Three injurecl In-T00WO
Car Accident On Highway 14A Sunday
mhlee persons ale dead and
Robert Watters
Is Killed. in
Woods Accident
Robert W. Wetters, 35, Matlock,
a Simpson Timber Company log-
ger, died about 4 p.m. Monday in
Shelton General Hospital from a
head injury suffered shm'tly be-
fore m a logging accident.
Wetters. a powersaw operator,
was felling timber near the SOUth
Fork of the Skokomish river when
hc was struck on the top of the l
head by an unknown object• He
was rushed to the hospital but
died without regaining conscious-
Company, union and state safe-
ty officials are conducting an in-
vestigation of the accident.
Mr. Waiters was born in Ma-
lone March 15. 1927. He served
three years in the Merchant Ma-
rine. He had worked for Simpson
off and on since 1947 on the .rail-
road. sawmills and as a logger.
Survivors include his wife.
Frances: two sons. Robert and
Larry; his mother. Mrs. Julia
Brown. Shelton: three brothers.
Floyd and Jerry, Shelf on ann
Dewey, Forks. and two sisters.
Mrs. Lorna Stcrnberg, Shelton.
and Mrs. Janet -Wood. St. Louis.
Funeral services will be at 1
p.m. today in Batstone Funeral
Home with Rev. Eugene Knautz
officiating. Burial will be in Shel-
ton Memorial Park.
New Building At
N. hi. &hod
Gets State OK
By Dennis Shelly
The preliminary approval of
plans for the $30,000 cafeteria-
auditorium building at North Ma-
son were received last Monday by
the school board. Final plans and
specifications are now being
drawn up by an Everett architect,
William Arild Johnson, before the
40 by 80 building will be publi-
cized for bidding on its construc-
tion. About two thirds of the
building's cost will be paid for
by the Federal Housing and Home
fiance Agency which has ah'ea-
dy allotted $18,900 for construc-
tion of new buildings in the school
The school board has also mat-
ched funds from the student body,
approximately $600. for the pre-
liminary construction of tenms
courts. The board has tentative-
ly decided to ask for vohmteer
help from both the school and
DEATH CARS -- These are what remained of
two cars which crashed on Highway 14A North
of Shelton Sunday afternoon. Three persons died
in the accident. Mrs. Nellie Evart, Belfair, was
a passenger in the car on the left, and Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Timrnerman were in th ear on the
City Request For Sewer
Proje c t Aid h Stalled
The application from the city
of Sheltou for $52,500 under the
federal government's Accelerated
Public V¢orks Program has been
suspended from further considera-
tion. the city commission learned
at its meeting Tuesday.
The action was taken because
of lack of funds for projects for
which there was application and
Would be reconsidered again when
more money m available, an offi-
cial of the Housing and Home
Finance Agency Regional office
said in a letter to City Supervisor
Pat Byrne
THE LETTER said that the
application had been found gen-
erally acceptable: but, further
consideration had been suspended
because of problems of program
mana gement.
The letter said the HHFA Re-
Fire District To
Limit Outside Galls
The commissioners of Fire Dist-
rict No. 4 which covers the Ar-
cadia and Little Skookum areas.
said this week they will no longer
be able to answer fire calls from
out of the district.
The action was taken by the
board following several calls for
the fire trucks to locations sev-
eral miles outside the district, in
areas which have no fire district
the community for clearing of the
land. which is approximately 0.7
acres, so that all the funds avail- of their own.
able might be put into the cost
of the materials needed to con- The commissioners said the ac-
tion was necessary because by
struct just two of the four courts taking the fire trucks out of the
Another item or business was district on fire calls, they were
the discussion of the landscaping deprivhlg the taxpayers who were
of the present site of the high
school. There has already been
some grass planted as well as
some assorted shrubbery with the
aid of one Gordon Squire, owner
of a local nursery. In order to
continue with the seeding, some
topsoil was required and approx-
imately three large truck loads
were donated by Tom Davis. an-
other local resident, with some
gional office had on file previous-
ly filed application from other
communities for projects of equal
merit and that when more funds
were available, the Shelton appli-
cation would be considered again.
The city, early in January, sub-
mitred an application for the mo-
ney after Shelton and Mason
Comity were declared eligible un-
der the Accelerated'1hlic Works
The money would have been
used to construct a new sewer line
to eliminate the Imhoff Tank
which now serves part of the
Hillcrest area and for repairs to
the sewer System in the down-
town area.
supporting the district of the pro-
tection they are paying for dur-
ing the time when the trucks are
absent• Another factor was the
cost to the district to fight a fire
in a non-district area and for
which there was no way of col-
The action does not affect mu-
tual aid agreements with other
fire districts, the commissioners
Area To Observe
Was/00ington ".s
Birthday FrMay
Most Shelton business places,
county, city, state and federal gov-
ernment offices and schools will
bc closed Friday in observance of
Washington's birthday.
Grocery stores will be open, but,
other businesses which ordinarily
close for holidays will be closed,
with no rural or city delivery. Mail
will arrive at. and be sent out,
from the Post Office and will be
distributed to Post Office boxes.
The Journal office will be
Sell Forest
Festival Cards
A new approach to financing
the Mason County Forest Festival,
featuring competition between a
dozen County organizations, is
getting under way this week.
The Shelton Rotary Club. un-
der the chairmanship of Einar O1-
see. has assumed this important
Forest Festival activity.
The Forest Festival expects to
gain broader Comnmnity support
of the event through the mem-
bership card sale. Last year the
button sales brought in only $1500.
"For the next several months
handsome membership cards v¢ill
be sold throughout the county by
various organizations," said O1-
see. "At Festival time they may
be turned in for the traditions'.
The tickets cost $1 for adults,
20¢ for children.
Plaques will be awarded to the
top-selling organizations in three
categories: service clubs, granges
and fraternal groups. The win-
ners will be on the basis of the
number of tickets sold per active
Assisting Olsoe are Stan John-
son. Vince Himlie, Arnold Fox
and Bud Lyon.
Receipts from the Harstine Is-
three others in Shelton General
Hospital recovering from injuries
suffered in s two-car accident
about 10 miles north of Shelter/
on Highway 14A about 3 p.m.
Dead are Mrs. Nellie Evart. 40,
Beifair eter Timmerman. 35, and
bi. wife Mary, 36, Shelton.
Jne o, the survivors. Herbert
Loop, 22, Bremerton. was reported
still in critical condition by Hos-
pital authorities Wednesday morn-
REPORTED in improved condi-
tion "Wednesday morning were
Vickie Massagali, 11, daughter ot
Mrs. Timmerman and Herbert
Willie'ms, 29. Bremerton.
The accident happened about 3
p.m, the State Patrol said. Tim-
merman, going north, had just
completed a left turn and went ov-
er the oenter line into the path o
the southbound car driven by
Loop. The two vehicles collided
almost head-on.
Passengers in the Timmerman
car were Mrs. Timmerman and
Miss Massagli. Passengers in the
Loop car were Williams and Mrs.
Funeral serwces for Mr. and
Mrs. Timmerman will be in Eur-
eka, Calif.. at the Pierce Mort-
Funeral services for Mrs. Evart
will be in Sunnyside.
Mr. Timmerman was born Nov.
28, 1927 in Nyssa, Ore. He was
employed by the Simpson Timber
S'URVIVORS include his par-
ets, Mr. and Mrs. John Tiramer-
man. Nyssa Ore.: two brothers,
Gerrit, Nyssa. and John, Portland;
a :,,m. Steven, Portland. and two
daughters, Deborah and Denise,
Mrs. Mary Timmerlnan Was
born Sept. 26. 1926 in Lucca, Italy.
Survivors include two daugh-
ters, Linda Marie Massagli, Eur-
eka, and Vicki Lynn. Shelton; oe
son Victor Massagli, Eureka. Cal-
ifornia, her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Vittoria Massagli and one sis-
re{" in Italy and one brother, Jos
eph Massagli. Eureka. Calif.
8a©k To Work
One hundred Simpson Timber
Company plywood employees at
Shelton and Olympia resumed
work Monday. Feb. 18 follow.ing
a several week shutdown.
Capital Plant. Olympia. resumed
work at midnight Sunday follow-
ing" a three week shutdown.
Olympic Plywood. Shelton, re-
called its second shift peeling op-
erations, which were curtailed sev-
en months ago, and the third shift
layup crew, which has been shut
down the past two weeks.
"Tile Capital shutdown and
Olympic tayup crew shutdowns
were caused by the recent freez-
ing' weather, which hampered ve-
neer sources for both mills." said
Dave Carstairs. production man-
the Retail Merchant's Committee land Ferry for the week ending ager, Shelton. "Soft market con-
Feb. 16 were $190, the Mason ditions also contributed to the cur-
of the Chamber of Commerce said.
Schools in the city and county County Engineer's office reported, tailments."
will be closed in observance of 6 #@rstifle
the day, a national holiday.
The Post Office will observe its
• .'egular holiday mail schedule,
Bridge Bond, Timber Bill
Support for the Harstine Bridge trade conmmnity in 1958 and the
A building permit was approv- I
ed for Clifford Combs for a gar-
age with an estimated cost of
$500 by tile Mason County Corn-
aid by some of the students, said. missioners Monday.
Port of High School Moves To New Building !
the new location. Here, a box of equipment is
unloaded in one of the science rooms by school
personnel who assisted with tbe move, Almost
all of the moving was completed Saturday and
Glasses started in the new building Monday.
MOVING DAY -- It was moving day for a
number of departments from Irene S. Reed
high school Saturday when they moved to new
quarters in the recently-completed addition to
Grant C, Angle school building. The school of-
fires, library and science €lassc= were moved to
bonds in the March 12 election and
for a bill before the state legisla-
ture on assessment of timber land
were urged a the Shetton Cham-
ber of Commerce monthly mem-
bership meeting last Thursday
Barrie Stroud, chairnmn of the
chamber committee asked to study
the Bridge Bond issue and make
recommendations, said that after
leviewinK the proposal, the com-
mittee recommended the Chamber
support it.
Chamber President John K. Ben-
nett repo;ted the bill now in the
legislature would legalize the as-
sessm"s handbook now in use. Tiffs
a compromise measure to .vIIaL
was originally proposed.
HE ASKED the Cllamber mem-
bers pass a Pesolution supporting
the measure, The resolution was
passed without a dissenting vote.
Bouquets of roses were present-
ed to Mrs. Joy Grytness who re-
cently was awarded a Carnegie
Hero Award Medal and to Irene
Emsley, winner of the Forest Fes-
tival Button Design Contest. Bou
xere guests of tile Chamber at
I he meeting.
"As long as French President
Cl;arles DeGaule is around. Britain
will never ge- into the Em)pean
Common Market." John B. Killian,
of Grays Harbor College, Aber-
deen, told the chamber members.
Killian discussed file history of
the ]uropean Economic group and
recent developments.
He said the six-nation trade and
political alliance had its start un-
der U. S, urging and through the
formation of the atomic commun-
ity the same year.
THE GIOUP under these agree-
ments began lowering talff bar-
riers and removing quota restric-
tions for exports and imports be-
tween themseL es,
Success has been heyond the
highest expectations of the foun-
ders and tariff reductions and quo-
ta removals are now ahead of
schedule. Killian said.
The areas has been increasing
its annual production at a higher
rate than the United States.
The Trade Expansion Act pas-
sed by the U. S. congress will be
i big "help to this courtry in work-
ing 'out trade a,.'eements 3Vith the
Common Market, Kiilian said. The
act allows the president to work
out trade agreements lowering
tariffs and quotas on imports to
he U. S. This may mean some
painful adjusrment for some de-
mestic industries, Killian said.
TIlE U. S. HAD been prer-
ing Britain to enter thc Common
Market and wilt probably continu
to try o get Britain in although
there is little hope as long as De,
Gane is m powel' in France.
The British had turned doll
oppolttlnitits to join the trade
ccmmmliiy on two prevmus occa-
sions because of objections from
Comnlonwealth members
and izck of complete support from
The U. S. will contirme lo sup-
perL fhe Con]nton Market. Killian
said. Tile Russians have always
opposed the group because it has
been strengthening" Em'ope.
Marshall plan a£ter \\;Vorld "Var II. The Chamber directors at their
Nations inchlded are France, ] regular weekly meeting Friday
West Germany, Italy Betgimn. i morning voted to support the brid-
The Netherlands and Luxomberg. : gc bond issue after reviewing the
The first step was the formahon committees 'eport and a fact sheet
el the steel and coal community put col b: a citizen's committee
in 1952. This was followed by tile I supporting the bridge bcnds.-