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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SETS MARCH 2 WEDDING DATE Miss M a r il yn Gall Jones, daughter of Mrs. Dale W. Jones and Mr. John Charles Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Ar- nold will be wed March 2. All are of Shelton. The engaged couple are graduates of Irene S. Reed high school. Miss Jones attended Mr. Lee&apos;s Beauty school in Seattle and is presently working at Ed- ward's Beauty Salon. Mr. Ar- nold is empZoyed at Enco Service. lOW COST HONE LOANS NEW CONSTRUCTION m REMODELING PURCHASE 6 % On Reducing Balances m No Commission Charges Mason Counly Savings & Loan Association TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING SHELTON SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Christmastown, U.8.A.", Shelton, Washington ' i ANHUAL PAHCAEE BEff$T S,OflEDgLED TUESDAY District Garden butter and syrup, bacon and eggs, coffee and fruit juice will be served continuously from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donation will be $1.25 for ad- ults, 50 cents for children. The public is invited to attend. Sorry to say, Rocky has returned to his home in Davis, Calif., and will be unable to attend the breakfast. ROCKY SYLVESTER, 32, looks as though he might have some pointers for his grandmother, Mrs. Edwin Lovell (left) who is decoration chair- man for the St. David's Episcopa church pan- cake breakfast to be held next Tuesday. Mrs. J. H. Gilliland (right) is chairman of this an- r.ual traditional Shrove Tuesday event which procedes the season of Lent. Pancakes with CASCADE OOUNGIL OF RED CROSS HOLDS FEBRUARY MEETING The February meeting of Cas- cade Council of American Red Cross was held at American Lake hospital with Mason county repre- sented by Marian Johnson. Mrs. NEW-,NUTRITiOUS DELIGHTFULLY DELICIOUS BLENDED Orange AT AMERICAN LAKE Paul \\;¥etch and Emily Babcock. Mrs..&lice Griffith Chief of Die- tetic Service at tile hospital, gave some interesting information and statistics on feeding the approxi- mately 900 patients. Her talk was followed by a tour of the kitchens and general dining rooms. Cascade Council will sponsor the March birthday party at the hos- pital. Each month a party is given for all patients whose birthday oc- cur's in that nlonth. The average is about 75 patients per month. Cake and ice cream is served and each birthday patient is gtven a small individual cake. furnished by Red Cros Gray Ladies. and a birthday card Local contributions this month were prizes for games and 33 do- zen cookies for Anlerican Lake from the VFW Auxiliary. For Ma- dlyan, cookies were sere by Mrs, J. H. Gilli!and. Picketing Home- nlakers Club and the Guys and Gals 4-H Club. who sent scrap- books of cartoons and jokes also. The Madigan recreation director Rachel Knott Guild I Sets Work Parties For Coming Sale The Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild held its 12:30 p.m. Feb. 15 hmcheon meeting at the home of Mrs. Frank Travis, Jr'. with Mrs. Pearl Dutcher as co-hostess. The business meeting was con- ducted by the president. Mrs. Les Sheh, er. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secre- tary, Mrs. Samuel Fritz. Mrs. Rich- ard Brewer gave the treasurer's report. It was voted to allow Mrs. Shel- ver $10 for JOG pins given to three girls, making a total of ten presented by the guild. Mrs. Fritz was reimbursed fo' $4 spent to re-enforce Lhe clothes racks bor- rowed from the St. David's Epis- copal church for the Next to New sale to be held March 29-30 at the PUD building. Mrs. Harry Deegan is chairman of the pricing committee for the sale with Mrs. Dutcher and Mrs. Travis as assistants. Mrs. Fritz. general chairman of Chtb Meeting Held At Sequim Olympic District, Washington Federation of Garden Clubs met at the Sequim Prairie Garden club- house last Friday. Mrs. Gerald Hunt, District Director, of Port Townsend, presided. The Billboard Control law was .'.iscussed and members were ask- ad to write their representatives r visit the Legislature Feb. 19 when il was voted upon. This act had he support of the ,Vasil- ington State Federation Gardon Clubs and tile Federated \\;¥omens Clubs. Plans were made for the next Olympic District meetiug April 16 at the Hood Canal Woman's clubhouse in Potlatch. Besides elec- tion of District Officers there will be programs on Horticulture and Landscape Design. A flower' show n conjunction with the meeting s planned under the direction of Mmes. Joseph Niemeyer. R A. Nelson. Jack Plaskett .and i A Ranta all of Port Angeles. The schedule will be in the next Dis- triet Newsletter. Hostess club will be the Hood Canal Garden Club. Mrs. D. I. Pierce of Hoodsport, president as- sisted by Mrs. Mattie Bacldund, District ways and means chair- man. Lilliwaup. It's A Date Toilay, Thursday, Feb 2l Welcome Chapter No. 40 Past Matrons, 11 a.m.. Masonic Temple. Rotary Club luncheon, noon Ming Tree Cafe. Navy Mothers Club 7 p.m., Me- morial hall Hood Canal Woman's Club, 11 a.m.. Potlatch clubhouse. Port commission's meeting, 8 p.m.. courthouse. Friday, Feb. 22 g, rashington's Birthday. SEY Club skiing party, bus leaves church at 7 a.m. Sahirday .. Feb. 23 FOE card party, 8 p.m., air- port hall. Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., police station. Salty Sashayers Square Dance Club. 8:30 p.m.. Menlorial hall. Sunday, Feb. 24 Shdton churches invite you to attend the church of yom' choice. Monday, Feb. 25 Royal Neighbors, 7:30 p.m., Me- morial hall. County commission's meeting, 10 a.m., courthouse. Tuesday, Feb. 26 St;. David's Episcopal chm'ch pancake breakfast. 7 a.m.-1 p.m., RECEIVES Thursday, 25-YEAR Ste ladq Salty Sashayer Club To Meet Saturday Beanie Berndson of Olympia will be calling for the Salty Sashayer Square Dance Club at the regular dance this Saturday at the Memo- rial hall. Dancing will begin at 8:30 p.m. followed by a potluck cato Club presented its Parade of American Music program last Sun- day afternoon at the home of the club's counselor Mrs. R. W. Nor- vold. February is designated as Ame- rican Music-Month by the National Federation of Music Clubs and all clubs affiliated with the Federa- tion give emphasis to the works of American composers on their "Parade" programs during that time. The Pizzicato Club chose the music of Richard Rodgers for its presentation. Narrators pointed out that Richard Rodgers' career' as a composer could be divided in- to four periods. The first perio d covered the twenty-five years dur- ing which he collaborated with the lyricist Lorenz Hart. then follow- which Rodgers musrc and the lyrics No .Strings. He is upon a- fourth will collaborate Lerner of the and Loewe team. its portion of the Cathy Seth, Cheryl da Dittman. Vocalists on the Sandi Lewis. Diane Frank. A cato Club member's vely songs from Hammerstein's '; Instrumentalists o ! included Diane Antoi ist, Judy Antonsen, t Anne Connolly, pianil Tile Pizzicato ClUb with both the WaSht and the National ti'e Music Clubs. Apple , Apricot Prune JUICES in tasteful, healthful NEW FRUIT JUICE DRINK containing in each 8-oz. glass twice the daily minimum VIT AMIN C required by adults, PLUS 4,000 units of VlT AMIN A AS AN Introductory Offer To help get you acquainted with our exciting new nectar,., 6 FREE JUICE GLASSES with your standing order for six quarts of "BEEP" placed with our deliveryman or with our Shelton office GIVE YOUR FAMILY A NEW TREAT GET NEXT TO "B E E P" TODAY! - through - Kitsap-Mason Dairy • YOUR FARMER NEIGHBORS • Shelton Plant at 3rd & Grove Phone 426-4473 -- ALSO AVAILABLE AT MOST GROCERY STORES -- has requested paper-back books the sale. asked members to get at tile church, supper at 11:30 p.m. and comic books, old or' new. Any- all clothing and articles to Mrs. Salvation Army truck in town. Hosts for the evening will be Mr. one havingmy of these to" donate Roy Kimbel's as soon as possible. Call 426-6564 or leave at 325 No. and Mrs. Bob Soil and Mr. and ,is a.aJed to call Emily Babcock, There will be work parties March 5th street on the porch. Mrs. Ron Gosser. )26-4013. " 7, 12, 21 and 28. Extra hangers Shclton Eagles Aerie 2079, 8 .............. ' Ne - s:hould be taken to Mrs. Kimbel. p.m., airport hall. Stork Shower Honors ' The March 15 meeting will be She]ton 2vIusic Club, 8 p.m., held at the holne of Mrs. Louis home of Mrs. R. \\;V. Norvold. Former Sheltonian • - - Kiwanis Club hulcheon, noon, Officers [ or Th+e Vau Arsdale with Mrs. George A stork shower as held in tile Grisdale as c0tllostess. Memorial hall. ighb M,s Shelver thanked the hos- City Commission'shall. meeting, 8 FellowshiPtian churchhalllast°fFridaythe First ChriS-to hono,' ,,=o+a. Ne ors tesses for the delicious luncheon, p.m., city Mrs. Brian Schoening (nee Liana Royal Neighbor of An]erica  MUSIC Club Driver's license examiner, I0 Highlight of the evening was the ,,,ill meet at 7::0 p nr Monday at Loc To a.m.-5 p.m., police station, gift wrapping for thee honoree who the Memorial hall. New offie.'rs elected for the coming year" are: Host Bremerton Clubs T,lursd.y, Feb. 28 was unable to attend. Mrs. Darrell Golden' Age Club. 6 p.m., pot- Rice won the prize Col tile most Oratc. Gertrude Lombard; past luck. Memorial hall. unique wrapping. oracle, Mary Jadin; vice oracle, The Shelton Music Club will Phy,lis Moore; chancellor, Letha meet next Tuesday evening at the - Quinn; recorder, Vi I.;augen; reeei- home of Mrs. R. W. Norvold, 904 ver. Stclla Booth: marshall. Gerry Tttrner. Guests for' the evening J-timlie. will be the Peninsula Music Club Assistant marshall. Ruth Moore: inner' sentinel. Willie Shay; onter sentinel. Elizabeth Jackson: ma- nagers. Ida Butler. Ruth Moore and Rose Keir: Stella Booth: flag bearer. "Villie Quinn, leporter. Willie Quint. Plans are being made for the Royal Neighqoors of America con- vention ,)f the Olympic Peninsula Lo be held in Shelton April 17. All members are urged to attend the meetings as much help will be needed. Refreshments will be serv- ed by Stella Booth and Ida Butler. Yalentine Project Proves Successful The Patrick T. OrLhopedic Guild held its Feb. 12 meeting at the home of Mrs. Larry Manke with Bonnie Wagner as co-hostess It was reported that approximately $50 was collected on the Valentine project. Plans for a March cake sale were discussed. The March meetings will be held at Bonnie Wagner's and Linda Hardy's. froRl Bremerton and the Bremer- ton Choral Society. American Music will be the pro- gram subject. The Shelton Music Club is affi- liated with the State and National Federation of Music Clubs. Marsha Smith Is CY0 Sweetheart Last Saturday evening the Cat- hollo Youth Organization held a Sweetheart Ball at the Shelton Golf Club. General chairman of the event was Mary Johnson as- sisted by Pare MeComb. Other committee chairmen were Evelyn Clark. Marsha Smith and Kathy Smith. Main attraction of the evening was the COronation of the CYO Sweetheart and Princesses. Voting was done by secret ballot. Marsha Smith was chosen sweetheart; Ma- ry Johnson, junior princess; Rose- mary Lambert. sophomore prin- cess. Crowning the queen and her court were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Me- Comb. THEIR ENGAGEMENT TOLD REV, AND MRS. W. F. KELLERMAN of Dayton announce the engagement of their daughter, Sharon Adell, to Mr. Donald Val- entine Stoppler, son of Mr. and Mrs, Philip M. Stoppler of Shel- ton. Both are graduates of Irene S. Reed high school and are pres- ently attending the University of Washington where he is a mem- ber of Phi Delta Theta fraternity and Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics honorary. No wedding date has been set. Joe V. SiN day for get-up-and-go energy. Don't gel caught off balance on vitality-- ad.d-a.lass-of-milk to every meal AD D-A- GLAS S -A-VI TALIT Y TO BALANCE EVERY MEAL If you're missing milk at meals, you're probably missing out your share of vitality, too. For fresh, whole milk is an excelle source of the protein, calcium and riboflavin that you need eve l t BY THE PIZZICATO JUNIOR lVrembers of the Shelton Music ed his work with Club were guests when the Pizzi- stein II. Next came t MISS EDWINA HENRY was honored at a dinner Feb., she was awarded a corsage and pin signifying 25 yearS bership in the Washington State Nurse Association. M0, time was spent in Mason County where she has worl<e0ti local hospitals as charge nurse and as surgery superV!:l:._, enteen registered nurses from various parts of the coUfity to congratulate this active worker of District No. 22. AMERICAN MUSIC MONTH RECOGi