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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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21, 1963 SHELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "ChNstma.tow, U.S.A.", ghelton, Washin DiSCUSsed&apos;:: .......... LE'T"TE"i00S ......... -! toupee Honored 0n, 'injured Ship00 Captain Convai.cing00 A!o Home On Harstine island 00eeti 25th Anniversar : ..... .... the. te00ohe, ,s Do, o M,s GraoeWilliams B) l)mett( (,ls( ,ng \\;omtmful ploge s and m now . "" " " • " - " ng Sk0k0mish Hall We are very,much improved. They also called thy Green. '! 00Area Mrs. R'ly Krat(.h.l Sherilyn Byrd in the home of Dale t on Wednesday Toni Mad- elated chairman for Drive. The spring the Guild will be a Consisting. of articles dough, and also an Easter candy sale. of the Sherilyn Byrd nmking quilts for "the :. The next quilting will oe held at Joan Hart- 'P.m. A delicious hmch- lved by Joan Hanley aWson at the last meet- meeting of the be held at Joyce Byrd's LEAVES 4-H Club mere- on Valentine's Day. Be- illness met at Robin mstead of Kathy Ness' kll the club members Ness' special Val- The meeting meeting, due excitement. The suc- Candy sale was dis- also discussed demon- and the skit for Rally president of the Four apPointed a special com- a 4-B window dis- School during 4-H Robin Bakke. Jane. Jean and second birth- Day. Those to celebrate parents, Mr. and Trotzer. Tom, Ruth Linda Beverly Mr. and rs. Lloyd and Mrs. James German of Seattle. of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and Kim Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Janiee and Norman |ESIDENTS ARE that Mrs. Bob Sto orne after spending a y nonths in the hospital e Cosset visited Myrtle ]rsday afternoon. Ray Kratcha's were Mr. and Mrs. of YOung men each to West Army National To The Editor J ,,',,ill that not lead to more men Ollt of \\;vor] when Simpson has to curtail operations because of a I "soft market ? i B Of course o|'oeerv stol'cs, gilA'[l- yes and gas slati,'ms will thrive l-;ut yell can't all be in these par.- ticl/laI t)usint, sses. Can you C. C. Members ? \\;,Ve gut oln' Journal by way of Alaska Steam, and always two or three weeks late. whicll aCCO/UItS for Ibis lal.e response to a letter TEENAGE DRINKING Editor. The Journal: It's ar known fact that anyone undar the age of 21 cannot pur- chase liquor. \\;Ve read in news- papers (constantly that teenage drinking is a problem and getting worse. Well in out" estimation before it gets bettm something is going to iave to be done about the adult suppl'¢ing this liquor. A person, by tt{e report in your paper has l)een found gu{ltj of I.his C'rime, here in Shelton. The penalty to begin with was very little" (30 ays) then lie gets it reduced to .]0.,(lays then only has to go to jan on weekends. That's not. much of a penalty considering the seri- ousness of the charge. In order to stop the drinking probh-m we believe it should be stopped at the source, in other Words the person supplying the children. When one is actually fonnd guilty of this violation they should be given the maximum pe- nalty or is this the maximum for such a horrible act! Sincerely Mrs. R. L. McClanahan Route 3 She]ton SUPPORT PALMER Editor, Shelton Mason County Journal : Congratulations to Dean Palmer on his letter published Jan. 31 in the Journal. The inconsistencies he mentioned are too real to be imagined. State or Federal money is the same whether it is spent for an institution, a highway, or a sewer project. Why accept it for one and not the other? The economy of She]ton and Mason County is of great interest to me as I still own a home there although I can not afford to live in it. When Rayonier closed its Shel- ton mill in 1958 some of its em- ployees were able to find work locally while others, including quite a number of us here in Sitka, Alaska, had to leave the area to find steady employment. We manage to keep in touch with conditions there by making an occasional visit "back home" and hearing from friends who still live there. Many of these friends are working steadily but some, of course are not. There is a very interesting news item that was printed on the same page as Dean's letter entit- led "Local Spending is up for food, ears." When a larger percen- tage of the Consumer dollars is spent for these two essential items (Private transportation is a must in Mason County), it indicates that thm'e are more people who just haven't the money to spend fm less essential ones. This leads up to the only area in which I do not fully agree with Palmer's letter. Invite new indus- tries in, yes! But if Simpson builds another board plant or other forest products plant, thus Undoubtedly printed Jan. 31. Sincerely Ray Collins, St. ............................... IIAllNTINE ANSWER Mrs. Dot Smith. Mrs. Edith Smalley and tile By Mary Valley SKOKOMISH About seventy five friends and relatives attended the rec, eptian at the Sl<okomisll Comnmnily Hall last Sunday af- lernot)n !11 honor of Mr. and'Mrs, Lesler Ct'ossan on their 251h wed- ding annivers/ry. Mrs. l{oberta Ragan served tile cake \\;vilich centered the beautiful- ly decoralcd reception table. Ruth Neff and Mrs. Mildred Putvin poured, while Miss Caroll Neff was in charge of the punch bowl. Margie Sansilo and Jo Ann Brown attended the gift table and Betty Brown the guest book. Mrs. Mary Valley played several numbers on tim prone. OUI of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lilmer Sund. Mr. and Editor. The Jom'nal: I would like to clarify some ell Mrs" Harold McDonald. Mr. arid the sta'ements made b V Mr. Col-]Mrs. Norman Lilic, Mr. and Mrs. James Maddox and daughter all of lins in a letter to the Journal in Seattle, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cros- last week s paper, coneermng the san from Kent and Mr, and Mrs, Proposed Harstine Island bridge. Earl Crossan of Auburn. The proposed Harstine Bridge is not a million-dollar expenditure. The estimated cost being $720.000. The present ferry is obsolete, and inadequate, and must be replaced within the next two years. The estimated cost for this would be around $200,000. Then add on t $20.000 a year operating dencit, and what would the expenditures reach in twenty years? Mr. Col- lins was int@ested in knowing the assessed value of the island. As- sessed value is $636,200, and actu- al value $3,181.000. With a bridge, property values could easily double. Actually, there are as many property owners on Har- stine (if not more) than anywhere in the county. Harstine Island , which is next to Vashon in size in lower Puget Sound. has the potential of be- coming the greatest asset in Ma- son County. Because of it's clean, quiet-waters, mild climate and se- rene beauty, it has attracted hundreds of people who plan on making it their "Retirement Haven". Besides those from our own state, many from other states. bare property on the island and plan to improve their property. How refreshing to know that most of these property owners planning to retire on our beautiful island, are business and professional people, of high caliber, who will become a real asset to our com- nnmity. Shelton will realize much business as well as prestige from such newcomers. Many small industries will thrive on the island when tile bridge becomes a reality. It will give the islanders a real boost, for they have known many hardships through the years, because of poor accessability. To develop one part of the county, brings beneficial results to the rest. Why not make , trip to the mlan,t, I'm sure you will be welcomed, and see what Harstine Island has to offer? Sincerely, Mrs. Dorothy Barnett Mrs. Ida Johnson. accompanied by her mother, Mrs. Cliff Gender- eau of Tenino, drove to Tillamook Oregon for a couple of days visit with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Woody Jones, and to see the new baby daughter of the Jones. Spending the weekend with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Valley, were Mr. and Mrs. Ja- mes Valley and daughter Vicki of Bremerton, and Sue and Jan Val- ley of Island Lake. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Steve Valley and daughter Tammy of Seattle join- ed the group. Later they enjoyed a dinner and get-to-gether at the George Valley home at Island Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble drove to Olympia for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Warnes on Sunday after- noon, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donaldson vi- sited Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Collins of East Olympia during the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dunham cal- led at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Doak on Saturday evening. Othm guests of the Doaks were Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Minor and family of Renton. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hughs of Ca- lifornia are house guests of the Roy Cobles, and will be leaving soon for Alaska. Mr. and Mrs. Calvia Gravatt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Leinback in Shelton during the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Baze a[- tended the funeral of his Aunt, Mrs. Merritt Johnson on Monday in Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dugger made a hqp to Centralia on Mon- day to visit his mother, Mrs. John Dugger and also called on some old friends. Mr. and Mrs, Chuck Fitsgerald. They were accompan- ied by their daughter Mrs. Dolores Drake and her son Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. Chester- Valley were among the Grange Insurance Agents and their wives attending the dinner at Skokomish Commu- happy to report Captain Bill Gortz, of the VVyerhauser Ship S.S, Lang', has rettu.ned heine tO eonl- ptete his convalescence. He has been hospitalized at Massachu- ses General Hospital, Boston. He arrived via Jet Io Sea-Tac and was ]net by wife Eslher and his Marine Syt. son. Bill The Cap- lain was injured in an accident aboard his ship. Abraham Lincoln and our Cindy Waitc celebrated their birthday anniversaries Feb. 12. Cindy turned Sweet Sixteen and celebrated her day by attending the father-claus'h- er banquet in Shclton with her dad. On Thursday she was hon- ored with a family dinner. Mrs. Stamborsky is confined t) Shelton General Hospital where she has been for several day. Andy reports that she is im- proving. Get well soon Billie. MR. AND MRS. Eric Christen- sen, formerly Islanders, now of Spencer Lake. spent from Thurs- day through Sunday in Seattle, renewing old friendships (they once lived on Beacon Hill in Seat- tle for many yearsp and in call- ing on Island people now in Seat- tle. While there, they called on Flo's sister, Mrs. Lillian Sinclair at The Pinehurst Nursing Home and found that she has been mak- nity Hall as guests of the Grange Insurance Association The dinner was prepared by the Grange La- dies Auxiliary and was enjoyed by all. Sunday dinner gmests at the Dugger home on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dugger, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Drake and families. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tanner and Mr. Mate Smart visited the Harry Washburns in Gig Harbor and al- so the Bill Crawfords at Belfair on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pavel and family have moved into their home on the lower Skokomish. Grangers don't forget the meet- ing this Ftdday evening Feb. 22rid at 8 p.m. Gary Steve celebrated his fifth birthday with a party at his home. Cake and koolade were served to Pan Hunter, Doug and Lisha Richert, Debbie Redman, Mike and Ronnie Hudspeth, Kathy and Bert Stevens. Also helping with the party were Mrs. Ethel Richert, Mrs. Ann Richert, Mrs. Dorothy Rebman, and Mrs. Carol Hunter. TV SETS FOR RENT Don't Miss" the Fun and Entertainment of Television TAYLOR RADIO ELECTRIC 4th & Cota 426-6602 on the Reid Mitchell family, with when] Mrs. Ed \\;Vilson is making her home and found the Mitchells and Mrs. Wilson in good health and they send best wlshes to their Island friends. On the Island over the week- end. in spite of the rather incle- ment wheather, were the R. C. Otteles of Bremerton and the E. Bragets of Puyallup, both of whom hought property in Alvin Ander- son's "Island Shores Development" a couple of years ago. They love Harstine Island and wish us suc- cess ]n getting a Bridge to the Island. At the "Hole in tlm %Vall" De- velopment on the South End, were the Sig Lindberg families, Dr. George Spendlove and O. E. Thompsons, all of Olyrhpia and the E. G. Harvey families, of Tacoma, The Jim Lohrers were pleasant- ly surprised on Thursday by a visit at their Point Wilson home from the J. W. Barkers of Olym- pia, who spent the day. This is the first time they have been down for two years. Monday evening sinner guests of the Lohrers were Herb Spahr and A1 Mm-ray of Tacoma, who were out for the day and Gene and Thora Seward. Word was received Sunday by R. L. McCulloch of the passing of her sister, Mrs. Virginia Hogue in Bonaparte, Iowa. Mrs. Hogue made several trips to the Island and is known here to many of us. We offer our sincerest sympathy to her family. Thursday the Harstine Island school children had their annual ValenPines party. Mrs. Sid Madge made a delicious Jeilo and sent Keel-aid. Mrs. H. V. Glaser made a heart-shaped cake and a bright- ly decorated Valentine box was [00foolish chances eplace your cradced d or windows vdth FITTSBURGH SAFETY GLA Our complete stocks oft DUPLATE ® s,,e.ty ei,, ol.,, DUOLITE ® s.f.w Wao. e,0 SOLEX ® Heat-Absorbing Olale aSmLre you prompt, efficient glm rip placement jobs in all makes and models o cars on the road today. GRIMES l McNEIL 3rd & Grove Sts. Tuesday Sue Glaser celebrated Hosf and Hostess• her 12th birthday - She baked Mrs, Robert [Elaine %Vingal't) her own cake, decorated it herself Friedrieh is spending a while with and set of to school with all the her folks the A'thm' Winger,s ar- necessary items for a lunch ser- riving a week ago from E1 Paso vice party at school. Tuesday even- Texas. ing he w:as the galest of honor at he]" grandparents the H, A. Glasers for a big birthday dinner. On Sun- day her other grandparents the Don Eddeys and cousin Vicki and her aunt and uncle the Don Bur- nettes all of Hoqmam visited her and wished her a happy birthday. Harstine Island Grange met Fri- day night at 6:45. Mr. and Mrs. James McAulifte were initiated in the Grange. Dessert luncheon was served after the business meeting. Farmers are very pleased with the mild weather and have taken advantage of it to work in their Vinyards. Old canes have been cut out. new ones tied and new posts dot the hill sides. Dr. Ray- mond Waid has crocus and dof- fodils in bloom. The Lloyd Goodwins spent weekend at their summer home at Ballou, daughter Barbara. (Gel man/ and son Lloyd of Seattle is spending a few days with her folks and really enjoyed "coming home". to Harstine, Saturday evening the Jack Meeks entertained at a card par- ty and social evening at their home on Sunset Hill. Those attend- ing were the Gene Sewards, Gee. I. Waite Jr. Larry Jerreles, Mr. Ben Rigney, James McAuliffe, SCHOOL MENU WEEK OF FEB. 25-MAR. 1 Monday  Macaroni & eleese, buttered beets, celery sticks, fresh peats, milk. Tuesday -- Chili con carne, vegetable wedges, hot buttered cornbread, chocolate pudding with whipped cream, milk. Wednesday -- Oven-fried chic- ken, sweet potatoes, hot bis- cuits with butter, fruited jello, milk, Thursday -- Creamed turkey over fluffy rice, snap green beans, cranberry sauce, and- wieh, fruit, milk. Friday  Tonmto soup, grilled cheese smldwich, vegetable rings, hot cinnamon rolls, milk. Supplement yogr child's diet with Plenamlns from Prepp's Rexall 133 RR. Phone 426-4642 ., ;ii::::; An Estate in the Building This little fellow's untroubled sleep is well founded-his parents have had the foresight to invest in his future with a LIFECO Juvenile Estate Builder insurance policy. They are saving [or him now so that there will be money for col- lege, buying a home or starting a business. And his protec- tion multiplies as he grows older. For example, a $2,000 Juvenile Estate Builder policy will become $10,000 worth of protection when he is 21-at no increase in premium. Call us today about an Estate Builder for your children. HEHBROFF AGEHCY 116 No. Second St. \\; 426-3357 HOM£ OleF| CI SEATTLE t WH, drawing more people into the area, calls for re- than normal, ill be mil with and lows in the ComfortabIe ,L With Heat OIL GO. E ROAD 426-3322 WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL W L Gott's Oilerettes .............. 22. (J Allyn Shell Timber Bowl ........................ 20 8 Darigold ...................... 15 13 Bill's Sheii ............................ 14 14 Mink Tree .......................... 14 14 Eells & Vaiigy l ........... ..... 11 1 ............. 10 18 Richfield Oil ...................... 6 22 High gameJoyce Dion, 230, Andy Rodgers, 200. High series-._Joyee Dion, 587, Jean Ream, 515. " Split picks--Ann Cole. 5-7, Hel- en Ogden, 5-10. IFR.IDAY NIGItT MIXED Hep Katz VV L You Name"It ........................ 47 25 ..................... 44 28 Suburbanites ...................... 27 45 Twisters o .............................. 27 45 High game--Woman-_Eva Han- son 177. Man--Chuck Thomp- son 217. Hi series--WomanVerna Jo- hanson 468. Man -- Chuck Thompson 546. The Hep Katz remained top dog on the Friday night Mixed League with a forfeit from the suburban- ites but gained no ground against lhe You Name It's as they shut cut the Twisters on Chuck Thomp: son's 546 as Don Knudsen led the losers with a 469. APPLIANCE REPAIRS popular demand from our many customers on freezer and re- sales and service, both com- and domestic, we have employed MR, CLARENCE JAGNOW (formerly With L.M. Service Department) up our newly-formed Service 'De- iartment for all makes of Washers, Dry- Ranges, Hot Water Tanks, etc. Lem Warren Refri00erati0n -- 127 S. 2nd St.  Service Refrigerators, ezers and Ranges • Speed Queen Laundry Ranges Equipment Chrysler Heat Pumps "It's The Service After the Sale That Counts" TO INTRODUCE YOU TO FRIGIDAIRE'S NEW SHELTOH SPE(IAL SAVINGS: :uOI:EDERN:s00pEpXL:L! U'SIVELY AT LMINDUSTRIALAN9 FR. IGII)AIRE range w,th 00nstant heat! 30" Electric Model RD-38.63 * Speed-Heat surface unit gets red hot in seconds then cuts back to regular cooking heat automatically. • Cook-Master control minds oven cooking for you. • Unlimited heat settings for all surface units. • Storage galore in full- width storage drawer, Enjoy Frigidaire dependability! Reg. $249.95' '2099s w/trade FII G I IDI 1 e, sy terms ]E -oou©v  a=.=n., Movon Thrifty FRIGIDAIRE Washer with AUTOMATIC Soak Cycle! • Newi2.1b. "big wash" capacityl • Fresh running water rinses! • Spins clothes driest of all.= • 3-Ring Agitator action cleans clothes inside and out.= Reg. $224.95 '1899s w/trade easy term=. Ask about exclusive 15-Year Lifetime Testl TH= STUROYFI:{IGID2.TI:.] WASte. Beautiful refrigerator i i bargain ! II! II • Most beautiful Frigidaire styling ever -yours at budget price. .o Full-width freezer chest holds 63-1bs. Of frozen food,, • Sliding Chill Drawer keeps fresh meat fresh g. $239.95 and it quick chills food. . w ,,,,,=O..M. vegetable Hydrator plus storage in the door. w/trade • Frigidaire dependability, too. easy terms FI: T G T Dx.]:l]'l THE FAMILY REFRIGERATOR lndus,}r!,00.! ..,& Buil00er,s Supply