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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 6 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton. Washington i i Sunday clears away the rust ofmrw 0 Break ins At Lake Nahwatzel Investigated By the whole week. i Addison lm r " = : -- - i LOANS up to &apos;5000 Loans on furniture, automobiles, equip- ment, livestock, or other security and take up to 48 months to repay. Credit Life Insurance is avail- able. Phone, stop in or write: SERVIGE FINANGE GO, 124 Railroad Ave. Shelton, Washington Phone 426-4447 H I , By Joann Tupper LAKE NAH\\;VATZEL . Mason County herilVS mnce was called last week to the Lake to investi- gate two breaking and entering, and one attempt to enter at three homes in this area, Items mismng were small appliances and other miscellaneous items, Boy Scout Troop No. 15 of Shel- ton had their Troop Officers Coun- cil meeting last Thursday eve- ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson. Those attending the meeting were Ernie Anderson, Scoutmaster, Joe Gruver, Bill An- derson, Bruce Edson John Snyder, and Eddie Dawson. Cake and ice cream was served. Drop-in guests last Thursday at the Dawson's home were Mrs. Gordon YVouters and Mrs. Ray Vessey, both of Montesano. Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dawson enjoyed the potluck _  ( Mr. Moriah Lodge ( F. & A. M. ( No. II ( Called Meeting { Conferring Fel]owcraft Degree { ( THURS., FEB. 21 -- 7:30 p.m.' ( Glen R, Hufnail, W.M. ( Arnold L. Chancy, Sec'y. dinner and program of the VFW at the Memorial Hall in Shelton. The speciai occasion was the 33rd anniversary of the auxiliary. MR. AND MRS. ARCHIE Kel- ley had drop-in guests Mrs. Henry Chappell. Matlock, and Mrs. Gil- bert Kuhnle of Sitka Alaska last Sunday. Sunday dinner guest at the KeN ley's home last Sunday evening was Doug Parker. Last Monday, Mrs, Frank Coop- er spent the day at the home ot Mrs. Cameron of Shelton. Mrs. Cooper visited Miss Bee Manier of Olympia last Tuesday and was Thursday luncheon guest of Lantz Wiss of Shelton. Friday,, Mrs. Cooper was lun- cheon guest with Mrs. A1 Jones, Mat!ock and her daughter-in-law. Mrs. Jones of Shelton at the home of Mrs. Cameron of Shelton. Frank Cooper, Jr. of Payne Field. Everett, spent the weekend with the Coopers. Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper accompanied by Frank Cooper. Jr.. and Sandra Tupper drove down to Tokeland to visit at the summer home of Sgt. and Mrs. Bob Cunningham. Sunday evening the Coopers had as a drop-in guest. Dick Tupper. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit for a couple of days last week were Mr. and Mrs. James Weed of Renton. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ford had visiting them Sunday and over- night Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Reed of Seattle. Lawrence Hanson and group ot i i men from the Shelton Rock Club had a field trip last Smday to Ruby Beach LAST SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle, Jr.. and children had dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valley of Matlock. There will be a "Benefit" dance March 2 for the Kenny Howards of Matlock. The muszc is to be provided by the Ramblin Four. at the Matlock Hall. Last Saturday evening the Grange Hall at Matlock held its monthly dance. Music was played by the "Ramblin Four". Some o the people from this area who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Art Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell, Miss Betty Kelley, Doug Parker. all of Matlock Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bushell. Gary King, all from Shelton. Ted Booth. Jerry Christian. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Tup- per, John Tupper, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tupper, all of the lake. Mr. and Mrs. Amel Tveit were drop-in guests last Wednesday ev- ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reeve. Mrs. Betty Kuhnle of Sitka. Alaska, was overnight guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chappell last Saturday night. Mrs. Nellie Chappell and Mr. and Mrs. Owen each took a car- load of girls from the basketball team at Mary M. Knight. They left Saturday morning driving up the coast to Joyce where the girls played a game against the Joyce Girls' Basketball team, and I am happy to report, the girls from Mary M. Knight won the game, Sherit:"s Office 33 to 28. They returned by way ot the Canal. LAST THURSDAY Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Hewson had as lunch- eon guests Mrs. P. C. Mandell o Ryderwood and Mrs. Robert Lind of Home. Last Rites Held Tuesday For Helen A. Viger Helen A. Viger, 822 Cota street. passed away Saturday, February 16. 1963, at the age of 70. Mrs. Viger was born Dee. 19. 1892. in Menasha Wisconsin. She had lived 34 years in Mason county. The funeral was held at 9 a.m. Tuesday at the St. Edward's Catholic church. Father Mark Weiehmann officiated. Interment was in Holy Cross cemetery. Ros- ary was said at 7 p.m. Monday. Survivors include her husband, A. S. ,Stevet Viger. Shelton: 3 sons, Joseph A. Viger, Travis AFB. Calif., William J.. Everett. Wash.. and Russell C.. Shelton; 4 daugh- ters. Mrs. Josephine /Allen Rau. Olympia; Mrs. Catherine (Wil- liamb Levette MeCleary; Mrs. Ger- trude (William Batstone. Shel- ton. and Mrs. Toni IRaymond Hall, Shelton; 1 brother, John Goe- bel. Sioux St. Marie. Ontario. Canada; 3 sisters. Mrs. Marie Le- ander, Clawson. Mich.. Mrs. Paul- ine RenD. Sioux St. Marie. Michi- gan. and Mrs. Frances King, Buf- falo. N. Y.; 18 grandchildren. When will you want extra cash? --.----. APRIL OCTOBER MAY , 4, .-. :..._.:. i AUGUST , I ,0vE.,E, JUNE <;00ll /Nit '/r/'! J ? I SEPTEMBER "+ ! (++, i. , . d: I I I DECEMBER ,Ct /i@i! "N, The SE00iRST Banker can loan the cash you want any day, any month.., for any good purpose WHAT DOES IT TAKE? @ Your worthwhile purpose (we've shown 12 good ones on the calendar) @ Your steady job @ Your reputation for paying your bills. If you have all three, you can get the cash. WHAT DOES IT COST? Many times, the interest is less than what you can save, by paying cash for your purchase. The actual cost depends on you.., how much you want, how long you'd like to take to repay. There's no formula, no strict plan. The Seafirst Banker works with you, to meet your personal needs. Try him, any day, in the Installment Credit Department, at your nearest Seafirst Office. we/come at... _ _ MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION SERVtN WASHINGTON .TATEWIDE THROUGH 104 SEFIRST BANKIN OFFICEs SHELi'0N BRANCH-LAWRENCE A. CARLSON, MGR.-Sth and Franklia-Phone HArrison 6-8295 Bertha Taylor, Pioneer School Board Local Clubwoman, By 'a For March 12 School A well knrwn Mason county homen'mker and clnb\\;volall Gel'- By Betty Ann Shero Mr. and Mrs. Jack lha T. Taylor. Rt. 1. died Feb. 16.' The Pioneer School Board met The Tip-Top 1963 at the Clinic hospital She Feb. 12 at the Pioneer School with skating party at was born July 12. 1908 in Alberta the following people attending the ing rink in Shelton. Canada. meeting: Mr. and Mrs. Max Mik- A good time was kelson. Mrs. Helen Walker. Mrs. The Pioneer PT0 Mrs. Taylor had lived in Mason Geraldine Brooks. Mrs. Betty Ann ing will be in the county since 1.941. She had been Shero. Byron Deffinbaugh, and Phil Chapman's active in Progress Grange, VF the three school board members, eers and committee W Auxiliary, Degree of Honor I Barrie Stroud. AI Jones and Wil- urged to attend Mason Couni.y Homemakers and I?ert McCleary. Two person. Sail.,,, Mr. and Mrs. Torn Shelton Yaeit Clftb among others. Taylor and Gc::::dA::e P"9::. been visiting in The funeral service was held at I were appointed by the bo'rrt to Phil Durands' of 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Batstone serve on the eic/A::,_ :92_2 2or and the Tom Funeral Home. key.Eugene Knautz the special eleetio2 to be held Lake. Bassett is officiated. Interment was in Shel- March 12. from the U.S. ton Memorial Park A letter was read from the s;Le. THE PHIL DU Surviving is her husband. Ed-,fire marshal which outlined seven several half boxer win Taylor. Shelton; 3 sons, Bob fire hazards to be corrected by pupg to give and Earl Wiles. Shelton and Gone the school for fire safety. Mr. and get the best Wiles. Olympia: 1 daughter. Mrs. McCleary will attend a Kitsap The Father-Son Virginia Riddle. Spokane: 14 County Director's meeting Feb. 26 held at the grandchildren; her mother. Mrs. in Bremerton. The next meeting urday evening Gertrude Ellenberger, Renton: 3 of the board will be March 12 tcndance. Games brothers. Kenneth Ellenberger, and the public is invited to all the movie was Concrete. Glenn Ellenberger, Ran- meetings, manta were served. ton and Arthur Ellenberger, Spo- The Pioneer Fire District card Lane; 3 sisters. Mrs. Caroline party which was scheduled for A Valentines Cashberg, Brooldings, Oregon, February 23 has been cancelled held for the Mrs. Lillian Hunt. Swisshome. until further notice, agars Saturday n: Ore.. and Mrs. Cora Bart. Gresh- THE AGATE Ladies Sewing ate Grange hall. am. Oregon. Circle will meet next Wednesday and girls night in the home of Mrs. J. A. was chaperoned Howarth. lor's, Dick Alice R. Jo, son Agate Grange members who at- er's. and John tended the Gavel meeting at the kids danced, Passes At 80 Twanoh Grange in Belfair Friday had refreshments. night were Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. John Alice R Johnson. 80. died at VanderWal. Mr. and Mrs. John ing the week with her home at 728 CotastreetThurs-, Whetham, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Harry day, Fei)ruary 14. 1963. Mrs. John- Auseth. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Troy, quah. son had lived in Mason county for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Warnes. and Surprise visitors 53 years. She was born in Savior Castle's county, Tennessee June 14. 1882. Active Pio Mrs. Clifford The funeral was held at 1 p.m. neer, Ore. Monday at the Batstone Funeral Inez M Shorter Thelma Castle,' Home. Pastor Eldon Baker offi- • , attending school in elated. Interment was ,n Shelton Taken By Death return home due Memorial Park She is reported to Smvivars include her husband. Death called Inez M. Shorter. and hopes to Merrilt W. Johnson Shelton; 1 319 Harvard street, at the Shel- soon. daughter. Ms. Ruth A. Edgley, ton General hospital Tuesday, Feb. Sunday dinner Sweetholm. Oregon; 3 grandchild- 19. 1963. Miss Shorter was born Cliff VanderWal ran; 8 great-gral]dchildren; and 1 in Shelton March 10, 1895 and had and Mrs. Elmer sister. Mrs. ten Weston, Shelton. lived her life here. daughter of She was an active member of ted, but Lifetime Resident "° .uhy Rebekah Lodge, Degree Howard Trissel o' of Honor. Eagles Auxiliary, Gol- WEEKEND GUI Taken By Death den Age Club. Southside Grange Jack Shero home and a Catholic Guild. Mrs. Dick Shero, A privale funeral service was The funeral service will be held of Lake Quinault. b.e]d at 11 a.m. \\;Vednesday at the at 11 a.m Friday at the Batstone The Byron Batstone Funeral Home for Ado- Funeral Home with Rev. Father Spencer Lake line L. DeRosier. Rt. 3. Box 387. Mark Weichmann officiating. In- varied origin to Roy. Robert Rings officiated at torment will be in Shelton Memo- also. the ervice which was followed by rial ParR. The Pioneer cremation in Tacoma. Smvivors include 2 sisters. Mrs. had a game Eleanor Booth Shelton and Mrs mish Friday Mrs. DeRosier died Feb. 17. 1963 Georgina L. Dickinson, Vancouver was played on at Bott's Nursing Home. She was Wash Pioneer came out born in Mason county July 12, end of the 26-30 1889. and had lived here all of Lilla T lr team members her life. • ears Woodall, Carl Smvivors include her husband, singh, Glen Brown, Clif£ord DeRosier, Silelton; 2 Funeral Friday and Alan • leaders were daughters. Mrs. George B Me- The funeral service for Lilla J. Coehran, Tami Fet-idge, Esccndido. Calif. and Beers. 229 Harvard street, will be Dickinson. Mrs. BeLly Coffman. Shelton:  held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Bat.- brother. Robert I. Kneetand. Belie- The Pioneer Fire stone Funeral Home. Interment a special meeting  rue; 7 grandchildren, wilt be in Shellon Memorial Park. ior's to make ................... Mrs. Beers was born 69 years ney raising A remitder from the'. Treasury ago in Sielton. She passed awav ed to hold a Department points out that start- Tuesday, Feb. 19. 1963 at the Mt. game night with ing Ibis year refunds on income View Hospital in Tacoma. announced later. tax returns can be taken in U.S. She is survived by a. daughter, the meeting Savings Bonds. Mrs. Juanita Coffey, Shelton. Jeanne Robb This group has of them to try funds to purchase certainly need The Agate regular meeting The TWANOH the gavel from Grange at their evening. There members from Progress, Harbor, two from ley, 12 from the and the remaining the home supper was Morgan, Eacrell's heldc°mmitteeafter andthe proceeds going to Amozlng New SOUTH sTORIN G day night and F membership ,, card party was Saturday night turnout. Another hel, d March 2 ALUMINUM small meeting two new 1YlelI1] C O M B I N AT I O N and Etta May their DO'O R Saturday night Saturday night. The Changes from Storm to begin their Door to Screen a clam chower dance for the Door... mily will be held IN SECONDS 2 at the hall. to attend this The FAIR had a card night and had a tendance with present. The March of Dimes. ,ow ,+ Can +299s You FULL i" THICK M on Are }'Oil clz duclions to • SAVE SPACE--All inserts stay on door all year Thousallds (,f • SAVE WORK--Sliding Panels tilt out for easy washing m..g • END RATTLES--Panels cushlonedin wool pile ,n,al re,:(,,d. fripping as ahout • VENTILATE TOP OK BOTTOM Start saving tax " SOLID, HEAVY ALUMINUM for years of trouble-free sev,ce 7 MORGAN, EAGRETT LUMBER H I LLCR EST Phone 426-4522 I . i __ Rexall Second & Phone Colwr ght lgb