February 21, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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21, 1963
gy l}enni Shelly
announced recently that
Spooner has quali-
in the Natmnal
,cbolarship program. Fie
Spooner Qualifies As Finalist In Nat'i.
Scholarship Program; Pictures Taken
MAT. - 1 P.M.
Open at 6:45
t Prices
• IIV,
ranked in the top one per cent i
the nation of those passsing the
qlmlifieation tests. Those who wilt
be awarded scholarships will be
annolmeed sonic time in April.
Last Thursday was picture-talc-
ing day at North Mason witb
mfiin {nteres on the various
groups and organizal.ions around
tbe school. There was the faculty,
H(mor Sociely, swing band. con.-
erl band. marching l)and major-
ettes, and all the club and class
)fficers. Individual pictures were
taken several months before. Most
of the pictures taken will be put
into the school's annnal Prices
for the ammal this year will be
$5 without an ASB card and $4
with an ASB card
A week aG ° Saturday, Marilyn
Mills. Suzy Wing, Melinda Mer-
rill and Connie Harris attended a
hlncheon put on by the University
\\;Vonu:n at Sons of Norway Halt
in Bremerton_ Dr. Elizabeth
Vaugbn, a statistician from Key-
port, was the speaker on the
theme "Women in Science". 'Phe
purpose was to promote interest
among senior girls to go to col-
about eight students will attend
the annual Northwest Pacific
Slope journalism m'ess clinic. It
will be held at the University of
Washington in Seattle and will in-
elude students hm the states of
Washington, Idaho Oregon, Alas-
ka and Hawaii. Ail those attend-
mg m.uut provide for their own
overnight facilities but meals will
be provided fm those who wish
to Pro'chase them. A banquet will
be held on Saturday night and Will
cost approximately $3 per person.
The advisor of the group of jour-
nalism Student attending the
clinic from North Mason is Mr.
Bill Hawkins:
Last Week three students from
the music department attended a
clinic for brass players--trumpet=
Would your family be more se-
cure if you had bought more Life
Insurance 10 years ago? If so,
why not buy more today?
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL-- Published in "Chr,tmastown, U.S.A,", Shelton, Washington
Unien Ladies Civic Ciu
liy Ethel Dalhy
UNION. Seventeen members
of the Union Ladies Civic Club al-
l.ended last Thursday's meeting
at Union Community Hall. Host-
esses for the occasion being Mrs.
Clara Gwin and Mrs. Ed Hough.
Presidenl Marion Richardson ln'e-
Mded over the business session
which followed the noon pothmk
Inchlded in the afternoon ses-
sion \\;vas the election of officers,
as follows: president. Mrs. Shirley
Cowan: vice presi(Tent. Lucille We-
john: secretary, Bernice O'Berry,
and lreasn]'er. Eleanore Buechel.
Installation of officers will be at
the March meeting. Plans were
discussed for the Union Womens'
Cook Book with thought in mind
lo feature old time recipes of pio-
neer days ,along with modern
cookery. Mrs. Nina Miller is chair-
man of the committee.
Local nmsie lovers subscribing
l(/ Mason County Community
Concert Association during the
membership drive were: Mrs. Rich-
ard Bueehel. Mrs. Thomas Ball
and Mr. and Mrs. Ran Kirtland.
The Hood Canal Wantons' Chlb
cornets, tubas, trombones, etc.
Mike Roessel. Bonnie Boyle and
Frank Miller along witi] band :Di-
rector Doug Corliss were the
North Mason delegates in attend-
ance. The clinic was just like a
two-hour class in technique and
The elementary school PTA
held a spaghetti dinner last
Saturday and asked some of the
high school girls to help in the
serving and ticket-taking, and su-
pervising some of the younger,
elementary school students The
dinner cost $1.25 for adults and
50 cents for children and was
served by candlelight.
decided to have the faculty from
South Kitsap High .qehool in Port-
Orchard to be the team chal-
lenged by the North :Mason High
teachers. More news on the March
2 event later,
The junior high school basket-
ball team lost last week to the
ninth grades of North Kitsap
High. They play Hood Canal this
week and Vtes Higl ninth grade
the following week.
The junior high sehoot sponsored
a junior high dance on Valentine's
Day. It lasted from 12:45 p.m. to
2:30 p.m. in the afternoon and
was actually headed by the 7-1
class. Music was by records, and
they also played several snow-
balls, a limbo and even a special
dance for the Valentine's Day
king Mike Fluery, and queen Pare
CHEVROLE0000_. _ ..... T
" , ',i I , .
0000kmds of sport-all suner There's the Chevr II N'(i;i';ai!r';aii(
.,,:' yo make u: ..... r able in an SS version. Special instrumen
[b. Pick a ne,. mg c.ome ?no hurry': cluster. Front buckets. All-vinyl trim,
ua nler for i- 2, car wlm whatever you Distinctive SS identification. Fourteen-
rnngs • " Permrmance and sport trim " • • •
_ hke b-,l. .... Y - Inch wheels and tires wxth full wheel
s of horses\\; sears, a-speed shift*, disks. Three-speed shift; or Powerglide*
Vy's got a lo*of star 9riving k nov. with floor-mounted shift console.
• erent kin_, . spor m tour entirely Or the Corvair Monza S der with com,
First us ot cars . . PY. • •
. , the Je "----k ..... plete mstrumentatmn, special ldentffica-
,orort With - --,uon mpaia uper tion, and an air-cooled Turbocharged Six,
di ferenteni.your choice of 7 . And for a real wallo see
to 425 h gmes that range up • P' -
..... P and th-*" ...... 1 the stunning Corvette Sting
. aPu} ar Turbo :flcm,ae .ne SUPER SPORT Ray, winner of the "Car Life"
[ g wheel* th a;,,.,. coupes. You 11 get a four-
u Your COnveniZ-..,,a,:? barrel Mck just looking them
.... , In ages ll; over--and a whole lot more
" SUper a Sport as you d hke f d one
• fun out o riving .
• Optional at exh'a cost.
Tel S "
, left, Chevrole r_. , tg Ray Sport Coupe and Carvair Club Coupe. Below
mpala NR € ...... Monza Spyder
- -onveraote; right, Chevy II Nova 400 SS Convertible. (All four available
in both :COnvertible and coupe models. Super Sport and Spyder equipment optional at extra cost.)
See entirely different kinds of cars at your Chevrolet dealer's Showroom
1st & GROVE ST.
S H E LTO N 426-4426
Pa ge -
h Ete¢is Officers at Meet in
convenes led y at ll a.m. al the
Potlqtch Clubhouse. Mrs Vera
Shortsleeves. vice president will
again presM,, during president t
1-telen Thwaite's ahsence. The
Hoodsport members will serve a,s
hostesses dut'ing the lloon hmch-
eon. Scheduled as one of the at-
tractions for the afternoon pro-
gram will be Union's Micky Coles.
who will higMight fashions and
garment materials for Spring
\\;vegtr. Mrs. Anne Rowe program
chairman has arranged another in-
leresling feature, when M. Y.
Grunkemeier of Shelton presents a
fihn "Decorating Unlimited."
• ryer
and which mb, oests many possible
means by way of decor to add to
the attraction of the home.
Mr. and Mrs. George Young
have had as house guests last
week their daughter, Mrs. Pat
t<alinoski and her three y(mng
ehiMren who arrived last Tuesday
a week ago at her parents home.
to hear that we shall be losing
Mr. and Mrs. Don YOlln G as resi-
dents shortly, as Don bought a
newly completed family size home
on Mountain View recently, and
which is within a short distance
of the kindergarten and school
yotmg Terry, age 5. will soon be
attending, and which Ted. age 4.
Tammie and Traey, will no doubt
be attending in sueeessmn. For
the past years Don and family
have occupied the cottage of Mr.
Brundstrum. The Youngs will re-
move to their new h0nle upon :Mr.
Brundstrmn's return from Cali-
fornia. UunioWs loss in this case---
Legal Publications
NO. 8364
CLARA STURGEON. Plaintiff. vs.
Yell are heveby s'clll/lllorlod |O appear
within sixty days after the date el
the first publication of this
to-wit: within sixty days after the
21sl day of February, 1963, and de-
fend th(, above entitled aclion ill tile
al)ov entitled Court and answer lhe
complaint of the tllaintifl and serve
a copy Of your answers HI]on tile
tlll(t'Fsiglled, attorney for plaillliff. B.
li'l'alll¢lill t-IelLstoll, at his office below
stated: Slid ill case of your faihlre so
h) do .judgIllenl will he r(,llderd
OR'SillS| y()l_l a('('ording to Ille dplllands
of the COlltl]lahlt ,}lich has beell filed
wilh /he Clerk of said Court
Plaintiff's objeclive in lhis action
is h) S('('llI'0 tl divorce fl'olll tlle de-
felldanl Ill)Oil the gl'oullds stated in
h(-l" Colllplainl on file as of art,sold alld
['o1" -'ll('h additional t'elief as is prayed
for ill said comt)laini.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Office & Post Office Address:
An a'le Bldg.,
Shelton. Washington.
An'le :Bldg., Shelton Wash.
2/21-28-3/7-14-21-28 61
Too Lale To Glassily
FOR SALE 15' Shash'n hous(:trailer
wiih floor IUl']la('o very lliee. Pholle
126-MS0 2/21-28
i;;6% " KEN '-'-]-'6ghTV ff i- Ti'iiii F--i o i.s-t
35 ft Phon,, 426-3169.
B 2/21-3/7
ON AND after this date February 21.
1963. ] will hal h,, responsible for
any (l'I)I s t:Olltl.at.t(d l)y allyone
(iIIoF [h/Ill Illy.(ql'.
F. 1P.. Rawding
teoI NUTRIA-BIO food supplement
(-all ,126- -13l. R 2/21 t fn
Community Hall _ Marriage Licenses-
Apphing for marriage licenses
[at the "Mason county auditor's of-
according to friends -. heing Shel-I Seattle spent last waekend at Al-{fice lhis past week were:
ton s gain. Don will be commut- derl)rook, wnere they occupied the [ Stoddard Mark Vtalton. ].9. Shel-
ing daily to his PUD No. 1 work David Evans cottage, while on- an and Carol Ann Holt. 18. Shel-
at Potlalch !
Kenneth Kohl ]eft Slnlday alloying a couple days of st.eelhead ton.
fishing along the Siok(inaish river. Jack B. Garner. 42. Seattle and
week ago for Los Angeles on a ]na Mae Calanan ',:;6, Spokane.
Mr. and Mrs Chester Griffith.
Star Rt. 3 Box 50, Belfair. a Iw)y,
Feb. 18.
Me. ana 5rs. io-/)ert F. Smith,
Rt. 3 B,x 476 AA a hey, Feb. 19.
combined business and pleasme
trip. While in California he will
get in a visi with daughter. Korea
Evans and fami!y at San Jose. and
his brother in Santa Barbara.
John Kohl was removed to Vir-
ginia Mason Hospital Monday a
week ago, where he is presently
receiving medical treatment.
The Norman Riehardsons who
recently purchased the former Ben
%Villey home and 40 acres of fine
Skokomish bottom land. and
which includes considerable pas-
tm'e land. from Warren Dickey of
Bayshore Road . are at the pres-
ent time doing some planning with
regard to renovation of the home.
The two family horses are alreadv
housed at the ranch. This includes
Cheri's mare and colt. and also
daughter Sandra's Gelding riding
It will be just a brief while
until gardening will be a major
project with the Richardson tam-
fly- on their newly acquired 40
acre ranch home.
Sandra Richardson was able to
retm'n to her office work at For-
estry department after an en-
forced vacation of several weeks,
due to an ankle being broken in
two places, due to a riding acci-
dent while horse back
Bob Gwin taking leave of
Gwins Grocery store Monday, to
take the driv to Kent to visit
his mother. :Mrs. Mary Traeger,
who ramoved to that place a few
weeks ago, and where she will re-
FRIDAY NIIHT was the gala
evenL for Micky Coles Ladles Tail-
oring class when they dined at
Johnnys Dock at Tacoma and held
their high-Jinks, The gals model-
ed their own made apparel, and
were said to have made an at-
tractive display. Present were:
Mesdames Bueehel, Ball. Metzler,
Cowan. Turner and Chapman. the
last named being from Potlatch.
Mrs. I. P. Callison departed for
Seattle Sunday of last week. for a
stop over with her family, there
--Mr. and Mrs. Don Callison. and
left via train for California laler.
and where she will be enjoying a
winter vacation and visiting for
the next few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. William Graham
have removed from Shelton. and
are occupying the home of the
late San] Graham. their uncle.
Several of our localities joined
in the pro-spring and general exo-
dus tor the sun lands of California
and Arizona and Mexico, during
the past couple of weeks--and just
when spring is being forecast by
the first pussy willows, budding
forsythia, and pmmroses in bloom
m several attractive local flower
]Donna and Ran Kirtland enjoy-,
ing Tuesday and Wednesday of
last week in Seattle and where
lhev celebrated Ron's birthday,
while Vv'es and Francis Johnson
took over their duties. At Alder-
brook Inn last weekend Donna
Kirtland. and the girls employed
in the dining room created quite a
colmful picture clad in pretty
new outfits, presented to them by
Daves Tailor Shop, and which in-
eludes .a smart blouse in apricot
shade, set off by stretch pants of
green tweed and cute pixie-like
low green fabric shoes of the same
material. Manager Ran Kirtland
and Assistant ManaGer Sam Heus-
ton were also [)resented with sport
craft suits for the event. Mr. Wes
Johnsou, o\\;vrler and operator of
Alderbrook receiving a handsome
suit gift of his own to enjoy. The
Dares Tailoring" Co. and employees
of some thirty persons of Tacoma
were at the Inn over the wee]-
Also at Alderbrook over the
weekend was the fifth seminar of
the University of Washington Lib-
eral Arts Group. Still featured is
the modern trend on Ancient His-
tory, with Professors of the Uni-
versity on the program. Some 40
members attended.
The first convention of Brick
Layers of Seattle of the Sales
Force Group with some 40 mem-
bers held their annual get-togeth-
er at the Inn last weekend.
Pharmacy Phacts
From Nell Evander
Occasionally we wonder if we
shouldn't call our pharmacy the
"Everything for Your Health
Store"? Regardless of the many
times you've come in our door, it's
quite possible you've never real-
ized the great variety of health
products we car-
ry for your con-
venience. I wonder
if you could pos-
sibly know of the
literally hundreds
of speeialty items
we carry, plus the
vitamins, t o o t h
paste and first aid
supplies ?
I'm certain you
do know the real
reason we're here to serve you
is our friendly, professional pre-
scription service. In order to fill
your doctor's prescription we have
to stock thousands of pharmaceu-
ticals. We take pride in 'keeping"
up' with all of the new drug dis-
coveries and are always ready to
fill your doctor's prescription for
Seattle will soon be able to mo\\;e [ Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
into their new home, whic . Saturdays 9:30 - 6:00
being erected at the present "l" " I y
on their l)roperLy, located at ]/ler-I Ne,I s Pharmac
rimount ]='lace. The bulkhead of[
the property was put in some ]4th & Railroad 426-3327
Lime ago. " • ] (Paid Adv.)
Mr. aint Mrs. Bah Howell ell ,
00ne|it Dance
JoAnn Davidson
Friday, February 22
- -
Alderbrook Inn -- on Hood Ganal
$1.00 Donation 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.
Factory Authorized
on demonstrators,
rentals, floor models and
used organs!
Lowrey Holiday, walnut home model ....... $85[
:,;:;iii? Lowrey Holiday, mahogany, used ................. $675
Lowrey Brentwood deluxe, Leslie Spkr., $1245
, Lowrey Holiday deluxe, mahogany ......... $1025
). Thomas Chord Organ .................................... $495
Thomas Single Manual .............................. $250
Let us prove,, ,THE LOWREY ORGAN is the easiest
to play of all musical instrument
Johnny's Music Box
Brite Star Realty
I. 3 bedroom older home, clos
to store and post office ....
2. 2 bedroom cottage, plus
beaeh cabin 2 acres and
tidelands. $6.500.00.
3. Beach home with guest eat
tage, Hoodsport area. $13.-
4. Hill-top home with sweeping
view. well built with base-
ment. Lots of flowers and
trees• beach privileges. $14,-
5. Unfinished summer cottage,
sturdily built, ready for han-
dy man to finish, commun-
ity beach, club house and
dock. $4,950.00.
6. 8 acres---165' Blacktop Road
frontage, utilities, good ter-
rain, close to Shelton. Has
public access on large lake•
$1.000 - $350.00 - $40.00.
7. 20 acres, access to Lake Isa-
bella. Growing Timber 5" to
i0". $2,250 - $750 - $50.
8. 20 acres, nice stream, good
topography, 660' road front-
age, 1320' deep, good water
condition, utilities, growing
timber. $3,500 - $1,500 - $50.
9. 40 acres at Hoodsport. would
make a fine tree farm; topo-
graphy good: fine view of
Canal; good water condition.
eonsiderable ChrisLmas trees
---$4,500. terms negotiable.
65 contract
10. 57 acres more or less)
platted several years ago.
Access to Hood Canal can
be obtained anytime. Beau
tiful view property. Only $5,-
500.00, terms negotiable.
11. 1560 acres of Desert prop-
erty in Yuma County, Ari-
zona, 75 miles from Bhoenix.
Two drilled wells producing'
water up to 100 degree tem-
perature There are several
large date farms, sub-divi-
sions and resorts in this ar-
ea. Owner will listen to any
realistic offer and can give
clear title. Terms are nego-
Brite Star Realty
Route 1, Box 135
Hoodsport, Washington
Dial 877-5439
i i
| •
Automatic Washer
Quality Features
Found In
No Other
Are Built Into Every
heavy-duty washer.
Check them! See why your
next washer should be a
Westinghouse !
419 Railroad Phone 426-6283