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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Febrm 21, 1963 ity Club At LiJliwaup la --- The March of card party held Friday given by Li!liwaup club success. Eleven tables Were played. SCore going to and Edd Radtke, Mamie second Vfrs. Henry Mourik, and 300 Pinochle to Henry and Mrs. William Everett. Evcryone good time. The next regular card party will be held Friday even- it1 o&apos; FI , 99 P,,i..<, uu 1 ..... .; ...... , and refreshments served, playing to start at 8 p.m. Evelyn Nicholson and :Mrs. Hen- ry Mourik will be hostesses for the evening the public is envited. MRS. PHYLLIS Shearer of Seat- SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published in "Ohristmastown, U.KA.", Shelton, Washin attending report a tie spent several days last week visiting her parents, she also visit- ed her sister and husband Marion and Jack Johnston. bne returned to Seattle Satm'day FeBruary 11, Brownie Troop 28 met at the home of Julia :MeKasson. The girls received their girls scout pins, and girls that had been in Brownies for a year or more received their v:ings All have acquired their ten- der foot rank. Gi;.'l; tt:nding were Su'an Mor- ris, i-:u ;:-n Mcl)owell, lbdine Lar- son. Lh.(ia Iq(<:oy. Ru!h L:mnirg, r)arll BgJ!,l(y, :andi'a. Ptzorski, Vicki Pierc% Charelle ,T{Jnsflm: Julia McKasson, Moniea Franklin, Rhea LaChair and Pave James. ] Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. After the meeting the'mothers pre- Bill MeKasson attended the annu- sent were served coffee and eook-[ al dinner of the Hood Canal Seals, ies hy the girls. ]skin diving elub at the home of The mothers attending were the Mr. and Mrs. Dick Fuller in Shel- Mesdames, Eleonor Pierce, Belle ton. . , hi0. 1 1 Rlly Growing Is De mnstra on Su t farmeonduetOWner,the tour.Carl Brandenfels will How to R'rov:, pa.el;aKe and mar-kel hohy will be demonstrated a,t / Brandenfels will show how to l ..... ___2_ ....... -. a fiel(i'tour of the Sunset ,{OUll-| piune a holly orchard, harve:ting L: ">; n 2Marly Lanning Millie Ho- *.,h, t.n-- r, ............ V----,-*^.- --l ....  ...... -a ..... . ,, ........ a, ,,,,,, ...... holly for markets, packaging;, sot] v,y Mrs. Franl.:lin and Mrs. Nancy i Co!umbia" County Oregon, Mason t fert:ilization and pest, eontr01. He Kerris tim scout ma(ier anti aeani ccnmly Extension Agent Charlesl will also lead t discussion of mar- j McKasson. Peck said this week. ket ideas, and outlets. The program will start at 10:801 An over-all view of the holly a.m. March 2, and will eontinue l growing and marketing business into the early afternoon / will be shom at the field tour. Tom Zinn. Columbia. County Ex-/ The tour is open to anyone in- tension Agent, said that the holly| terested in the holly gro,ing bu- Page 9 siness. Those attending are asked to bring a sack lunch. To reach the Sunset l,Iountai }qolly Farm, cross lhe Columbi Kiver bridge into Oregon ut Long- view. Take U. S. Route 30 South to lhe "Sankton intersection. The holly f'mn is near the Yankton School. Use Journal Want Ads Change of Ownership Sale Continues Thru Saturday' ALL HOUSEHOLD CLEANING SUPPLIES AND WAXES REDUCED To Close Out ½ off ORTIIIG GOODS Reduced To Close Out l MUST GO! '/=off RING YARDAGE EVENT 1200 YARDS NEW YARDAGE FOR YOUR SPRING SEWING 100% DACRON 45" tUn:1' PER YARD COMBINATION BLENDS Prints, Stripes, Solids, Plaids, Cheeks One Group Zippers close-out--V, PRICE HUGE 'SH CLEAR NCE WOMEN'S DRESS and ,CASUAL FODTWEAR ': THOUSANDS OF PAIRS TO CHOOSE FROM IN THESE NATIONALLY KNOWN BRANDS! Regular $5.95 to $18.95 e TOWN & COUNTRY e NATURALIZER • GONNIES Q PENALJO • PARIS FASHION Q JAOQUELINE Q FIANGEES Q PARADISE KITTENS WHITE SALE Foxcraft Muslin, bleached -- 42 x 36 PILLOW CASES Foxcraft muslin bleached-Twin sized 72 x 108 or twin fitted i SHEETs . '1" J , 81 x 108 or double fitted  EACH $2.29 *iislin -- 72 x 108 twin fitted 2 , EACH $ 49 ALSO 81 x 108 and double fitted $2.69 Foxeraft Colored Muslin PILLOW CASES 1 PAIR t TM Fielderest Duracale - 72 x 108 or twin fitted btm., white only PERCALE SHEETS *2" 81 x 108 or full fitted -- $2.89 Short Sleeves .. VALUES TO $3.98--while they last MEN'S SUMM SHIRTS*I "8 REGULAR $1.00 VALUES -- this sale only. MEN'S DRESS HOSIERY 77.*r to Long Sleeve, Figures and Stripes, while they last, all sizes BOY'S SHIN $109o BEAUTIFUL LORRAINE, while and black HA ,1oo for $ 5 00 C H I L D R E N ' S One Large Lot Regular Value $5.95 to $7.95 FOOTWEAR $390 LADLES DEENA SLI FAMOUS NAME, slightly irregular LADi NYLONS HALF-SLIP $1.88 LARGE WITH BATTERY, Flashing Red Light DRESS SHOES $890 VALUES TO $19.95 ELECTRIC LANTERNS PARK AVENUE ..Comfort and support stocking SUPPORT HOSE seamed, seamless, 2-way stretch top -- s, m, I s298 $1 66p r Ladies Nylon Seamless PARK AVENUE HOSIERY 42: 3 pair.. $1.25 (slightly irregular) .... limit 6 pair per customer Large, Fluffy CALLOWAY BATH TOWELS • DRY GOODS DEPT. • I Made especially for Miller Department Stores LADLES PANTIES Sizes 5-6-7 38: s.9.m "'N'll,,7 l i LUMBERMEN'S MERCANTILE DEPARTMENT STORE Railroad Avenue Phone 426-8215