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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 1963
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Page 10 LJ I feel as if God had. by giving the Sabbath. given 52 springs in every year. ---Samuel Taylor Coleridge The JOURNAL DAHCE SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE HALL Sat., FeS. 23 MUSIC BY THE TUNE TOPPERS IT 8It"ELTON'MAg0N ¢OUN'PY J0iJ'iNAL _2. Published HOOD CAHAL SCHOOL HEWS P. q?. A. The Hood Canal P.T.A. meeting was held on Feb. 18, at 8 p.m. in the Hood Canal Junior High School. The program was a panel of special services for our schools. It consisted of William Merrifield. who spoke on psychology; Kenneth Edwards discussed speech and hearing; Deputy Sheriff Nat Stairs talked about deliquency; and our school Nurse Mrs. Geraldine Watts PTA Hears Panel Discussion On Special Ser- vices; Skok. 6th Grade Has Candy Sale party Feb. 12 from 6:30 to 9 p.m. Each student, had [he privilege of inviting one friend Everyone had a good time even though some said a few more boys could have been prevent. Char Ell Johnston hurt her rigbt wrist while skat- ing. She is iaving to write with her left hand. SPOIITN Lower Skokomish boys had a game with Pioneer Feb. 15, 1.963 at the Lower Skokomish gym. The score was 30 to 21 in Lower who spoke of health, in our schools. Skokomish's favor. Jody Campbell, LOI¥ER SKOKOMISH NEWS the high point man, made 22 Wednesday Jan. 30, the sixth points, Steve Lyman made 2 points grade had a popcorn hn(t candy Bill Tim.m made 2 points, Jim Dai- sale. This was done in their room ly made 4 points, Danny Cleveland during the hmch hour. They took made no points, Jon Jackson made no points. Mike Bloomfield made no points, and William-Kinievich in $696 which was added to the student body fund. The fifth grade had a skating Payment Problms??? |ii!:B!:!:: • SAW VOUnSEL" further hardship and worry over hard-to-manage home mortgage payments. Check in- to our budget-fitted home loan refinancing service. Rent4ike monthly payments take you Steadily, sure- lY to ee and clear oWnerstup. Stop in for a talk today. HOME OFFICE  OLYMPIA IN SHELTON  SEE: LOAN COUNSELOR KURT MANN -- MANN REAL ESTATE made no points. Feb. 15 the 9th grade played a game against the last years, ninth grade. The score was 41 to 36 in this years ninth grades favor, Many people went to the game. SLAVE SALES The boys in the Letterman's club were busy as slaves Feb. 12 to 15. They raised $23 to buy a pole vault for tradk in the spring. But Feb. 25 the boys will get their revenge when the girls will be sold to raise money for the Pep Staff and Girl's Leagme. VALENTINE PARTIES AND DANCES On Valentine's Day the Junior High enjoyed a half "hour parties. Each room had its own festivities See Emerson TV and Stereo al Johnny's Hosic Box 205 Cota St. AT YOUR --- II,,,, I Illl ) DEALER'S B: 3Wi 00ne Lively (,nes! The Livel ( Meet Ford's all-new Command Performance cars fresh from their world premiere In Monaco! At center is the hot new Falcon Sprint V-8 that won first in its class at the famed Monte Carlo Rallye. Bucket seats, sports-type steering wheel, 164-hp V-8 and tachometer are standard. More news! V-8 engines now available with any Falcon!* Top: the new Fairlane America's Iivetlest, most care-free cars! I=ORD ALCON • FAIRLANE. FORD • TH(INDERglRI 500 Sports Coupe that took Alpine grades like a native. There's a choice oftwo V-8'sand a vinyl covering in black or white for its Th0nderbird roof, Foreground: new-Super Torque Ford Sports Hardtop with V-8 zoom up to 425 hp and sleek new roof- line. This beautiful new hardtop looks like a convertible! *Except Falcon Stallion Bus and Club Wagons File Income Tax Now, Official Urges District Director. Neal S. War- ren today urged all taxpayers in the Seattle District who have not already d{}he so to file their 1962 Lax returns as soon as possible. Warren explained, "There is no time like the present to file your return if you have a refund com- ing and want to get it as soon as possible." *vVarren urged those taxpayers who do not have a refund coming to file early to help his office utilize as fully as possible the temporary help employed every year during the filing period. JIM PAULEY INO,, 501 Railroad Avenue in "O!w.tma,tOwn,U.S.A.", helton, Washington Mary H. Knight School News WORLD PREMIERE IN MONACO FOR FORD'S NEW COMMAND PERFORMANCE CARS Seventh And Eighth Graders Select Class Offi- cers; Athletic Field Is Prepared For Baseball [ ........... preparation for the coming base-' I u[ass otHcers etecen Ior the se- ball season. The work was done by l cond semester in the 7th and 8th ..... , ......... .^. ,.,....:..: I ": ' ' - " ........ the gym t;msst. iIllLl't' tile Hit's't,- ] grades are presioent, ob Houatz; tion o'f Thomas Murnhv ] vice president alvin Owen" score-  " ' , *  . I tar"v, la,ba, a'r ', Owen: tteasu, e, MEMBERS O1 THE junim' class 2.,.2 r, attend.] D"vi', .... earner .......... 2 n, are making preparations to J'm Starks 7th Bob Watters 8th' the uollege uonference al lorm Thin'stun High on March 1st. The student council representatives. Janice Gwinnett, 7th. Carol Owen. 8th. Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett is class sponsor. The athletic field was cleared and smoothed down last week in North H00son PTA To See Program on Artificial Respiration Tonight Li, dinner heht last Saturday by the N. M. Elementary group was a complete success according to those giving it and those attending. Co-chairmen Mrs. Raymond Me- deiros and Mrs William Moyer, were assisted in preparing the food by Mrs. Robert Henningsen, Mrs. Arthur Guide. and Mrs. Glen Mil- let'. Boys from the fifth m)d sixth grades proved to be very capable waiters, working in the dialing- rooms under hostesses Mrs. Cora Kelly, Mrs. Douglas Hoppe, Mrs. Milton Gire and Mrs. tester Hi'u- gel'. Ed Squire was in charge of ticket sales, and Beverly Huson and Chuck Schantz won the prizes fro" the girl and boy selling the most tickets. Visiting officers from Progress Grange brought the "traveling ga- vel" to Twanoh Grange at last Friday night's meeting, with guest from Agate and Fairhar- bur enjoying the evening with local Grange members. THE PROGRAM consisted of musical numbers given by a trio, Lowell Gunselman, Mary Ann Gun- selman, and Dorothy Harper; and a fascinating "Sub-deb lineup" fe- aturing such local lovelies as Le- roy Dishon, "Hank" Harper, Lee Lopriore and Fred Lockwood, dres- sed in various costumes more-or- less suitable for tile occasion. A mixer game, and refreshments served from a table centered with spring flowers concluded the even- ing. Twanoh is sponsoring a series of pinochle parties as a money- raising project to add to their fund for a proposed Grange hall. These parties are open to every- one. charge is 50c per person, and there will be a high score prize, and simple refreshments. The next party is scheduled for the Fred Lockwood home Friday, at 8 p.m. The third annual local observa- tion of the World Day of Prayer will be held March 1, at 1 p.m., by the Belfair Full Gospel Church and The Belfair Community Baptist Church in the sanctuary of the latter church. This service is sponsored by the United Church Women, and ob- served in 150 countries on the same day, with prayer and giving for the world-wide mission of the Church as its main purpose. EVERYONE is invited to at- tend. Nursery service for small children will be provided, and a fellowship hour will follow the service. This year's offering will be de- signated for the Indian Americans. A very welcome visitor at the home of her parents, the tester Beards, is Mrs. Gary Aune (Pat- ricia Beard) who arrived last week from Oklahoma City. Mr. Aune, now completing schooling there, will join his wife here the end of the month. Their next des- tination is Woody Island, off the coast of Kodiak Island, and they expect to leave early in VIarch for Gary's new position at the Air Force Station there. Mrs. Frederick Fardo and 1VIES. Lee Lopriore surprised Miss Betty Bogle with a birthday cake at the home of Mrs. Claire Bogle on Feb. 14. "Butch" Bond, a '62 gradnate of North Mason, and son of the Roy Bonds, is now on tour with the Easteru Washington College Band. Mrs. Corn Kelly has been nam- ed as this year's chairman for the Heart Fund drive for this area. Just one day too late to be a Valentine, a new son arrived at the John Byeriy home on Feb. 15. By Rachel Freelin BELFAIR ..... Not; just tile mem- bers of the North Mason Jr.-Sr. High P. T. A. but the general pub- lic should find tonight's meeting of special interest. "Resusci-Anne", a life-size doll borrowed from the American Red cross, will be used in a demonstration of mouth-to- mouth artifieal respiration, and a fihn on the subject. "50.000 Lives" will be shown. Mrs. Frank Fedenk, Health and safety Chairman is in charge of this part of the pro- gram. In addition, the meeting will of- fer those attending a chance to meet the candidates for the four School Board positions to be fil- led at the March election. They are, old highway: Kenneth Rose, incumbent, and Kenneth Leather- man; South Shore: Betty Criss, incumbent, and Larry Delaforce; 'Victor: John R. Sisson, incumbent, and Richard Rasmussen; and A1- lyn, Charles Amacher, unopposed. Refreshments will be served fol- lowing the meeting which begins at 8 p.m. at the High School. AND ON THE subject of P. T. A. s . . . the fund raising spaghet- and refreshments. The remaining half hour the entire student body combined for a school dance. BITS RADIOS AND SPEAKERS INSTAIED New bus radio and speakers were installed in all the busses last week. The total cost was $250 per bus. plus labor. With the speaker and radio system the bus driver is able to speak to any individual or group inside or outside the bus. The main purpose of the system is to maintain order in the bus, it will be useful on guided tours and field trips but used mostly for ci- vil defense. The 9th graders rode Mr. Spaul- ding's bus to PoEt Townsend on their recent field trip. They were well informed in their trip besides listening to music. FOR 60 YEARS THE SYMBOl OF OEPENDABLE PRODUC]$ OI'OR COMPANY The French have a way with eggs ........ especially poached eggs. Add a tablespoon of vinegar and tome salt to the water or season it with chicken of beef stock base. Stir the boiling water with a spoon until a whirlpool forms in the center. Slip the egg from a saucer into the whirlpool and stir gently until the egg is cooked. Council recommends that atten- dance be limited to interesled and academically qualified students be- cause of space limitations and other considerations. There will be two one-hour sessions, the first at 1:00 and the second at 2:00. As our junior class is better than average in scholarship it is presu- med the entire group will be pro- SPlit. Announcement has been by tile Board of Scholarship of the Simp- son Timber Company that the Mark E. Reed Scholarship Foun- dation will award seven or eight scholarships valued at $600 each to qualified students during the school term 1963-64. Final decision on awards is made after a thorough vewew of all applications. Mary M. Knight students are eligible if they have attended for one or more years prior to April 1. 1963. ELEMENTARY SOCIETY Social affairs of the small fry last week included birthday and valentine parties in the second, third and fourth grades. The birthday of Carmen Rotil- rock was celebrated Feb. 7. Re- freshments were served which in- chided hwely cupcakes provided by Mrs. Rothrock. After playing games and soundly spanking Car- men, everyone was presented with a big lollypop. Brian Brehmever reached the ripe old age of nine Feb. 14, and this momentous event was the oc- casion for a party. It just isn't everyone who can celebrate his birthday and Valentine's Day at the same time. Refreshments in- cluded some delicious cakes made by Brian's mother. The guest of honor received the usual spanking and then tile youngsters played games. Mrs. Killough's second graders enjoyed a valentine party at which everyone received loads of attrac- tive valentines. Refreshments in- cluded coolade, candy, and cakes made by Mrs. Herb Brehmeyer, Jr. All the grades through six were invited to share candy from the huge heart in the second grade room. CUPID FOUND HIS mark in every case at the traditional Va- lentine party held in Mrs. Clift's third and fourth grade room Thurs- day afternoon. The most interest- ing feature of the room decora- tions was a glittering valentine tree made of silver sprayed maple adorned with red and white bal- loons and dainty edible tidbits. The enjoyment of refreshments was heightened by the thrill of reading the sentimental messages inprint- ed on candy hearts. An occupation neurosis due to excessive writing, marked by spas- modie contraction of the muscles of the fingers, hand, and forearm. together urith neuralgic pain there- JANE'S JOTTINGS Around Mason County witlt County Extension Agent Jane Jones Windsor Nearly every person in Shelton has known of the many years of courage of Bertha Taylor. We in the Extension Service homemaker club work have some of the most vivid memories. Bertha held fast to the belief that homemakers should continue to learn. If they didn't, they'd soon become outdated for their jobs. She held the reins as" county pre- sident for the homemakers' coun- cil until the last possible moment before she became confined. She was a good emissary for Washing- ton State University Extension Service as she travelled to conven- tions as far away as Pullman. She believed in the thel'apy of hard physical work as a home- maker. Painting, wallpapering and carpentry were not out of her realm. She made speedy progress' of any remodeling job in her home and tried to apply new ways of doing. Even in her confinement she created an atmosphere of color wittl her projects in sewing and crafts. Her hospital room some- how broke the atmosphere of drab- ness with all of the color of her project materials. Outside her win- dow was a bird feeding station. She was determined to live fully in spite of her confinement. There is a long list of organiZa- tions and people who have been touched by her Will to make the most and best of the life given. Certainly few have clung so ten- aciously to such a worthy philo- sophy under such long years of testing as did Mrs. Edwin Taylor. made for days like " j One ingredient is pricelesst :'It the Water" , " Visitors welcome, Olympia Brewing Company. Olympia, Washington. *Oly *® " . Thurgday, National Forest Timber Gut Sels Record In 1962 Timber harvested in tile Na- tional Forests of Oregon and \\;Vashingt.on in 1962 reached an all-time high total of 4,404.000.000 board feet. it was reported today by J. Herbert Stone. Regional Forester. U.S. Forest Service. In 1961. a total of 3.808.000.000 board feet was eat. and in 1960 the total was 3.564.000,000. Total value of the 1962 harvest was $80.- $35,240. The annual sustained-yield al- lowable cut for the Pacific North- west Region recently was re- vised upward to board feet. Since harvest volumes are averaged out over a period of years, the higher harvest figure for 1962 does not violate the prin- ciple of sustained yield. Stone ex- plained. Timber sold in 1962 anaounted to board feet. which is also an increase over the past years. Voimne of timber sold varies from the amount cut dur- ing the year because the period in which a sale of timber is cut varies fronl a few weeks or months to several years. Total value of the volume sold in 1962 was $69.039.957. Total volume under contract -- 7.850.000.000 board feet -is also the largest amount on record, Stone noted. in as a result of excessive writing is a malady afflicting the board of directors. This was brought on last week when the board held a spe- cial meeting for the purpose of signing the bonds for the new school building. The $130,000 in bonds were made out in denomin- ations of one thousand dollars each requiring that the individual di- rectors sign every bond once with the exception of Helen Stodden, clerk, who had to affix her signa- ture both as board member and clerk. Now that this detail has been completed, the bonds have been delivered to the bank which will deposit the money to the Mary M. Knight Dist. 311 account with the county treasurer. The Owlettes again tasted the sweet fruits of victory by defeat- ing the Elma Independents in a close basketball game here last week. The teams are very evenly matched and this game followed the usual pattern by being tied 19-19 at the end and decided in an overtime period by a field goal for MMK. All of our girls played so well it is difficu!t to single out any one of them for special mention. Carol Owen was high scoring player with ten points to her credit and Gloria Avery second with six points. Good guarding was equally as important in the final decision as were field goals. Virginia "High Voltage" Hollatz, a little dynamo of energy, Was evrywhej'e at the right instant and had fine assist- ance from Louisa Spalding and Barbara Owen. Below are the team and scot'- ing statistics: 31MK 21 ELSIA 19 J. Landis 3 f M. Stanley 4 K. Graham 2 f C. Stevens 2 C. Owen 10 f K. Matthew, s 6 V. Hollatz g J. Graves 4 B. Owen g S. Oehsner 1 L. Spalding g C. Johannes G. Avery, Sub 6 Wolfe, Sub 2 MMK Subs---Avery, S. Miller. N. Stodden. Elma Subs: "vVolfe. Hake. lV[ox- ley. Use Journal Want Ads i: ..................... :::::di?  ......... : ! : :P !} S TAT E Life Insurance Company Homel0fflce: Blo0mln NEW C CON  C ON VER T3 TO GEAR 9 MINUTES • Pick the drive Cut firewood, damage, build orchards or sh • Cuts leve • Ideal for all HA Vf A Saeger On We Service Wt DSAFE EPOSIT BOXEs Privat -- -Confidential -- I Your Privacy our first cone I Cheerful Service Emergency Air and System Ib Wide choice of Boxes I $5.00 Yearly (plus tax, key, Shelton Branch Thurston County Savings & Loan Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the 9 A.M. -- 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursda 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays Home Office , Branch 5th & Capitol Way • 313 Olympia, Wash. Shelton, SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES • Private, Confidenti