February 21, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 21, 1963
e.Benefit Card Par|yAt
Raises Dimes Funds
Tile Fair Ha.r-i neighbor Lea Soule. Many tbank
was nYost delighted at to tile sharp-eyed salvagers!
turnout that made
The regular meeting of the So-
night March of rah Eckert Orthopedic Guild was
trd party such a success, heht aL the home of Mrs. Edwin
pinochle tables and the I
e scholars' " table were
ith folks from the Twanoh
(] ry
/'shoes, as well as
Fair l-Iarbor Grangers
frie:lds. Lucky enough!
lhe lady's high score:
pinochle Was Mrs. Itelen
Crwanoh Grange while
Battles tool( home the
high Was Won by Irvin
Carl Izett had to c(m-
with the low prize.
tting prize was Won by
of the Agate Gran-
"Scrabble Scholar" of the
was Mrs. Laprione of the
Gange. Home Eeonomie
Mrs. Clem Holl and her
very nicely carried
the Valentine's Day theme
a good portion of the
lleafor the success of the
If "''yutot $35 was cleared
tim 1963 March of
and raising campaign.
most proud and happy
Miss Lynne Stevens
chosen as one of the five
Y girls to serve on
e .ival Royal Court.
gn'ls will be selected
as queeu. Lynne, who is
:bier of Mr. ald Mrs. John
Gralleview and a senior
;. Reed in Shelton also
Mason County Fair 4-H
as( summer and Grape-
SChool Forest Festival
as did both her sisters
daughter Jo-
. Mike Hoskins,
: Weekend here in Grape-
, along with them
tevie Brassfield, the
'.Mrs. Stevens' birth-
John, Edna and
evening din-
ay cake (Lynne's
were Mr. and Mrs.
,ze. The Hoskins left for
little Stevie
by his mother
ld,. older bro-
and little sister "Mis-
to spend this week.
Okonek drove to
' evening, "arm-
leYr cake to help
prate his 21st
With his pretty
The young coup-
been brought
seems to be doing
"boys" were
his son John.
drove to
Spend a long. week-
Son, his Wife and
thday being Feb.
"39th" being
Florence Palm was more
Sed With the results of
Weekend,s endeavors.
came over from Seat-
Pauline and
Work on a pump
Well and was joined
Ira, Jr. and
and Paul
all guests
not Only was the
'P, o bUt a water line
the house. Nice
attended his first
Party in many
ening along with
Mrs. Charles
and hus-
Viekers home
ada most
the form of
daughter Pat
and wife Mar-
a pleasant,
in Gra-
Mr. and
.were here until
it easy, visit-
around With his
recuperating from
were quite
tragic accident
Shelton and
day after-
is Wendali Loop
of Mrs. Art
w, as well as
Diana Peters.
writing, late
Word from the
Hospital is that
very serious con-
:ook advantage
last week to
to Portland
ewell to Mrs.
Bill, Joe
on the way
Fox. who
the way
stopped for a
Mrs. Paul Fos-
near Castle Rock
of their new
son "Chick's',
be postoned
this corn-
to the Call of du-
ld this past week-
• " 2 - minded
trapeview is
In addition to
highschool stu-
a member of
and regularly
in Tumwater.
,u tishermen were
reported to
and Ed Oko-
bg buddy Bill
rought" home
Sunday after-
to re-
raft and
in re-
, was apprehend-
home by nearby
Grigg last Friday afternoon with
fourLeen members attending. Mrs.
Les Smile assisted it] sm:ving the
buffet lnnch and, being a work
flatly, all llleulbel's \\;yore kept oc-
eupie(l. Aside from the "worl(
parly" aspect of the meeting, he
maiu business of the (lay centered
armlnd planning for a game night
to be ileld at the Grapeview
School March 16, proceeds from
\\;vbieh will be donated to the Mary
Bridge Children's Hospital in Ta-
eolll&. TWO new nlerllbers Wet'(:
welcomed to this busy group, Mrs.
ll(.rb(rt (Anna) Dowell of Trea-
sure Island and Mrs. George Gar-
Grapeview Volunteer Fire De-
partment will meet Tuesday, Feb.
26. at tile Fire Hall. Rill Spooner
will conduct an instruction on
pmnps. 7:a0 p.m.
Our Grapeviw Store, will be
open for your convenience on Fri-
day, Washington's Birthday, frmn
]0 a.ln. to 4 p.m.
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published, in eeChristma$iown, U.8.A:", Shelton, Washington
California Rehtives Visiti,g With Family In The Dayton Area
By Malml Ki(hl
DAYTON. Mr. and Mrs. David
Przybylski and son, Jeffey David
of Long Reach, Calif., are visit-
in K with C. A. Kid(t, wire is hav-
ing an enjoyable time getting ac-
quainted with his little month old
grandson. David's mother, Mrs.
Mike Przyt)ylski, visited a few
days last: week leaving on Thurs-
day for her tlome in Wisconsin.
Tile 'Praveling Pinochle Club
meI Satui'day evening at the hall
with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Chapin
hoslino,. High prizes went: to Ross
Rennet( and Archie Lemke, low
to Marguerite Lemke and Art
Bennett, traveling pinochle to
Marguerite Lemke and Jinx Booth.
The Art Bennetts will be lhe next
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hall of Seat-
tle motored down on Sunday to
pick up son, Randy who had spent
two weeks with grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Stoner. Mrs. Earl
King of Paulsbo, had also been
a guest for a while in the Stoner
home and left on Sunday.
Mrs. A. E. Lemke accompan-
ied by daughter, Mrs. Kenneth
Wolden of Shelton motored to
Kent Monday to the home of a
cousin, Mrs. Betty Chilson. They
Garden Club At Allyn Has
Regular Meeting Last Week
By Judy Von Osten
ALLYN __ The Beachcombers
Garden Club met at the home of
Mrs. Earl Terrell at their regu-
lar meeting last Thursday. Mrs.
Edwin Grigg, president, presided
at the business meeting in the
morning. Luncheon was served at
noon by hostess Mrs. Earl Ter-
tell with Mrs. Emil Gaetana as-
After hmeheon a short program
showing color slides of native
birds was given. Several members
brought flower arrangements for
other members to judge. After
the meeting the membeTs visited.
Tile next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. Jones of Victor.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl "Wolfe of
Lekewood are spending several
weeks at their daughter's home
in Portland.
1Vfr, and Mrs. Melville Hemp-
hill were out for dinner Tuesday
evening at the Yon Ostens'. It was
Mrs. Hemphill's birthday and
they were celebrating their 39th
anniversary which was Feb. 14.
Mrs. Alta MacKay is in Brem-
erich Naval Hospital to undergo
major surgery this week. All of
her friends sincerely wish her a
very speedy recovery.
of Seattle visited the Earl Ter-
tells Saturday. They also spent
the night. Sunday the two couD-
lea took a lovely ride up both
sides of Hood Canal. They re-
turned home and Mr. and Mrs.
Art Richards of Seattle stopped
to visit and spend the evening. A
Very enjoyable weekend was had
by evcrybne.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wang- of Bre-
morton were overnight guests on
Saturday of tbe Jewel Yon Ostens.
Dick Rasmusson has returned
home from the hospital after ma-
jor surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clements.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell. Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Yon Oaten .ot to-
ether at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. 5ewel Yon Osten to visit
a bit before the Clements left on
another (rid down to California
and Arizona for the remainder ot
the winter.
Mrs. Ann Westberff and Mar-
cela attended a concc'rt in Seattle
Feb. 8. put on bv Concordia Choir.
Mrs. WestberR"s nephew David
Pudof. is with the grou'D as a
member of the bass siner, and
also a student manager. The group
from Concordia College in Min-
nesota have toured Europe and
have been all over the Unite0
have returned from an extended
vacation which took in Disney-
land, tCnotts kerry Farm and oth-
er points of interest including Los
Mrs. Walter Marigeau and Ju-
dy, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Baum-
gartner and Kathaleen, Mary Hel-
en and John were out Sunday to
dinner and to tell folks Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Clements goodbye be-
fore the Clements left for their
The Pack Meeting was held last
Thursday at Allyn Firehall, and
was a huge success. Several of the
boys received badges and arrows.
Dell One did a skit honoring our
forefathers who founded this great
Den Two presented another skit
honoring another part of history
with eolorhfl costumes and cere-
monies of the American Indian.
This Dell wou the cup for the
most parents attending.
The First Aid members also
attended and received their ad-
vanced First Aid cards. Those re-
ceiving cards were: Mrs. Eliza-
beth Gatlin, David Gatlin. Mrs.
Doris Stock, Ray Cronquist, Mrs.
Carol Battles. Mrs. Heather Marsh
and Mrs. Susie Yon Osten.
After the meeting mothers o]:
the Cubs served a potluck lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell went
to Seattle Wednesday on business
and also spent the day with Mr.
and 1Vrrs. John Ingebright, the two
couples also visiting several
friends in Seattle.
Don't forget tonight is the Feb-
ruary meeting of the North Mason
Junior-Senior High PTA. The
meeting will begin at 8 p.m. Tile
program is under the direction of
Mrs. Frank Fedink. health and
safety chairman, who will feature
a film "50,000 Lives", and a den]-
onstration of mouth-to-nmuth re-
sucitation, using life-size dolls ac-
quired from the American Red
Cross. Also a list of common
plants which are poisonous Will
be given out at the program. The
meeting is open to the general
Tile ambulance answered a call
Sunday which was a very serious
auto accident. We were so sorry
to hear that three occupants o[
the two cars involved in a head-on
collision. werc killed.
N[embers of the Army National
Guard get the same type of train-
ing as active Army personnel. In
event of national emergency, part
m- all of the National Guard may
be ordered into active Federal sm--
were joined there for hmcbeon
by other daughters, Mr,q. A. H.
\\;VoMen an<l children, Sealttle, and
Mrs. Cecil McLain and children,
The I)(m Cress family of Shelton
visited on Saturday evening in
the tmme of Mr. "rod Mrs. James
H icl<s\