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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 14 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton. Washington For Sale u i i BUY NOW! Sears Winter Sale ends February 28. Sears Evergreen Square Phone 426-8201 2/21-28 NEW SPEED QUEEN automatic elec- tric dryer, 3 drying temperatures. 2- year ,parts guarantee, $168 at Lem Warren Refrigeration, 2nd &amp; Cota. • 12/6 tfn TAPPAN--Remodeling your kitchen or building a new home, you owe it to yourself to see and price tte new TAPPAN built-in ovens and surface units. Six colors to choose from. prices to suit any budget. Terms available. Lem Warren Refrigeration. 12/6 tfn POLAROID camera and Kits reduced p to 25%. Buy now SAVE. Ziegler's tamp ana Camera Shop. 11/29 tfn GLIDDEN SpredSatin and paints are your best buy at Shelton Electric Co. your best buy. 12/13 tfn ' 'CHRISTMAST&U "-ub:r stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cota, 12/1 tfn BOY PAINTS -- We are open Sundays, Shelton Marine, Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn FOR SALE: or lease. Shelton Junk Co. Business and property. Stock, equity, trucks, small scales, Every- thing goes. Days phone 426-8626, evenings 426-4567. SJ 2/21-3/14 NEW TURTLES and goldfish In. 638 Arcadia. 426-4378. V 8/16 tfn •rEED your leathered friends this winter, wild bird feed from Shelton Marine-Hillcrest Hardware. 11/29 tfn SA--VE on Perutz 35 mm color film, $3.49, 20 exposures, processing in- cluded. Ziegler's Studm and Camera Shop. 11/29 tfn PI-INEER SAWS sales and service.- We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn OLUX SALES, service and supplies. John Rice. Phene 426-6108. Free demonstrations. R 117 tfn N-*EW 1000 WATT, 110 volt light plant, trailers, boats, campers. $198.50, Saeger Motor Shop, 42-4602, 12/7 tfn -OU CAN PUMt' more water and longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co.. 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn RICH, BL-ACK-T()P--SOIL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, d:alnage gravel and pea gravel for driveways. Norman An- lerson, phone 426-3552. John's Creek Sad and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn -- Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co.. First and m For Sale i t Sporting Goods For Rent Wanted Classified Advertising l FRUIT Trees--Take advantage of purl FOR SALE: 8-foot hydroplane good 2-BEDROOM home with fireplace and Rates early spring, complete selection of] condition. $45. Phone 426-8920 hot water heater. 405 Dearborn. In- WATERFRONT wanted. Tacoma pro- vcr@ fine stock, Oregon grown. Pears, ] B 2/21 tfn quire 1601 Franklin. Phone 426-6265. fcssional family disires unimproved 15 words or less (minimum poaches, cherries and plums Flower- ] FOR SALE -- Tote-gore. $150. Phone G 2/14 tfn waterfront. Cash or contract with interest. No realtors. Write Box S. charge) $1.00 single insertion, in[ crabapple and plums. Shade 426-4973. S 2/14-21 FURNISHED cabin for rent lights and c/o The Journal. 2/21 tfn $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for trees. Roses. Pink Dogwoods. Weep- EVINRUDE SALb anti serlce, We water. Reasonable, Phone 426-6815 ,herries, Camellias Rhododendrons. M 2/7-21 WANTED: Aiders and maple logs, l0 three insertions. Additional Extra fine Magnolias m several are open undays. Shelton Marine inches and up. 8. 10. 16. and 20 foot insertions 25¢ each. Rates for Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163. kinds. Evergreen shrabs. Island Belle stairs apartment. Ceramic tile lt-" larger ads on request. grapes. Many pring blooming 3/29 tfn FOR RENT -- One hedroom, Unionlengths'898-2457Also alderor PortStumpage'AngelesPhone452- shrubs. Heathers. tulips, daffodils. BOATS, MOTORS, TF&ILERS, equip- chen and bath..a-m0Le closets. Phone 2175 after 7 p.m mr write 104 Co- Classified display $1.25 per The Garden Shop. Olympia Highway ment at Walt's Marine Supply, on 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J 7/10 tfn lumbus st. Port Angeles. Wash column inch. South. Phone 426-3710. 2/21 tfn beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- FOR RENT light housekeeping rooms. C 1/24 tfn Card of thanks $1.50. Read- FOR SALE--Small singh drmn gas port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn everything furnished but dishes. 426- HANDY MAN -- Odd jobs! If you er notices 15 word minimum donkey, one planer, one-man andy 4679 or Inquire 100 West Pine, think it can't be fixed call Henry mill, utility traildr, garden tractor. Used brs R 2/7 tfn Landis. 426-309S. 2/12 tfn $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. Phone 426-6822 affer 6 p.m. CLEAN, one-bedroom house, part fur- NEED MODERN compact two-bedroom "Not Responsible" notices A 2/14-28 1954 C-800 Ford, 1952 F-600 Ford. 1950 nished. $40. 426-2081. B 12/6 tfn home on Hillcrest, Fenced yard. Ex- EVERGREEN Azalcas. $].75 each. 12 Dodge boom, 1929 Model A Ford tra large garage. Electric heat. Near $1.50 per insertion. varieties. Cooke's Feed and I-lard- dump. Phone 426-4567 evenings or FUILNISHED APA.RTflIT available school and stores, $7,000 cash or All classified advertisements ware. 219 So, Fh'st. Phone 426-2412. 426-8626 days. S 2/14-21 at Goldsborough .4ts. S 4/4 tfn $3.000 equity. Call after 9 p.m,, 426- must be paid in advance. Ads 2/14-28 1956 MERCURY hardtop, Ires new rub- FOR RENT-- Pleasant one-bedroom, 8546. F 2/7-21 taken over the telephone must ber. best offer over $500. Kenneth heated, furnished apartment. Adults WANTED -- 1000 recappatle tires. OK be paid before the end of the ROSES Are In! Plant now. 58 varieties Sinmns, Potlatch, 877-5308. only. Inquire 311 No. First. Phone Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn ---all number ones. Patented and non- S 2/7 tfn 426-3025. P 1/24 tfn month. An extra charge of patented Cooke's Feed and Hardware. Robert Shumate, Olympia. 9/20 tin 219 South First. Phone 426-24]2. 1955 Plymouth V8 motor, auto trans. COMPLETELY furnished ground floor 10¢ will be made when billing 2/14-28 and diff. for sale. Car wrecked, apartment. Adults only. Reasonable TREES TOPPED. trimmed, removed. Phone 426-6364. D 1/3 tfn and close to stores. Inquire 201 Alder. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- is necessary. WAX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid FOR SALE CLEAN 1959 Buick 4- Phone 426-6450, R 1/31 tfn 4823. 2/13 tfn transparent plastic coating, never door. mechanically perfect. 1963 li- FOR RENT -- Large two-bedroom, WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE to call needs waxing, polishing or scrub- cense. Also one brass ceiling lamp. heated apartment. Close in. Call regularly each month on established bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside Call 426-482 426-6283. S 10/18 tfn Studio Girl Cosmetics elients in and Legal Publications or out. See Graystona- 6/25 tfn B 1/31 tfn HOUSE FOR RENT -- one bedroom, around Shelton. making necessary FOR SALEParagon clarinet. $50, in 1953 Chevrolet. standard trans., radio, unfurnished, on Hillcrest. 1901 South deliveries, etc.. 3 or 4 hours per day. NO. 3386 - good condition. Call evenings. 426- heater, rebuilt motor, new tires, '63 First. Call 426-2194. Rout will pay up to $5.00 per hour, NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL 6981. Y 2/14-28 license. Phone 426-3351, days only. W 2/7 tfn Write STUDIO GIRL COSMETICS, BUY NOW! Sears Winter Sale ends M 2/14-21 FOR RENT 2 bedroom cottage in mid- Dept. 79632. Glendale. Calif. 2/7-21 REPORT AN]) PETITION ]FOR DISTRIBUTION February 28. Sears Evergreen Square 1954 FORD V8 custom Fordor for sale. dle Skokomish Valley. Call 426-6827 , Phone 426-8201 2/21-28 Good condition. Good r, ubber, very or 426-6091 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE dean Phone 426-4566. M 1/24 tfn Art's Bulldozing! STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR %VESTETtN NO. 25 cast iron furnace. A 2/21-3/7 FOR RENT -- three bedroom unfur- Excavating Cement Gravel MASON COUNTY. One steel wood furnace. Two oil . -- In the Matter of the Estate of Re- burners with controls. One blower FO nished house, at 707 Ellionr. Inquire Fill Dirt LAND ERNEST JOHNSON. Deceased. with motor. Sheiton Sheet Metal 321 r Rent 629 Cota or phone 426-6663 Beth R. Johnson, Administratrix of s(, Third. Pbone 426-4792 C 1/31/ tfn Art Indahl sad Estate Ires filed with said Court 2/21-23 FOR RENT--Unfurnished, modern, FOR RENT- One bedroom unfurnish- her final report and petition for dis- two-bedroom house. Fenced yard with ed house, walking distance to mills. Ph. TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. tribution, asking the Court to settle FOR SALE Bulldoze(' blade and drum, mrge patio, Phone 426-8546 or in- phone 426-4606. W 1/31 tfn 5/17 tfn said report: distribute the property to and clearing blade. Call 426-4000 or quire 106 East Arcadia street. FOR RENT -- One-bedroom furnished , the persons thereto entitled and to dis- . 426-8277. W 2/21 F 2/14 tfn house, water and garbage furnished. ,, . charge said Administratrix, Said re- 6 FT SHOWCASE for sale. Blonde SLEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen pr- Phone 426-8150. N 5]25 tfn ' port and petition will be heard on the moogany, Phone 426-4582 viteges, for rent. Inquire 720 North .... BOOTH 22nd day of March 1963. at 10 A.M. in the Courtroom of said Court in the E 2/21-3/7 Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn SLAB WOOD $10.50 cord. lole wood APARTMENT for rent. pale block from RENT A TELEVISION CONSTRUCTION COo inton.C°unty Courthouse at Stlelton. Wash- and fireplace wood $14.00 cord, Ph, downtown. Laundry and utilities HOUSES ]Y[OVED, RA_ISED D:TED THIS llth day of February, furnished, except lights. Phone 426- SET AT d FOUNDATIONS 1963, 426-3010 after 6 p.m. F 7/19 tfn 2461 or 426-3283. B 8-9 tfn LAURA M. WAGENER. COULD YOU USE a monthly charge C-X)LDSBOROUGH'RklLER PARK OLSEN FURNITURE Phone 426-6441 Clerk of the Superior Court. accoun on food? Below retail prices, Convenient to mills rand downtown ROBERT L. SNYDER, free home delivery, no gimmicks, no 3/27 tfn stores. City sewer and water. At 328 Cota Ph, 426-4702 Attorny a Law, high prices, Unconditional guaran- highway bridge, S 4/4 tfn " " ' 125 V, N. 5th. tee to satisfy you. Olympia 943-3720.  AP---M-N-TCh---- .... ., Shetton. ashingtn, Dlt-ltfn lul one and two bedroom furnished 2/14-21-28 3t FOR SALE--Uscdtoih;t and wash bowl apartments, lots of closets. Near Wa4ted WED with fittings, m good condition $25 Shelton Airport and prison site. U@ed Furniture NO. 3416 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Real Estate for both. May be seen 1229 No• 13th phone 426-3772. S 10/11 tfn WILL do ironing in m: home. down- rlll Buy or Consign IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE S 2/2]-2/7 2 BEDRM. dupmx for rent, garage and town area. $1 per hour. 426-8514. Mrs. STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR INSECTICIDE and garden seed time. utility room, electric heat, water, Charles Lombard. 2/14 tfn KELLY'S FURNITURE MASON COUNTY. Get them now at Shelton Marine garbage furnished. 426-8150. Hillcrest Hardware. 2/21 tfn N 11/22 tfn LUZIER Cosmetic subsidiary of Brls- Phone 426-2411 (IN I'ROBATI,]) tel-Myers, due to nation-wide expan- In the Matter of the Estate of 9/8 tfn WEANER pigs. $10 and $11. Started LAWTON APARTMENTS. Bachelor siou program has openings for two GEORGE W. BOL!N. Deceased. Holstein bull calves $45 and $50. units ideal for single men or we- consultants. Full or part time. Com- ,, NOTICE IS tIEREBY GIVEN that Featherweight, Singer sewing ma- men. Also attractively furnished one plete Iraining. Write Box L. C. e/o • the undersigned has been appointed chine. Used bath set, 426-8343, bedroom apartments. All tmtllttles the Journal. Phone Olympia 943-4471. Pets, Livestock and has qualified as the Executrix of --__ G 2/21-28 furnished, except lights. Reasonable. FOR SALE]959 Fleetwood trailer. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 1/31-2/28 the Estate of George W. Bolin. deceas- 45 ft. x 10 widc. Evergreen Trailer 12/4 tfn BABY-sitter wanted, Transportation TRADE WHITE l'aee Hereford for fa- ed; that all persons having claims C<*urt. E 2/21 FOR :RENT -- Reed[ Apt. 2 bedroom, needed. Call 426-2194. In our home. mily milk cow. Phone 426-,li65 au'ainst snid deceased are hereby re- AFRICAN VIOLETS - Diffenbaehia unfurnished, garage, yard. Call La- W 2/7 lfn C 2/7-21 quired m serve the same. duly verified on the undersi'acd Executrix or her - Canary and cage .... antique Water Bissoniere Agency. 426-4666 or 426- MOUSE TRAILER towing anywhere in FOR SALE: Sam yed Imps. $35. No attorney of ree(n'd at the address be- pitcher and B(,wl --- Home pieced 4336. D 8/29 tfn state: Phone FL 7-5358 or FL 2-4940. papers. Phone 426-4342. tow staid 'rlnd file the same with the wo,d enmIorters -- Phone Hoodsport ON-] BEDROOM BUNGALOW,  LADY WANTS WORK by hour or E 2/21-28 Clerk o1' the said court, together witl) day. Has own electrie scrubber• 426- proof of such service within six month $77-5306 W 2/21-28 side, $45 per month. Phone 426-4475 . 4378. Fe l(r--NC)V¢ Sears Winter Se--n days, 426-6692 evenings. V 8/16 tfn Hay  eds after the datc .)f first publication ot ],'obruhr'. 28. Sears Evergreen Square S 10/4 ;tfn' 'SAW ....... FILING,=" grinding and ttll , . this noliee or the same will be barred, Phon, t26-8201 2/21-28 CLEAN, comfortable, one ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- , ,, Date of first publication: January II(TPOINT automatic washing ma- room furnished cottages with or ry, 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 31. 1963. VIVIAN BOLIN chine. Kod working condition. $35. without linens or TV. Heat, elec- 3/8 tfn ALFALFA GLENN E. CORREA l'hmm lieodspor't 887-5274. triclty, water, garbage collection in- J 2/21 cluded in tow weekly or monthly "" DAIRY HAY Attor, o for Estate winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call Bell Building :d ". [r:eti, aI l.'iet ', DT'av's [ ....... 9/6 tfn SEPTIC TANK Fine stemmed, soft, leafy, green, Shelton Was'hington bile Homes. 1617 Fortes Road. Olym- FO kEN-2--':z-'-OnC-ffedroonipatiy " 2700 tons, first, second and third ] /31-2 7-1,1-21 4t furnished i,ome Angieside. $35 per INSTALLATIONS cuttings. Also tops, bottoms and Miscellaneous pla. Wash. Phone 352-2907. 2/21 ifn month. Call 426-6692 evenings, 426- feeder hay, delivered anywhere -- SACRIFICE! Viii Sphere imeer, e, os 4475 days• PR-CAST SE=TIC TANKS lead lots only. Call collect evenings FREE--1963 Tide Book Shelton Marine ov:r $100, make wonderf{Jl healthful S 1/24 tfn lti0-gal., 250-gaL, 500-gal., Supl)ly. Hillcrest Hdwe. drinks, used one month, like new FURNISHED apt. for couple or single SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If, no cmnplcte with book. Daveno bed person, Close to town, Phone 426- 750-gal. 1,31-2/21 4t answer call OL 9-2003, N£arysville, __. MEAT COOLING. cutting and wrap- wrv reasonable. Three good Ax- 441 or 426-4895. G 2/14 tfn Drain Fields, Ditch Digging Wash. minister 3'xJ'.q ' rus. rose. beige FOR RENT -- TWO bedroom unfurn- SHARER DIGGING SERVICE ping. Phone 426-6779 Lemke service. paltern Phom 426-4181. forenoon or ished apartment. Hot water heat, Phone 426-3660 L 2/7 tfn cv,mms. F 2/21 city utRities, range and refrigera- 8-18tfn GARDEN PLOWING and Rototilling. IJ()R--S-AIfP(-;l(-7'd-6-:-ancl-)-e for furnished. Holly Hill Apts. Con- REWARD! Small plots or large, W. A. Vander $16 per cord. Phone 426-367 tact Apt. No, 2 or 426-2493, or 426- S 1/31 ifn 2446. B 5/18 tfn iJXti-[lT fruit ree prunlng. Holder RENTAL EQUIPMENT el: dit,loma fron, Fsrmer's Schnol in HAIN SAWS, Rtary Lawn Mowers, BIDS WANTED Switzerland. 35 years experience. Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, Win Phmc 426-6006. Reasonabh charge. Floor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel For Sale and dismaatling for  new Hwman Eigenman. E 2/21-28 Barrows. Electric Saws. Electric ,, Drills, Saber Saws, Sanders, Exten- materials, of stor building at • sion Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe Alderbrook Inn, Union, Wash. KENMORE Wrnchez. Shelton Marine Supply, 426-8163. A-1 -- 3-WAY 6]7 tfn 3-BEDROOM apt,, close in furnished 2/,21 Gas or Eleclri© sGUARANTEER S ED CA or unfm,nished. 426-3519, '526 Frank-" lin. B 2/14 tfn RANGE U F '1% RENT or Sale: Two-bedroom fur- BOAT BUILDING during Sears nished home on E. Pine cheap. Call evenings 426-6981. ' Y 2/14-28 Repairing and fiberglassing. -P--T. FOR lEN-TUnfurnished one Giass boats repaired or re- Oldest Range Roundup 1962 FORD FAIRLANE 500, 2- bedroom heated, with stove and ,'e- finished, 3 1/3 miles east of dr., 6 cyl., r & h frigerator. Adults only. 311 No. 1st. Agate Store. Phone 426-6977. For details and entry 3/29 tfn 426-3025. P 2/14 tfn 2/21-3/28 ACE CEAlXlING, repairing, ln- 1960 FORD FAIRLANE 500, 2- ()UR-ROOM furnished apartment for blank visit stahations, oil conversions. Shelton dr., std. trans, rent. Call 426-6345. S 8/30 tfn Sheet Metal Co,, 321 So. Third. Dial 426-6121.. 1960 FORD FALCON, 4-dr., de- ' Sears Catalog Sales Office ERT AUTO GLASS ltallatio luxe, auto. trans., r & h. W A " V = Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. 1959 FORD CUSTOM 300, 4-dr., == Ill ll ll 1 a- D =m Evergreen Square 426-8201 Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn V-8, automatic. 2/7-21 3t R--EFiqI-GE-R--A-TORS and freezers, re- DENTIST co,o,,o,o reasonable, Shelton Re- 1957 FORD FAIRLANE 4-dr., V-8 frigeration Service, 315 Cota, phone auto. --- 6-8082 day or night. 1/18 tfn 1957 automatic.FORD CUSTOM 300 4-dr., W sh ngl L NEED A FENCE? :22-.'chimneys .... planters, call R. E. Mason,3/1 tfn 1957 MERCURY MONTCLAiR 4- a I 0n lcense Seautifu00, long-lasting, western AR.TIFICIAL B-_- ven, and highly classified sires. dr., loaded, red cedar fences of distinction by Dairy. beef and charolais, $7,00. Pi- ,9, o.o,,0,,. iur'^!" SALARY insta]|ed or d0-if per Brothers Inc. John Caulfleld. ' 426-2084. C 12/16 tfn automatic, with nothing down, usual- JEROME BUR--K-E 1956 FORD 4-dr., automatic, ly $10 per month. Garden rotovating, field plowing, wen- aged older sawdust, pit-run gravel. 1955 PONTIAC CATALINA, auto. BOX W, c/o Journal Fast guaranteed service or de- Phone 426-3678. 10/4 tfn trans., excellent. . B 1955 FORD, 4-dr., automatic. 2/7-21 3t livery. FREE estimates.  SAW SHARPENING, ft. beach, oysters and clams. accurate precision grinding. Now at 1953 DeSOTO SEDAN, 4.dr., Glen Watson Saeger Motor Shop. Hillcrest. Phone Was $22,500 426-4602. 1/15 tfn automatic. • Ph. 426-3170 WF,-- scrap iron, batteries, radii- NOW $19,500 - terms 1950 LINCOLN, 4-door Sedan, Eells & Valley Appllanco Genlor tors, copper, salvage of all kinds. 1949 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE V7/26 tfn Shelton Junk Co., First and Mill Yu"or Waft er.Dryerh H a quarieed Streets. Phone 426-3626. $4/7 tfn For Rent--l, 2, &,3 BR homes, --loaded, --------" A-g:Ea-- 61a dJot. -- F-6  1960 INTERNATIONAL TRAY- rs expert painting and wall papering, ELALL Wani Ads Pay call ]3ennett Painting Company, FOR LEASE , B 11/8 tfn Three bedroom, unfurn,shed, 17 UP, 4-wheel drive. - - " acres, shop, view, oysters, 268 , , , ft. waterfront. and Radio 1963, Ford Showing T A HOOD CANAL February 22 & 23rd. Jim Pauley, Inc .ooo0000o.00 R Service Phone 877-5211 or m Orville "Dutch" Stanley, fully qualified by experience 877-5575 Evenings Dea ership ............ 5th & Railroad | special training, is now handhng our servl'ce work on Used Cars .................. 5th & Cota television and radio repair and maintenance. Having at. tended RCA color-television school he is qualified in this QUICK CASH Phonc 426-8231 H G special field also. ' Mill, phone 426-8626. • OR SALE -- Large selection at re- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. EelIs & Valley AI plianee Center. 6/5 tfn Music Box, 205 Cota St., phone 4,6 - 402. 2/1 tfn SEE OUR FINE stock of fireplace equipment, From fireglow to Frank- lin stoves, grates to glass Coors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. View. 11/15 tfn SLAB for sale. You--hm $9U50 per cord. We haul $12.50 cord. Length desired. Call 426-4363. Niel[ on Olympic Hiway So. Mac 10/1I tfn EMERSON TV and stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cota St, 4/12 tfn COP SOIL, gravel, fill dirt. F. E. Ogden, 426-6156. 2/12 tin :I?RADE your old camera In on a new Zeiss 35mm automatic at our new discount price. Reduced from $132.50 to $99.50, Limited time only. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 6/25 fn [-NG-G-E-RA-:U-TbMATIC ZlG-ZG sew- ing machine repossessed with full balance due of only $41.20. Want responsible party to assume balance at only $5.00 per month. Machine wit1 zig-zig, overcast, sew on but- tons, make buttonholes, all without attachments. Guaranteed. For further information call Olympia 352-551, anytime, ll-lt£n and save. No. , Reg. $1.80, $1.59. M-2. reg. $1.56, now $].29. Ziegler's Stuaio and Camera Shop. 11/29 tfn ;lbieycle. Like new---$35-. Phone 426-8260, S/23 tfn E play pen in good con $10. Phone 426-3153. P 2/7 tfn Us(;d wringer washer. Hotpoint range, dryer, wahw pumps. Shclton Electric, 419 Ralh'oad Ave: 2/14-28 ] NOW! Sar Sale e--mcl February 28. Sears Evergreen Square Phone 426-8201 2/21-28 condition. $75 or trade for good gar- den rototiller. Phone Hoodsport 887- 5274. J 2/21 PLANT BLUEBERRIES NOW Berries this summer and beauti. fy grounds year round. Dis- counts for field plantings. Whips. Eberhardt Blueberry Nurseries, Rt. 1 Box 392, Olympia. Phone 352-8031. 2/21 th i ii i , _.. ...... i ?. - . - mm i t SALE Used Furniture and Appliances Davenpert & Chair ............ $79,50 Daveno & Chair ................ $39.50 Barrel chair ......................... $22.50 Swing Rocker ........................ $29.50 Desk ........................................ $35.00 Lounge chair & ottoman $44.50 Lounge chair & ottoman $4.9.50 3-piece Sectional ................ $99,50 2-piece Sectionsl ................ $65.00 2-piece Sectional ................ $99.a0 Davenpols (2) ................... $40.00 Auto. Washer & Dryer .... $150.00 Seigler Oil Heater '• ........... $49.50 El¢c Range, like new _. $89.50 Wringer washer .................. $49.50 2-dr. Refrigerator-freezer $135.00 Large Refrigcrator ............ $135,00 Oisen Furniture 32S Cota Ph. 426-4702 GASH PAID FOR Good, Glean, Used Furniture and Appliances. C,,L" KELLY'S FURrN|TURE ,006.00411 _JIll , lr i ..... L II l.,ega[ Publications NO. 311 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLA!:.S IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHhNGTON F;. MASON COUNTY. (1N I'ROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES ANDERSON. Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Ann Westberg has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of the estate of Charles An- derson deceased; and that all per- sons having claims against the said estate or lhe said deceased are here- by required to serve the same duly verified in duplicate with the neces- sary vouchers attached, upon *he un- dersigned Executrix or her attorney of record at the law office of B, Franklin Heuston. Angle Building, Shelton. Washington. and file such claims to- gethei- with proof of serwce with the Clerk of the above entitled Court within six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice to-wit: 14, February, 1963, or all claims noL SO presented and filed will be for- ever barred. ANN WESTBERG. Executrix. Estate of Charles Anderson, deceased. Address: Grapeview. Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON. Attorney for said Estate. Angle Bldg. Shelton. Wash. 2 2/14-21-28-3/7 4t CALL FOR BIDS Sealed bis will be received at the Office of th, Mason County Commis- sioners until 11:00 A.M.. March 4. 1963, for furifishing [ason County with two (2) ]963 four-door sedans. The County contemplates trading in 2 1960 4-door sedan Ramblers in their existing conditien, radio and emerg- ency equipment to be removed. The specifications may be obtained at the Office of the Mason County Sheriff• at the Courthouse, Shelton. Washington. The prices shall be F. O. B. Shel- ton, Washington. The County reserves Lie right tO reject any m" all bids or to accept the bid deemed most advantageous to the County. Dated at Sheiton. Washington, this 4th day of February,1963. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS. By C. NOLAN MASON Mason County Auditor. 2/14-21 2t WILL trade 500 ft. waterfront, near Ailyn or 3 1)edroom home in Shelton for logged off land. Phone 426-4476. 2/14-28 3 BEDROOM house for sale large liv- ing, dining and fmnily rooms. Call 426-8078 S 2/7-3/14 THREE bedroom, fenced patio, large uLilit.y, nrep]ace, hardwood floors plastered. Reasonably priced. We will paint 2128 Jefferson. Phone 426- 4652. H 2/21 tfn 1'O1{ SALE 3 Beuroom mme. electric hett, new roof. part basement. Near school on Hil]crest. $14.800 all after 6 p,m. 426-4534 H 1/24 tfn THREE BEDROOM house. 3 lots. 1926 Sumndt Drive. $8,500. phone 426-2154 or 426-3024. Garage. Fruit. P 1/24 tfn THREE BEDROOM home. 5 acres, fi- replace, amdern and neat. $9850. Call 426-6692 evenings, 426-4475 days. S 1/24 tin FOR SALE -- Duplex 84x28 with 10 lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-8150. N 7/23 tfn O-F-F-E--RED BY OWNER -- 3 bedroom Island Lake home. 50 ft. trontage, good dock, new 12 x 36 sundeck, fire- place, hardwood floor in living-dining area. Includes 50 ft. lot across road. Reasonably prfded -- $10,800.00. Call 426-4603 between 7 and 10 p.m. E 10/4 tfn Veer, phene Hoodsport 877-5393. Shel-  good house in Skokomish Pal- ton 426-3529, ley, close to highway 101. for Christ- V 2/7 tfn mas tree or timber .land. Phone 426-6084. R 11/8/ tfn Classified Service -W---oom, partly furnished sub- urban honle for sale or lease. Phone McCULLOCH SALES ana Servzce. We 426-4147. , S 12/20 tfn are open Sundays. Shelton Marine  OF DEATH in family, am Iorced to sell income property. Also Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163. four large cleared lots. 426-3477. 3/29 tfn Call evenings A 10/18 tfn HAVE GUN'WILL SPRAY! Exterior  and interior. Free estimates. Work home, beautiful view Olympics, near • guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co. I school, excellent condition, living Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn room -- dinette have wood paneled ROOFk  -Vu-a- fireplace wall. Family kitchen, birctl tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn cabinets,, dishwasher. Double carport 1 baths, private paiNe. "Must sec to J-OBSEN SALES *ariel service. We appreciate. Phone 426-442. are open Sunday. Shelton Hillcrest Hardware, 426-8163. F----0-7"SXLE -- conveniently J 1/17 tfn downtown home. Large living room and separate dining room all carpet- ed. Wood panelled family room with fireplace and glass doors to large fenced in patio 4 or 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, utility, worksltop or office. Attached garage, electric heat. Mode- rarely Priced. nmst sell. Call 426-3089. D 2/7-21 HOOD OANAL FOR SALE Three bedroom home - 2Y2 acres on the Hamma Hamma River. $12,500 14 acres, 2 bedrooms, land- scaped, year around creek, 140 T EELLS and VALLEY Always the best deal, by George! A.y Si00e or-ocat,o. APPLIAHCE CEHTER -call- at J.L. HENDRICK Olympia 943-4570 Eells & Valley Evenings - 943-3932 table model and transistor radios, stereo and hi-fi. M E T R O P O L I T A N MORTGAGE & SECURITY 2nd &, Gota St. Phone 426-4663 2nd and COTA STREET PHONE 426-4663 COMPANY, INC. 3/2 tfn 2421 W. Harrison, Olympia SUMMONS BY In THE SUPERIOR STATE OF " MASON COUNTY. • MABEL E. ROGERS, ' ANTONIO ROGERS, D THE STATE OF WA the said Defend aIl' ROGERS : : YOU ARE appear within sixty date of tle first Summons, to-wit: after the 14th day and defend the in the above-entitled the Complaint of a copy of your answer signed attorneys their office below of your failure so to be rendered against the demand of the has heen flied with Court. The object of the abO tion is to obtain a dW defendant on the groU.. FOSTER & Attorneys for By Donald J, OFFICE AND PoS DRESS" ": 501 Security BuitdlngC') Olympia. Washington. ' 2/14.'', STATE OF VFASlt DEPARTMENT 0 RESOUB BERT L. cO CO nlnlt4siener NOTICE OF PRODUCTS MORE THAN Notice is on Monday. the 4tl 1963. commencing the /m'enoon. at tl Headquarters of Natural Resources. scribed forest pro at public auction def. All trees marked wi within marked sale and property fines mately 63.090 fir• Located in Pt. Twp.. 20 N.. age. son County, CASH Forest products cash basis• Minimum acceptable $1.165.50, On or before MarClW^ 10:00 a.m., ea(h biddA a n]inirounl deposit o, a $5.00 bill of sale ffle,, 1 r.r. . [ u $ 21.oo m tbe form o i. der or certified clzec'' shall constitute" an ope appraised price. Opel  this sale, the respectZ be returned to the uv' ders. The 1)urehaser in ance betWeeeu [he b|,  the full hid price on tl This balance may be P check. All ehe('ks I11011 are to be, made pa,able stoner of Public IandS, BOND : Upon award . chaser must also fur, of $200.00. in the for order, certified check I to guarantee complianea of the bill of sale. Any sale which has for which no bids ar n, t be reoffered until advcrtisdd. If all sal( lered within the spcei] advertised date, tie tinue on the following boars of ten o'clock o'clock p.m. The State of Washi guara,tee its publisheq, herein described foreS purchasers thereof sh all course against either-: Washington or the 0 Resomccs if the act  equal such published t Forest produets nlU lu'ior to December 31, .. Located approximateIJ' wesi of Shelton. -'' Accessibility via e Timber Company and A copy of the forest 15 sale contract is posted  District HeadquarterS  BERT L. COL ." Conunissioner 0I C LL FOI ! Notice is hereby givei of Commissionc:s of., District No. 3 of MasOfl. ingtou, does hereby t I[, " posals fro" construct"' phase feeder of aboa, about 15.500 feet of s mary distribution Lake Additions No' Section 2, 11. 3W. W. M. -- which is on the Canal about 14 westerly front Proposals for doing be scaled and filed office in Shelton. 25th. 1963. at 1:30 dard Time. Said proposal shal tion as covered by cations and contract at the office of the arc available for publl may be obtained bY deposit of $25.00. TW posals are requested, plete Job including al 'ials ('(xcept ool s) ar labor only as" defined lions. Each bid shall be aC certified check payahld; the District for not le cent (5€) of the at'C or accompanied by a amount not less than ' of the bid With a 0 licensed to do busine and no bid will be co acconlpanied by sUch: bond. Tile 5%- ,'sbal!u pl'opusa] resu]lulg l "s anlount. At the tinm a. such hids will be pub!} read told the Comn]lS-  bidder upon specificatl, in the" opinnion of the!i) all blds are unsatisfa n reject all of lhem aad cheeks shall be retur dots. Tie Commission"  unqualil ed "ight ill'. absohlte discrclien t all bids, and to accel)- which, in their sole a meet. will, under besL'.cl'v the interCS If the contract is 1 bc returned io the bi of the successful bidd relaincd until a coil I into for !lit" work lol'n] thp work ties $a!isfll[Biol'y lo ill an alUOLUlt Io Collanissioners, If der l'ails lo cnt(,r into acc(;rdiluce witl his snell boud wJlhill tell lhc date at which hi' is tlm slntessftll 1' I.)Jd )end and will be forfeit0d PUBLIC NO. 3 OF MA J A CI¢2 A, E. W TAYL DATE: Feb Ua "y Journal I