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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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21, 1 &apos; 963 Real Estate HOMES BE FIRST TODAY one is a little out of shape, paint will make you a bedroom home. It's located the edge of town on 3 lots many features yon would- ct at $5000. Just a few and your rent money a home owner. Call ROY DUNN CREEK ROAD just 3 miles from town. !.in'new listing, that will be Considering. An older home with large living hen, bath and utility. on 5 acres with small and partly cleared. This being sold completely fur- including new electric washer, dryer, beds, living • hire and the works. All do is light the heater. you miss at $7950, Get A. ROY DUNE • R REN IN SCHOOL? one is a natnral. It's ols. stores, and dad's have 3 roomy bed- spacious baths, an ad- , room and large liv- OWner will allow party to move in on until down payment The price is payments of $50.00 a this' one today. A ROY DUNE -- A FAT  ote is priced right and - nnaneefl on easy terms. age features you normal- ,nly in homes of twice the ., .Orner fireplace, natural cabinets, nice dining room, FWall carpet in livin roe [Uch, m ..... g m 50. If a more . Its price v" erestea in exeep- • alue see thls property at 7 --A. ROy DUNN /ILL L KE THIS Will have a fireplace for fby. A nice yard with fi - or lotlnin  ., re :xtra h^Y. ,s m.. garage dEed room all i i " d ev- g s 3ast rl h • • am wiP :" g t for hvmg tt , ne the sunny kit- la2:ge Utility, and coy There a-. ered ng.siz- '-'e- two bedrooms, I',, e.and one with wall- ;,Pet. Showing can , uL any tim .... be c. ee this A. ROy DUNE __ NT PASSAGE bedroom home. dish- range and oven, large dock, ft. deep. Lots and the yard is You want some- can afford $21,000. ]i:-- A. Roy DUNN DIA SHORE TRACTS -- is a large lot for b 71r Just s'--- - uild- ' emmet Iun..ll, here ft. of frontage and the v Ptional T._ "ew Cntr • -e owner will ca - act With 500 r Ionth Th,- "$ down and "  is a good buy A. ROy DUNN _ ER LAKE is SOme of the be n the lau^ . st front- :hoiee "=_" xott can have m, v. o'" everal lots -u ,L. zrontno. , each 'front foot' e" she price is easy terms 'anged V • can • " ulUes h 'Y'msing Bet" - ere are , • Let buy novv. - "A. ROy DUN,, 'ont Pro-..- nomes and about'%y'0000th00:00 to a'R ROY DUNN '" EA LTO R '. Call: rv ross. 426 8nvA i['R°Y Du'n', .......... .__" "" =a ............ 416-4601 HONE 426-6363 a: !26 Railroad gem Estate LaBISSONIERE * Star Values. -k 120' FRONTAGE MT. VIEW Easy walk to markets. Com- fortable 2 bedroom home. Pa- tio w/fireplace, large paved ga- rage. Fine fir trees, all safety- topped. Fnll price $8,750. Terms arranged. -k COMMANDING LOCATION CUSTOM - BUILT HOME, 2 bedrooms plus versatile study. Spacious living, charming din- ing. Fireplace, Daylight base- merit. A truly fine home for $21,500. Convenient terms. * NEARLY NEW, 4 BED- ROOMS, 2 fireplaces 2 baths, Large living carpete(t. Family room 2 car port $16.800• FHA. $975. includes closing. 3 LOVELY BEDROOMS A most attractive living room, fireplace, birch kitchen, range- oven in. 2 eat" garage attached. $16,500. FHA $875, includes closing cost. 9:4 BEDROOM FAMILY home Well located. Hardwood floors. Fireplace, well designed living and dining rooms. Furnace. To- day's Best Buy. $9.950. Terms arrm]ged. * DOWNTOWN LOCATION, Easy walk to everything. A sharp looking house. Three nice bedrooms, plaster-tinted walls• Two cat, garage. Fenced gar- den, rich soil. An excellent buy at $6,500. $650 down, $50 mon- thly includes taxes, insurance. Waterfront Homes 9: 110' SALT WATERFRONT. 2 acres, south shore w/tide- lands. Four minutes' drive. Top quality, 3 bedroom home, 2 baths, almost new. Spacious carpeted living room 30' x 14'. Massive sandstone fireplace. Gracious .dining, 3-car garage, 2 patios. parkllng Water. B.B. elec. zone controls. $32.500 terms can be arranged. 100' I SLh/ND LAKE 3 bed- room, modern. Fireplace. En- chanting view, party float. $20,500. Terms of course. "k 200' SALT-WATERFRONT W/TL 3 bedrooms, 2 levels. fireplace, B.B. elec. plus oil furnace. Accessible beach w/ boat house. Over 3 acres CUl- tlvated. Shelton 9 miles. Full price $18.500. Consider part trade 2 bedroom town home. free and clear in Grays Harbor. 9¢450' SPENCER LAKE. Choice waterfront, no bank, all clear• Substantial 5-room home, basement. Two-car and boat storage• Maffnificent gardens. Full price $25.000. Terms Save $5,000 Income Property 9:4 U'nit Apartment house. All furnished. Easily worth $12.- 800. sacrifice for $7,800. All 3 r mm units with bath. Automat- ic washer. Can gross $165 mon- thly. Spotless• See it and you will recognize a %nee-in-a-" blue-ruDOlf' bargain, $2,500 dn. Balance $85 monthly. 9: g Unit Apartment, includes owner-manager home. Always full. Gross $440 monthly Pric- ed to sell at $37.500. $10.000 flown. $200 monthly A sound investment. SEE US FOR LARGE FARMS AND ACREAGE. CALL 426-4666 LaBissoniere A G E N C Y REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 119 So. 4th -- Shelton, Wash. EVENINGS: JOHN DEVEREUX 426-8544 I "qm  -qm ,ql ,m  ,m ,i  Preferred Propeflies by Walerlr0nt Realty :Railroad Ave. Cll 426'8277 A RENT BEATER! 2-bedroom home today. Excellent Angleside IDea- S°me WOrk; $400 down -- $45/month. fb " nallenge, but Well :a a3 bedroom ..... worth the effort if you are look- "-. zese  ---, amlly room home only 3 miles out on u[er Will be considered. fie AND SEE! An esPecially good bu " nk t" View homo .....Y m a well-located sparklin 2 bed- -y,n, 1 b_, -,-, wmen can be easil con- r ' . only home at far below m00ket v00lte00 ,nto a 3 -Phonallv ,,_ a o_wn on FHA terms. Let's 1 ue The best .... e property. , ook today at this tGE FAMILy H The la-- OME , , rge comfortable home you have wanted for our 'c nes! SPacious living room With carpet, drapes and tY;ac bathslrepl, aee'and La}geFouR eonvientlo kitchen separate dining room, $12 500 FItA or ter rely bedrooms, A preferred property at %SE _... OPTION lential area S garage home in excellent ,P?eious 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double ]edate oceu mall down payment on FHA financing with Pancy. iAnLp BUY FOR SPECIAL p 10ts. Lareteris have gone into this pro eft locate on eat ma ," EOPLE vm ee and sl ,,,mgany paneled livin r Prn y " d ext.- • ,umg mas d ..........  o0_.. Wzth lovely , -¢t mr ._ ...... s LO pati0 Tiled kiteh , , urooms With baud-ins." $6750. en and bath  tth, ,. J WITH FRONTAGE! (l(d:eSctric]t'yg'hs°ded slope for any type of buildin Water IF"Only $3900 wi +. .-' tract is just 5 miles out thegAreadia I ' '-"' Lerms 0t Course. ----  "-" Evenings Call -- lck'arden Stroud .................... 426-4000 Bolhng ....... 426 8162 Legal Publications N(I. 2633 NOTICE (IF Ill'tAIlING FINAL RE- 1'O2IT AND I*E'rITION FOB I)IN'rBI- BiTION IN THE SIIPERIOR COU'RT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE rN THE MATTF, R OF THE COMBIN- ED ESTATES OF PATRICK E. LEE and M2NA LEE. Both De(.eased, NOTICE IS HEREBY (IIVFN that TERESA LEE LAMBERT, Adminis- tratl'ix of tile above entitled estates has filed m the office of tile Ch.rk of said Court a Final Repo't and Peti- tbm for Distribution, asking the Court to ,ettle said report, distribute the l)roperty to the persons th;'reto entit- led and to discharge the petitioner as administrairix; and that said report and petition will be heard on lhe 1st day of March 1963. at 10 (,'clock in tile Joronoon of said day, or as soon thereafter as ill( nlflllel' can be heard lu tile eonrI roDin of tile ahove entit- led court, in thc  Courthouse in Shel- tea. la son CoLInty, Washington• at which lime and place any person m- lorcsled iu said Estate may at)l)esr and file objeclions thereto alld r:ontest tile Sallle, Dated lhis 25ih day of January, 1963, LAURA M. %VAGENER Clerk of said Cour( 13y Teckia Vermilli,m Deputy. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Eslale Bell Building 122 Soulh Fourth Street Shelton. Washington 1/31-2/7-14-21 4t If I wished to punish my en- emy, I should make him hate somebody. Hannah lVIore ReM Estate EXCEPTIONAL VALUES HERE IS THE CHANCE TO MAKE SOME MONEY Three bedroom home out in the country and three cabins to rent and make yonr payments for you, They have been bringing in $30 per month. This is all located on- ly one mile from town and on 1} acres. All cabins are rented now. Low down-payment., and.. small monthly payments. Total price is $8,000. OWNER READY TO MOVE OUT OF TOWN This family home is priced just right for the lucky one that buys it. Award winning yard, large ex- tra lot, separate workshop, close to stores, schools, churches. This home has two bedrooms down and tWo up, tiled bath, large cheery kitchen with dining area. easy to heat, just recently remodeled so move right in for $8.500. LOCATED RIGHT IN THE CENTER OF TOWN Convenient is the important word for this home. Just recently remodeled, large living room, sep- arate dining room for the lorge family gatherings, cupboards ga- lore in the sunny kitchen, utility room. large back porch, two com- plete baths, two bedrooms down and three up, all the space you need for only $10,000. GRACIOUS LIVING IN THIS HOME FOR THE FAMILY THAT WANTS IT Charmin E living room with fire- place, large entertaining size din- mg room, view from every win- dow of the water, mountains, city, music room off the living room, race roomy kitchen, three baths in this family home, All bedrooms on one floor, all three of them, full basement, easy to heat. room in basement for recreation room. king size yard, lovely shrubs, rio- wers, and landscaped to perfec- tion for $17,900. RENTALS Neat azTd attractive two bed- room home completely furnished. Brand new washer and dryer, stove and refrigerator, nice yard, all this for $85 to the right party. DUPLEX FOR RENT OR SALE Two bedroom, living room, kit- ehen and bath, electric heat, gar- age, utility room -- for $55. Two BR, unfurnished house. nice neighborhood, for $55. Two bedroom, unfurnished ap- artment for $60. WATERFRONT PROPERTY Located on Pickering- Pass this waterfront lot is 100' waterfront and 900' deep. Wonderful build- ing site, includes tidelands for $5000. Well designed, carefree home is l this two bedroom home located l on Arcadia Point. 75 feet of wa- 'terfront, includes tidelands, mod-I ern hOme. cheerful fireplace, beau- tiful view, priced for $13,500. ANGLE AGENCY Real Estate -- Insurance HERB  Phone 426-8272  DICK SUE DANIELS DONALD (Bean) DANIELS 426-3434 Legal Publications NIII,.'I.'rON PI'III,IC S('IIOOL I)IS'I'I{I('T NO. 30!I--MASON ('OUNTY I', O. Box 4;8 SlIELTON. %VANll I NGTON NO'I'll'i,: TO Bll)I)EIIS Se-thd Bids will l)e re(:eivcd hy the llnd.-rsiEne(t unlil 8:00 ]).llh on the 12111 day o[ March. 1963. at lhe Sc}lool Board Offices ill the Evel'green Ele- I)lellIal 5" St'Ill'el coFnel' of 8111 all(] Pine. Shell(in. %Vasbington f(o* fur- nishmg ONE LANGUAGE LABORA- T()RY COMPLETE PLUS ALL AC- CESSORY EQUIPMENT. TO BE IN- STALLED IN THE GRANT C. ANGLE BUILD2NG for the Sehon] District. Sp.*cificat ions an£1 conIl'act docu- lnenls may be obtained at the S('ll()(,l Eoard Off we located ai lh,, almve address. Each bid shall he aeeolnDanJed by a Certified (heek. Cash er's Cheek." or F, id Bond. nlade payal)h, lo SliD] ten Public Schools. Dish-ict No. 309. Ma- SOIl C0lln|y, WashinI.'[on, in atnolult nol less ttlan five per ('enl ( '5¢. ) of tile alllounl bid, The Board of Directors of Sbehon S2llool Dish':el No. 3().q, Mas m County aSllington• reserves tile rillt to re' J(,ct ally iH" all hids 1,) spill a%qu'ds. an(l to w,/ive an.y inforllalities or it- ree'ularilies in any bid or in the bid- dina', if (he lest intel'esls of 1he Dis- tricl will he served lheroby. No bidder nlay witlldraw his bid afte,." the (hire and I]our set lot the ol)ellin °" [hcl'eof. or he fore a ".v a r d of (•onlrae[, unless said awaJ'd i d0t,,l Ior a period exceediug 30"iays. """'" Bv order of the Board of Directors. SItELTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS By R. W. OLTMAN. Superintendent I)1" Scbo0is, 2/21-28-3/7 3t There's something new on the Federal Income Tax Return this year --- a chance to take your tax refund in U. S. Savings Bonds. Real Estate Real Estate JUST $5000 You must see this new listing today. Well located on a fenced. corner lot, with two roomy bed- rooms, comfortable living room, and a cheery kitchen with lots ot cabinets. There is also a large back porch, garage, and a wood shed. Convenient to stores. Con- tract terms. START HERE- Why not use this compact Hill- crest home as a stepping stone toward your future dream home. It has one bedroom, cozy living- dining area, plus lots of storage in the kitchen. Contract terms at $2800. WATERFRONT COTTAGE -- Just a few minutes from town to this cozy two bedroom cot- tage located on 190' of good wat- erfront with choice beach. This spot is perfect for year-round liv- ing. Full price is just $7,450 with terms arranged. DOWNTOWN LOCATION Perfect for older couple. Easy walking distance to everything, This roomy one bedroom home is in perfect condition, has lots of storage, an easy to care for lot, and it is priced right at $5,750. This can't last ong, so why not look today. TAKE 10 MINUTES- Why not take a few minutes to look at this excellent two bedroom home. You might say this spot- less home is better than new, as the lawn is in and drapes ar in- cluded, in fact it is fully furnish- ed. We are sure you will like this attractive home with its pret- ty fireplace, built-in appliances and many other plus features, Priced at $13,750 including furn- iture. DREAM KITCHEN 3 LARGE BEDROOMS. Take time to look at this spark- ling home on South Hill. This home has one of the nicest kit- chens you will find anywhere. Other features include a separate dining room, tiled bath, fireplace, patio and large garage. A good buy at $12,750 with 10 percent dn. MT. VIEW Attention Veterans"O" down on this well-built Mt. View home. It has 3 bedrooms, with one extra large. Step-saving kitchen, spac- ious living room, separate utility room and a detached garage. Ev- erything on one floor, only $10,- 750. MANN REAL ESTATE CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME 321 South First Street SHELTON EVENINGS CALL VINCE H I M LI E---426-6501 KU RT MANN--426-3228 - _ _ _ _ _ Roy Ritner, Herb Rotter Associates, Inc. % Income Tax Prepared  Some very cheap money on FHA loans WALTER GEORGE  OFFICE 1V£ANAGER, BROKER OFFICE PHONE 426-6642 -- HOME PHONE 426-3530 LOG HOUSE Two bedrooms, five acres, good well and water. Orchard, small barn, large work shop. Full price $8,500. FWE ROOM HOUSE, three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat and garage. 60 ft. of waterfront, close to town. $12,000 with terms. 4 ROOM HOUSE ten acres. 1½ acres cleared. Other outbuild- ings $9,500. TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, garage, part basement. Priced at $4,000. Down Payment $350. TWO BEDROOMS, fireplace, electric heat, wall-to-wall carpet, Full price  $6,850. THREE BEDROOMS, dining room, fireplace, garage md car- port. Price $18,500. 21 ACRES, SOME CLEARED, Old house, drilled well, $2,800. 7 TO 8 YEAR OLD, 4-bedr0orn house. One acre of land. spring water, double garage, workshop _-- $9,500. Legal Publications NO. 3385 NOTI('E OF I1EAI(ING FINAL RII*OI{T AND PETITION FOR I)l STR! IU'IION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of CLIF- FORD P. LIVINGSTON Deceased• Arnold Livingston• Executor of said Estate. has filed with said Court his final )epert and petition for distribu- tion. asking the Court to setth, said repol't, distribute the property lo the pers)ns thereto enlitled and to dis- charge said Executor. Said report and pcti(ion will be heard on tile 15th day of Mar(h. 1963. at ]0 A.M. in tihe Conrroonl o| said Court, in the County Courtroom of said Court, in the County DATED THIS 111h day of February, 1963, LAURA M, WAGENER. Clerk ot Lhe Superior Court. ROBERT L. SNYDER. Attorney al Law, 125p.2, N. 5th Shelton Washington. 2/1.4-21-28 3t NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER "FOI SALE Bingman 1.962 No. 2 Public notice is llereby given that Imrsuanl to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Slat. 132-16. U.S.C.A, 583-583i), and the Coopera'tive Agreement for the Management of the Participating For- est Properties in the Shelton Coopera- tive Sustained Yield Unit entered in- to by and between the United States of America and"the Sinlpson Timber Conlpany, dated December 12. 1946, all n)erchantabie timber marked or desig- nated ira" cutting on an area embracing 280 acres, nlore or less. within Sections 2. 3. 10, 11. T. 21N., R. 6W. surveyed, Sections 25. 26. 27, partially surveyed, Sections 35 and I]6 surveyed. T. 22N.. R. 6%V.. W. M.. Bingnmn Block. Ma- son County,, Shelton Cooperative Bus- tained Yield Unit. Olympic National Forest, Washington, will be sold to the Simpson Timber Company Seattle, Washington on March 11, 1963. The estimated volumes are: 13,000 lX board feet of Douglas-fir, 300 :M board feet of western redcedar, 200 M board feet of western white pine, 7,400 lVI board [eet of western hemlock and Other spe- cies. The nfinununl acceptable bid per IVU board feet is as follows: Douglas- fir $15.15, western redcedar $6,55, wes- tern white pine $12.55." western hem- lock aud olher species $9.35. This in- clndes the following rates, per M board feet for stumpage (including deposit for sale area betterment). $3.00 base rate .plus an additional $11.55 for Douglas-fir, $5.95 for wes- lern redcedar. $3.00 base rate plus an additional $8.95 for western white pine, $2.00 base rae plus an additional $6.75 for western hemlock and other species, and $0,60 for slash disposal for all speeies The prmes bid for stumpage shall be considered as tenta- tive rates snbject to quarterly calen- dar • adjustment upward or downward by 0,5 of the difference between the average of the monthly Douglas-fir region indices, as calculated by the Forest Service or the Western pine Association Lumber Price Index for the three previous months, and the ollowillg base indices: Douglas-fir 23.39 (F). western redcedar None, western white pine 104.02. western hemlock and other species 92.98 (A). Such adjustments in the price for stumpage slmll be applicable to timber scaled during the three-months period tollowing the quarter for which the adjustment is computed. In no event. however, shatl Llle payluent rates for each quarter be less than the base rates as stated above. When the ad- Justed rates by species are lower tllan the base rates the difference between the total dollar value of tie timber cut at adjusted rates and at base rates will be recorded for each species. The stumpage rate for any species will not be increased above the base rate until the subsequent adjusted rates above base rates develop an accumulated t.o tal dollar value in excess of the record- ed accumulated difference for all spe- cies. If requested bv the State vof, Washington or by Mason County or by any person deenled to have a reason- able interest in the proposed sale, or ill its tern)s, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Su- 1)ervisor Posl Office Building, Olym- pia, Washington, .n the 28th day of February, .1963 at 2:00 P.M. Re- queMs for public hearing will not be considered unless received in the office of the Forest Supervisor. Post Office uilding. Olympia, Waslfingtou, on or efore February 21 1963. Dated Febru- 2/7-14-21-28 4t NO. 8354 SUMMONS BY pIrBLICATION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. JUSTIN E. TAYLOR and CAROL TAYLOR his wife, Plaintiffs, vs. INZA Z'ELLMER and DOROTHY LITTLEFIELD. if living, and if de- ceased, the unknown heirs at law of Inza Zellnler and Dorotlly Littlefield: and all "other persons or parties un- known claiming any right, title, es- tate. lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint herein; Defendants. THE STATE OF WASI-!INGTON to the said INZA Zelhuer and DOROTHY LITTLEFIELD if living, and if de- ceased, the unknown heirs at law of Inza Zellmer and Dorothy Littlefield; and all otler persons or parties un- known claiming any right, title, es- tate. lien or interest in the real estate described in the complaint imrein. DE- FENDANTS : You. and each of you. are hereby smnnloned to appear within sixty (60) days aftra' the date of the first pub- lication of this smnmons, to-wit within sixty (60) days after the 7tt day of February, 13, and defend the above-entitled atton in the Superior Court aforesaid and answer the com- plaiut of the plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon the under- signed attorney for the plaintiffs, at his office beh{w stated; and. in case of your failure so to do. judgment will be rendered against you according to the denmnds of the complaint in this action which has been filed wittl the clerk of said court. The object of this action s to quiet title in plaintiffs to real estate in Ma- son County. Washington. described as: The north half of the northeast quarter, the north half of the northwest quarter and the south- west quarter of said northwest quarter of Section 6. Township 21 North. Range 2 West. W.M. against the claim of the defendants and any one of them. GLENN E. CORREA. Attorney for Plaintiffs. GLENN E CORREA. Bell Euilding 121 Soutth Fourth Street Shelton, Washington, 2/7-14-21-28-3/7-14 6t NO. 3424 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN THE 'SUPERIOR COURT OP THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of JAMES T. HAMBY. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned. Pearl E. Hamby has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the Last Will and Testa- ment and of the estate of James T. l-Iamby ,deceased. and that all per- sons having clai{m against the said estate or the said deceased are hereby required to serve the saute duly veri- fied in duplicate with the necessary vouchers attached, upon the under- signed Executrix or her attorney of record at the law office of E. Franklin Heuston, Angle Building, Sllelton, Wasltington, and file such clainls to- ffether with proof of service with the Clerk of the above entitled Court Within six (6)months after the date of :the 'firSt. ptiblication of this notice, to-Wit: 7, February, 1963 or all claints not so 13resented and filed will be forever barred. PEARL E. HAMBY. Executrix, Estate of James • T. Hamby, deceased. 'Address : Shelton. WaShington. B, FRANKLIN HEUSTON, Attorney for said Estate• Angle Bldg., Sheltou, Washington." Legal Publications NO. 3382 NOTICE OF llEAR1N( FINAL ICEI'OIIT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 09" WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. in the Matter of the Es%at'e of CHARLES EUGENE BROWN. De- ceased. Phyllis C. Brown. Executrix of said Estate. has filed with said Court her final report and petilion for dis- tribution, asking tile Com't to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to dis- charge said Executrix. Said report and petition will be heard on the 8tit day of March, 1963, at 10 A,M. in the Courtroonl of said Court in Ihe County Courthouse at Shelton. Washington. DATED THIS 4th day of February, 1963, LAURA M, WAGNER Clerk of the Superior Court By Teckla Vermillion Deputy Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 :N'0rth 5tb Shelton. Washington. 2/7-14-2i 31 NO. 3419 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SOFUS HANSEN, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has bee,), appointed and has qualified as the Executrix of the Estate of SOFUS HANSEN. de- ceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quirad tn serve the same. duly verified• on the undersigned Bxecutrix or her attorney of record at the address be- low stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will bc bar- red. Date of first publication: January 31. 1963. LAURA J. IANSEN Executrix GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton. Washington 1/31-2/7-14-21 41 NO. 3413 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE., STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, (IN PRORATE) In the Matter of the Estate of LIL- LIAN LIBBY. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as he Administratrix of the Estate of Lillian Libby, de- ceased: that all persons having claims against said deceased are Iereby re- quired to serve same, duly verified, on ll/e undersigned Adminisratrix or }er attorney of record at the address be- low stated and file the same w)th the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service within sx months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: February 7. 1963. HANNAH PETERSON, Adnlinistratrix, GLENN E. CORREA. Attorney for Estate Bell Building, Shelton, Washington. 2/7-14-21-28 4t NO. 3378 NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of JANE M• UPDIKE. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that GAY LEE BRUCE Administratrix of the estate of Jane M. Updike. deceased. has filed in the office of the Clerk .9 f said Court a Final Report aud Peti- 'tion fo) Distribution, asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge the p,titioner as Ad- nlinistratrix and that said report and petition will be ]leard on the 8ti day of March, 1963, at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as soon there- after as the matter can be heard at the court )'ODin of the above-entitled court, in the Courthouse in Shelton Mason County, Washington. at .which timc and place any person interested in said estate ntay appear and file ob- jections thereto and contest the sante, DATED this 1st day of February, 1963. LAURA M. WAGNER. Clerk of said Court. By: Teekla Vermillion. Deputy. GLENN E, CORREA, Attorney for Estate BeLl Building, 121 South Fourth Street, Shelton. Washington. 2/7-14-21-28 41 No. 3420 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF ASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of tle Estate of OLIVE GERTRUDE ROAD, Deceased. Frederick Road. is the appointed and qualified Administrator With Will Annexed of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased axe required to serve the same in dupli- cate, duly verified, on said Adminis. trator With 'Will Annexed or his at- torney, Robert L. Snyder at the ad- dress below stated, and file the same with lhe Clerk of said Court. to- gether with proof of such service witt).in six months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: February 7. 1963. FREDERICK ROAD Box 118 Hoodsport, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125Vz North 5th Shelton. Washington. 2/7-14-21 3 t NO. 3427 NOTICE Ti) CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate Of JACK A. SCHLANGE. Deceased. Susan Bertha Schlange is the ap- pointed and qualified Executrix of said estate. All persons having claims against said deceased' are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly veri- fied, on said Executrix or lier at- torney, Robert L Snyder, at the ad- dress below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within stx utonths ater the date of first pub- lieation of tlis notice, or the same will be ba red. DATE of first publication: February 21. 1963. SUSAN BERTHA SCHLANGE. Eexecutrix P,'O. Box 28 Belfair, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER. ttorney at Law. 125½ N. 5th Shelton. Washington 2/21-28-3/7 3t NO. :4426 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE O1 EUGENE MARTIN Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administrator herein; that all ])ersons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to ser'e the same, duly verified. on the undersigned Administra(or or his ,qttorncy of record at the address below stated and file the same with t}tc Clerk of the said court, together witi proof of such service within six months after tile date of first publi- cation of this notice or the same will be harped. ROY C. McCONKEY Ahnin'iatxtor GLENN E, CORREA Attorney .for Estate Bell Butlding Shelton. Wmhington 2/7-14-21-28 4t' 2/21-28-3/7-14  t Legal Publications NIL 83(;5 SI'IMONS HY PUBT, ICAT1ON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TI-IE STATE OF WASHINGTON Ft)R, MASON COUNTY JAMES PAUL. Plaintiff, vs/ SHIRLEY L. I)c fendant, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO Legal Publications NO. 3112 N()'I'iI'I',' TO (']IEI)ITOI{,'4 IN THE SUPERIOR C()URT OF THE STATE OF V/ASIIINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. Ill lhe Malicr (d; th Esta(e of RUTH M. SMALL. I),eeam,d. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that THE SAID SHIRLEY PAUL, DEFEN- the undersigned l)as been appainh, d DANT : lind has qualifit.d as execult)r of lht above entilted esla/P : that all persons Yo'I are hereby stnnlnoned to appear havioa" ,.'htiolS against said deceased are witbin sixty (60) days after 1he date' beret,', l'eqltil'ed [o serve 1])A = sa))lc, of tln, lirsl publieal'ion of lhis sum- duly {'t)' [i,d, (n said t'Ne(')lIor el* Neitl lnons, iwo-wit: within sixls" (60t days ,, Aitlo,n. Dt/ol'ntys O] I'ecord at the alte)" lhe 21st day ot February, ]963, snd defend the abow, entith'd aetit)r ill the above entitled eonrt, and auswel' the (amlplaint of the plaintiff, and serv:, ;1 copy of your ans''er LIIn)U Ihe undersigned attorney at llis office be- h)w stated: and ill (;ase tll" y(tll faihlre so to dll. judgnlenl will be rendered against you aceordin it) the (tenland el thv c()illpla.illl• which has been filed wilh Ill(' clerk of said courl, That the calls( of action herein is for .1 divorce between tile parties abcve nanrd wherein Plaintiff alleges deser- tion aud cruel treatlne, nt on lbe parl of llle defendaut. GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Plaintiff Office apd Post Office Adress: Bell Building 121 South Fourth Streel Sbeltcn. Washington 2/21-28-3/7-14-21-28 6 t NIL 3433 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CORA BELLE KOZLOWSKE De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned tins been appointed and has qualified as Admiuistrator herein: ttlat all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same. duly verified on tle undersigned Administrator or his attorney of record al the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said court, together with proof of such service withill six nlontis after the date of first publication of this notice or the annie will be barred. JOHN A KOZLOWSKE. Administrator GLENN E. CORRE& Attorney for Estate Belt Building Shelton. Washington 2/21-28-3/7-14 4 t. NO. 3421 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON for MA- SON COUNTY. In the Matte]" of the Consolidated Es. totes of HARRY W. and KATHERINE VIOLET SHELLGREN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed aud has qualified as Administrator of the ahov.-eutitled eousolidated estates that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the sou/e, duly verified, on said Admin- istrator or his attorneys of record at the address below staed, and file the same with the Clerk of said Com't to,tether with proof of such service, within six i6) months after the date address below slated, and file the sulne wittt the Clerk of said Court. togct]]cr "wil]l Ill'eel of Sllch service withbl six t)h)nlh5 after the dab (,f first publication of Ibis notice, or the SalUe will Im barred. Date t)f firs1 t, ubticatitm. Fe}l'uary 21. 1963. JAMES M, SMALL. Ex.cuh)r of the Estate, Address: co Neill & Ailken 2]0 First Nati,)nal Bank l=;h/u-. PU] [nlan ¢Va shin I1 Oil. NEILL & AITKEN Attorneys for ]3stale. Pulh)lan. "ashington 210 Firsl Nalional Bank Buildin 2,"21-28-3/7 3t NOTICE t)F %CATER ltIt;llT APPLI('ATION NIL 1;733 State oi Vashil|gtan OFFICE ()]," SUPERV]SOI{ OF %VATI<:B 11 F,,OU 11(? ICE Olympia TAKE NOTICE: " Thai JAMES E. HICKSON of Shel- ton. Vashingt) on February,23, 1963, filed application for permit to divert lhe pubtie Waters of the East Fork Satsop Ri\\;'er triblaarv of ChehiIis RiveP. ill the aIllCKlllt of'0.40 second-fool; subject to existin rights during ir- rigatioll season each .veaF for ttte put- Any obje(.,tions nlast be accol/ pnnied by a two dollar ($2.00) recording fee and filed wit]] the State Supervisor of Water Resource.q within thirty (30) days froln February 28. 1963. Witness nly hand and official seal this 141h day el February, 1963. t " -M" G. WALKER, b ate upervisor of %Vater Resource.% 2,'21-28 21 ] MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 pm. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p.m. Robert S. Wick, Pastor Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn of first publicat on )f this notice oz' t]e same will be barred. DATE OF FIRST PUBLICATION. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. February 21. 1963, Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C. Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m. ALLAN SHELLGREN Administrator of said Estates Address : Box 804. Allyn, Vasi]ington GREENWOOD. SHIERS & KRUSE Attorneys for Estate 720 Bay Street. P, O. Box 126 Pm't Orchard. Washingtn. 2/21-28-3/7 3L . Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pro. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cots Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 24 -- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. Broadcast over ] 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship KMA00 ( "CAN YOU CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS?" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 1280 - 11:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service "In The Body For Service" Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Speaker H SHELTON 130 East Pine Street S m-m{-y School ASSEMBLY OF GOD MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor ........................................................................ 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship ................ 11"00 a. m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p. rn. Evangelistic Service ............................................................ 7:00 p. m. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer ................................ 7:00 p. m. , i MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hiway So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald L. Herman, past. Sunday School ............................................ : ........................... 9:45 a.m. Adult Bible Class ................................................................ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ................................................ 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedax, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest 7:30 a.m. Holy Communion. 9:30 a.m. -- Church School and Adult Bible Class. 11:00 a.m.  Divine Worship. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer ir ii , RRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST I 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. [ Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11 a,m. eanesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room houri  to 4 p.m. Mon. & FrL Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. " , , i i FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D, Wigton BLble School ........ 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 pa Worship .......... 11:00 a.m, Family Service 6:30 p,m, Wednesday  Bible ! North 4th and Pine Streett ! ROBERT R. RINGS, Mln/ster I 9 30 a.m. Sunday School "and Morning Worship. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Youth FellowshiD , , , -- m m H FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 9:30 Sunday School and Adult tible Class 11:00 Morning Worship Servioe . CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated: Lutheran Free Church -- National Lutheran Council , H.H H, t m,m H N I I I , I I I, FISHERHE SCLUB 10:0'0 a.m. "BETTER THAN ANGELS"