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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa s I=rELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL -- Published in "Ohrlstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washing[on Thursday, Scout Blue and Gold Dinner Set in Hood Canal Junior High By Joyce Scott HOODSPORT ..... The annual Blue and Gold Dinner. celebrating the birthday of Scouting, will be held hnighL at 6 p.m. in the mulh- purpose room at the Junior High school. All Cubs, Boy Scouts, Ex- plorers and their parents are wel- come and urged to attend. • Pr-school mothers will meet at the home of Arlene Ncsbitt Feb. 27 at 8 p.m. Members of Canal Court Order Of Amaranth have scheduled a ham dinner at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 27 to precede their regular lodge meeting in the Union Lodge Hail. A practice for the Court mem- bers will be held Monday, Feb. i5 at 7 p.m. Jerilyn, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Larimie was bap- ised at St. Edward's in Shelton |ast Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winne were the godparents. Mr. and Mrs. Avene Riehert, parents bf Mrs. Larimie joined the group following the ceremony for a buf- fet dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Radtke, Jerilyn's other grandparents, The Winne children nd Cy and Missy also enjoyed this family party. THE AMERICAN Legion Aux- illiary met in the home of Vera ,Shortsleeves on Wednesday night for their regular business meet- ing. The home of Thelma Kneeland 'as the scene of a going-away party for Dorothy Palmer on Tuesday night. A clever skit car- lTing out the "going away" theme and fitting music entertained the 20 friends who attended. Mrs. Palmer was presented a gift from the group, Gloria VanLannen and 'aean Bearden assisted Mrs, Knee- land with the party planning and the refreshments• Game prizes were won by Martha Michaels and Iarge Gibson. Mrs. Palmer left on Friday to make her home in" Fortuna. Calif. Mrs. Rudy Schwab and Mrs. Archie Calahan attended a dinner at the Hal McClary home in Shel- ton Sunday which climaxed the Commhnity Concert Membership drive. Mrs. Schwab reports that the Hoodsport area now has 20 memberships. New memberships dded this year were Mrs. ]Ldxw- ' H. Jenner. Mrs, F. S. Mc.qtv(. Mrs. Harold Millo. Mrs. Bri', Myles. Mrs. Bryon Nelson. Mt. A. W. Krsus, Mrs. W. J Mo}v.'- mann. Mrs. Roy Mingus, M Jean Moore and Mrs. Eugene Av- ey. Student memberships were purchased by Kim-Michaels 8nd Rosemary Crumb, MR. AND MRS. JACK Liem- back recently returned from a trip which took them south through Oregon, California, Nev- ada and Arizona. They enjoyed visiting Claire Bearden in Palm Springs and Karl Linscott and the Jim Caves in San Diego. These local people were glad to hear first-hand news from the home folks. The Liembacks say Karl is doubtful if he'll hold out down there unul our spring arrives. In case Karl reads this, I have news for him! We've already had it! And from that patter I hear on the roof tonight, winter has set in again! The Liembacks have been busy entertaining since their return. Mrs. Mabel Biggs from Bremerton has been a house guest. An old school mate of Jack's, Kenneth Oliver, of Medford, Ore,, was up for a few days. All of the children at the Hoods- port school enjoyed Valentine' Day in their class rooms last week but to the Pre-sehool group it was quite a day. Twenty-six children and 18 parents were on hand for the affair. Each child had made a decorated sack to col- lect the Valentines his classmates wished to give him. After the days of anticipation, it was such" fun to finally get to open them. A: Manzanita tree. given to the children by Nh's. Chester Rosen- berg, was decorated for the oc- casion. Singing, games and poems were enjoyed. Mrs. John Den!son and Mrs. Roger Addleman, room mothers, served cookies and punch from a lace-covered table centered with a lovely paper creation car- rying out the Valentine motif. I especially enjoyed one little boy's report on this party---"We was goodcr than at the last one." Mrs. Schwab, their patient teacher, agreed. Daughter of Matlock Couple Wed In Lutheran Church Ceremony Sat. By Dora Hearhg MATTOCK.-- Saturday after- noon, Feb. 16. was the scene of very pretty and impressive wedding at the Faith Lutheran Church at Elma-of Miss Joan Trenclemann. daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Trenckmann and 2$,th Distrid Legislalors Are On II Gommiflees OLYMPIA ..... ( Special ) ..... Through its three Democratic Sta- te Representatives, the 24th Legis- lative District is represented on 11 of the21 committees in the House which now is deep in its 38th ses- sion in Olympia. Wifh each of them serving on four committees, Representatives Cha'les R. Savage, Dr. James L. McFadden and Paul H. Conner bet.veen then] will review most of the proposed legislation that will come up for a vote in the House. Despite the fact they are in the ra{nority party, due to seven mem- bers joining with Republicans to forL a coalition in the House. the Dis'tY'CL's representa tires are work- ing' hard toward constructive le- gista(ion, including appropriations for' Schools, public assistance, highh's, public institutions, and a]arie for state employes. .ayage, who is serving his sev- enth Lemn in the House. is on gays and Means, Banking and nsurance, Labor and Industrial nsurauce and AgTiculture and Livestock Committees. Dr. McFad- den, serving his fifth term, is on the following committees: Com- merce and Economic Development, Bgrlking and Insurance, Medicine, Denstry and Drugs and Con- situti0b, Elections and Apportion- ment: James Oliver Pike. Many friends and relatives atten led and the J cecption wa: a the 13:'ady Grange Hall. There will be a Benefit dance at the Matlock Grange Hall Satur- day March 2 for the Kenneth Ho- ward family. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Goodburn and family of Shelton and Mr. and Mrs. l'thur Sharpe and family of Olympia Spent Wednesday even- ing a.t the Lud Rossmaier home• Mr. and Mrs. Alec Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mitchell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Geiger all of Tacoma were week- end guests of the Andrew McGar- vie family. They also took in the M:atlock dance. Paul Rossmamr of hc U. S. Na- vy arrived from Califo1ia Salur- day morning on leave, and plans to take his wife Betty and :(,n back to Lemoore, Calif. the first of next week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crea- mer and sons David and Clovis spent Wednesday evening with the Edward Valley family. \\; ',]=IINGTON'S - 00THDAY I ] effective Fe • . "',o. Jlml I rights reserve! ! OPEN WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY HAM Full Shank Half, Hormel or Henry House 14-16 lb. avg ................................. LB. WHOLE HAH Hormel or Henry House, 14 to 16 lb. average ...... LB. BEEF ROAST °' c,o.oo vow. fine blade cut, lb. TURKEYS Shur-Fresh or Lynden, Grade A Hens 10-12 lb. avg ............. LB. 45' 49' 45* 43' HORMEL OR HENRY HOUSE Ham Butt Portion ._.,-o ............ LB. CHUCK STEAK U.S. Choice 7-bone cuts ................ LB. Ex Lean Ground Beef LB. BOLOGNA vo.,,oo,0000o 39': " ' by the piece, LB. RED FLASH FROZEN Sal Steaks thick even 89 mon "°°" ' ............ LB. V E LVE ETA swa,soow, Kraft's Famous €  / (eKE MIXES Process Cheese Spread ! Assorted Layer, Big 2-1b: Stock up! LOAF 18-oz. Pkgs. CRISCO --ro Voget00b,,, ,€.OZ0000FOO.S BAKER Y SPECIALS! Shortening, Big Saving! H RY DUTCH CRUNCH BREAD 3-lb. Clovis Creamer was a weekend Till .. guest of David and LeRoy Valley Mr. and Mrs. Sam Diggle Jr. and family enjoyed Saturday din- 15-oz. Loaf 28 C ,,,] 9 net with Mr. and m's. Eward Shur-fresh, Shur-fresh, 8 size, Sust Heat Valley. Just try it! : n cat. Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Boothe and v.- --,, """aa-- v ,,"eOa' family of Hoquiam spent Sunday .............. " ......... afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. I C. Ford. Mr. andMrs. Arthur Shal,p and CHERRY FRUIT WHIRLS TASTEWELL, REDSOUR family of Oly]npia were dinner guests of the Lud Rossmaiers Sun- PITTED OHERRIES 16-oz. Tins day and in the afternoon. They all called on the Irving the Paul Rossmaiers. Barbara Spalding was a week- Moist and Sweet! -- . = ....  ,. - :i • r,R"-. :.46£.::: :$']::L,:i:b::::::::i:!!: F: ::':,::":.::: ::::. ! .:. , .:.-:: :::b ¢. ::: ::i::: ::::: : .::.% .:.:-.:: :: ¢ :!; ?...'.:.$ ::' 4"7::' .;{] :.::'!!  ! • ::!!? .. : ' :{ .:: "i¢. ::-:::.': : -  ' ; :: ": Citizens choosing to receive theh- ::::iiiiii:: iiii ii}!, income tax refunds in U. S. Say- i i'"'"--:.-::.::::' ...................................... !:,..-J:.:+:::,::::"':"':':":::::::.!!:::iii:ii.F  ]egislatwc, is active on the Public new plan, will be issued the smal- ' € :h{s[itut}ons, Education and Libra. lest possible munber of the highest LUNOHE!N MEAT l l i I I a . , i l l l , iiTTUC " ' EA'211:I! rie, 'Highways, and Fisheries. denomination bonds, with a check • Game and Game Fish Committee. to make up Lhc balance. 671 Frm, Fresh Heads  _--r---------] CAMPBELL S (includes Mushroom)  10-oz. . ,, ' ' .... CARS MEAT SOUPS,,,,.,..,,.,,, 29 GRAPEFRUIT NABISCO, FRESH!- BIG l-lb. pkg. WHITE COACHELLA VALLEY----8-LB. BAG HONEY GRAHAMS € , • II II • • • • • II l • II III I i PySTC,,EREA S "" MIX O M H! 4151:[ ' ,RN,.S or 2 L R AT0, RUTABAGAS mPaAtR2N I PS' mix %' l - ('-OZ.,, Alpha Bits (8-oz.), ,Toasties (12-oz.) l E U M  Fancy Extra Large "See All Pack' L h  iV V   The finest ............ Plastic tube of 3 1 club sedan '1495 real clean, R & H, auto. " ............... ;]959 FORD pick-up, 6 cyl ................. '1095 wide box, rebuilt motor, 6 ply tires 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-door, V-8 ............ $345 automatic, radio and heater 1952 FORD 2-door, stick ...................... $195 SHfll00-rl}'i:00ll DANNED FOOD SALE STARTS MOHDAY " COTTAGE CHEESE 1953 STL DEBAKER pickup, 6-cyL $245 WE STILL HAVE A FEW MORE CALENDARS! See Bud Pauley for a '63 Dodge Fresh € 00'0,h Remember 50,000 mile & 5-yr. guarantee - Centu PAULEY MOTORS ]st& Raih'oad Phone 426-8183