February 21, 2013 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 21, 2013 |
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LETTERS over to Republicans through an arcane There are few entertainment outlets, for help. When trying to buy a meal
procedure known as the "9th order of few shopping opportunities and fewat a fast-food drive-through, I am
Continued from page A-4 business." The fact is Sheldon's voting corporations and businesses to help stymied. With great trepidation, I ap-
record is so aligned with Republican offset the tax burden on property own- proach the ubiquitous little speaker
'Proud Democrats' interests that they don't even bother to ers. The summer influx of tourists is boxes under the monstrous menus
mount a challenge against him. not enough to support Mason Countyoffering a zillion choices trying to se-
offer shenanigan At the end of the day, these two all year. Most people I know go to an- lect; however, before I even get the
S "proud Democrats" chose to hijack other county to shop because we don't brakes on, the speaker box erupts
rather than negotiate their way tohave a variety of businesses here. We with "Gp$**(%###O0##!!!" Totally in-
Editor, the Journal better government. And while such are underserved in services and repair timidated, I have to admit, "I'm sorry,
I am writing in response to last political shenanigans might yield some options. We pay extra for service calls but what did you say?" The response
week's guest column by Sen. Rodney partisan benefits in the short term, in and deliveries because we have to call is invariably 50 decibels higher, three
Tom and Tim Sheldon under the head- the long run all Tom and Sheldon have Thurston County companies for them.times as fast and even more garbled: "
line, "We're proud Democrats who rep- accomplished is to take a bad situation Mason County is missing opportuni- %&*#(@*$$%@@XX." I have no idea
resent districts, not party." and make it worse, ties for sales tax revenue and business what the box wants, and I am trapped
Apparently, these two "proud Demo- taxes. Every day I see businesses close in the line of cars with no escape. I
crats" are trying to convince voters Tom Davis in Shelton. We have too many empty usually try once again, but have little
that caucusing with Republicans is not Shelton stores in this town. Get some high or no success of getting what I really
a betrayal of Democratic values, but tech, service and manufacturing jobs want.
an innovative attempt to fix a broken in here by offering tax incentives for As an octogenarian, I confess my
politicalsystem. And while that idea We need tax revenue small businesses to thrive and people left ear -- the one closest to the evil
might resonate with some voters, all I will have money to spend. Offer free little box -- does not work. I even
see is a couple of rogue senators trying f h i land, easy leases, free training; what- contemplated buying a right-hand
to hijack legislative power away from _r0m_ us. nesses ever it takes. The cost ofliving in Ma- drive vehicle to place my good right
the elected majority, son County is lower than other places ear closer to the outside, but when I
In their column, Sens. Tom and Editor, the Journal in Washington and we have a lot of un- realized it would require backing all
Sheldon tell us they have a "higher The front page of the Mason County employed people, which should attract the way through the line I dismissed
responsibility" than partisan politics Journal on Feb. 14 had the sad newsindustry. We have land available for the idea.
-- that the current, divisive, culture voters had rejected a $26 million school purchase. We have housing tracts com- I've actually tried parking way away
in Olympia keeps things from getting bond. Was this a surprise to anybody? ing in. We have commuters who would from the line and using my binoculars
done. But a few lines later they call Why should property owners and small like to work local rather than commute to scour the menu to list what I might
leaders of their own party "petty ... businesses pay for these school bonds to jobs and services. We need somelike. Even then, when explaining my
small minded ... self-important poten- and not all the parents of all the chil- intelligent, experienced people to run desires to that fire-spitting box, I have
tates." I had to look up "potentates" in dren who attend these schools? Renters the government. We need people whohad little or no luck.
the dictionary. It means czars, kings or don't pay school bonds. The majority of will research what other communities Having studied German and Span-
rulers. Who would have thought such property tax / bond payers are retired have done to pump up their economics, ish, and been immersed for several
language could bring people together? people, small business owners and the We need leaders who are not afraidyears in two Asian languages, I feel
This is not the first time Tom has middle class workers who are already of change and are willing to try new somewhat capable of communicating,
been dissatisfied with his own party: strapped for cash. When most of theideas, but, alas, these little speaker boxes in-
back in 2006 he switched from Repub- people in Mason County live on Social It is not the 20th century anymore; timidate me. Thus my need for help.
lican to Democrat, saying of Republi- Security, unemployment, disability Shelton is not a small town anymore. In all fairness, I did find one un-
cans, "They have become more focused and welfare, it only makes sense they Don't expect property owners to bail derstandable drive-through, but to
on partisan politics than real results would not want more school bonds, out the schools ever year. avoid showing favoritism, I won't
... Running and serving in the Senate Civic leaders need to bring some mention names. However, what
as a Democrat will allow me to be more other money into Mason County to Kathy Johnson a pleasant surprise when I drove
effective at solving problems." Whoa! I fix the schools. Stop putting all the Shelton through those golden arches and
guess that three-legged dog came limp- public problems on property owners, heard a melodious, mature and un-
ing back home, eh, Sen. Tom? We cannot carry the burden of social derstandable feminine voice say,
The truth is that no one trusts or programs. There are not enough jobsCommunication "Good morning. How may I help
respects a politician who uses the re- for the youth who do graduate from you today?" I was so stunned and
sources of one party to gain office and schools in Mason County. Get some IJh r e a r~ I/ut~ 0 W [1 impressed thatI clutched when I re-
then caucuses with the opposing party industry into Mason County that can sponded "#*@(**&%^ ^!^##***, with
when things get tough. It's fair to say contribute to the schools, roads and so- no onions, please." Help!
that neither Tom nor Sheldon would cial programs we need. Why does TimEditor, the Journal
even be senators had they not run as Sheldon have two jobs in government? This letter might better be in the Jack Krause
Democrats. And it is with those rea- We need one person to work each job; Help Wanted ads, but I am desperate Shelton
sons in mind that I suspect Sen. Tom having one person do two jobs limits
will find himself looking up at the un- the effectiveness of government. The
derside of a bus come 2014. population of Mason County is grow-
As for Sheldon, this is not his first ing; the old way of doing things has to
rodeo with the GOP. In 2012, Sheldon, change.
Tom and, now, ex-Sen. Jim Kastama We are beyond the forest-related in-
(D-25th District), handed the budget dustries for support of Mason County.
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