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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 2013     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 2013
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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• By NATALIE JOHNSON Paul Bunyan must be be judged on their over- high school seniors, all behavior in the com- Castro served as prin- petition, including their cess of Douglas Fir and punctuality, attitude and This Saturday, stu- Crossan served as Prin- ability to take directions, dents from the community cess of Hemlock in 2012. Smith said, will compete to be a part Each member of the Smith said the stu- of the 2013 Forest Festi- court receives at least a dents involved in the For- val Court. $500 scholarship spon- est Festival gain much The coronation ceremo- sored by community busi- more than a scholarship• ny is scheduled for 7 p.m. nesses. Traditionally, "They'll tell us after- at the Shelton Performingthe Queen of the Forest,ward ... that they gained Arts Center at Shelton Smokey Bear and Paul so much public speaking High School (SHS). The Bunyan each receive (experience) and just the event is free. $1,000 scholarships• knowledge of wanting Eight high school ju- The contestants will to be out there and be a niors and seniors, all from be judged on four phasespart of their community SHS, will compete at the of competition, includ- at a young age," she said. event, coronationchair ing attendance at weekly "They hold themselves Jessica Smith said. practices, a personal in- higher." Contestants include ju-terview, an onstage ques- Members of the court niors Kaitlin Woods, Alma tion and a speech on the attend meetings of or- Davis and Katelynn Ev- festival theme Enchanted ganizations such as Ro- ans, seniors Jordan Cros- Forest• tary and Kiwanis clubs san, Danielle Ewart, Alys- The formal interviews throughout the year and sa Castro, David Hernan- will take place Saturday attend parades all sum- dez and Jacob Johnson. morning at Alpine Way in mer. "We actually have less Shelton. Each contestant "That gets them out (contestants), a lot less will answer questions there ... talking about than normal," Smith said. from the five judges about Mason County talking Forest Festival is low themselves, their commu- about themselves ... their on volunteers this year, nity and forest festival for future goals," Smith said. she said. 10 minutes. Winners for the annual Each year, the court Each contestant will Forest Festival button includes the Queen of also answer one on-stage contest will also be an- the Forest, Princess ofquestion• The best essay nounced on stage on Sat- Douglas Fir, Princess of submitted on the Foresturday. Spruce, Princess of Cedar Festival theme, which is For more informa- and Princess of Hemlock, the basis for their speech, tion, visit the Forest Fes- Smokey Bear and Paul will also earn a $100 prize• tival website at mason Bunyan. The queen and The students will also Hearing Loss... or maybe just Earwax Buildup Journal file photo Judges crowned North Mason High School senior Brianna Eddy as the Queen of the Forest at the 68th annual Mason County Forest Festival in February 2012. At 7 p.m. Saturday at the Shelton Performing Arts Center, eight Shelton High School students will compete at the annual Forest Festival coronation. FREE Video Ear Inspections Performed by Avada Hearing Instrument Specialists or Audiologists SEEING IS BELIEVING! For a Limited Time Only be given a FREE copy of your test re- Screenings will be given at your local sults for your permanent health records. Avada Hearing Care Center. To avoid Everyone should have a hearing screen- waiting, call today for an appointment, ing at least once a year, even people now wearing a hearing device or those who We Can Help! have been told nothing could be done Professionally trained Hearing Instru- for them. Only a hearing screening can ment Specialists and Audiologists determine if you are one of the many a will be at our offices to perform these hearing device can help. The benefits of screenings, hearing devices vary by type and degree Anyone who has trouble understanding of hearing loss, noise environment, accu- speech is welcome to have this screen- racy of hearing evaluation and proper fit. ing, using state-of-the-art electronic equipment to determine if the loss is one which may be helped. Results of the findings will be explained and you will 888-948-2088 Hear Your Absolute BestTM Aberdeen " Olympia Centralia Port Orchard Shelton Belfair Bremerton Raymond Longview The benefits of hearing devices may vary by type, size of the ear and degree of hearing loss. Consult your Avada Hearing Care professional for benefits and limitations. The free screenings will be given this month. To avoid waiting, call today for an appointment. Offer Expires February 28, 2013. No Interest Plans Available OAC. Accepts most insurance, Labor and Industries Federal and most Self Insured. Hearing Care Centers ©2013 HHM, Inc., 36T D;ego Drogon Shrek Hookules Manny 2911 E. Brockdale Road O I L DIST. CO LUBRICANTS COMPANY We deliver We carry kerosene. Located at Sanderson Industrial Park Page A-6 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 21,2013