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Mason County
Cast members practice the song, 'Hard Knock Life,' Monday
Classic musical starts next month
he classic musical "Annie" will
hit the stage at Faith Lutheran
church in Shelton next month,
and cast members are working
hard putting the finishing touch-
on their performances.
on target," Director
gonna be ready."
Journal photo by Natalie Johnson
night for the Faith Lutheran production of
Performances are scheduled for 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
March 9, 2 p.m. March 10, 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. March 16
and 2 p.m. March 17.
Producer Hal Burton said this is the first time Faith
Lutheran has put on a play. The church formed a new min-
istry, Faith Acts, to encompass this production and future
plays put on by the church. Burton said the church's pas-
tors and their wives, Steve and Jill Olson and Brian and
Bekkah Weinberger, came up with the idea to do a play.
"They had thought about it for some ~e," he said.
"(Steve and Jill Olson) had done it before:~:
Jill Olson said she and Bekkah Weineberger, who are
sharing directing duties, thought about other plays be-
fore picking "Annie."
"Truly it's Bekkah's favorite play of all time," Olson
said. "We wanted something family friendly -- it's a fun
family show."
"Annie" takes place in 1933 during the Great Depres-
sion right after Franklin Delano Roosevelt took office as
president of the United States. It follows Annie and other
orphans through shantytowns known as "Hoovervilles"
and to New York as she looks for a better life.
The Faith Lutheran production of "Annie" includes 21
musical numbers and several set changes.
There are about 60 people involved in the production
of the musical ranging in age from 8 years old to 80, or-
ganizers said.
"I am so impressed with the collaborative effort ... it
builds community." cast member Marlene Holman said.
Tickets cost $10 each or $75 for a 10-pack. For more
information and tickets, call 426-8611.
"We are really right
Jill Olson said. "We're
Harstine |sJand News
Minds series
Mason County PUD
3 continues to work
its wires under the
bridge, all for the betterment
of the island. Crossing the
bridge, I think I've noticed two
new lights leading on and off. I
kind of like this new enlighten-
ment -- it jazzes up the bridge a
little. As I understand it, when
the light poles were first put up
to light the whole way, residents
had some fun shooting them out
until PUD 3
finally said
enough and
lighting the
bridge at
The second
in the series
of Inquiring
Minds pre-
will be at 2
p.m. Satur-
day. Remember, last month there
was standing room only left
in our old hall, so get there
early. This month's presenter
will be David Williams, geologist
and author of "Stories in Stone:
Travels Through Urban Geology
in Washington State."
Mary DiMatteo with the WSU
Extension Mason County sent
out this email: In partnership
with FutureWise, they are host-
ing an educational forum re-
garding the importance of shore-
line ecological functions. This
free event will be at the Mary
E. Theler Center in Belfair on
March 1, and will run from 1 to
4:30 p.m. An optional $10 lunch
will be offered from noon to 1
p.m., and they invite you to join
them. A panel of four invited
experts has been set to present.
They will speak on issues re-
lated to shoreline functions, in-
cluding shoreline metamorpho-
sis, geological characteristics,
cultural resources and land use
laws. This event comes at an ap-
propriate time in Mason County
because the Shoreline Master
Program is being updated. Free
event registration and lunch
Libraries in Shelton, Belfair, Hoodsport launch read-aloud program
STAFF REPORT The kit includes stickers, a
pr@masoncounty.corn Dr. Seuss bookmark, a door
hanger and an entry form for
prize drawings. The book lists
Branches of the Timber- in the kit, all developed by the
land Regional Library (TRL) TRL Youth Services staff, in-
- including Shelton, Belfair clude "100 Toddler FavOrites,"
and Hoodsport -- will launch which includes books and mu-
their annual Read-Aloud pro- sic and "Books to Real Aloud,"
gram, from March 2 (Dr. Se- with volumes that appeal to
uss's birthday) through April children ages 3 to 12.
12 (Beverly Cleary's birthday). Each Timberland library
The program, now in its will award a grand prize: a
12th year, centers on the ac- backpack filled with books
tivity of families reading aloud selected especially for the
together in different areas of winning family or classroom.
the house. As an early learn- Many of the libraries will also
ing program, the Read-Aloud have drawings for books and
focuses on children from in- other prizes during the pro-
fancy to grade three, although gram.
all of the family's children are The Family Read-Aloud
encouraged to join the fun. events and activities at the
Family members, child care Hoodsport branch include A
providers and teachers can Walk in the Forest with Acorn
pick up a Read-Aloud Castle & Rose Puppet Theater from
startup kit at any library
branch beginning March 2. See LIBRARY on page A-14
Courtesy pnom
Acorn & Rose Puppet Theater performs its show
'A Walk in the Forest' at 11 a.m. April 2 at the
Shelton Timberland Library, and 3 p.m. April 2 at
the Hoodsport branch as part of the Read-Aloud
Mason County Journal
tickets are available online at
A few notes from Judie's min-
utes from the February Harst-
ine Island Community Club
(HICC) meeting: There were 50
people in attendance. Shelleen
explained the short-term hall
rental agreement requires non-
HICC members to obtain insur-
ance for usage of the hall and
pay a refundable deposit. The
club is hoping to have the indoor
/ outdoor garage sale March 30. I
say hoping because if they don't
get a chairman, the event will be
canceled. The March 7 women's
club meeting will feature a book
sale and an auction of home-
made gift items. On March 16,
a craft day is scheduled at the
hall -- teachers and participants
are needed. Looks like last year's
pie contest was such a success
that another one will be planned
for Sept. 28 -- so start work-
ing on those recipes. Hosts are
See HARSTINE on page A-14
-Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 - Page A-11