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Looking for a home
Adoptions cost $75,
which includes vaccine,
wormer, spay/neuter and
a $10 city license. New
dogs are brought in all
the time. Call 427-7503 or
visit the shelter at 902 W.
Pine St.
Dogs can be viewed
5113 Capitol Blvd. SE
Tumwater, WA 98501
Open Tues-Sat 10-6
Balance Day Spa is
proud to introduce
Anne Hanford
Now offering
, Hair Removal
& $50 Facial Special
with Anne Hanf0rd !
heath, wellness, fit ss I
www.shelt0nsdayspa.c0m I
2505 Olympic Highway N0 h, Suite
(Behind McDonalds)
at www.shelton.
Hours are from 9
a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday
through Friday. The
Shelter is closed Satur-
day through Monday.
Current listings:
Pitbul[~male, 2
years old
Labrador mix, male,
2 years old
Pitbull,male, 4
years old
Washington's Wild
Cat Sanctuary
from Lions to tiny
Gordon's Cats
Each wild cat h special and has a
need for a safe and comfortable
place to live out its life happily,
peacefully and with dignity,
Mail your tax.deductable donation to:
Wild Felid Advocacy Center
of Washington
3111 E. Harstine Island Rd. N.
Shelton WA 98584 Ilil
I~Jl~ (360) 427-4466 tt~tt
[ ~ www.wildfelids.org
Now serving Baked
Oysters & Steamed Clams
from 11:00 to 3:00
Come up for LUNCH!
Est, ] 922
13 miles North
of Hoodsport
Four Stars
The News Tdbunei
a Special 5HELLIqbH Seafood&O er/ atDishes
Occasion Lunches
' DAILY w hChefmhZ I
(360) 421-8709. Open for SuPl r Tu day-Saturday I
Downtown Shelton. Comer of 3rd and West Railroad Z I
Kitten Rescue
Tiger needs a forever
home. This lady is an af-
fectionate, young adult.
With patience, she will
gladly share rubs and
purrs, kitty play and hap-
py meows. Tiger is look-
ing for a sunny window-
sill, daily food and water,
a safe warm bed and a
loving family. Tiger will
bring years of enjoyment
and companionship to
the perfect forever home.
Tiger would like you to
meet her and her friends.
For information on Tiger,
and other indoor-only kit-
ties, call 584-0594 or leave
a message at 426-2455.
A Pet
We call this hand-
some fellow Ole Shep.
He was found wandering
the streets alone. When
no owner could be found,
we took him in and are
helping him find a lov-
ing home to live out his
golden years. He appears
to be a shar pei/Labrador
/ husky mix, about 7 years
old. He is quite agile and
frisky and has no health
issues that we are aware
of. He is very sweet and
also housebroken. If you
have been looking for a
more mature dog to share
your life with, you will
want to meet Ole Shep.
To set up an appoint-
ment, call 432-3091 or
email thedoghouse3091@
Nonprofit Briefs
Saints' Pantry
receives award
for backpack
detail mission
of Love INC
The Shelton School Dis-
trict on Feb. 12 presented
Saints' Pantry with the
Community Partners for
Kids Outstanding Award
for supplying homeless
and hungry children with
food as part of its backpack
The Shelten-based
nonprofit organization
was nominated for the
award by Bordeaux El-
ementary Principal Carey
Each Friday, volun-
teers for Saints' Pantry
assemble 150 packs of
food that are distributed
to students in need to
help them, and sometimes
members of their families,
get through the weekend.
These students receive
free lunches during the
Steve Russell, director
of Saints' Pantry, said he
shares the honor with the
people and organizations
who donate to the back-
pack program. The con-
tents of each backpack cost
about $5.50 each, or about
$3,300 each month.
Love INC of Mason
County, a Shelten-based
nonprofit collection of
churches, offers work-
shops on Sunday and
Monday to anyone inter-
ested in learning about its
The first session is at 6
p.m. Sunday at St. David's
Episcopal Church, 324 W.
Cedar St., in downtown
Shelten. The session in-
dudes a tour of the Cold
Weather Shelter.
The second session, at 6
p.m. Monday, is at Shelten
First Baptist Church, 428
Cota St. It includes a tour
of the Love INC Gap Min-
istry warehouse.
Both workshops are
free, and open to everyone.
The Mason County of-
fice of Love INC operates
a clearinghouse, where
requests from people in
need are verified and then
matched with the appro-
priate church ministry,
community organization
or volunteer mentor to
For more information,
call 462-5683.
• Compiled by reporter
Gordon Weeks
Continued from page A-11
3 to 4 p.m. April 2, and the hunt for fairy tale charac-
ters for children in grades one through six April 3-22.
For more information, call 877-9339.
The activities at North Mason Timberland Library
in Belfair include Horton's Guessing Jar March 2-30;
the Knights of Veritas sword fighting program from
2:30-3:30 p.m. March 9; and a hunt for fairy tale char-
acters April 3-6. For more information, call 275-3232.
The activities at the Shelton Timberland Library
are a royal read-aloud with Mason County Forest
Festival royalty from 3-4 p.m. March 16, and A Walk
in the Forest with Acorn & Rose Puppet Theater from
11 a.m. to noon April 2. For more information, call
For information on the program, visit TRL.org.
Continued from page A-11
needed for the April
HICC meeting. If there
are not volunteers, the
potluck before to the
meeting will be can-
celled. A work party
will be at 9 a.m. on
March 2 at the Tri-
angle. All interested in
helping are encouraged
to attend.
Jim and Ruth Irish
and so many dedicated
workers are serving up
corned beef and cab-
bage March 6. Senior
lunch has become so
popular you need to get
there early for a good
about the Face of Love dren's Outreach, Blan-
Now is a great time to
Continued from page A-11
schedule your appointment.
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life skills in the kitchen,
eight years ago, offering
to help serve the hungry
that always knew they
could find a meal there.
This worked out well
for about a year, and then
some of the adults de-
veloped health problems
restricting them from
participating. Weza kept
the ministry going by her-
self, and one night when
she was facing the meal
preparation alone, she set
up five stations hoping for
five helpers to show.
Volunteers did start
showing up and after all
the stations were filled,
the five strangers worked
side-by-side to prepare a
huge meal for others.
Kamin then talked
INC, which first appeared
in 2009. The Ministry has
grown from seven to 20
churches, aids more than
1,200 people, re-donates
$21,000 in materials and
had almost 2,600 volun-
teers hours in 2012.
Churches of all de-
nominations partner with
Love INC to combine re-
sources in providing help
for county residents.
The Mason County
office operates a clear-
inghouse where requests
are verified and then
matched with the appro-
priate church ministry,
community organization
or volunteer mentor for
help. Current Gap Min-
istries provide many
material goods for recipi-
ents: food for the Food
Bank, children's clothing
through Northwest Chil-
kets of Love, furniture,
bedding, firewood, medi-
cal equipment, backpacks
with hygiene supplies for
released offenders and
homeless youth and hats
for oncology patients.
Love INC of Mason Coun-
ty's next goal is to of-
fer additional relational
ministries such as budget
mentoring, stress man-
agement, programs for
strengthening families
and job readiness classes.
Love INC took 427
case files in 2012 helping
623 adults and 533 chil-
dren through the help of
almost 2 600 volunteer
To contact Love INC,
call center hours are 10
a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday
through Thursday, at
462-LOVE ext. 5683 or
email at loveinc@hcc.net.
Page A-14 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013