February 21, 2013 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 21, 2013 |
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OC Shelton
to hold free
Olympic College Shel-
ton will have a free Wom-
en in Welding Workshop
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on
May 4 at the OC Weld
Shop (Old Bronze Works),
50 W. Fredson Road.
Attendees can try their
hand at welding in this
workshop and finish their
own metal rose.
Students must be ages
18 or older to register.
The workshop includes
all welding materials, in-
struction and lunch.
Call 475-7480 or email
Registration deadline
is April 19.
Pacific Welding Sup-
plies will present informa-
tion at the event.
This workshop uses
funds from the Carl D.
Perkins Act.
Mason County School Retirees' Association offers scholarship
The Mason County School students for the 2013-2014 an associate's degree or a cer- Applications are available
Retirees' Association is of- school year. tificate of completion who will at the college's office at 937 W.
fering a scholarship to The scholarship is available be attending the entire school Alpine Way, Shelton, and must
Olympic College Shelton to any student working toward year. be returned byApril 1.
Students to attend Rotary youth awards conference
STAFF REPORT ter an interview process in which vation and communication skills
pr@masoncounty.com they showed leadership potential, and recreation and fellowship.
Shelton Rotary will also spon- Rotary members stated that it
sor two SHS students, Paige is a weekend to remember for all
Four Mason County students Hurst and Carly Stauffer, to the students attending. This marks
have been selected to attend the conference, the 44th year of RYLA. More than
Rotary Youth Leadership Awards RYLA is an intensive train- 4,400 students have had the op-
(RYLA) conference from Feb. 28 ing program where qualified high portunity to participate in this re-
through March 3 at Pacific Lu- school juniors are selected by Ro- warding, intensive, four-day lead-
theran University. tary clubs from Rotary Districts ership conference.
Skookum Rotary has sponsored5020 and 5030 in Western Wash- Skookum Rotary is a Mason
two Shelton High School students, ington and Vancouver Island. County service organization with
Daniel Bouchi and Anna Liljas to The conference will consist of More than 50 volunteer members.
attend the conference, nationally renowned speakers Its major fundraiser is Oyster-
The students were selected af- who emphasize leadership, moti- Fest, which is in October.
Dean's List
Kyle Dimalanta of Students on the grade point average. Its academic program
Shelton made the Seat- Dean's List have complet- Founded in 1891, Se- serves more than 4,000
tle Pacific University fall ed at least 12 credits and attle Pacific University undergraduate and grad-
2012 quarter Dean's List. attained a 3.50 or higher is a Christian university, uate students.
Shelton School
District announces
make-up day
The Shelton School Dis-
trict has announced that
March 8 will be the dis-
trict's school make-up day.
The day will replace
Dec. 19, 2012, when the
schooldistrict canceled
Students will be re-
leased three hours early,
which was the same sched-
ule planned for the can-
celed day. The new date
was placed in the district's
calendar so the school year
will not be lengthened.
Teachers will be train-
ing from 1 to 4 p.m., as
was originally planned.
For more information,
call 426-8231.
Worthy of
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Funeral Alternatives proudly serves all faiths, venues and cemeteries
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Continued from page A-15
Ricky Johnson
Ricky Dean Johnson.
52, died Feb. 9, 2013, at
his home in Tacoma after
a battle with lung cancer.
He was born in Fair-
banks, Alaska, on May 5,
1960, to Edith and Roy
Ricky was raised in
Shelton and spent the
last 30
in Ta-
is sur-
Johnson (John-
son )
Abo of Shelton: nephews
Sam Taylor of Tacoma
and Eric Johnson of
Shelton: aunt Darlene
Knutson of Anacortes;
and nieces Charm (Tay-
lor) Harris of Lacey,
Jennifer (Johnson) Goos
of Shelton and Jessica
(Johnson) Ackley.
He was preceded in
death by his parents and
brother Ernie Johnson.
Arrangements are by
Edwards Memorial Cha-
pel of Tacoma.
A service will be at
3:30 p.m. on Friday, Feb.
22, at Edwards Memorial
Chapel in Lakewood.
Dennis Wood
Dennis Wood, 84, a
resident of Shelton, died
Feb. 9. 2013, of natu-
ral causes at RooLan
Healthcare Center in
He was born on Oct. 8,
1928, to Lucy Brown and
Herman Wood of Fleet-
wood, N.C.
He served in the Air
Force, and married Vada
Moore on March 5, 1949.
in Roswell, N.M.
Dennis was a retired
plumber. He loved to
snow ski and attend
Bible studies. He was a
member of Hillcrest Con-
gregation of Jehovah's
Witnesses of Shelton.
He is survived by wife
Vada Wood of Shelton;
daughters Carol Haynes
of Eugene, Ore., and
Denise Wood of Cash-
mere; sister Dot Denney
of Winston-Salem, N.C.:
four grandchildren; and
seven great-grandchil-
He was preceded in
death by his parents.
A memorial will take
place at 2 p.m. on March
9 at Kingdom Hall of
Jehovah's Witnesses, 11
Sentry Drive, Shelton.
WA 98584.
Arrangements are by
Forest Funeral Home of
Shelton under the direc-
tion of Dave Lucas.
James Hoosier
James "J.D." Hoosier.
85, died Feb. 9, 2013,
surrounded by his family
and friends.
He was born Feb. 9,
1928, in Short, Okla.,
and moved to Shelton in
at ITT
he was
where he received sev-
eral medals during his
22 months in combat in
Upon returning from
Doris Marie Brodersen, 83, a resident of Shelton, died
Feb. 16, 2013, at home. Arrangements are by Forest
Funeral Home of Shelton under the direction of Dave
Armando Terrazas-Valles
Armando Terrazas-Valles, 61, a resident of Belfair,
died Feb. 18, 2013. Arrangements are by McComb Fu-
neral Home under the direction of Curt Stracke.
Complete obituary information is not only
an appropriate tribute to the deceased but
a part of history. We encourage families
to include their loved ones' interests,
memberships and activities, as well as
survivors, in obituaries. The Journal
provides forms and is happy to print
information on the lives of residents and
former residents free of charge.
the war, he resumed his wife Bonnie J. Hoosier;
employment at Rayonier son Rob and daughter-
for a few years. He was in-law Christy Hoo-
then employed at Simp- sier; son Steve and
son Timber Co., where he daughter-in-law Madge
worked until he retired in Hoosier; daughters
1990. Vicki L. Strutz and
He enjoyed camping, Janet M. Worley; and
working on cars, stock numerous nieces, neph-
car racing, motorcycle ews, grandchildren and
riding and spending time great-grandchildren.
with his family. At J.D.'s request, no
He is survived by service will be held.
I miss you ::
I miss holding your hand
I miss your smile
I miss everything about you
Our memories will go forever.
Your Sweetheart
P.S. Our Children, grandchildren and
John Robert Cook St great grandchildren miss you very much
• ,,,,,,,, 1941-Feb,2012 " Families are forever ..........
" :": Page K, las6n County Journa!):,TliUrsday, Feb,21, 20i3 i::i: .... :: : .... .......
Send obituary information to:
obits@masoncou nty.com.
Deadline is 2 p.m.
the Tuesday
before publication.
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