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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 2013     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 2013
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Two fundraisers by NM Coalition of Churches and Community STAFF REPORT The nonprofit group pres- 7791. The auction is presented at 5in the Food for Kids backpack ents a crab feed and silent cue- The Food for Kids programs p.m. For more information, call program, 16,500 school break tion fundraiser at 5 p.m. March benefit from a loaded baked Monna Haugen at 275-6217. nutrition boxes, 5,000 meals 9 at the Farm at Water's Edgepotato and dessert buffet from Formed in 2006, the coali- served on Wednesdays at local The North Mason Coalition in Belfair. Tickets are $25, and 4 to 6 p.m. March 23 at Christ tion has grown from providingchurches and by the Evergreen of Churches and Community are available by emailing ccc. Lutheran Church, 3701 N.E. about 600 meals per year, to Garden Club, and 1,000 meals has scheduled two fundraisers or calling Kathy North Shore Road, Belfair. Ad- almost 40,000 meals in 2012. served on Sundays at the The- in March. at 275-0949 or Linda at 710- mission is by donation. That includes 17,500 meals ler Community Center. Belfair Co-Op celebrates 25 years of calendars By NATALIE JOHNSON The Belfair Cooperative Preschool is producing its Community Calendar for the 25th year. In celebration, the school will be displaying their collection of calendar photos at the Timberland Li- brary during February. While the 2013 calendar has already been finished and sold, the school is collecting advertising and oth- er information for its 2014 calendar. The calendar is in about 200 homes and business- es throughout the area, and is a main fundraiser for the school. The calendar offers advertising opportunities to businesses, and features places of interest for the pic- ture. This year, the picture selected to was of the new object d'art at the four-way stop near Bill Hunter Park. As in past years, Hudson Photography sup- plied the featured photo. The Belfair Co-op has been in existence since the mid-1960s. To advertise for next year's calendar, contact the school at 277-0392. Construction, Inc.] Serving the North Mason area | since1967 [ Specializing in seawall I Re-construction and I home repairs ol 275.6684 -q Frank Merrill Belfair, WA [ tic #JESFII*228DO ] Welcoming NEW PATIENTS! Family Dentistry. Implants TMJ/Sleep Apnea - Prompt Emergency Care Most Insurances Accepted Shakin' it at the Sweetheart Dance Showing their funky moves Friday at Hawkins Middle School's Sweetheart Dance were, from left, Melanie Hall, Levi Jarred, Courtney Franckowiak, Stevie Robinson, Gabe Winn and Taylor Byerly. il/, ,=h,,0 SHORELINE the past years, the most troubling changes and the use of the shoreline rn) U " Continued from page A-17 by wildlife. DENTAL ARTS Wendy Gerstel, owner of Qwg ~ first time since 1988." Applied Geology, will talk about the Futurewise is a statewide public geologic characteristics of streams interest group that works to promote and shorelines, and how it informs healthy communities and cities while shoreline development and protec- • protecting farmland, forests and tions. les & Gently Used Items shorelines. Gerstel is an engineering geologist ~~ Glassware • Toys • Jewelry • Rare Items Curtis Tanner, co-chair of the and hydrogeologist with more than ~ _~ --- New Inventory Daily-- steering committee for the Puget 30 years of experience. Her company ~~Open." Wed.- Sat. 10 a.m.- 5:30 p.m. Sound Nearshore Ecosystem Res- specializes in geologic mapping, anal- ~~: - Sun. 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. toration Project, will explain how ysis and mitigation of landslide haz- the shorelines have changed during ards, and geologic and hydrogeologic ~~t~ ! Consignments Welcome • Spaces Available ~' N.E. 23491 Hwy 3 Belfmr, WA (3.) ss2-23os =w TOPS Continued from page A-17 NORTH MASON FIBER COMPANY RO. Box 275 • NE 431 Log Yard Rd.. Belfair, WA 98528 Thq Piace To Contractors Welcome Load* *Price 1 based onl size of I vehicle J Per Small (Pick.up Size) OR Herald photo by Gordon Weeks The geology and health of Hood Canal, seen here at the Theler Wetlands trail in Belfair, is among the topics at the Sound Shoreline Science Forum presented from I to 4:30 p.m. March I at the Theler Community Center in Belfair. Admission to the forum is free, with an optional Courtesy photo From left, Barb Stormo and Barb Wynn, along with Marjean Zurn (not pictured) are 2012 TOPS No. 1321 graduates. Page A-18 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 with questions at 275-4835. 275-0228 Please call for directions and more information NO Plastics or Garbage PLEASE interactions. Joseph Pavel, director of the Skokomish Tribal Nation Depart- ment of Natural Resources, will talk about cultural resources on the marine shoreline, fishing locations, shellfish collection, and cultural and other tribal resources. David Bricklin of Bricklin & New- man LLP, has been involved in en- vironmental and land use law since those laws and regulations were ad- opted in the early 1970s. At the fo- rum, he'll talk about the legalities of the Shoreline Master Plan. Herald photo by Gordon Weeks OPEN MON-FRI 7AM-4:30PM. WEEKENDS 8AM.4PM TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensi- bly) invites residents to attend an open house Feb: 27. in the lower lev- el of North Bay Lutheran Church, 211 Lakeland Drive, Allyn. Weigh- in starts at 9 a.m. with the meeting following at 10 a.m. Organizers say attendees will learn how to achieve weight-loss success. This low-cost program uses ongo- ing support, recognition and expert advice to develop a healthful life- style so members can achieve real results. In 2012, 10ngtime Allyn residents Barb Stormo and Barb Wynn, along with Marjean Zurn of Belfair, grad- uated to KOPS status, or Keep Off Pounds Sensibly. Call TOPS leader Diane Hartley