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Brian Nault chosen for USA High
School All-American rugby team
Next month, Shelton sophomore Brian Nault will get
an athletic opportunity no other Highclimber has had.
In January, Nault was chosen by the High School All-
American rugby coaches to play on the
USA High School All-American Trav-
eling Side team at an international
rugby teuruament tour in England.
"Brian tried out for one of 22 po-
sitions against 120 athletes with
American citizenship from around
the world," Shelton rugby coach Chris
Nesmith said. "For many of the ath-
letes, rugby is the predominant sport
where they currently live. I am a firm
Nault believer that this is a result of Brian's
hard work, humility and passion for
the game."
Nault said he tried out for the team between Dec. 25
and Jan. 1, and he heard he was selected in mid-January.
"I was speechless and excited," he said. "I couldn't
even talk."
Nault said there were several reasons he was inter-
ested in playing for team USA.
"To represent this country for one, it's a great honor and
for the challenge," he said. "The level of play is very high."
Nault began playing rugby in eighth grade when his
older sister, Diandra, started playing for the Shelton
girls' team.
"I've put a lot of hard work into it and everything paid
off," he said.
The international tournament is scheduled to run
"1 am a firmbeliever that
this is a result of Brian's
hard work, humility and
passion for the game."
Chris Nesmith, Shelton
rugby coach
from March 22 through April. Nault said the USA team
will play against teams from Wales, Begium and Eng-
When Nault arrives in England, he will practice with the
USA team for one week of two-a-days before the first match.
"I am very excited," Nault said. "I'm looking forward
to learning more and gaining more experience."
He said he doesn't know yet what position he'll play
for USA, but said he normally plays the lock or eight-man
position for the Shelton team.
"They're basically the same thing," Nault said of the
two positions. "They are hard hitters, good ball runners
and strong tacklers."
He said that he's pretty aggressive on the rugby field.
Although the international tournament will conflict
with the Shelten boys' rugby season, Nault said he plans
to play for Shelton this spring as well.
"I don't know what will happen (if we win all three
games)," Nault said. "Hopefully, something great. We
have a good, strong team, from what I've seen at camp.
Our chances are pretty good."
Nault said he enjoys rugby because of the atmosphere
during matches.
"Stepping onto that field is just fun," he said. "I can't
even describe it."
File photo
Shelton sophomore Brian Nault takes a hit
during the boys' rugby vs. alumni game in
December. Nault was recently chosen to play
on the USA High School All-American rugby
team at an international tournament tour in
England in March.
Pioneer Eagles boys' b-ball team wins league title
"It's been more than 12
For the first time in years since we won the
more than 12 years, the Pi- ! title...We Ily
oneer Intermediate / Mid .e,..u,.... usua
dle School boys' basketball
team won the TriCountyget beat by Evergreen in
the Eagles' sea Olympia. They normally
son ended Jan. 10, the
team finished with a 7-0 take the title."
"It's been more than
12 years since we won the Kelly Bogh, Pioneer head boys'
league title," head coach basketball coach
Kelly Bogh said. "We usu-
ally get beat by Evergreen joined varsity in seventh, telli, Kobe's teammate,
in Olympia. They normal- Kenny was on varsity inwas on him all night un-
ly take the title." sixth grade and returned til he fouled out of the
The TriCounty League to the team this season, game,"
consists of teams from "Taylor and Kenny In this game, Kobe
Mason, Thurston and have worked together the scored 45 points for the
Grays Harbor counties, most because they play Eagles, while Taylor con-
She said the differ- outside of school as well," tributed 20 points.
ence with the team thisBogh said. "Evergreen was press-
year was having three or She said the Pig- ing hard so Kobe moved
four eighth-graders whoneer team was one of the ball up," Bogh said.
worked well together, the younger ones in the"They switched to zone,
"Our point guard is league this season, with so I had (seventh-grader)
6-foot-4," Bogh said. "He four eighth-graders andJhamal Johnson bring the
was able to feed our two four seventh-graders, ball up and Kob and Tay-
other 6-foot tall eighth- "The other teams were lor started working the
graders well and if they mostly eighth-graders,"3-point line."
were covered, it was easy she said. Jhamal, who measures
to give back to him." Practices began in in at 4-foot-10, was a good
Bogh's son, Kobe Bogh, mid-Novemeber and Bogh ball handler for the team,
was the point guard andsaid the team's most piv- Bogh said.
his 6-foot-tall teammates otal game was its 70-50"The game against Ev-
were posts Taylor Toneyvictory against Ever- ergreen wasn't our last
and Kenny Easton. green, game, but that's usually
"I don't know of an- "Kobe was playing who our competition is so
other team in the league against a teammate fromit sealed the league title,"
with three 6-footers,"another team he plays on Bogh said.
Bogh said. and another teammate Bogh said that she told
She said Kobe has from that same team wasthe team at the begin-
been on varsity since (refereeing) the game,"ning of this season that
sixth grade, while Taylor Bogh said. "Carson Ber-if it was going to win the
Continued from page B-2
tournament, he mentioned he was
considering training for the 2020
When I asked him what he
thought of the IOC's recommenda-
tion, he said he was sad.
"I'm really upset about it,"
Dennis said. "The announcement
was a surprise because wrestling
is an original Olympic sport."
I think Dennis probably feels
the way a lot of members of the
wrestling community feel right
now. I'm pretty sad myself and
I've only enjoyed wrestling for
four years, I can't imagine how
lifelong lovers of the sport are
feeling now.
league title, it would be
this season.
"I told them at the
beginning that we were
training for Evergreen,"
she said. "We had a lot
of blowout games, which
was hard because it's
hard to practice to your
view, etc., so when we got
to Evergreen, we could
play our offense."
The TriCounty League
consists of teams from
Oakland Bay Junior High,
Mason County Christian,
McCleary, Grapeview,
Hood Canal and several
,Toshiba & MORE
,u,, oteotia, wheo you fro O,y= ia.
don't have the competi- Although the Eagles" • '(.
tion." normally play 12 games ~' .....
Bogh said that with per season, teams from ~ • ~,~ ".: ...... .... :~ "~---~:
Kobe and Taylor leadingsmaller schools had to ~ • ,? ,,~:~- ~
the team on and off thecancel games this season~'~\ ~'~ ~':~ ..... /!~fi
court, each player knewbecause they didn't have ~..j ~?~/.:e#~-
what role they were to enough players.
play and they played
them well.averaged I[ . ~ Welikeourjob--¥ouwilltoo!~ ]
"We played as a team I ~ "~ _~_' ~ ~ "~
every game," she said.
points, per game, while [ Automotive
Taylor s average was 7.3.
Kenny averaged 6 points
per game.
"Kobe and Taylor were
our key offensive play-
ers," Bogh said. "If they
had someone to dish to, aGOq26-9637
they would dish to Jha-
mal Johnson." 31 E. Vance ft. (Johns Prairie Rd) • Shelton
She said that eighth-
grader Jake Kramer, who
has been playing for the
Eagles for three years,
was also a key player on
the team.
"Jake probably aver-
aged three assists per
game," Bogh said.
At the beginning of
the season, she said the
Eagles were a very green
"My seventh-graders
are small," she said. "But
we practiced our offense
against St. Mikes, Grape-
to injure a knee while skiing.
New research on the subject
also indicates that women are
about twice as likely to have
that injury occur to their non-
dominant leg, usually the left
one. Researchers are quick to
point out that these injury rates
and locations probably did
not appear to be influenced by
skiing ability or physical fitness.
They probably have much more
to do with anatomy, strength
patterns, and leg dominance.
Studies show that strength and
proprioception (the sense of how
the body is positioned) is greater
in the dominant compared to the
non-dominant leg. As a result,
the non-dominant leg may be
more vulnerable to injury.
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more info call SHELTON
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patients are welcome. Same
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P.S. A skier's dominant leg is
the one that he or she prefers to
kick with.
The decision isn't final yet. The
wrestling community has the op-
portunity to appeal the decision
and there's an executive board
meeting in May in St. Petersburg,
Russia, before a final vote in Sep-
tember. Let's hope, the sport will
be better represented at these
two final meetings so an original
Olympic sport can continue having
its rightful place in the games.
Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 21,2013 - Page B-3