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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 21, 2013     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 21, 2013
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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't- LOST & FOUND HELP WANTED WORK WANTED FOR RENT FOR RENT REAL ESTATE LOST POMERANIAN, female wolf-sable color, from Dickinson Avenue. Answers to the name of Rosie, has collar and name tag, chipped. RE- WARD. Call 360-426- 2254. T2/21 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED ROOF- ERS with a Driver's License. Call 360-432- 8837. N2/7-3/28 ENGINEERING & CON- STRUCTION Manager for Mason County Public Works. $5,239-$6,220/ mo. Responsible for managing the design and construction of county roads, bridges and other projects. Job descrip- tion, min. qualifications & application at www. closes 3-1-13. PW 2-14/2-21. MARTEN *EXPECT THE BEST! Looking for Team Drivers!!Excellent $$$ and benefits! *Fre- quent Hometime, Auto- matic Detention Pay, Pri- ority Dispatch. Must have CDL-A and 6 mon OTR exp. Hazmat preferred. Join Marten Transport- Certified Top Pay Car- rier! 866-326-6186 or www.drive4marten .com EEOE/AAP. LANDFILL ATTENDANT III for Mason County Utili- ties/Waste Management full-time and part-time. $3,337 to $3,503/mo (FT) and $19.52 to $20.21 (PT). Responsible for loading solid waste for transportation off site. Minimum Qualifications: High school graduate or GED & experience oper- ating heavy equipment & power tools, possess val- id WA CDL, and physical ability to lift 50 Ibs on a regular basis and work in variable weather con- ditions: Closes 3/8/13. County application re- quired & available at Mason Countv Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton, WA 98584; 2-21/2-28. WORK WANTED EXPERIENCED LI- CENSED CNA for pri- vate in-home house care. Mon-Fri avail 8-4pm. Many references available upon request EDUCATION EDUCATION DID YOU KNOW? At Olympic College Shelton You can improve your job skills. Earn a transfer degree. Complete your GED. We offer: A free online application process Individual advising appointments - Tuition and financial aid assistance Degree and Certificate programs University Transfer START HERE. GO ANYWHERE. OLYMPIC COLLEGE Shelton 937 W. Alpine Way, Shelton o 360.432.5400 E-maih sheltoncam pus@olym pic.ed u HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Olympic ESD 114 is hiring for: Head Start Home Visitor--- Burley Glenwood To apply: or 360.479.0993. EOE & ADA Shelton Health & Rehabilitation Center , Licensed Nurses, NAC's All Shifts Available. Competitive wages & benefits. We want you to join our friendly, caring team of skilled professionals. Apply at 153 Johns Court, or call 427-2575 and ask for Valerie or Michelle. Equal Opportunity Employer Shelton Health and Rehabilitation Center Ic.~ F.~ o.,,,~ $13.00 hour. Call Betty 360-401-9493 between 8am-8pm. B 2-14/2-28. WANTED FREE HAULING of ap- pliances, working or not. Small charge for refriger- ators and freezers. 432- 8840 B2/7-3/14 PRIVATE COLLECTOR seeks all kinds of old miscellaneous coins and bills, and proofs. 360- 268-3549 or 360-612- 3691. F2/07-2/28 THE CITY OF Shelton hereby solicits Request for Proposals for migrat- ing computer networks from Novell Netware and Groupwise to Microsoft Windows Active Direc- tory and Exchange server. For details, visit www. SUBMIT- TALS: Three (3) copies of the proposals are due to the City of Shelton prior to 5 p.m. on Thursday, Febru- ary 28, 2013.2-/7 & 2-21. Submittal Address: City of Shelton 525 West Cota Street Shelton, WA 98584 Attention: Vicki Look GARAGE SALES RUMMAGE SALE -March 1 & 2 9am-2pm. Faith Lu- theran Church -1212 Con- nection St. Lots of really good stuff!! F 2-21/2-28 FOR RENT FEEL LIKE a Millionaire[! Waterfront Apt. Large Studio right on Hood Canal. Full-size kitchen, water, garbage, septic, laundry, dish tv, broad- band included. Fur- nished or unfurnished. $775. No Smoking. Na- ture, google, oysters and HBO. Could you ask for anything more?? 360- 877-5501. MC 2-7 TFN NEWLY REMODELED two bedroom duplex on HELP WANTED iring Belfair, WA FTIPT openings Customer Service & Automotive positions $9.191hr. plus bonuses & benefits. Must have exp. in customer service, retail sales, or automotive. Apply online: WWW.HENRYSJOBS,COM Select "Belfair, WA" Capital Hill. 1 car garage very clean, w/s/g paid $725 rent, $725 deposit. 426-4603. Quiet Neigh- borhood. Looking for quiet tenants! M TFN 2-7 62+ SENIOR commu- nity. One bedroom apart- ment. Rental assistance may • be available. 614 4th St., Shelton, WA. 360-426-5666. Profes- sionally managed by PPM, LLC. This institu- tion is an Equal Oppor- tunity Housing Provider and Employer. TFN 2-14 ROOM FOR rent-House to share 3 bedroom, 1 bath, wood floors, gas heat, cable internet and phone , W/D available. Clean & Sober house- hold! $550 monthly utili- ties included. 427-3851. W 1-31/2-21. 1716 FERRY ST. 3 bed- room, 1 bath home, 2 car garage, wood burn- ing stove, W/D included. References required no smoking, small dog ne- gotiable. 427-1889. $825 monthly and $600 de- posit. A 1-28/2-21. TWO BEDROOM, 2 bath mobile home w-s paid, close to bus line, cable available, small pets and smoking ok w/extra rent, deposit required. $695. 360-426-2015 #3/13 TFN 2/14 RV SPACE, 55+, Allyn, WA. Sound view, quaint community restaurants, services close. Summer rate $355. Winter rate $315. B 1-17/4-4. TWO BEDROOM, two baths, caretaker duties. No Pets. $400 monthly. P 360-275-4127. P 2-14/3- 7. FOR RENT Waterfront RV Space. 50' w/dock water/sewer included. Beach rights. Oysters, clams, crab and shrimp in Tahuya. $450 per month. 360-620-3401 or email canalautomotive@ C 2-14/-3-7 2 BEDROOM duplex, close in location, garage, w/d hookup, no pets, no smoking. $675. 360- 275-9189. M 2-21/3-14. MT. VIEW -2 bedroom mobile, fenced yard, clean, no pets, no smok- ing. $650 . L 426-3557. 2-21/2-28. MORTGAGES CASH AVAILABLE[ Real Estate or contract loans. Local, private, fast (360) 491-5463. TFN 2-7 Mason County 3 BED, 2 BATH, remod- eled waterfront home in a beautiful 7 acre golf course, waterfront com- munity 3 miles from Shelton. Spectular views, seafood galore, owner fi- nancing $225,000. 360- 701-3123.2-14/2-21. 2 LOTS each 1/2 acre-one level w/ partial sound view, second level w/ lots of marketable timber. Each at $20,000-own- er terms buy both for $35,000. Top Hat Reality. Rosalee Anderson. 360- 426-6485 or 360-490- 0673.2-14/-2-21. 4 BEDROOM home plus detached 1 bedroom guest or rental house. Double lot all fenced. Home w/new roof, win- dows, siding, upgraded elect & plumbing. Close to schools & hospital. $199,900. Top Hat Re- ality Rosalee Anderson 360-426-6485 or 490- 0673.2-14/2-21. Page B-6 - Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 I I i