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Page B-8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, Feb. 21, 2019
By Dana Kampa
dana@masoncoun com
Washingtonians cleared out gro-
cery store shelves far and wide as
people prepared last week for incom-
ing snow storms. So what can you
cook if you missed out on milk and
eggs? Spicdd apple crisp is a comfort-
ing treat made from pantry ingredi-
ents that will not only warm up the
kitchen, but also make the house
smell great.
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: i hour
Servings: 6
--! Four to six medium honeycrisp
a splash of lemon juice, about one
tabl sp
e oon
1 cup packed light brown sugar
SA cup flour
1 cup oats
a pinch of salt
1 teaspoons ground cinnamon,
about six shakes
1 teaspoon ground cloves, about
four shakes
1 teaspoon ground ginger, about
four shakes
stick cold butter, cubed
4 tablespoons solid coconut oil
Tools: Spiced apple crisp is an easy go-to dessert to make when grocery items are sparce. Journal photo by Dana Kamp~
9-inch ceramic baking dish
large sharp knife
cutting board toss the apple slices in the juice as you fingertips. Make sure the entire mix is small cubes of butter. Place on cente
go to prevent browning, combined thoroughly, with no pockets rack in oven and turn the temperaturq
Step One: Heat the oven to 375 de- of flour at the bottom of the bowl. down to 350. Bake for about an hou~
grees F. Cut apples into 1/8 slices (in Step Two: Combine dry ingredients, until the edges are bubbling and turn
half three times), removing the core; Add the butter and oil and break them Step Three: Pour the crumb mixture ing brown. Let cool for 20 minutes am
add lemon juice to a baking dish and up into pea-sized pebbles with your over the apples and dot the top with top with vanilla ice cream.
' t is quite the scene out-
side my window. The
ground is white; my deck
is dark gray. The bare lawn
furniture is black with fluffy
white cushions. The Douglas
firs show no. green, just dark
gray with white patches.
Pickering Passage's waters
are calm and mid-
gray. The shoreline
across is a white
stripe with black
banks rising up. The
whole sky is mid-
gray. The Olympics
are white with black
splotches. I'm really
starting to look for-
ward to spring - oh,
that beautiful color-
ful spring.
Well the past
few days were exciting. As
some of you know, Judy and l
live at the erid of a long steep
dr.iveway. With some 8 inches
of snow piled up, it took me
two days to dig out and that
only got me to the top of my
long steep hill. I didn't find
freedom until Thursday, Val-
entine's Day, when we broke
out and headed to Shelton.
One more weather com-
ment. We were without power
for most of a day during the
storm. I am just thankful
that there are crazy people
out there who climb poles
and connect broken electric
wires together while it is
freezing cold, wet
and dark. And magi-
cally, the power re-
turns. Thank you,
Mason County PUD
3, and all those crazy
(but truly heroic)
This is the week-
end for the fifth
annual yout.h music
-competition. It will
be held from 6 to 8
p.m. Saturday at
Harstine Island Commu-
nity Hall. The title for this
year's competition is "Music
2 Our Ears." Soloists and
instrumentalists, grades 3
through 12, will perform.
Students will be divided into
three grade levels, grades 3
through 5, 6 through 8, and 9
through 12. A cash award of
$200 will be handed out for mother's people. He has ner for you to bid on. There
each level. All participants spent more than 20 years will also be a live auction tha
will receive a Certificate of exploring Chief Seattlefrom takes place as the dinner is
Achievement and construc- a variety of sources to reveal ending. The club is looking
tive feedback from the judg- a leader of epic character, for bigger items that can stir
es. This event is styled like a The first day of spring isthe interest of the crowd and
coffee house with tables and March 20. What better way raise those big bucks. You cm
chairs. Punch and popcorn to celebrate than joining contact any Pioneer Kiwanis
will be served so everyone friends in ~he community and member or email~Pam Harrel
can relax and enjoy hearing having a crab and clam din- at pharrell.jh@gmail.com for
our talented musicians. De- her at our very own Pioneer ticket and donation informa-
tails are available at www. School? The Pioneer Com- tion.
harstinechoir.org, or contact munity Kiwanis Club AnnualEmma, a ranger at Jarrel]
Jean Iverson at360-710- Crab and Clam Dinner and Cove State Park who works
8569 or wiverson@comcast. Auction will be held in the with ranger Mischa Cowles,
net. Pioneer Middle School's caf- sent in this news item: Mis-
This is also the weekend eteria on March 23. All pro- Cha has accepted a promotio~
for the next Humanities ceeds from thisevent benefit in the Cowlitz area and will
Washington speakers pre- the youth of Pioneer School. be leaving the island in the
sentation. The next program Tickets are $30 per adult next three weeks after hav-
will run from 1:30 to 3 p.m. and $15 for children 12 and ing lived here for more than
Sunday at the Harstine Is- under. 15 years. We are having a
land Community Clubhouse. My main point for men- potluck for her from 5 to 7
The presenter will be Da- tioning it in this article is to p.m. Friday at the Harstine
vid Buerge, who will speak ask the public for donations. Island Community Center. I
about Chief Seattle. Folks Pioneer Kiwanis is now an would like to invite all is-
from the island, as well as established 501(c)(3), which landers and people in the
the community at large, means your donations are tax area who have a connection
- are invited. The program is deductible. Kiwanis members with Mischa to join us and
free, but donations are ac- are out in the community say our goodbyes.
cepted. Buerge is a biogra- soliciting items. These items
pher and a historian to the will be displayed on silent Mike Callaghan can be
Duwamish Tribe, Seattle's auction tables during the din- reached at sobadog@msn.com