February 22, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 22, 1973 |
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DR. J.V. DE SHAYE, right, shows County Commissioner William O. Hunter
one of the examining tables in the new community Healthmobile which is
being put in operation by the Thurston-Mason County Health District.
THE HEALTHMOBILE made its first appearance in Mason
County this week when it parked at Evergreen Square.
Music group to
be at college
Folk and blues music "with
an occasional pinch of good-time
rock and roll" will come to The
Evergreen State College February
27 with the appearance of the
Deep Root Trio. The show will
begin at 8 p.m. in the reference
alcove of the Evans Library.
Composed of J. B. White,
Frank Leidt, and Jody Calcara,
the trio has been playing on the
West Coast tbr the past three
years. Deep Root's repertoire
includes three-part vocal harmony
and acoustic six- and 12-string
guitars, electric base, banjo,
harmonica and mandolin.
The trio, brought
to' ~e
Pacific NOrthwest by Eye-5, will
also be appearing at the Pacific
Lutheran University al 9 p.m.,
February 22; at Western State
Hospital at 3 p.m.; and Fort
Steilacoom Community College at
8 p.m., February 23; and at the
University of Puget Sound at 9
p.m., February 24.
All appearances are free and
open to the public.
Judge reduces, sentence
,n drunk dr,ving appeal
Judge Robert Doran lessened
the impact of sentences for
driving while intoxicated and
driving while license suspended
for a man who appeared before
him in Mason County Superior
Court Friday to plead guilty to
the charges after appealing his
conviction on them in Mason
County District Justice Court.
Charles Kelly, Tacoma, had
been fined a total of $500 and
sentenced to 60 days, 60 of
which was suspended when he
appeared before Judge Gerald
Whitcomb in justice court. He had
been arrested on the charge by
booking counter and had gone
around and over to the kitchen
area and heard Antich tell
Peregrin the drugs belonged to
Antich testified he had told
the officers the drugs belonged to
him because he believed that Miss
Ninnis, with whom he was living,
was going to be charged with
them since she was the driver of
the car.
He stated that both Peregrin
and McLain had told him they
knew the drugs were his and that
he should admit it or his friends
would be charged for them.
Antich said the drugs were
not his and that he did not know
whose they were or how they got
into the car.
Miss Ninnis testified about
being stopped by Peregrin and
taken to jail. She said she and the
other two girls sitting on a bench
in the jail area when Peregrin
came out and told them what
their bail would be. She stated the
other two girls were told their bail
would be $50 each and that hers
would be $2,500. She stated she
was surprised by the amount of
bail and assumed she was being
charged with possession of the
drugs which had been found in
the car. She stated she did not
know whose drugs they were or
how they got into the car.
Miss Ritzschke testified to the
arrest and being taken to jail and
that she was sitting on the bench
with the other two girls when
Peregrin told them what their bail
would be. She stated she and the
other girl were told their bail
would be $50 each and that Miss
Ninnis was told her bail would be
business-like beeps, boings, brrrrs
and perceptively-chosen syllables
Sheriff John Robinson. to contribute to the intricately
After listening to Special intermeshed and complicated
Deputy Prosecutor Gerry structure of sound and shape and
Alexander and talking to Kelly, motion.
Judge Doran imposed the same Delicious terrors to be found
sentences as had been imposed in only in a carnival fun-house were
justice court, but suspended the vicariously experienced as a
other 30 days of the jail sentence young girl wandered through
and $250 of the fine.
Alexander told the court he
had talked to Kelly and sh "ff'
apparently Kelly had a medical erl S
problem for which he took drugs,
and at the time of his arrest his car is in
condition resulted from a
combination of the drugs he had h
taken and alcohol. Alexander told cr'cls
the court there was no A Mason County Sheriff's
breathalyzer test result available patrol car suffered about $800
since Kelly had refused to take damage early Sunday morning in
the test at the time of his arrest, the Allyn area.
Alexander said he understoodThe driver of the vehicle,
Kelly was working as a volunteer Deputy Dale Haynes, was
in a department of social and uninjured in the accident.
health services office in Tacoma Sheriff John Robinson said
and that Kelly's only income was the 1 9 72 patrol car was
a grant from the department of southbound on Highway 3 near
social and health services. Allyn when Haynes observed a car
Kelly told the court he northbound and a deer standing
received $187 a month from the in his lane of travel near the
department of social and health center line.
services and he hoped through the Robinson said the deputy
volunteer work he was doing to applied the brakes on the vehicle
be able to work into employment, and went to the right to avoid the
After being told by Judge deer and oncoming car.
Doran with his limited income The vehicle went off the road
there was little or no way in to the right and into a bank.
which the court could force Kelly
to pay the fine, Kelly stated he
wanted to pay the fine and
believed he would be able to pay
$20 a month on it. Judge Doran
told Kelly to pay $10 a month if
he could.
As a condition of the It must be getting close to
suspension of the jail time and spring.
part of the fine the court ordered The first call of the year to
Kelly to refrain from drinking report the swallows,are back was
when he was taking drugs, received this week from Mrs.
Robinson, who was in the Walter Wright of Kamilche Point.
courtroom at the time of Kelly's The caller said this was the
appearance, told the court he earliest she had ever seen the
concurred with Alexander's swallows return.
recommendation for leniency.
Kelly's case had been PRINCIPLE IS a passion for
scheduled for trial during the truth.
current jury term. William Hazlitt
inanimate mazes depicted most
animatedly by her fellow-actors.
She transversed in tottering mirth
a swaying, buckling, heaving,
rolling floor comprised of
kneeling and crouching bodies.
She gestured and posed and
grimaced before the many mirrors
portrayed by cast members who
faithfully returned her image until
the last looking-glass in the row
refused to grant a reflection and
rose to drive her, screaming, from
the stage.
New theatrical techniques are
employed in the revue created by
director Dr. Gregory Falls and
staged by "A Contemporary
Theater of Seattle." Dramatic
ability, singing and dancing
talents, gymnastic prowess and
exquisite timing all combined to
render the revue a masterpiece of
its kind.
Washington State Cultural
Enrichment Program, which is
funded by the Washington State
Legislature and administered by
the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, is currently
scheduling its second series of the
revue for this school
first series of 80
been extended to an
appearances in order to
production, free of
thousands of school
In addition to
theater, the Cultural
Program also spon
Washington students
introductions to
symphonic music,
adult theater.
Public apl:
expressed to the state
will help to keep
Washington State
Enrichment Program.
Rental Service
The following person appears to be owner of
intangible personal property which has been reported to the
of Washington Department of Revenue.
Smith, Floyd &/or Wilmoth Smith,
Rural Route 5, Box 532, Shelton.
Information concerning the amount or description
property and the name and address of the holder
obtained by any person possessing a legal interest in the
by addressing an inquiry to the State of Washington
of Revenue, Unclaimed Property Section, P.O. Box
Olympia, Washington. Phone: 753-5538. If proof of
presented by the owner [o the holder and if the owner'sI
receive the property is not established to the holder's
within sixty-five days from the date of the second
notice, the abandoned property will be placed not
eighty-five days after such publication date in the custody~
State of Washington Department of Revenue.
W.J. Purcell, Supervisor
Unclaimed Property Section
for George Kinnear, DirectC
... AND
"On Borrowed Time," this
season's highlight for the
award-winning Shelton High
School Drama Department, will
be presented to the public in the
Reed auditorium March 8, 9 and
10 with professional actor Brooks
WooUey starring in the role of the
stubborn, affectionate
grandfather, intent on insuring his
grandson's happiness. Woolley
will enact the role of Gramps in
each of the performances.
It is this grandfather's time,
borrowed when Death has come
for him, that gives the play its
title. The plot revolves around the
little boy and his loving
indomitable grandfather, who
ingeniously chases Death, on his
arrival, up into an apple tree until
he can make plans to keep the
child out of the hands of a
repulsive aunt, who, the old man
is convinced, will bring up the
boy to be a sissy.
Death is impersonated in the
play by a polite but implacable
Mr. Brink, to be portrayed by
Rich Yates, and crotchety
Gramps contrives to keep the
unwelcome visitor treed for a full
day or so. During this time all
deaths have stopped in the world
and this has created many critical
problems. Moribund people
cannot find release from pain, and
it is imperative that something be
done about the fantastic
Gramps, however, outlives the
combined efforts of the grasping
aunt, the law and the medical
profession, until he can assure
that the child's future will not be
a deformed one.
In addition to Woolley as the
tender, sly, ferocious, untidy
grandfather, and Rich Yates as
the exasperated Mr. Brink,
emissary from the hereafter,
Melody Lyons will be seen as the
mistrustful wife of the
grandfather, Laura Johnston will
play Pud and Stacia Haley and
Kay Hellman will share the role of
Aunt Demetria.
Our new addition includes rooms designed for husband and wife patients
as well as single occupants. We welcome your visit to this care center.
* 24 hr. professional nursing * Excellent meals * Recreation
Fir Lane Terrace Convalescent Center
Lic. No. 552
2430 No. 13th, Ph. 426-1651
__ _--" --,-. -- _ .
CHANCE IS a word void of
sense; nothing can exist without a
Narlita Klein has beer
interested in health foods all of
her life because she was raised
on them. The daughter of a
family whose religious beliefs
did not allow meat, she has
always relied on protein
nutrients from natural sources.
Mrs. Klein had admired
health food stores and when
she and her husband, Darrell,
moved to Shelton to manage
the Hy-Lond, she saw a need
for that type of store here. •
She started by stocking the
basic health food products
used by those who for religious
and Biblical reasons choose the
natural foods. As more and
more people became health
food conscious, the store
expanded and is continuing to
serve more and more people.
"Many people are using our
meat substitutes due to the
high cost of meat and the way
poultry and livestock is now
being raised, with chemical
additives. A pound of
hamburger when fried ends up
about 3/4 pound after the water
and fat cook off; a pound of
our basic meat supplement is
still a pound after it is
Soybean is the primary
product of the meat
supplements and comes in
many forms, such as "Wham,"
which comes canned or frozen
and tastes and looks like ham.
A solid pound of canned Wham
is $1.99, comparable to a
canned ham.
Mrs. Klein invites you to
stop in and see the full line of
inviting health foods in her
shop. Even if you just want to
start with a health food candy
bar, you'll soon become
fascinated by the wide range of
whole grains, nuts, natural
fruits and specialty items...
all free of chemicals and
additives. The shop carries a
full line of Loma Linda and
Worthington proud products,
plus natural vitamins. Stop in
soon, you'll enjoy it. It's in the
Hy-Lond at First and Railroad.
(Pd. adv.)
i,~J r~ x,,,,w
Family Circus sheets and pillowcases at no extra charge with every Frigidaire washer, dryer or Laundry
Frigidaire! 17.0 cu. ft. Refrigerator
only 30" wide
Now! A huge refrigerator in a 30"
cabinet. 17.0 cu. ft. with a 4.75
cu. ft. freezer that stores up to
166 Ibs. 100% Frost-Proof.
Add-On Automatic Ice Maker
may be installed now or later at
extra charge. J~eversa- doors
hinge for right- or left-hand
opening. Smooth-glide Rollers
make it easy to move.
Reg. $404.95
1973, The Register
and Tribune Syndicate
Frigidaire! Jet Action 1-18
Permanent Press Wash cycle.
Does 1 piece to 18 Ibs.--no attach-
ments needed. Permanent
Regular Wash, and Automatic Soak
cycles. Get a thorough rinse with Jet
Circle Spray System. Proper care for
day's fabrics; lid instruc-
tions help you match water
temperature and speed
settings to the wash load.
Detergents bleach, and dye ~" :
dispensed underwater--
diluted and ready to work,
Reg. $259.95
Frigidaire Flowing Heat
with Fabrics Selector.
Provides the right heat for the
fabric dialed. Or select No
Heat cycle to air bedding and
fluff pillows. Does a large 18-1b.
load of king-size sheets, yet
it's only 27" wide. Easy to load
and unload. Provides thorough,
gentle "open air" drying. Cool-
down period and Cycle-end
Signal help keep laundry
wrinkles from setting.
Reg. $179.95
of Shelton
1st & Pine St. Phone 426-2611
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 22, 1973