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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 22, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 22, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Many Americans suffer • | from chronic back pain Ever hear of a lumbosacral be suggested, such as a corset fo I joint or an intervertebral disc? a woman or a leather brace for a While the names may sound man. Medical therapies also range ittle Leag e baseball fo T h e M a s on C o u n t ythe fall. MASON COUNTY judgment, drink machine and a bill changer like something out of a discfrom local injections of analgesics L u r 1973 will receive its pro-season Recreation Association will give a On display for public JUSTICE COURT Russell Heruon and Annie damaged, jockey s routine or a hippie's or enzymes to surgery. The last is kick-off Sunday withe spaghetti presentation and show slides on inspection will be a pitching A_Ppearing on the docket in Kadra, marriage waiver. W.H. Leidig reporteda patter, they are really part of a considered on rare occasions and feed, which includes special their new complex at John's machine. Hopefully, the Little County Justice Court Simmons Electric Company break-in, new vocabulary acquired by the only about five per cent of guests, presentations, displays, Prairie. There has been muchLeague will be able to purchase in t Udge Gerald Whitcomb against Mr. and Mrs. Eugene many Americans who make up back-problem sufferers are and registration, speculation on the use of this new one or two of these machines for ne past week were: Dame, transcript of judgment, the 1.5 to 2 million new cases of operated on. Mountain View School will be facility for games this year. At use this season. chronic back problems each year. While most backache victims,the site of the spaghetti feed to be this point MCRA is planning to Boys, bring your birth Washington StatePatrol SHELTONPOLICE ,,,,......,......,,.,....,,,,,m.,... According to surveys by the according to medical experts, held from 2 to 6 p.m. and have four fields ready by thecertificates, along with your Sidney Strong, P.O. Box 561, It!a r, failure to yield Vehicles driven by Kathy . 'lf National Center for Health respond to treatment, which sponsored by the Mason County beginning of the season. Thisparents, and you will be able to Rieland and Jerry,Obremski ~V~a~T'n~.g Statistics. no less than 7 million includes bed rest, heat application Little League Board and the includes three Little League fields register for the coming season. un,ut'way'p.o. Box$25 147,forfeit;Shelton,JOhn collidedat Binger s Service • " ,,~-q~w, m.~,~,-,m are presently in treatment for and aspirin, it is inadvisable to Ladies' Auxiliary. and one Senior League field. The ' Remember, all this takes place edin , Station H" - " back disorders, reports the Health self-diagnose a back problem, .~ g $25 forfeit; James " , ~gn Low ~'rec~p. Mason County Little League boys will be playing on dirt this Sunday from 2 to 6 p.m. at l°ert, P.O. Box 45, Port M.F. Fuller repartee a gas Feb. 15 45 37 .18 Insurance lnstitute, cautions the institute. By all will take this opportunity to year, with grass to be planted in Mountain ViewSchool. - ,,, .... A -,ith Feb 16 51 41 02 "- speeding, $25 forfeit; pump ta,,e ......... As to those names: a means consult your doctor or an honor the sponsors of some Vehicles driven oy oage b" a,~ " ~ lumbosacral joint is the base of orthopedist. The institute reminds thirty-plus baseball teams, both t me Ward, Route 5, Box 510, " Joel DF." FeFeb. 11785354~...39 .015 i!TM, no operator s license on and Lila Ellis collided on lrst Feb. 19 47 32 -- the spine, where most acute back the many Americans who haveold and new. Managers, coaches . . son, $10 forfeit; HaroldStreet between Cote and Feb. 20 49 29 -- pains originate, health insurance that its and league officers will also be ] At Imcfl hlc:f wh f ee e,1495 8th Place, Port Railroad. eb. 21 55 28 -- An intervertebral disc is the protection will help to minimize present for parents, boys and .... " ......... , alifornia, improper R.B. Dickey reported aboat The extended outlook is for shock absorber between the bones the financial toll resulting from interested people to meet. [ _~l"l~l~'t'~rl n~d4C i °.!.travel, $25 forfeit; John broken into. increasing chances of rain on of the spine, the most sensitive medical visits, therapy, treatment Little League District ] v, =~.~v~ ~ • •,~-~,~, a~... fill, Keyport, impro er Mary Walker reported a Saturday and Sunday with highpart of the back. or surgery, if needed. Administrator Art Mikelson will sin_ g, $25 forfeit;William Drill,P newspaper rack !aken. . temperatures in the upper 40s and How do, backaches start? It How to avoid back troubles? be in attendance during the ~_ • • n 31"lawksDrive, Lacey, failure Jesss Mooll service was low 5Os and lows in the 30s. really doesnt take much. MostAccording to experts, sensible afternoon to answer any ] 1Nl~ a~ ~~L~l~ln~l~ Signal when changing lanes reported broken into. often all you have to do is be living helps: regular medical questions concerning the Little ] lli~ • •~ |l~l~Vlll~ll 5 forfeit; James Byrd Jr.' David Walter reported overweight, middle-aged or older checkups, moderate exercise and League program. vandalism to a newspaper rack. ,..........m....................., or out-of-condition; usually all a diet thatpermitsno extra ! Ctmg a police officer, $50 Two bicycles were found and three, say many doctors, weight. [ There has been a need in Shelton for a competent, , °*Oe.ded; Denver B , Edward Goodrich prompt expert who can take care of those small, L Bo ...... urdette,brought to the police department. ~ At.,1 -..-..,~ ~.- Other factors that trigger pain .,:_,.". z~q2.~, Seattle, failure Jack Stewart reported rocks -/I/l rlli lkl - ~n a sensitive back may range a right-of-way, $25 forfeit. . ° _ o.° vexing repair jobs around the house - sagging thrown at a house. ~t'7"lr " .... ~---- from dusting a high shelf to IS In PaCl|lC porch steps, holes in the plaster, clogged drain, 'uNTY BUILDING PERMITS Vehicles driven by Grace bending down to tie a shoelace. Navy Petty Officer SecondI broken door hinge, wobbly table or ehair you iB~tl_dlng permits approved by Bloomfield and Robert Smith Some new mothers may • • • Class Edward E Goodrich, na colhded at Delaware and MillA aSon County ePle nnwer[ Streets. Corrine Johnson, a in the Mason County Auditors problems through muscles • lll l • ! husband of the former Mary A h ..... ice during the past w " " pplying for marriage licenses increase their risk of back illlllll~ dpm~ I~lllll~ - " I me your own problem. The Handyman is now - " t ere to solve mose proolems Dean Biggs, two duplexespassenger in the Bloomfield office this week were: overstrained by pregnancy, while 1 l~dPli~ Baker of AUyn, is in the Western / /,000; Dean Bin s-two vehicle, was injured and was taken Jeffery Heinis, 22, Shelton, back trouble in menopausal .... l-- Pacific on the guided missile / d ll ..... d'- ~lexes' $57any' ~ "~g-',,,vu; t~ex nansen frigate USS Jouett. ~ II 426 15U8 ~:nn::: ~13,000; Eula Kimbe[ to Mason General Hospital. and Patti Bourgault, 20, Shelton. women is often attributed to -- A break-in was reported at Marlynn Curtis, 63, Potlatch, hormonalimbalance. Our Cities. m 18,725; Roger Pierce Shelton Junior High Schooland Alice Campbell, 60, Potlatch. The most likely candidate for NO ONE sins by an act he Ii er cabin, $3,500; Vernon " James Stone, 22, Shelton, and backache, however, according to Our Oceans cannot avoid. / ,-..k fi'.r Ran cn Construction, residence , Debra Lynn, 17, Shelton doctors, is the playsicai y reactive - - "l ..... St. Augustine / ~'~ ......... 0t'r000; Vernon Welch SHERIFF S OFFICE ..... " wilhelm Newman, legal, individual in his or her middlez-~ '1" .... =ucuon, residence Four tires on a trailer house Bremer ........ ~~ ~--~ ~ ,,,.,.. , $20,000. tun, and ~lgne rager, Legal, years; when joints begin to stiffen L~lr lree~. ~=~1" BUILDING PERMITS were reported punctured. Bremerton and muscle tones weaken. The ~ "T" B~ii~dlngPermits approved b Mrs. Peter Tanasse reported " triggering factor frequently is the UUV lawns. ~ ~lr ~| ~| | mail boxes and name signs taken metamorphosis into an instant A ~ it""y at Shelton during thy down. ~lilt:neek were to Forrest .. . m. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: athlete" at the golf links, tennis Uur l'orests. Marry Wood reported signs court or a baseball game. ", garage, $800; Hy-Lond and mail boxes torn down. .,,_, ' u re escape, $50,000; Alan D urrise Keith fop°r ted a 9NeW: andmCc°rding to some doctOrSpsychiatrists, emotional Our Rivers. /~~ ~~ Carport, $480; Mud B vehicle engine taken, t'1 H TM • reasons are sometimes factors in Our Air. IStruction,$11,150. ay Mrs. Ed Vopat reported a ~.~A'A~'~I'¥'~iI~ back problems. One clinical FIRE DEPARTMENT washing machine taken. • 1J[ • • IV'(,~,~I~ interpretation is that muscles tend ¢'x "" " "n • tmar wlountal $ February 15, 11:30 p.m., car Mrs. Darien McNabb reported er to contract involuntarily when " two tires and two chrome rimsMason Gen al Hospital anxieties become intense .... )rUaryl7,9:30a.m.,Cub taken. A daughter to Mr. andMrs. While opinions on Uurl-'lants. l/CA\ Guard I wd ] n, 109 South Second, Brian Wilson reported a Timothy R. Steneck, Route 2, psychological roots of backaches ~ -.. Po er :al fire. transmission, bucket seats and a Box 126A, Elma, February 14.vary, most doctors agree that the uur rlsnes. it I| "" " B~ Add life to { ~ I " II I SUPERIOR COURT tachometer taken from a vehicle.A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. precise cause is often difficult to I II~ll your hose. ! I / ~ l/ 10-oz., reg. $1.19 I NewCases Mrs. E. Christensen reported Melvin K. McCowan, 1422 establish. The pain may not Out SttealTI$. ~~11 a-oz., reg. | ~ ~ z~~'~ " " YA I ma axe a nw a r ox Oea ornF ua 6 a w o a*e ine t e department of revenue torn down.'' : , ..... .* ~A .d,ffghter to Mr. and Mrs. can result from kidney disease o !" /tI 87¢. I ~ NOW , . earl Frisell doing business . . . , Marvin S Matheny, Rotao 5, BOx problems with the gall bladder Our Deserts. NOW Grocery, unpaid tax. ~ary Walker reporteo a ..... " .. .... , . . ~, reoruary ~v. lungs,, prostate gland, pepti6 r'x • , LaKes. .3n Employees Federal newspaper rack taken. A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. ulcer orliver. ton against Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stone reported cedar Robert Allen Beebe, 206 West H How are backache victims vatt, collection on note. being taken from his property. Street, February 21. helped? For some, a diet and Our Tomorrows. (20 [ections against Mr. Ray Mars, transcript of Louis Hylton reported A son to Mr. and Mrs. Duaneexercise - under medical L. Wilson, 518 Ellinor, February supervision - may be advised. For ......... --_-_--_-_ .............. - --_-----_-_-_---_--_--_-_-_-_--_- ..... vandalism to a mail box. David Lewis reported a boat taken. Too Late to Classify 2B02122bikes, like new, mail house, plus deposit. Person.Inquire fl Store. $2/22 Collin Orr reported an English setter dog missing. Ralph Janty reported a cabin entered. "E male Poodle Reward. Call round oak ks, kitchen closets, trees, and furniture. T2/22 furnished trailer living room. o answer, hie $450 good e 426-4564. m good -3/15 "he furniture saxaphones -~. Friday ¢, Sunday, Box 1 18, aton, 660 no /22 Roy York reported he found five pieces of brass or bronze. Alva Miller reported a post office box broken into. James Pudil reported a post office box broken into. Marge Emsley reported an attempt to steal a vehicle. Duane Mead reported a pump house broken into at a service station and a coin unit on a soft Guaranteed Work Free Pick-up & Delivery Ins. Claims Handled 2226 Oly. Hwy. N. 426- 1 ] 52 steamless -)6-1468. others, supportive garments may 2 children photographed together--1.49 each child we never • Only at Penneys • Age limit: 12 years • All portraits delivered to you at our store. Assured Savings _ Discount Prices Every Day GUARANTEED INSTALLATION FINEST SELECTION 21. Charge it at Shelton Open Friday night 'til 8:30 Friday & Saturday, February 23 & 24 9:30 - 5:30, Lunch 12- 1 SUDAFED 4-oz. or 24 tablets, $1.59 value. NOW Bottle of 75 tablets. Reg. $1.29 NOW 15-oz., reg. $1.69 NOW 14-oz., reg. $2.00 Reg. $1.49 NOW Thursday, February 22, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 NOW Evergreen Square • 426-3456 • Shelton