February 22, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 22, 1973 |
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Many types regist ation "opens ,,
of Zinnias w,, b,e mo e op i.i a,e ,y 0w i,, 0xecu,ve ing.
now grown begin registering at Olympia For instance, a two-hour class spring quarter for the morein which students work on a
Vocational Technical Institute on in beginning shorthand is advanced student, variety of up-to-date problems
March 5 for OVTl's spring scheduled from 12:40 to 2:30 Last year, our legal training they might encounter as an 1
Zinnias come in many flavors, quarter, which begins Monday, p.m. If a student also wants to was approved as preparation for a executive or administrative I
but it wasn't always so. In March 12; and this spring tile enroll in typing or another legal stenographer position with secretary. ~ i
great-grandmother's garden abusiness and office department subject she or hecandosoeither the State of Washington," Mrs. OVTI's business and office
zinnia was a rather coarse and has made a special effort to meet preceding shorthand or following Vertrees said. department "also offers many
gaudy single, semi-double or "W ......
the needs of housewives and it. e will be offering both somal science and commumcation
double flower blazing its way mothers in lannin its schedul "As time oes on we will be legal dictation and legal typing courses to complement its skill
through summer on a sturdy p g e. g , ....
accounting and related subject~ afternoon classes for the consumer law class, all taught by Schedules and further
two-foot plant. Classes in shorthand typing offering more and more late again this quarter plus our regular classes. ~
; Todays zinnias range in size are offered at times when a 'liberated housewife'?' said Beth Jackie amaburgey." information about courses and 1
from the tiny baby pompons to mother can most easily be away Vertrees, chairman of the business For the first time in many financial aid are available by •
the dahlia-flowered giants; plants from home; and there are several and office department, years, OVT1 will also be offering calling OVTI's administration I ll
vary in height from the ten-inch "We're not capitalizing on day school classes on a power office, 2011 Mottman Road 1 1
~e tall Tom Thumbs to the liberation per se,'" Mrs. Vertrees typewriter. This class has been Southwest, Olympia (753-3000). []
large-blossomed three-footers; the ~ • - added, 'but we do feel more and renewed to meet ttae demand for Interested persons may ask to [
~ many available hues include :)enlor party more women are thinking about power typists by the state and speak directly to OVTI's II
so,--^ L, Hank Hansen and Ken Fredson got togetherwhite, pastels, bi-colors, green, . , .
-. - nrenarin~ themselves for a second private industry counselor Gaye Cannon
,Jl~rai"~ re.-mmiscing at the recent Simpson Employee's and a new almost-blue as well as meeting set career. Other advanced classes will ~' 1
rea t Union annual meeting. Powell resigned his shades of red, yellow and purple. A meeting of parents of We want to be ready to meet include office practice, in which MARINE PRIVATE Clayton
:t.0'rtla; Supervisory committee when he was transferred Variety in bloom-type is as seniors who will graduate from that demand." she said. students finish and brush up 'on THE WORST sin towards our L Nelson, son of Mr. and
l, it __. , and Hansen was endina 29 years serv ce to the all-inclusive as is the plant form. ........ ~holtcm H.e,..ioh School this" s,rm t " to In 'addition to a wide vanet" y many techin" ques reqmred" m" an fellow creatures is not to hate M r s. D el by r t N e Ison,
'~I' union wlth his retirement. ~ There are mere buttons; there are begin making plans for the senior of classes to guarantee flexible office situation; business them, but to be indifferent to Shelton, has graduated from
cactus-flowered specimens; there t'"".,n"rtv-ah'a~hoon ..... scheduled lot 7.30" scheduling• ~, OVTI's business and correspondence, where students then/', that's the essence of basic training at the Marine
;at¢IIEOBoOIDI~LE NORM GATES NEW are ruffled and twisted fantasies, p.m. Monday in the Angle office de partme~lt is also learn to compose letters and other inhumanity. Corps Recruit Depot in San
cl~ - - .... PENNEY'S MANAGER Peppermint-striped with red, Building multi-purpose room. concentrating on finishing or correspondence directly on the George Bernard ShawDiego.
;r~:'~°Odlewasawardeda Norman W. Gates, formerlypurple and orange on a
.~uail, ~so,.y! " nawalltO meetingf°r two ofat thethe Camas,mana~er Ofhasthe JCbeenPenneYnamedStore toin o r t h o- p o 1 kas.backgr°undfive'inch'in'diameter°f whiteOld Mexicoare the F"=" - - ...... ----------------------------------------------------------------"
~i ~,.t. r-mployee's Federal manage the Penney store here. combines mahogany and gold and [ I
~;11~. The JC Penney Company, grows l2 inches tall. ! What makes !
ijl red o u members and guests whose store managers and other Cherry buttons and her sister
hl1[.' the annual meetin- ' ..... ' e in cam an
ltfil~th.,... ~;.r, ersuunc~ ~,,~r P. Y plant Pink Buttons produce
business portion of the refits has a Ion standing pohcy
arn P , " ' g- "
~n^_~the board of directorsof promotion from within. Mr.one-and-a-half-inch blooms on
ten-inch plants. Whirligig offers,
il~en,~e-a .1972 dividends of 5 ½ Gates is a 20-year veteran with all summer long, slightly ruffled, ~ • " " 0
-Le~,a~ Interest rebates of 6 the comnanv. ~ bizaare, bi-colored blooms three
t0~:i';51;talassetsmcreased A native of Hurricane, Utah, to four inches across on bushy [ a iDr/ze-w/rlrl// 21 rlew: i
:'fO][D3,981~58 tor a total of he began his career with the 20-inchplants. l I-- ~ | l
I~ " • Penney's at the store in Butte,Thumbelinas begin to show
,0~1 Montana in 1953, while studying their double and semi-double~ ~
liI!!~ITiONCoMD~.,.,. business administration at Butte one-and-one-fourth-inch blossoms
#jJ[IR LANE''r"|r~ College, following a two-year tour when plants are only three inches 'p E 0 p L E tl,.: "":~~ ~ '
20-bed .... of duty in Korea with the U.S. tall. Compact dome-shaped ~ ~ ; .::~ "
tl lice e"""a'uulti°n t° Fir Lane Army" In 1957 he was pr°m°tedbushes gr°w t° a height °f eight .i:i~ ~ ,:
0]lSed~t~h';;:st~ent Center has to the Penney's store in'Portland, inches and bloom until frost. [
~cilitv t-v~, ent capacity of Oregon ash department manager.Pumilas produce on long ~ -- __ -- ~~ ~~~ ~
~e ad" ,uu patients. Over the subsequent ten years in
p~d~;ens~dlti°n was approved ultimatelythe PortlandbecomingStOre saleshe WaSano stems fully double well-roundedflowers two-and-a-half inches inThey bloom from, that' With|I
; iala;d,°,Y the Department promoted through positions of diameter. 71,, ......
'~ ry 5u health Services as of increasing responslbdlty;
new mid-summer until frost, and are
' '= extra large roomsmerchandise mann er there inoften called the cut-and-come- ~
; kl P rate baths, complete 1968 he was gamed store again zinnias.
v"-"&ff: an.,.YStems and are wired m .... uf the P enney'sunit i,1 C arpet'sThe pointed petals of PersianI , !,
one-and-one-half-inch[ proud of the hard-working, loyal, brave, clean and
L u Phones. The general Camas. And here at the Shelton-Mason County Journal we re t, ,
,o[ff~tr°r for the addition was He and his wife La Reta also flowers are tipped or bordered in
.,IIL- .... el Anderson and a native of Utah are the a'rents contrasting colors encompassing a l reverent staff that has brought this newspaper 63 awards ffIl I/"r l
-' "t '!S°n°fSeattle of .... ' pa , wide range. Plants reach aheightin the last two months, including the Green Ribbon : \, \, '-,
;,£~r~s Mr. and'Mrs. LesterRenSe?l;?Via:~n:, 161K'atl~ie;, 14~ ofonefoot. ~ Award of the National Cheese Institute, the Ferdinand "-~~-%~N %', .... ~ff //_/~ _:. I
Dark brown centered are the I E. Marcos Freedom of Information Award, the Golden Our Managing Editor , Our, Cay va tor , . Our Country Editor I
''tare als°ann'°uncedthe meat of Bobble Goodwm Paulf21ilnt dD r ;: ,Sign t'mnc, blooms of Lincaris, with a [ Sheet Trophy of the Ku Klux Klan, the coveted ' ' : . , ~ iB I , q , i ...... 'F ' " I
:ilw| sistantt . aummlstrator ....... and manaeer of theaSheltonng 'storet has' lemon-yellow stripe accenting l Whitewash Cup from the Committee for the Re-election ' :
, ~gOlyn Sharpe as director of been ~mmed manager of the JC each golden orange petal. Plants ! of the President, and a clean sweep of all awards in the ~ .... l
;~" aenney store in Puyallup. attain a height of ten inches, but annual Self-evaluation Contest sponsored by the !
nlature, h :
blossoms appear before plants are 1 S elton-Mason County Journal.
0~ Hybrid Peter Pans offer ~ ~~ ~~ .
at- n: ..teena ll.r--O in blooms in pink, plum and scarlet. ~ ' :, '
Green Envy is truly apple-green, ~ i:~;.;
unk driving appeal a,,~ the new variety called
a es 'ueisc°m °se °fa'I I'
i.0.aald Underwood, blend of purple, lavender and blue
lllgl"" WW~1]~ found guilty Gigof up. Robert Underwood testified tinted petals. ~ ~ " " ..~ "" i,i ' "
There is a zinnia for every [ ' , -. _'- ". . :'~L
re:tage intoxicated and that he had been driving the purpose - border, bedding or1 , , - '" ,..
I~ ~2dea ue his license was vehicle and that he was having cutting. They are among the
i¢' '~ 0 S " " I[
llFta,,u~y upenor Court problems with ~t because of aeasiestof all annuals to grow from
#ltie, "'" dater in an apoeal of s rin which had broken when h
".,It"''~ Court ~- • -- p g e seed and will thrive in a sunny
ela'l i ~ '=unv ction heard hit , chuck hole in the Mason situation in almost any soil, as
~.~ i~JU(lge Without a, -" ;"" "
~ty ]ffPutv ~,_ . ,, j-ry. Lake area.
IIl fie l o nenff Dale Haynes Haynes testified that at the they have few enemies and are i Our Maritime Editor Our Aviation Editor Our Society Editor
+~:"~a~st~time°~t~es~°i~hadt°'a't°f'eat~ec°n~it°~ ~/~~~m ~ ~ ~ =
Commercial seedsmen and -" -. ........ 7-, I
'at~[~g Whil~-"~"arged him with been said about the brother plant growers have pronounced
he,- intoxicated H riving, and the brother not
J tl;a l ;llowedthevehicl d stifyOat the justice court trial" them the most popular of all
annuals, asking tittle care in /" ....if:i:ilI
, ~ed at the arrest when it Underwood's appeal had been return ford long-lasting display of ~ ~ ~,,: 1 ' ~ ,~"~,~~',. \ l~~ r~ ,;: _)!i !iii::
l~Jtated he ry. scheduled for j ry term thissummer color. I ..... ~""' ....
ltil ical t- gave Underwood week but it was agreed the judge
lrwood h_ests, a nd that would hear it without a jury. GREAT PRINCIPLES seldom Our Editorial Writer Our Editorial Reader
y~alYzert~satrefusedtotakea After finding Underwood escape working injustice in ~ ~~ , ~'~I ~
~PUty Sh" guilty, Judge Baker imposed a particular things.
@letlall!l~ed he haaeriff_ Fred Hauoen~ .,~r'-" ,,~'f $500 plus $50 driver's" James Fenimore Cooper ~ ~l~ ~ ~ll ~~ ~, ~ .,_~/.m ~r~__~ -.~ i'~
~tt¢~atap,,^'_u °0servedHaynes education assessment. He ~ ~J~" ~J~B1 ~ • '~~*'--~'~l t~
:10 ndha ared to be a traffic suspended $350 of the fine. The ' • .:"
he t PPed to assist. He judge also sentenced Underwood ' 'r '
d "ad °bserved t° 60 days in the Mas°n C°unty J/// i:"" ' :
"#II] a,d .ring the physical Jail, but suspended all of the jail ' '
IJnd;;.at he (Hadden) sentence on the condition l m l
'Uence o w°°tl was underUnderwood attended an alcohol I Our Religion Editor Our Sports Editor Wire Editor I
,,,#lnlderw.^'~ intoxicants, information school.
~.j~er, RobUeUr+testlfied that his Underwood had been fined 1
~]r °f the f~"~" n°t he was the $500 and sentenced t° 90 days in I / i I
I~ had Justnlcle and that the jail by the justice court. I - -'--'~''" [ ~~..'-.-z;~l.~ ,
1 the de u switched places • ' leto ~ " ~: !~- ~
l~lPi~kup ip ty walked up to "SINS" ARE lndls ensab ~ F ' ~ :~ ~: ~ ~
. n Whmh P
;::1",.. they were every society organized on an
?i["~.erWood _.. ecclesiastical basis; they are the BLADDEI~-t~.'£~;EFI [ ,, r I
jl ^about fouffated he had only reliable weapons of power;
Io'al K his b,..,;t o.eers from a the riest lives u on sins; it is [ .,Last year severall I "
)f:l hen ;ud r., ad brought nece;ary to him Pthat there be I authors made correlations[
:~ "" Was |op~,;~teor ;ac~ato "smnlng" Fri he / e.r ca ncer and[
o uas,I ' i
i I c°9,su.m ing beveragesI
/ .,ne Y;g-; I
/ o(' hi; I
r-a Jlhlll ll flIll I |type of cance 'Arecent [
,~~.~ . ,~~ ~o~, ,~ : ~ ~ ~. ~, ~t)u t'~7 ~ '
I -day- (o( the I
" 5 P'm" Evenings bY app°intment" I ! ~ ~ ~ a: !
~t~ C NA ll"e"',~h....,yl~ m~==mm t. ' ' " ~0 ,
rA~ SERV, C' ' |--EIT1ergency Ph" 4'6"2|6~ ' t O~ur ~ ~ m St~ff A t
reall " newspaper
/ Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 I
Ilroad Phone 426-5315 t Saturdays--9..30 to 6:00 J `'~m-`'m~.-=m'.~m~..'m~.~m.~m~-9"-~m.`~m-~'m--~-~m-.~m~.~'~m-~m-~m-~`~m~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .,m-qm. gm.
Thursday, February 22, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5