February 22, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 22, 1973 |
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On Friday the VFW Post and
its Auxiliary honored their past
commanders and presidents. Past
commanders present to receive
recognition were Wayne
Robinson, Bob Springer, Darrell
Sparks, Hi Hastings, George
Witcraft and Howard Swope.
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SIGNING THE PROCLAMATION which named February as ca
Music Month is Governor Dan Evans. On his right is Mrs. Clifford Agnew. On
his left is Mrs. Donovan Palmer, and beside her stands Mrs. George Whitney.
ff'" I d [
onor pa.,t o s an mem
3S-year pin will be mailed to Mario, from El Salvador, gave a Jenkins, and William Kane of
Ethel Compton who now lives in talk on his country. Olympia VFW Post and Auxiliary
Lewisville, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Pringle also attended. Mrs. Jenkins,
Guests included Mario were present. Mrs. Pringle has president of the Olympia
Alfonso Calderon, a foreign furnished several dozen dolls with Auxiliary, invited members of the
exchange student sponsored by wardrobes to the auxiliary for Shelton group to attend their
the American Field Service, and needy girls in their youth activity annual Voice of Democracy
his sponsor, Donel L. Korte. project. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Banquet in OlympiaonSundayat
• Past l~idents attending were ' '
Lucille Chapman, l_.ucille Speece,
Jessie Cox, Marian Johnson, Sue Twelve take brid, honors
Latham, Mary Dawson, Mamie
Clark, Colleen Gephart, Fae North-South winners for the -Dorothy Holt.
Robinson, Jo Sparks and Bernice
Continuous membership pins
were given to Georgia Hellman
and Bessie Ellison for five years;
Tekla Anderson, Bernice Hatch
and Ruth Wright for 15 years;
Colleen Gephart, Ida Hyatt for 20
years; and Sue Latham for 35
years. Sue Latham's pin was
presented to her by past district
president Jessie Cox. Another
Monday night meeting of the
Shelton Bridge Club were Lenora
Dudley and Louise Umphenour,
Tuey Schumacher and Bob
Quimby, and Howard and
Winning for East-West were
Lynn Rust and Shirley Byrne,
Mary Keller and Dave Ticon, and
Colonel Dudley and Rex
to be given
"Key '73" is the banner under
which the churches of Mason
County are cooperating on
Sunday afternoons, February 25
to March 4, to distribute
Luke-Acts scripture portions to
the homes in Shelton and the
surrounding area.
A very brief religious census
will also be taken. For further
information call Mrs. Eugene
Benedict, distribution chairman,
or Mrs. Robert N. Miller, "Key
73" chairman.
Sale slated
A moonlight rummage sale to
be held from 5 p.m. until 8:30
p.m. on March 2 in the PUD
auditorium will be organized at
the March 1 meeting of Shel-Toa
Orthopedic Guild.
Mary Ann Hanlon and Fran
WU choir
,2 p.m.
The next regular business
meeting of the post and auxiliary
will be March 2 at 8 p.m. in the
Memorial Building and the Fifth
District meeting will be held in
McCleary on March 3 beginning
with a no-host dinner at 6:30
p.m. and the meeting to start at 8
On February 12 the post and
to appear
Shelton Firsi United
Methodist Church will pl~y host
on March 17 to a concert by the
Willamette University Choir, the
Willamette Singers, and two of
the university's woodwind
The concert by the 40-voice
touring choir, directed by
Professor Walter Farrier, director
of choral activities at the College
of Music of Willamette University
in Salem, Oregon will be open to
the public, and a free-will offering
will be accepted.
February is American Music
Month - so proclaimed by
President Nixon, Governor Evans
and Mayor Travis of Shelton. It is
sponsored by the National and
Washington State Federation of
Music Clubs.
The state official celebration
will be held February 24 at the
United Church in Olympia with
the Capital Music Club as hostess.
The winter board meeting will
take place in the morning with
members from all parts of the
state in attendance.
President is Mrs. Donovan
Palmer of Shelton. Mrs. R.W.
Norvold is state chairman of
~-x.:,,~ Junior Composers and Mrs. Ruth
Smith is state chairman of Music In the short time that
in Hospitals. Mrs. Robert Puhn is Rosemary and her husband Scott
president of Shelton Music Club. have been in the Shelton area,
:~:~: At noon a luncheon, open to only since August, Rosemary's
"You can still have 'fun, :
delicious things without having to
be fancy," says Rosemary ......
Hilburn. And that sums up quite
well the type of cooking that she
most enjoys: fun, delicious, and
the public, will be held in the easy yet delicious recipes have
been requested and traveling,
especially her tuna pate hors
d'oeuvre served at a
neighborhood get-together at
Christmas time.
The Hilburns have two sons,
Todd who is six and goes to the
Pioneer School in Agate, and Jeff
who is three years old. Rosemary
is a psychiatric nurse by training
and is very much interested in
church. The speaker will be C.
hvin Wright, director of the
Tacoma Youth Symphony and
stringed instrument instructor for
Olympia Schools.
The official proclamation will
be read by Mrs. George Whitney,
president of the Capital Music
Club and state chairman of
American Music. Toastmistress
will be Mrs. Clifford Agnew, state
chairman of the Parade of
American Music.
At 2 p.m. the Parade of
American Music program will
begin in the church sanctuary.
Choruses from Bremerton and
Vancouver will participate as well
as the Olympia Chorale under the
direction of Ross Stover.
Solo performers will be
Maribeth Anderson, organist;
Margureite Johnson, folksinger;
and Olga Kraus Stewart, violinist,
accompanied by Florence
Paulsrude, pianist.
auxiliary sponsored a Valentine
party at the Exceptional Foresters
and Exceptional Manor. Serving
refreshments were Mr. and Mrs.
Max Dean, Arlene Smith, Jo
Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Robinson and Jessie Cox.
Commander and Mrs. Wayne
Robinson, Jessie Cox and Mamie
Clark made a trip to Madigan
Hospital and served refreshments
to the patients in several wards on
Sunday. Bonnie Pitts and Kerri
Stoehr entertained with a guitar
and singing program.
Madigan Hospital Chairman to
the Department Cleta Patrick and
Evelyn Seeley of Olympia
Degree received
Three students from Shelton
made their mark at Western
Washington State College this fall.
Donald Pogreba 11 received his
bachelor's degree. Patricia L.
Barnett and Peggy R. Stevens
both were named to the
president's list for having earned a
3.5 grade point or better
Graduation set
Clifton E. Anderson and Jack
Schuffenhauer of Shelton are
among the winter quarter
candidates for graduation at
Central Washington State College.
Mason County
1 694 meets
1st and 3rd
Bldg., 2nd and Franklin.
Commander: Wayne Robinson,
426-4167. Service officer:
Eugene Hyatt, 426-8662.
Myers will co-hostess the 7:30
p.m. gathering to be held in the
home of Shirley Byrne.
LOLLY MILLER, left, Bill O'Neill and Virginia Strachila are among those
participating in the distribution of scripture under the banner of "Key 73."
uaredancers to
The current squaredancing
class sponsored by the Salty
Sashayers and taught by club
caller Bennie Berndson will be
graduated in ceremonies
beginning at 8 p.m. Friday in the
fairgrounds hall.
Members of the Salty
Sashayers will participate in the
evening of dancing.
Club members will meet at
Tumwater Square on Saturday
evening to caravan to Rose
Valley. Further information may
be obtained from president
couple Mr. and Mrs. Don Cress at
You Should Know...
It is difficult to understand how
the average man, who does not
utilize Life Insurance, can square
his conscience with family or
! 717 Olympic Highwav North
~ Ph. 426-8 139 .0., o,,,c, . .,..,..o...,..,so,.
Y___- : Z ZZ-£.S_, -- 2--= 2--- - 222--22-5 - -_
113 S. 2nd
--R .... .,,Mr--
Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 22, 1973
applying her talents in a volunteer
capacity here in the community.
She and her husband met on a
blind date at Oklahoma
University, which is Rosemary's ~ i .i.i 2"~
home state. Some of her recipes
and preference in foods come
with her from the Midwest.
Rosemary spices up parties .....
and menus with a pinch of
imagination and a dash of :::
enthusiasm. One time she and
Scott studied up together at the RosEMARY HILBURN samples a favorite easY
vanilla ice milk. l°u!c
library on the wines, fruits and ryr'
cheeses that go best together.
Each of their guests brought a Wilted Lettuce 2 tsp. salt /
requested wine and they they Fresh lettuce ¼tsp. pepper ~lb
had an evening sampling the 2tsp. sugar 8-oz. can mushrooms ,;~b
combinations. 2 small green onions, sliced 1 can cream of chicketl~
1 C sour cream ~ ~
She wants to have an 4 slices bacon , ". . _ddi~
~aute oniona~ Tl
old-fashioned type summer party¼ C. salad vinegar ~1~
at their home on Hammersley 2Tbsp water butter over medium ~Jg, det
Inlet, wearing a Gibson girl 2 hard-cooked eggs, quartered meat and brown. Addll~s a
hair-do (like Katherine Hepburn Tear lettuce into bowl. Season pepper and mushroorns'l~ h~
wearsit) and a h)ng gingham dress with salt and pepper. Add sugar minutes; add soup,Jtle (
with a high neck to go with the ..... uncovered for 10 mhaU~][t ou
ann onions, try oacon crisp, . _,m
u A v sour cream, heat tint
theme. Sometimes Rosemary and cr ruble, dd inegar and water . t~r~[ "l'h
noodles while prepari~ ly
Scott pick out an entirely new to drippings, heat to boiling and ~]]rl
serve the stro anon ~er
recipe and try it together for fun. pour over lettuce. Toss. Add g J,?~
noodles, t.~~a'~t
bacon and eggs.
The Hilburns love the And for dessert, ,~atq
Northwest, Shelton, and their Then an inexpensive and ice milk, somethingSg~,trlY
neighborhood in Agate. They re easy-to-prepare stroganoff: had never tasted unu'~ped
planting their first vegetable Krinkly-HamburgerStroganoff Rosemary and her , rati
garden this spring. Rosemary s 8-oz. Krinldy egg noodles ice milk is neither as S lt' z
turning her hand at some other I clove garlic caloric aSvanillaiCe cream.lee 1~.dLt'lt
new enterprises, too, like learning ¼ C. onion, diced
to crochet and doing ¼C. butter IPyre
modpodging, which is a short-cut 1 lb. ground beef 6 eggs
method of decoupage. 2 tsp. flour 2 C. sugar
Here is a dinner menu l/8tsp, salt
Rosemary suggests, using four of 2 qts. milk
her favorite and easy r, ecipes: ~ 2 tsP.lnVanillaa mixing bowl, ]"
First, an hors d oeuvre, the Silver tars
one that has been so popular
already in the area. It can takeas set /ra l r de and continue to~|
little as five minutes to put mixture is very still'L
together, for Sunday remaining ingredients'The mixture '~'IlX'N"A
bucket of your ice ¢i~_. n
Tuna Pate All horsemen, both adults and just as you usually ~;~1~"I
Blend together: an 8-oz. package children, are welcome to alll~l[a~
of softened cream cheese, participate in the Silver Stars trail layers of rock salt L"!"
ride to be held Sunday. outside, i~,e~liF,tr.
dTb sp~
2 Tbsp. snipped parsley Riders will meet at 11 a.m. at j,~!
the gravel pit beyond Delight Park [lfl~r
½1 tsP.tsp.instantbottledmincedhot pepper°ni°nsauce at Lake Isabella. Grange to .,, 0,
and An afternoon-long ride is As a Saint plttJl t!,
observance, slid¢s "JI[ Yr
2 7-OZ.drainedOr 6 %-oz. cans tuna, brought.planned' and sack lunches may be through Ireland will b~l[, ~1~1
Pack into a 4-cup mold; chill at All persons interested in Mr. and Mrs. Guy W:~l~t~e
least 3 hours. Unmold, servewith games and performance for the. !!i~!i
crackers. (Wheat thins are1973 season are asked to meet in ~ "
especially good.) the home of Maralee Morken at 7
This recipe is a Midwestern p.m. today.
favorite coming from Rosemary's For additional info'rmation or |rtr~."
mother: directions, call 426-6666. regular meeting. _Jo~
== To Help You Know and Appreciate... !!l ed
This month is the first anniversar of Marg/~1.~mg[
service with the Shelton Police Department. He"~ltelll,
the Shelton area in June of 1969. He then~:~ ~'~
Olympic College in Bremerton, graduating in 19/)dl'lat'
Associate of Technical Arts degree in the fi¢~w~,=~[~
Following that he received a Mark E. Reed ~ |
and attended The Evergreen State College ifl ~ II
where he spent a year studying human beha~l
currently a senior at The Evergreen State Colle~/~
is studying police/community relations.
In his free time he enjoys bicycle touring,
and most other outdoor activities.
As law enforcement becomes more
reassuring to have young men such as Olivlaro
their studies in the field.