February 22, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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AND LEWIS LAYTON were married 50 years ago in
wisely with season
with the season and a If the cut is purposeful it will
in mind. Dead, rotten and
Wood can safely be cut
time of year, but stay
until after the flowering
beauty bush, flowering
and quince, forsythia,
Viburnums, weigelia and
flowering trees - crab,
dogwoods, hawthorn,
and redbud.
until after blooming, too
mock-orange. The leaves of
"Willows should not be
but the pussy's glamour
a little past before
re pruned.
not be unkind. With fruit trees
the objective is more air and sun
and easy harvesting of what will
be healthier fruit.
Mock-oranges are pruned for
the sake of greater grace, the old
shoots cut to the ground if too
abundant, lateral stems shortened,
and the tips of new shoots clipped
off to cause branching.
Lilacs will be less cluttered
and stronger once those shoots
that are weak are cut to the
ground and those suckers that
have strayed too far from the
bush are spaded out.
['he Pacific Northwest
may thank heaven the
growing longer, for he or
Some work cut out this
of year. And more will be
pruning is done.
is one of the jobs for'
.Spring _ pruning roses,
lng shrubs, evergreens and
and vines. In this mild
roses need pruning in
and then can be
recuperate from the
with a good dose of
shrubs will get a
on the next year if
PrUned as soon as they're
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Layton
Laytons married
One and one half hours after
they first met, Ola and Lewis
Layton were married in the
Tecumseh, Missouri home of the
bride on February 15, 1923. They
had previously corresponded for
three months.
"We've never regretted our
marriage," says Layton. "Life is
just what you want to make it."
"1 still have the watch given
to me by Lewis on our wedding
day," states Mrs. Layton, "and it
is even yet in perfect condition."
When the couple dined in a
Tacoma restaurant during a
Valentine's Day anniversary
celebration, conversation was
overheard by a waitress. No check
was presented.
"You'll pay for no meal in
done blooming. But don't be too
hasty with those clippers;
evergreens need to be actively
growing and fruit trees to pass
through the last hard frost before
they're pruned.
The hardier souls like baby's
breath, alyssum, calendulas,
clarkias, cosmos, godetia, and
larkspur can be sown outside.
Asters, celosia, gaillardias,
marigolds, mignonette, petunias,
summer stock, verbenas and
zinnias prefer to be under glass
now and under the stars when
they're a little older.
Planting glads in ten-day
intervals until July assures a long,
Feature Writer, JAN DANFORD 1
cost seven dollars and fifty cents.
Each. At that price 1 can't picture
you popping for a potato chip."
"Silly girl!" he chided. "We
ARE going to eat later! I brought
a lunch. Peanut butter
"Oh, goody," 1 replied.
"Any more foolish little
thoughts?" he inquired tenderly.
"Any more resounding little
pennies?" I countered.
Reluctantly he produced
another copper coin, examining it
carefully in the deceptive dinmess
before flinging it before me with
extravagant abandon.
"I was sort of hoping," I
confided, "that I could have
another drink."
"But of course, my dear!"
And he picked up the stubby
of beer and with a flourish poured
another generous tablespoonful
into my brandy snifter.
your thoughts,"
Y clever and
as he peered at me
maudlin manner over
rim of a brandy
Worth considerably
assured him as I
to contemplate
dancers thronging
d a spinning penny
across the polished
'f OUr small and
table. (He is
Person who can be
only to possess a
to toss it
Y at the slightest
little thought,', he
Who bids a penny
For a thought
Should not belittle
What he bought.
the slender stem of
goblet and gazed
the amber liquid
is a specialist in providing
you persist
that we'll
in this place
• MARy
125 North 5th
AUTO * LiP| *
steady succession of blooms later
on. For good eating in days to
come brussel sprouts, cabbage,
carrots, leeks, lettuce, peas,
radishes, spinach and turnips may
be planted outside, and celery,
cucumbers, eggplants, peppers
and tomatoes indoors, in hotbeds
or purchased as growing plants.
Divide summer and
fall-flowering perrenials now and
multiply your pleasure when they
bloom again. The healthiest
bluebells, michaelmas and shasta
daisies, phlox, rose mallow,
scabiosa, stokesia, and veronica
will come from strong outside
divisions. While replanting these
perennials the gardener may want
to transplant campanula,
hollyhock, fox-glove and
forget-me-not seedlings that have
sown themselves in the garden.
Finally, much of the lawn's
fertilizer may be leeched away.
Feed it again; in appreciation it
may seem to invite you to spread
out and rest on it after your day
of spring gardening.
Concert set
The Chamber Orchestra of
Evergreen State College will
present a concert of Baroque
Music on Sunday at 4 p.m. in
Saint Martin's College chapel.
Comprising the program are
Concerto Grosso Opus 6 No. Vlll
by A. Corelli; Organ Concerto No.
IV by Handel, soloist Jane Edge;
Solo Cantata by Buxtehude,
soprano soloist Mary Zamora;
Brandenburg Concerto No. IV by
J.S. Bach.
The public is invited.
50 years
this place on your Golden
Wedding anniversary!" the
proprietress exclaimed.
Mr. and Mrs. Layton agree
that such thoughtfulness is
unexpected and wonderful.
Today, Thursday, February 22
Rotary Club luncheon, noon,
Ming Tree Cafe.
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,
Timbers Restaurant.
Tops Washington Chapter No.
313, 7 p.m., courthouse annex.
Silver Stars meeting, 7 p.m.,
home of Maralee Morken.
Shelton Rock and Mineral
Society, 7:30 p.m., PUD.
Friday, February 23
Chamber of Commerce board
meeting, 7:30 a.m., Hy-Lond Inn.
Ruby Rebekah Lodge, 8 p.m.,
IOOF hall.
Rummage sale, 10 a.m. - 5
p.m., PUD. Job's Daughters.
Squaredancing class
graduation, 8 p.m., fairgrounds
Saturday, February 24
Salty Sashayers meet at
Tumwater Square to caravan to
Rose Valley. Call 426-4195 for
Sunday, February 25
Shelton churches invite you
to attend the church of your
Silver Stars trail ride, Lake
Isabella area, 11 a.m.
Monday, February 26
PUD No. 3 Commission
meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference
County commission meeting,
10 a.m., courthouse.
Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15
p.m., PUD auditorium.
Goodwill truck in town.
Phone 426-4847 for pickups.
Olympia Association of
Professional Mortgage Women, 6
p.m., Tyee.
Tuesday, February 27
Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,
Timbers Restaurant.
City commission meeting, 8
p.m., city hall.
Tops Washington Chapter No.
640, 7 p.m., county health office.
Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airport
Degree, of Honor, 8 p.m.,
Bible distribution and religious census; sponsored by Mason
County churches Sunday afternoons, Feb. 25, Mar. 4.
Olympia of used tack
to benefit equine
A sale of used riding apparel Laminitis (founder). Ten per cent
and horse tack will be held from of all sales will go for this
noon to 5 p.m. on March 3 in Jim purpose.
Sjolund's Arena, Route 6, Box Persons having tack, apparel,
471, Olympia. books, magazines, pictures, horse
The event is sponsored by the trailers, campers, buggies, harness
Southwest Washington Arab or related items are invited to
Owners to raise extra money for bring their merchandise to this
Equine Research Project on sale, with ten per cent of the
selling price to be donated to the
fund. Advertising will be financed
hl hip by the sponsors, i
Chili, coffee and cake will be ~'
: o ars sold, and group riding on this day ~
to be offered o yw.l be allowedatacostof
$1 per horse. This money also will
y a rt u I., dona ted to the project.
To reach the arena, take
Shelton High School seniorsInterstate 5 to Olympia and take
interested in the art scholarship the Aberdeen-Port Angeles exit.
annually presented by the Shelton Turn right at the Black Lake -
Art Club should contact Mrs. West Olympia exit. Proceed up
Barbara Martin at the high school, the hill to the blinker light and
Portfolios may be comprisedturn left on Cooper Point Road.
of sketches, water colors, oils, pen Travel six miles to Gold Farm on
work or other art material and the left.
must be submitted to Mrs. Martin For further information
no later than April 30. telephone J. Sjolund at 352-1352,
A frame night will be Florence Shoemaker at342-4646
conducted at the regular meeting or Sally Taylor, chairman, at
of the club to be held at 7:30 943-8291.
p.m. on March 7 in the PUD Laminitis, commonly known
auditorium, as founder, is a crippling disease
extremely prevalent in horses. Monte Stoehr
Although research has been
• carried on for many years, little
progress has been made in either # High ht
treatment or prevention.
Scientists at the University of
Missouri School of Veterinary Not counting those hours in Monte, his parents Lores and
Medicine are conducting extensive Olympia on May 4, 1955 when he Phil Stoehr, and his two sisters
studies funded by the Morris was born, which he's not likely to Kerri, who is a sophomore, and
Animal Foundation. remember, Monte Stoehr has lived Jani, who is in fifth grade, live in
in Mason County his whole life. Kamilche. Monte is 6'1" tall; he
He would like to at least visit the played basketball as a sophomore
Memorial Hall.
Eagles, 8 p.m., airport hall. Society to meet big cities in the East, for instance, at Shelton High and now
and would particularly like tosee participates in track and
Mason County Credit Women, Porky Height will show slides New England, where some of his cross-country there.
7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. of a recent Arizona trip atfriends originated, but he enjoys
Eagles Auxiliary, 7:30 p.m.,tonight's meeting of the Shelton the outdoors so much that heHe is a member of AFS and
airport hallS Rock and Mineral Society to be may well spend much more of his the Swing Choir and has been in
Tramper Sams, 7:30 p.m., held at 7:30 p.m. in the PUDtime in an uncluttered the science andGermanClubsfor
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene auditorium, community like this. the last two years. As president of
Benedict. the youth group at Mr. Olive
Wednesday, February 28 Lutheran Church, Monte's helped
Tops Washington Chapter No.Church to festival organize a recent hiking trip at
Hurricane Ridge and the group's
341, 7 p.m., county health office. Saint David's Episcopal will be served following the efforts toward a new organ for
Mason County Hospital Church at Fourth and Cedar will performance, which is thechurch.
District Commission, 10 a.m., observe the festival of Saint David complimentary. Monte enjoys drafting, singing
'courthouse. of Wales, for whom the church is The extended observation of and playing piano as well as
Thursday, March 1 dedicated, onMarch 1 and2. Saint David's Day follows the outdoor activities like riding
Rotary Club luncheon, noon, On Saint David's Day, March Welsh tradition of Eisteddfod, an horses, hiking and swimming.
MingTreeCafe. 1, a choral Eucharist will be annual music and literary festival. Next year at this time he'll
Toastmasters Club, 6:45 a.m.,celebrated at the church at 7:30 The public is invited to both probably be at the UW studying
Timbers Restaurant. p.m. The Reverend Robin Luethe, evenings' observances, marine biology.
Tops Washington Chapter No. a former Navy chaplain and the
313, 7 p.m., courthouse annex, present rector of the Church of
Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m.; the Epiphany in Chehalis, will be
business meeting, 8 p.m., guest preacher for the evening.
clubhouse. Saint David's Choir will
Democratic Central present musical offerings.
Committee, 8 p.m., courthouse. Hymnody for the evening will
Mason County Recreation include all Welsh tunes.
Association meeting, 8 p.m., Friday evening, March 2,
ColonialHouse. several members of the
Fair Harbor Grange, 6 p.m. congregation will present a
potluck, 7:30 p.m. meeting, reader's theatre rendition of
Grapeview Firehall. Dylan Thomas' play for voices,
Shel-Toa Orthopedic Guild, "Under Milk Wood," in the parish
7 : 3 0 p.m., home of Shirleyhall of Saint David's at 8 p.m.
Byrne. The play, which relies entirely • • •
upon its own descriptive prose
and makes use of no actions or
ANYONE WHO knows props, tells of a night and a day in 3daysonly,
anything of history knows that the life of a little seacoast town in Feb. 22, 23, 24.
great social changes are impossible Wales called Llareggub. Coffee
without the feminine ferment.
Social progress can be measured
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included). Karl Marx For YOU
lar o Does makeup damage
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In fact, certain types of
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Makeup should, however,
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Thursday, February 22, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7