February 22, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 22, 1973 |
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IG. Fredson June M. Lee Janulry/923,~lle~hemovedto Pastor Howard Spear of 73years. Trettevik of Renton and Mrs• veteran of the US Navy. Hewasa 25, 1904, Mr. Lindenburgerlived
S*hdti~." ! :/'!,:( ," i: " •officiated at a service held at 1 He was born January 15, Dorothy Swanson of Shelton; 23 member of the Baptist Church. in the Shelton area since 1928. He
a G. Fredson, who as a June M Lee, Route 1, Box ,.~ '~ • :~.~.' ,:.:. ~,,,.--*,.-
child came to Washington in " ane was marnm-t w tulam r. p.m. Monday in Batstone Funeral 1900 in Portland, Oregon. After g r a n d c h i 1 d r e n ; 1 7He is survived by his wife, has no known relatives.
33, Lilliwaup, died February 14 Roberts: in b m=: u=v "90
' red wagon with her pioneer H .................... -' Home. Burialwasin Shelton attending Portland Academy and great-grandchildren; and Minnie, of the home and by many Graveside services will be held
Its, died Monday m an in Mason General ospital at the I908,. She the ik flaodist Memorial Park. the University of Michigan he was numerous nieces and nephews, nieces and nephews, today, February 22, at 10 a.m. at
Po' dhome. She was vlage of 56 years. Chtnv, h whi :t 'vm i: rl and -
Born in Iowa on June graduated in 1925 from Oregon A funeral was held in the The Reverend Paul Shelton Memorial Park. Bishop
• creature, an #c]m,e nlmm lt:asa State University. Assembly of God Church in Butterfield will officiate at a Wright willofficiate.
1916, Mrs Lee came to Lilliwaup Ear " ¢1~ "tI~"~ "nr'Ttei*l ' ' '
r~. Fredson, who resided in " gem_., s o t, , o...c_. NIorlOrle P. Wells Mr. Allison was an ardentShelton at 11 a.m. Monday with funeral to be held at 11 a.m.
from Seattle in 1967 ,--- Jr ..... : ....... ;, : .....
oliday •Apartments, Shelton, ., the s soet ' ' tian - Marjorie P. Wells of Oceanprohibited his participation in officiating and burial in Shelton Church. Burial will be in Shelton ] Tk-- T.,v ]
• t~ara.ana'~a~r mm~r~.attl m golfer until a heart ailmentthe Reverend Mason YounglundFriday in the Northside Baptist
She is survived by her "otllt~*.~*, "-'' ':
ornMay 14, 1881 in Willits husband, Curtis M. Lee el ~e~, ( ~.. ;v ,Y . , : Shores died Saturday in athletics. The family retired in Memorial Park.
ty, California. in 1883 the j ' ~ , ~...~..~,-.. Memorial Park• [ .......... r- I
Lilliwaup; three sons, ohn L : lffi~xt to," ~r :'dt~u'ed~ her Aberdeen. She was 68 years of1964 to their summer home on Those desiring to do so may [ ,- .... ~_,_ e .... ~ I
[Y traveled to Cleveland, Peterson, Jeffery A. Lindsedtand. fa o 'te the age.
ngton. There they remained Harstine Island, moving from
make donations to the Northside I ..omp ere rormo I
Jerry A Lindsedt, all of Seattle; a Womeffs~ ~ T" ' L nce She had resided in Shelton for Seattle.
'eral years before locating in sister, Mrs Frances Cassman of Uniod wlrich .,~'-~d'~l~-! . most of her life until making her Floyd ~. Lord Baptist Church. I I
. Where Lore Fredson was • . , . s a sta e Surviving Mr. Allison are his Weor - Renfol Service
L°ng Beach' Calif°rnla; and tlaree °ffker t • h°me in Ocean Sh°res seven years wife' Elizabeth; tw° s°ns; and b -ILl
I and attended school• . ~ .7:i.i i. :. - Floyd M. Lord of Shelton, 60,
~i~r,e°,mpleting her grandchildren. Tue btr~.Robei~'"~!l~'~¢~Ive~iltthe ago. She was born June l, 190ain two grandchildren. One son is died Sunday in Mason General F. Linden urger J _ ,,Jr
A service was held sday atSladt.L - " ' ; ........ o Auburn, Washington.
~¢. '~ uqmpia, she came - " F ' ~.'MIMg~:~lerl Cl'~b~ now in Holland and the other Hospital. . Frank "Slim' Lindenburger] ll lh.Yll I
1 p.m. in the West home unera ard . n,f. n,h Mrs. Wells was a member of resides in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.Born November 4, 1912 in of Shelton died in his home on [ J l'l I
• J to 5helton where she was Chapel, Seattle The Reverend ~ ?)"-'-"~~'~i~ ~" St. David's Episcopal Church and A graveside memorial service Potlatch, he was employed as a Monday, February 19, at the age [ _.,/~1t~-- [
oyt l for many years in Russell Galbreath of Seattle .... of the Ocean Shores Chapter of will be held at a later date in the railroad engineer for Simpson of 68,
right's abstract office ......... 1 " " ' Born in Idaho on November
• hg her retirement from OHlClatea,F and ouna_ WaSseattlm a~,c.~~,, m~ma~r.t~r~.~r~'*~';*"~'='-q='~="L" the Ame'rican Association of Masonic Cemetery, Olympia. In Timber Company and had lived in
orest Lawn Cemetery, e. ~' "ll:" ~I~ ~ll~en Retired Personsl ~ON~ ~I~ 0 ~ ~
Position, she worked part J ~ ~, .~..( , , lieu of flowers it is suggested that this area all of his life.
in Various courthousen I. ,- •,, of Mrs. Florence Sa er of Auburn;a Children s Orthopedic Hospital or wife, Evadean, of the home; a
I, anic~ .R~i~ ofReno, Survivillg her are a daughter, memorials be made to the Mr. Lord is survived by his
a was a member" of BPEO rQollne L. wyatt , L brother, Milton Patterson of to the Heart Fund. daughter, Christine, of Shelton; a ® TAILORS
~r B, Shelton, and of the Pauline C Wyatt, Union, died Mons0n!i.~f:,:~.~lator~.! ten Shelton; and two sisters, Mrs. granddaughter; and a brother,
,,d t Church, in which she ' 'r": - " • : ,, ,, ,- Laura Blackett of Ocean Shores Vernon Lord, of Sumner. l eBI SHELTON - For 2 Days, r-""---'7"-_
Saturday in F~r Lane Terrace~ g: ~.~¢)'l~.~_:l:ff.~-~,~ ll~k.! 4 February 27 & 28 I I ELADIES
and Mrs. Chloe McBride of Otto F. Graffe The Reverend Mason
for many years. Convalescent Center. She was 95
May 4, 1907 she was ...... " of Puyallup" " us AOO SS
....... p• " ...... "° .... .......... A gi'aveside servke was held at otto F• Graffe of Shehon, 86, Younglund officiated at a service P 0 so. 6006 DON'TMISS Tills OPPORTUNITY [ KNIT
~'to Phillip H. Fredson, . • ',.,~,l~,~.,r,,..~: :~..,-~v.. : .... • held at 2 p.m. Wednesday in RiCHMOND. VA Get custom meosured for your
Mrs. Wyatt had resided trl . .
u!ViVes her. Other survivors M ....r,~,,,,,, o;,,~- ~o19 She ':'la~, lta.'¢~,ifft&~.Jl~llidm 3 p.m. Wedms~lay in Shelton died Friday in Mason GeneralBatstone Funeral Home• Burial 23222 tailarad men's suits, spartscoats, ANY SIZE
~;~O ~sters, Mrs. Estelle was born Fe~rua'r;1 1",'1878 irl : ii~~~i~%; SundayMem°rial iheP~ld~ ' ahd.Reverenda~ 10 DA•a'm" Hospital.1886 in Allardt,He waSTennessee.born April 22, was in Shelton Memorial Park and DoubleMen's I shirts-ladies suits, dr.ssas,[ tormalwear, coats AND STYLEJl BEADEDLADIES
:." orama City and Mrs. Aurora, Missouri." " in lieu of owers donations were
made to the Cancer Fund• Knit IISELECT FROM OVER 7,000 SAMPLES ---'11 SWEATERS
~" Mayes of Centralia, Surviving her are a so,;.:', lied ~~~:~al Maddux will officiate at a A retired Joint Power :~:J
Umerous nieces and V ..... W,,~** -f Union'~n :W~I~! ~tt:.t~l~;)~llS(m!c memorial service in St• Davids employee and a member of the ]
....... ....... Episcopal 3mrch. Assembly of God Church, he had S:OIo oS II CASHMERE SPORT JACKETS ........ ' , ,,,.,,
daughter, Mrs Violet Keller,-. ':?,, *.,r In lieu. oat flowers, donations lived in this area for the past 37 Richard Coleman MEN'S KNITSPORTJACKET '3110' i
......... lADED
• " .... ~ ~: ~ '~ :' I ~" d~''~[~' ''~!'~' ''I' .... '1~ " "; PAC;AGE II MEN'S KNIT SHIRT ................ :::11 m,c
sta Vice will be held in Union; a granddaughter; and a'.'