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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 22, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 22, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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By CARMEN YATES PIONEER - The featured February movie to be shown at the Pioneer School this Saturday will be "The Prince and the Pauper." It will be shown d'J~~~~~~n~~ Legal Publications Legal Publkations teg¢l Publkations between 1:30 and 3:30 p.m. Transportation to be furnished by parents. The cost is 35 cents per student. These films are sponsored by the Pioneer PTO. There is to be a band concert CALL FOR BIDS Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, Shelton, Washington, until 11:00 A.M. on Monday, March 5, 1973, at which time they will be publicly open and read aloud for: Furnishing one 9' x 25' (approx.) metal vandal proof TIMBER SALE NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, BINGHAM 08,72 TIMBER SALE located within T. 22N., R. 5 and 6 W.,W.M., partially surveyed. Pubffc nofi(:-e]s-h-ereby given that pursuant to the provisions of above named person or his estate must serve the claim, duly verified by the claimant, on the undersigned or the attorney(s) of record at the address stated below and must filejt with the clerk of the court, together with proof of the service, within six months after the date of first publication Section 5 of Public Law 273, of this notice or the claim will be restroom for Callanan Park less 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, barred. =-" March 4 at 3 p.m. at the Griffin foundation and rough plumbing. U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Date of first publication i in Olympia. All proposals must be made Cooperative Agreement for the February 15, School The Pioneer 1973. band will perform. Everyone is on the regular blank forms Management of the Participating/s/Gary F. Linden i f u r n ished an d m u~t be Forest Properties, in the Shelton Executor of said Estate. Your Guide to Expert " welcome, especially parents and accompanied by cash, certified Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit 1610 Washington Building " Services in Mason County - friends of the Pioneer band check, or bid bond, in the amount entered into by and between the Seattle, We. 98101 students, equal to five per cent (5%) of the United States of America and the HELSELL, PAUL, FETTERMAN, -total bVd.- ~-uch accompanying Simpson Timber Company, dated TODD & HOKANSON :m.....,,..,.m..,..,.m.......,,..,m..,....t,,,,,,...........u......: Because there was no school certification will be returned to December 12, 1946, an estimated /s/Gary F. Linden the latter part of last week the all unsuccessful bidders upon the 12,400 M board feet of timber Attorney(s) for the Estate completion of the award of the marked or otherwise designated 1610 Washington Building Air Conditioning ~ Insurance bookmobile was postponed until contract or the rejection of the for cutting will be sold to Seattle, We. 98101 I and Heatina ~ I Tired of shopping? I Friday of this week. Please send bids. The bid bond shall be made Simpson Timber Company, MUtual 2-3850 I " I Let us do itfor you! I I ~ I Auto-Hob-Boat-Life-Health I any Timberland books back to payable to the City Treasurer, Seattle, Washington, on March 12, 2/15-22-3/1-31 City of Shelton, Washington. 1973. The minimum acceptable I Engineering I Business-Preferred Risk? I school by no later than Friday The City of Shelton reserves bid per M board feet is: I ~ I We locate the lowest cost. I I Sales & Service I [ Insurance is our only business. I morning, the right to reject any or all bids Douglas-fir, $55.68; western NOTICE OF HEARING I ~ [ ARNOLD l SMITH I The Griffin basketball team and to waive all informalities, hemlock and other coniferous I ~-= I I INSURANCE AGENCY I Sealed envelopes containing species, $38.99. Additional N O T I C E I S H E R E B Y I ~ ~1~ I 117 E. Cote 426-3317 will play the Pioneer Spartans at t h e bids shall be marked deposit required for slash disposaI GIVEN: That the B°ard °f Pioneer this Wednesday afternoon"Callanan Park Restroom." is $2.05 per M board feet for all County Commissioners did on I [ Masonry at 1 p.m. C°ntractual d°cuments may ab°ve species" The r°ad February 20' 1973 ad°pt a be obtained at the office of the amortization allowance on this Resolution declaring their I Though this date is a bit in City Clerk-Treasurer, City Hall, sale is $25.00 per M board feet intention to establish a County I ~ -- Fireplaces I the future, we'll give it a brief Shelton, Washington. for all above species. In addition Road known as Pickering Road I It=iln~ Mm ln'l¢ll I I - All brick and I Dated at Shelton, Washington there is within the sale area an No. 2885, said road being located In'"~l@ ............ I I -- BlOCk work I mention now and add more as the this 13th day of February, 1973. unestimated volume of all species in the SE1/4 of Section 33, I105 E. Cedar 426-5305 II MASON'S MASONRY I time of the event draws closer. City of Shelton of hardwood which will be paid Township 21 North, Range 2 Again this year the PTO is Helen W. Stodden for at $1.00 per M board feet. In West, W.M.; the HE1/4 of the NEV4; ~ addition there is within the sale the Ski/4 of the NEt/4; the NEll4 of planning a spring art fair. They Clerk-Treasurer 2/15-22-2t area an estimated 203 acres of all the SEll4; all in Section 4, have plans for young and old; ~ species logs subject to per acre Township 20 North, Range 2 pricing which will be paid for at West, W.M. This new location Air Conditioning & Plumbing professional and amateur. Forms $42.34 per acre. All of the Alaska would replace a like portion in I Heating I New and Repairing i for entry may be obtained at the NOTICE TO CREDITORS yellow cedar determined pursuant distance of the existingPickering I L *Gas I I BOON'S PLUMBING I schooloffice. No. 4369 to publichearingstobesurplusto Road No. 2885. The new IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF needs of domestic users and alignment as shown on the official I Llectr=c I I = HEATING I THE STATE OF WASHINGTON processors is exempted from map for this project is on file in FOR MASON COUNTY Domestic Processing. A total the office of the Mason County I k~n's Plumbing & Heating I I RADIATOR REPAIR I JUDGES LIKE Brandeis, IN THE MATTER OF THE volume of 500 M board feet in Engineer. ~/I1916 Olympic ~wy. ........... r~. ,~zo-a,~oa I ~1"Serving Mason County S,nce ]948" I Cardozo, Hughes, Murphy, Stone ESTATE of JUDITH R. addition to that which is surplUSand FURTHERSAID DECLARED:RESOLUTION 1916 Olymp=c Hwy N 426 3483 ~J'J and Rutledge brought to the WATSON, Deceased. to needs of domestic users That NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN processors as stated herein, if any, the establishment of such road Auto Glassy- Radiator Repair = bench a libertarian philosophy that the undersigned has been is exempted from Domestic was a public necessity and and used it to shape the law to appointed -arid has qualified as Processing. If successful bidder instructed the Clerk of the Board II Expert Installation ]1 II 4263483 I the needs of an oncoming personal representatiVehavingOf this notifies Forest Service prior to to set up a public hearing thereon. I estate. Persons claims award that he will not export all FURTHER, said resolution instructed the County Engineer to I generation. In t, hat sense they against the deceased are required or part of the exempted volume, report on said road establishment I .,...,,..v ,.e / I I were "activists, criticized by to serve the same, duly verified, the exempted volume in the ......... ' ..... upon the personal representative contract will be adjusted and requested the Prosecuting Attorney to review and give I I I I many. But history wig honor or the attorney of record, atthe accordingly, so that the approval to the steps herein I Mt. View / I 1916 Olympic Hwy. No. I I Kneeland Center Ph. 426-8231 / I I them for their creative work. address below stated, and file the uncommitted export exemptionordered. They knew that all life is change same with the Clerk of this Court, may be assigned to one or more ~- - " together with proof of service, subsequent sales. Bidders are NOTICE IS THEREFORE and that law must be constantly within four (4) months after advised that violations of the GIVEN: That said Hearing will be Auto 1 Refrigeration I renewed if the pressures of February 22, 1973 or same will Domestic Processing requirement held at the office of the County I Major Overhauls | I Commercial- IndustrialI society are not to build up to be foreverjOHN A. WATsoNbarred" constitutemay resultbreach in°f contraCtcontractand CommissionerSin Shelton, Washingtonat the CourthouSeat 11:00 I -- Brakes & Igr~ition I I Sales - Service I violence and revolt. Personal Representative cancellation, or in refusal to A.M., Monday, March 12, 1973. -- Weld, ng&. ~uo, o0, I I KELLOGG''="''='= I William O. Douglas. WM. R. GARLAND award timber salestothe violator, All interested persons may appear IAttorney for Estate or debarment or suspension from at said Hearing to be held for the Office and bidding on future timber sales. If purpose of hearing the Engineer's ID S illVIC! / 1 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 I Post office Address: requested by the State of Report on said County Road. ~--~-~--~-----"-~--~- 207-209 Dietz Building Washington, or by Grays Harbor DATED this 20th day of J I 2, hr. emer. service I Legal Publkations Bremerton, We. or Mason Counties, or by any February, 1973. 2/22-3/1-8-3t pe rson deemed to have a BOARD OF COUNTY Barber I Remodeling-~---~--] reasonable interest in the COMMISSIONERS OF proposed sale, or in its terms, a MASON COUNTY, Men's Hair Styling - public hearing will be held in the WASHINGTON J ..... ~ I I Carpentry -- Remodeling I NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE OF APPLICATION By/s/Ruth E. Boysen I * Pcazor ~(yl ng ~ I I ...... - I office of the Forest Supervisor, I * Shampooing ~ I I Kitchen Cabinets I No. 4364 FOR SHORELINE Federal Building, Olympia, Clerk of the Board I * Regular Hair Cuts ~ I I Roofing -- Painting I IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL Washington, on the 2nd day of 2/22-3/1-2t | * Scissor Contouring -~ I i Free Estimates I THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEVELOPMENT PERMIT March 1973 at 2:00 PM local | BERNIE'S HAIR SlrYLING I I KEN COOTS I FOR MASON COUNTY Notice is hereby given that time. Requests for public hearing In the Matter of the Estate of Warren R. Aiken has filed an will not be considered unless NOTICE OF SURFACE I ForAppolntmentCal1426-20;2 I I ......... I GORDON W. PALMER, application for a substantial received in the office of the WATERRIGHT 16la Olympic Hwy. S. j P'none ,~Zb-bbuz Deceased. development permit for the Fo rest Supervisor, Federal APPLICATION No. $2-20704 The undersigned is the construction or development of Building, Olympia, Washington, STATE OF WASHINGTON, appointed and qualified personal concrete bulkhead and fill located on or before February 21, 1973. DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY. Beauty--1 Rental Service--'~l representative of said estate, at Rt. 1, Box 317, Belfair, 51/= Dated February 2, 1973, by TAKE NOTICE: |. s-CompjeteHalrCare I I Almost Anything Anywhere I Persons havingclaimsagainstthe miles SW of Belfair within Section Wynne M. Maule, Forest * That GRETCHEN C. " '!~ ~Wt9s'wiglets - Switches, I | Bultdozlrs~Loaders-Pumps I deceased are required to serve the 14 of Township 22 N., Range 2 Supervisor, Olympic National M A T Z E N o f O I y m,p ia, ! -- MeHe Norman Cosmetics / I Folding Banquet Tables I same in duplicate, duly verified, W.W.M., in Belfair, Mason Forest. Washington on January 15, 1973, I --PennyrichBras / I &Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. I on the undersigned or the County, Washington. Said 2/8-15-22-3/1-4t filed application for perr~it to attorney of record at the address development is proposed to be " divert the public waters of an / ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALUN I I LEWRENTS ' I stated below and file the same within Hood Canal of Puget unnamed stream tributary of with the Clerk of this Court, Sound and/or its associated Oakland Bay, in the amount of !6th&Laurel 426-4582 1 12216 W" 4th' Olympia' 357"77311 together with proof of such wetlands. NOTICE OF HEARING 0.01 cubic feet per second, service within four months after Any person desiring to EMERGENCY BUDGET subject to existing rights, from February 8, 1973, or the sameexpress his views or to be notified EXTENSION continuously each year for the CableTV / Roofing I will be forever barred, of the action taken on this WHEREAS, unforseen purpose of domesticsupplythat I ...... I I Shake, Composition I /s/Gladys M. Palmer application should notify county emergencies have arisen in the the approximate point of I r-or ~ervlce L.ali I I Wood, Shigles I GLADYS M. PALMER commissioners of Mason County Mason County Office of diversion is located within I - I I Bonded, all work guaranteed I Route 4, Box 377 in writing of his interest within Emergency Services 1973 budget, Government Lot 3 of Section 16, L~O 1('~1 IllI II Shelton, Wa. 98584 thirty days of the last date of for which insufficient funds are Township 20 N., Range 3 I A tl 1 ROBERT L. SNYDER publication of this notice, available; and W.W.M., in Mason County. I ~ L O"1 lINT NAIL CONSTRUCTION Attorney for Estate Publication dates of this notice WHEREAS, in the judgment Protests or objections to L ....... J 1426-1161 Rt. 10, Box482 I 1251/=N. 5th are February 22,1973 and March of the Board of County approval of this application must Shelton, Washington 98584 1, 1973. Commissioners it is in the best include a detailed statement of 2/8-15-22-3t 2/22-3/1-2t interest of Mason County that the basis for objections; protests provision be made for such must be accompanied by a two Chain Saws ! Sewing Mechines ' expenditures as follows: dollars ($2.00) recording fee and I Stihl & McCulloch Chain I NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF GROUND Purchase of a 1968 Chevrolet filed with the Department of I Saws--Rentals*New--Small r i , IM,~SSIRIVlNG NOTICE IS HEREBY WATERRIGHT from the County Road Ecology, Southwest Washington i motor tune-up & repairs. I I~IkCHINIRIPAIR GIVEN: That the Board of APPLICATIONNo. G2-20707 Department, purchase price -- Regional Office, Olympia, County Commissioners did, on STATE OF WASHINGTON, $500.00 less $200.00 allowed for Washington 98504, within thirty MIKE'S SAW SHOP INC. I Rentals January 29, 1973, direct the DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY the 1963 Ford now being utilized (30) days from March 1, 1973. I Hours: 8 am to 6 pm. Sat. 9-S IMt. View Clerk to prepare a ResolutionTAKE NOTICE: by the Office of Emergency 2/22-3/1-2t establish the road in the Plat of STOKES of Shelton, Washington$300.00 to be paid to the County I 2213 olympic Hwy. N. 42t413g L 2004 Laurel 426-1831 declaring their intention to That PAUL H. AND AGNES Services, leaving a balance of Lakeland Village, No. 4, known as on January 19, 1973, filed Road FunD. NOTICE TO CREDITORS iCoins "Sheet Metal & Welding - "LAKELAND WAY," as a application for permit to NOTICE IS THEREFORE No. 4348 County road;and withdraw public ground watersGIVEN: That the Board of IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF I co,he Bought And Sold I |OON'S FURTHER, said Resolution through a well situated within County Commissioners will hold a THE STATE OF WASHINGTON I public Hearing at 11:00 AM. FOR MASON COUNTY I estate appraisals ~1 Plumbing & Heating did instruct the County Engineer Government Lot 2, Tract 2, of Monday, March 5, 1973, in their In the Matter of the Estate of I for appointment: to report on said road the Sko kom ish Indian Office in the CountyCourthn ~A GEORGE LESLIE MORRIS I 426-4)']9, P.O. Box 866 I "Serving Mason County establishment and request the Reservation of Section 26, .- ..u._, oLYMPIC GATIMfAY I Since 1948" Prosecuting Attorney to review Township 22 N., Range 4 to consl.oer, cJranting said' Deceased. I and give approval to the steps W.W.M., in Mason County, in the emergency Duoget extension of I ]916 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 therein ordered, amount of 25 gallons per minute, $300.00. appointedT he undersignedand qualified personaliS the George T. Booth NOTICE IS FURTHER subject to existing rights DATED this 20th day of representative of said estate. GIVEN: That said Hearing will be continuously, each year for the February, 1973. Persons having claims against the Concrete Shoe Repairs-- held at the Office of the County purpose of community domestic BOARD OF COUNTy deceased are required to serve the Commissioners at the Courthouse supply. , COMMISSIONERS OF same in duplicate, duly verified, -- Ready-mix Concrete --Polishes & laceS of all kinds in Shelton, Washington, at 11:00 Protests or objections to MASON COUNTY, . on the undersigned or the -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks * All types of boots and shoes A.M., Monday, February 26, approval of this application must WASHINGTON attorney of record at the address -- Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone repaired. 1973. All interested persons may include a detailed statement of /s/By Ruth E. Boysen stated below and file the same -- Fireplace Screens & Tools EXPERT SHOE appear at said Hearing to be held the basis for objections; protests Clerk of the Board. with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such GRAYSTON! et Ir~llrdI.TON RIPAIR SHOP for the purpose of hearing the must be accompanied by a two 2/22-3/1.2t service within four months after Engineer's report on said County dollars ($2.00) recording fee and 7th & Park 426-3344 311 Grove Street road. filed with the Department of February 22, 1973, or the same :arm Slaughtering * Cutting & Wrapping * Curing, Sausage Making * Sharp Freezing HaM! MEAT SitVICE Kamilche 426-141 TV Repair DATED this 5th day of Ecology, Southwest WashingtonNOTICE OF MEETING will be forever barred. February, 1973. Regional Office, Olympia, The annual meeting and /s/June H. Allen BOARD OF COUNTY Washington 98504, within thirty election of the MASON COUNT~ JUNE H. ALLEN COMMISSIONERS OF (30) days from March 1, 1973. Soil and Water Conservation N. 4414 Walnut MASON COUNTY, 2/22-3/1-2t District will be held between the Spokane, Washington WASHINGTON -- hours of 8:00 a.m. and 12:30 ROBERT L. SNYDER /s/By Ruth E. Boysen p.m., on March 8, 1973 at the Attorney for Estate Auditor & Clerk of Soil Conservation Service, 125]/= N. 5th the Board. NOTICE TO CREDITORS 2/15-22-2t No. 4358 Kneeland Center, Shelton, Shelton, Washington 98584 Washington. 2/22-3/1-8-3t ----- IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF All landowners and tenants THE STATE OF WASHINGTON within the District are eligible to FOR MASON COUNTY IN vote. The purpose of the election ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS i NOTICE TO CREDITORS PROBATE Separate sealed proposals for No. 4363 IN THE MATTER OF THE is to elect one supervisor of the Paving and electrical work will be District for a three-year term. The received for the following project: IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF ESTATE OF GEORGE E. annual meeting will include a full THE STATE OF WASHINGTON SCHNABEL, Deceased. report of District activities, ,. P R O J E C T : 7 2 - 3 1 ~-onstruction of Heliport Mason FOR MASON COUNTY - NOTICE iS HEREBY GIVEN including afinancial report. _ ._ General Hospital 2]00 Sherwood In the Matter of the Estate of that the undersigned has beenB Y O R D E R O F T H Ic Lane, Shelton, Washington. G EOR G E B. STEELMAN, appointed and has qualified as the WASHINGTON STATE SOIL BY: Public Hospital District Deceased. personal representative of the A N D W A T E R No. 1 of Mason County, The undersigned is the Estate of George E. Schnabel, C O N S E R V A T I O N Washington appoint~d~and quah'fiecTpersonal deceased; that all persons having COMMITTEE PLACE OF BID OPENING: represenrarive of said estate, claims against said deceased areDate: February 15, 1973 Mason General Hospital, 2100 Persons having claims against the hereby required to serve the same, /s/By G.C. Digerness :anerwood Lane, Shelton, deceased are required to serve the duly verified, on the undersigned G.C. Digerness Washington. same in duplicate, duly verified, or her attorney of record at theExecutive Secretary DATE: Tuesday, March 13, on the undersigned or the address below stated and file the 2/22-3/1-2t1973 attorney or record at the address same with the Clerk of the said stated below and file the same court, together with proof of such TIME: 9:00 A.M. with the Clerk of this Court,service within four (4) months Contractors may view and together with proof of such after the date of first publication NOTICE TO CREDITORS obtain .rdara.w!ngs, specifications service within four months after of this notice or the same will be' (RCW 11.40.010) and con~ ~ll~r ~ocuments from the February 8, 1973, or the samebarred. , Probate No 4366 office o /~ ~_ Architect, HAROLD will be forever barred. Date of first publication: sUP.E.R/OR COURT OF E . DATE KE, A I A, & /s/Shirley Steelman Cowan February 8, 1973. WASHINGTON FOR MASON ASSOC W .S, 428 Cedar Street, Shirley Steelman Cowan /s/Marjorie M. Davis coUNTY Shelton, asnington. P.O. Box4 Personal Representative _.E.s.tate .of IZABELLA V The Owner reserves the right Union, We. GLENN E. CORREA DICI~IN:H-/N,D=" " to reject or accept any or all The u nd~/rs~m~l~" ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate .... i~ned has been propo.sals and to waive a Dinted and • • Attorney for Estate Bell Building a_PP "-r-f "- has quahfled as informalities. 125% N. 5th 121 South Fourth Street p_xecu~u u me .... late of Izabella HAROLD E. DALKE, A.I A U I C Kinson, V. - v" deceased. Each & ASSOCIATES " " Shelton, We. 2/8-15-22-3tShelton, Washington 2/8-15-22-3t person na ing a claim against the 2/22-1t Custom Gun Stocks *New stocks made * Old stocks refinished * Glass bedding, inlays 426-6495 Drugs I -- Helena Rubinstein I -- Cosmetics I -- Prescriptions I -- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics I NilL'S PHARMACY i Sth & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 -- Carpeting -- Formica Floor Covering -- Linoleum --Tile REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Glass Broken glass replaced promptly! Insurance claims handled! Plate-sheet * Thermopene * Auto Mirrors * Shower & tub enclosures -- Free Estimates -- SHILTON GLASS CO. For fast service phone 426-] 152 2226 Olympic Hwy. N. All Makes & Models Ph. 426-3640 5 Moolrs SEIVICiS Rt. I, Box 275 Typewriters Adding Machines Calculators * Local Service * SNELTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT 114 S. Second 426-2880 Upholstery Supply Do-It.Yourself Upholstery Supply For your Home -- Boat -- Truck -- Auto If it's not in stock we can order HoeslsPort 877-920e Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 22, 1973 I i Mr. View Alliance Church Annual Missionary Convention Washington & J St. Til Feb. 23 Week day services .. 7:30 p.m. Missionary from Vietnam ~, i F,,ST,,,.,',r,s, !' ".':%. ,:.,u,,,c. , 42e.2488 I Sth and Cota downtown Shelton I Bible Study ......... I I FEBRUARY 9r~ lq7~ | MornlngWorshlp ....' I ....... • I Eve. wor ip ..... ;,' I A M "THE KEY TO I Agate Sundey SchOO ,° i " "REGENERATION,, I J*suslovesyo.- ! I P.M."UNDER THE,, I I JUNIPER TREE I SHELTON I 9 30 a m I of the ! • L • ..... I NAZAREI , i :oo a ...... o g orship I --- NEW LOCATI I 7:00 p.m .... Eventng Gosl)el Hour J Fairmont & Him I Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, PastorI Lowell Keene, Pastor I W n i J Sunday School ...... I ed e sday B be Study I Morning Worship .... '~ I /:UU p.m. I Youth Choir ....... .~ • T r Evening Service I he Morning Worship Is b oadcast| p -- "" ""~KI'' '~' | rive over KMAS, 1280 kc. ] i T I I ur.quoro I ,,,.ST.,'I I Church I OF HUMIL 910 East Dearborn i I A lifeguard tells hOWJ I LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor I drowned while try.~ I I on his physical Pfff~ I Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. | He was rescueO~ I MorninqWorship .. 11:00a.m. I thinking cha_L~ I Evenino Service .... 6:00 p.m I self-centered to j Bible Siudy (Wed.) . 7:00 p.m. I :'~ ,j .... Broadcast this weeKi ~- ~ stations including: / WAHA'I KGY 1240 Kc i i-Afftd lhellll CHURCH OF JESUS CNRIST LATTER DAY connection & 12th Sts. Phone 426-2805 I Priesthood Meeting ............................. Sunday School ........... ' .................... ~Jtl Sacrament Meeting ............................ First Church Christ, S¢ie t! 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wa. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. -- Church 11:00 ~-I Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 )" Reading room: 114 S. 4th St. Hours: 12 to 5 p.m. Tuesday thru Satl~r:a¢ FIRST CHRISTIAN (:HUI;l {;ll Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT H/ RDEN 3F Bible School ...... 9:45 a.m. Family Service. • • ' Worship ......... 11:00 a.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer -- Child Care Service Available at 11:00 United Methodist Chu G and King Streets REV. WILLIAM Sunday School for everyone: 9:00 Morning Worship: 10:30 a.m. Faith Lutheran Ch~ 7th and Franklin i,I WORSHIP 8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. CHURCH SCHOOL 9:00 a,m. Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Kenneth Robinson, Pastor MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN MISSOURI SYNOD 206 E. Wyandotte ROLAND SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 25, 1973 Service at 10:30 a.m. Sunday School & Bible Class 9:15 a. • -M~ ST. DAVID S 4th & Cedar, Shelton Sunday 8- 10 a.m. First Sunday only, 11:30 a.m. ST. HUGH'S Allyn --Sunday 9:15 a.m. ST. NICHOLAS' Tahuya -- Sunday 11:15 a.m. ST~ ANDREW'S HOUSE Un y 2 pd THE FRIENDLY CHURCH SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF 152 1 Monroe St. Mlson ii ii i i i Sunday School ............................... Morning Worship .......................... ~ • • (-.t,o.a, wom..s Mi=io-.,V Co=n=. Christ"s Ambassadors ........................ • Evening Service ........................ ..... ' Wednesday -- Family Night ................... REVIvALTIME, KGDN, SUNDAY