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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 22, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 22, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7 DAY AD SPECIALS THRU Extra Fancy LIMIT RIGHTS Extra Fancy. 3-lb. bag Red Delicious. 4-lb. Golden Delicious. ea. Long Tender Clip Top. lb. Boiler Onions. 3-lb. bag Squash. Great with Dip. lb. .,an uts Plain or Salted in Shell. l-lb. Red's Corn Tortillas pkg. 4 Ore-Ida Potatoes O'grien, ,h .kg 42¢ Rich's Coffee Rich a.ton '° ...... 26¢ Fish & 84' Family Whipped - • ,o-o. A,.,< w'""n /opp ng cup THR| PEANUT BUTTER APPLE MUFFINS 2 cups sifted flour V~ cup peanut butter 4 tsp. baking powder V4 cup sugar teaspoon salt " 1 egg ½ teaspoon cinnamon 1 cup milk V4 teaspoon nutmeg ~ cup chopped V~ cup shortening raw apple Sift flout with baking p~wder, salt, cinna- mon and nutmeg. Cream shortening and peanut butter with sugar, beating until light and fluffy. Add egg and beat well. Stir in milk and chopped apple. Add flour mixture and stir just enough to moisten dry ingredients, Fill greased muffin tins two-thirds full. Sprinkle lop of muffin batter with an additional 2 tablespoons sugar mixed with % teaspoon cinnamon. Bake in 400 degree oven 20-25 minutes. Makes 15-18 2-1nch muffins, These items have been substantially lowered in price for 7 full days. Festive Brand. 4 to 9-pound Frozen. Pound Split Broilers Fresh Washington G ..... USDA Grade A. per lb. 5 7c Whole Fryers ,,.sh Washin,ton ..... uso ,ad. po.49¢ Fryer-N-Half ,r..h Wa.h,ngton ..... usa. G,ad. A per'b 59¢ AD SPECIAL! Cut-Up Fryers ,reshWa ,.gto. O ..... USDA Grade A. pei lb.59¢ Turkey Roast * ...... *,,,,b .,.. ..... S2.97 Turkey Roast ...... 2 ,b ,,.,b • ,, Wb,,. ..o,. ,* ..... S3.79 Sliced Bacon Hic Our Best Flavored Bacon. Finest Quality. l-lb. pkg. AIIsweet. Great Flavor. 1-pound ctn. Semi-Sweet. 12-ounce package Skinless Wieners w ...... Family. 59¢ Cure 81 Hams " .... ,'sB~nelets Sl.79 Halves. per pound ] 2-ounce pkg. All Beef Wieners .i,wao.. 89¢ Bar-S Smokies ,2 ..... package 1-1b package 85c Swift's Premium. Canned Ham s.poon, S5.95 Pork Sausage Pork.JimmyOseosoned.PUrelb. Sl .09 Zee Paper Napkins. 60-count Pork BI ~~~' :::::::::::::::::::::::: :::" "':::::::::;:::"' " "::~> n OU a¢ per pound Cut Steak Pork Cutlets Quick and Easy. pound S1.19 Link Sausage OurOwnPure S1.09 Pork. Seasoned. lb. k Boneless Par s..o,,., ButtPor w,th,ha, Rich Flavor, lb. 89¢ Pork Loin Roast,o nFr'shCut,.d ,b Sl.05 Quick Fresh Side Pork ,..ak,o.,, ..... 98¢ s,,,. Spare Ribs ,,,,hCu, Rib End. lb. to Fix. 15-oz. ..... Boneless Beef 12 inch wide. 25 foot roll. Rump Roast Aluminum Hundreds of uses / USDA Choice L//~d ~J~l "~~ / Flavor Aged. lb. ~e~ eef Chuck Steak cut Fi .... g.d,b 8 an Ground Beef ,0o Bo-,b (; ice usa. Cho.. made 9¢ Le Ch. c.'c.. ~| Rib J~I~U~I Flavor Aged. Ib, • .,,,-- ,.,~- n~:arl and Bake. per lb. eefStew Cubes Bo..,....,,. 1.09 BeefShanks S..par ,.k ,b. Halt Gallm , i - / ~ Sesame Sreaa B os°.~ho,..S U~O. Cho,c.~r e ntl Hose I Dartg01d" Sherbetoo,,o.59 IHalf-C 22½.-ounceShur'fresh" ~ ,~9( ~~ ~ #~ ~e,(~~ 3 shades I e~..,, a- / ,GO, .a., ~---- ~~:~,::~,,:'"- • Mad. L .... y, Mild, Long-S • ~,o.,,.., , ~~,:,:::~-~,:,:,,:, vcean r ,.,.au~ J Dang01d horn,,ack, C ..... ,. ,b. 1.13 J Sliced French Bread ,,.o..,.of 4/ 1 "~ii:: .... .... Sg¢il ' ll~llP;l~n'lll BaturalCheddar, Med. $II~ ' Olyml0icMeal Bread , ;: ."h2/99¢ Fillet of Co / ua/liCUlg o, Mild Cheese. lb. lell/ll/ I -- -- .:::(.~..~:!~:.::. ".:~:~.:::.:.. ., Pair /JII ri"nldn Wedge Ch .... ibMOdium JI,lJ I Shur-fresh Buns 3/99¢ i Boneless. I - _ I uu,,=r,,ur,,= Regular, Nut or Fruit V, "~?': :!~;!~'--~!::~i!:::~!:" NO Waste. ~~ ne L0ti0n,o__ . ii~ Red B0v Nat'$t,O"-/@1i i. . . lb. hOl rk,~rn,, C ..... Baked 16 .... ~P~ ~" per Intensive Care.I .1 P J Butte ....... . v..,,,, arrange Velveeta B Kr:tts;Sl 39 • Hahbu Steak 1.39 Medmm Oysters ,0 .... , ...... | ,~ / Peanut Butter " t Welght Wotcher's $ " Medium Size. inn He~d & Shoulders. $ chCur::yTYl ;:oz. e s, ,o.. H.o, ¢ " • S.o,k nine |UU Lofion./-ouncetubo Breaded erch andS ..... lb. 85 K,ppered Hal,but 99 ammmm- BAKERY SPECIALS DISCOUNT NON FOOD, 89¢ 79c 85c 89c 98c e,r~ Detergent for dishes & beautiful hands. 22-oz. e Maxwell House c...**,, Sl.69 Grinds, 2-lb. __ Sandwich Bags 3/Sl ! ~"~ " ~ ' 20 ft¢ --L~°'a"w°''''a''''~''~! "LET OUR FAMILY SERVE YOUR FAMILY" we w#lcome J F000 STAMP INOPPIlll ;he~ton Crisco e tening ,o..,,,-v.,.,o,,.,.,oon,.oo Flings, Cheese & Ham, Korkers & Diggers. ea. W'allaW'alla Fancy Wall° Wall° Green 17-oz. can ,.o..Carrotswo,,o wo,,o Sliced ! 7-oz. can 4 '1 Syrup ,.,,.,,..- jack. 24-ounco Pickles,-..-"'"-w,.,.,.,.o,,,.- Tender Onionso 4iq Pickles ..,,-....-w.,.._, Peas ~- Pickles ICh Wallo WoIIo I S-oz. con Cream Style or Whole Kernel w.,,. 4 *1 BBO S """-"" "" Wolla II1"1~_1~., Hot, OntenJ!E~ 17.oz. ~1~ H;ckory, Godlc ~I l:):,,a "~') . £h~=ltnn. l~/l~nn ~'~t,nt~, Int,rn~l - Th,,rCd~w F~hr,,~r,, 90 1 q73