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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 23, 2012     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 23, 2012
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Let us help you make the Change. Mountain View Women's Health Clinic is a wonderful choice for prenatal care - where babies are our business. Board-certified obstetricians help you through every stage of your pregnancy, including your own, personalized birthing plan that includes pain management. Choose your prenatal care close to home and family, and have your baby in the comfort and care of The Birth Center at Mason General Hospital. Call Mountain View Women's Health Clinic today for an appointment with one of our obstetricians. ~ Mason GeneraHqospita] Mountain View Women's HeMth Clinic (360) 426-0955 2300 Kati Court, Ste. A, Shelton, WA "- Journal photo by NatalLe Johnson The City of Shelton Board of Commissioners reviewed a draft of its 2012 community development block grant (CDBG) application Tuesday. The application is for a $1 million grant to help the Mason County Senior Activities Association (MCSAA) buy two soon-to-be vacant PUD 3 buildings on West Cota Street. City prepares to submit CDBG application The MCSAA hopes to win the grant Senior center officials hope for $1 million grant and have the money in hand to buy the buildings well before the October By NATALIE JOHNSON Cities and counties apply for the deadline. nat~lie@masoncol~mly.corn funds, then can administer them to McDonald said if the city obtains ................................................................... programs like the MCSAA. the grant, it could sign a contract to City Regional Project Manager administer it to the MCSAA by June. As the March 1 deadline approach- Dennis McDonald briefed the City of MCSAA Director Terri Shaw es, the city is getting closer to submit- Shelton Commission Tuesday on the thanked the city on Tuesday for spon- • ting its 2012 community development almost complete application, soring the association's application block grant (CDBG) application. "What you have in your packet is for the CDBG grant. The city is applying for a $1 million an application that's a good start," he "Everyone is very supportive and grant to help the Mason County Se- said. we very much appreciate that," she nior Activities Association (MCSAA) The commission plans to vote on said. buy two buildings of the soon-to-be the application at its next meeting at The Mason County Commission vacated PUD 3 complex on West Cota 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 27. also approved an application for a street. As the city inches closer to meet- CDBG grant this week, with North The CDBG grant, part of the U.S. ing its March 1 deadline, the MCSAA Mason's Faith in Action group, which Department of Housing and Urban has a deadline of its own. Last week, hopes to build a senior center in Bel- Development (HUD) and the Wash- the Mason County PUD 3 Commis- fair. ington Department of Commerce ad- sion extended a deadline on the as- McDonald said both grants will vie ~. ~ ministers competitive grants to cities _~ 2~ . I and counties each year for projects "l'~. .;~_ ] that benefit low and moderate income ~~ I members °f the c°mmunity" sociation's option to purchase the two for funds from the same pot of money. PUD 3 buildings, Valued in a recent "We're not competing against Ma- assessment at $1 million, for the sec- son County, what we're competing ond time, until Oct. 31. against:is the whole state," he said. The Brewer Family would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of love & support during this time of great loss & sorrow from Sob's passing. It has been truly overwelming to see how many people cared for Bob & for those of us who loved him so. Thank you for all the beautiful flowers, cards, donations, food, calls & visits. We have felt your thoughts & prayers & it has been a wonderful comfort to us all. Bob will forever live on in the hearts & memories of his loving family & his many special friends whom he spent such good times with. His life was full of blessings & I know he truly enjoyed the life he was given here. He was proud to be a farmer & derived so much pleasure & enjoyment from his work he did for his family & others. Bob & I would have celebrated our 50~a wedding anniversary on June 8th. 2013. We almost made it. May GOD bless you for the grace you have given to us. Sincerely, Gail Brewer & Family MARCH 8T" 2:00 pm -7:00 pm COME SEE THE OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUR CHILD ...... ........... NOW ENROLLING ~ ~t~'~ ~:::~ ......... FOR 2012-2013 ~ ~:~ ~.,~ .,:~ ~ ~ Full Day K & Grade 1 .~ ~ ...... ~ ,. ~,~ (combined class) (LIMIT 12) .... i!~i~: .... . ~;::~"~i ~ .... MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN SCHOOL:: 206 E. WYANDOTTE ........................... ............ ~* "'~£;~:~4~ ~ .~ ....... Journal photo by Natalie Johnson 427-3165 The City of Shelton commission expects to accept a bid for a repaving project on K Street at its ~ 2 p.m. Monday, Feb. 27, meeting. The project involves repaying 2,700 feet of the damaged asphalt on K Street. [Pr~High~ -[ • • • • e ..... Qty dentlfies low bidder for K Stret rehab •.,~:~ ~ ~,~ ~$~ ................. :T;e Way You Want It -- By NATALIE JOHNSON with a bid of $854,234.25, this past summer, but was and overlaying one to two I Inside & Out --o..~-~r::~.o.-- { naZ~dde@m, as'oncovn)v.con~ $116,769.75 less than the unable to complete the bid- inches of asphalt on about /L_::: Call Mike (360)''^''" ^" '°lu:i II ========================= citYshouldestimatedcost, the project 2011.ding proceSSMountainviewbefore fallE1, its2'700 feet ofthe street, frOmintersection with Olym- ~: .... REG# FLYINCP896J51 The City of Shelton plans The K Street rehabilita- ementary sits on the por- pie Highway North to North ............................................................................................................................................................. I to award a bid for a repay- tion project is funded by a tion of K Street set to be re- 13th Street. " : ~"]ing process on K Street at state Surface Transporta-paved, and the city wanted The project also includes its Monday, Feb. 27, meet- tion Program (STP) grant,to complete the project be- spot repair on particularly ing. which covers 86.5 percent of fore heavy school traffic be- damaged sections of road- WHAT WOUtD YOU HKETO BE SELLING ;" The city opened the bid-the cost. gan. way and new sidewalks for ~ORe O~ rs~s W~e~? ........... ~{}~:~f~ :..£~:~ .... ding period on Monday, Feb. "Early last year we went "We were hopeful to the south side of the road. ca, hel, you you c,, .. ...................................... i.G i ; 6, and received seven bids. through the process of get- get this built last year but The city commission (360) 4~-441~ to advertise This week, city Engineerting those funds approved, things didn't quite fall into plans to vote on the bid in ~ s~o,,o°~o~coo.~ I~ Mike Michael identified Michael said. place," Michael said. its consent agenda at the 2 IO~[i ~1~4~1~ !iiiiiiii~iil the lowestresponsiblebid- The city originally The K Street rehabilita-p.m. Monday, Feb. 27, meet- • der as Archer Construction, planned to do the project tion project includes milling ing. Page A-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal -Thursday, February 23, 2012