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February 23, 2012 |
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We were heartened by news earlier
his month that a Thurston County
uperior Court judge ruled in favor
of the City of Shelton regarding proposed
development south of Sandersen Field.
The ruling in favor of the city was more
than three years in the making and finally
opens up the possibility of major commer-
cial and residential development in Shelton.
Officials from the Port of Shelton, who have
strenuously opposed a rezone of the prop-
erty for years, say that they will not raise
any further objections. That's good news for
the developer, the Hall Equities Group out
of California, and good news for residents of
Shelton and Mason County.
We've been scratching our heads ever
since the Port of Shelton began making
noise about noise concerns.
The port argued that the development,
specifically a residential portion of the pro-
posal, was too close to Sandersen Field and
noise from planes flying overhead is not
conducive to residential development. One
of the big problems with the port's argu-
ment, in our minds, is the fact that plenty of
people already live, work, shop, go to school
and receive medical care in close proximity
to the airport. The port was tilting at wind-
We're proud of the city for fighting for
what's right. Perhaps now more than ever,
Shelton and Mason County need folks that
are willing to invest their hard-earned dol-
lars to make a difference here. That's be-
cause the more people that live here, work
here and spend their paychecks here ben-
efits us all.
The Hall Equities Group development
may not be Shelton's salvation_ but it is an
obvious step in the right direction. It would
be one thing if the port had raised legiti-
mate concerns or objections to the project on
its merits, but they instead chose to pursue
picayune protests in the courtroom. And
they lost. Bravo to the city and bravo to the
rest of us who live and work here that can't
wait for the first shovel to turn some dirt.
children in my care be-
Water haved as the employees and
district is commissioners of the BWD
do, the children would find
themselves in a very boring
shameful time-out area. Isn't it time
for someone in authority to
Editor, the Journal: take charge and put BWD
I am almost ashamed people in time out? Also, in
to say or tell anyone that this economy and with the
I live in Belfair with all public and people of Belfair
the "childish behavior" of paying the wages of BWD
the Belfair Water District employees, why do these
(BWD). I am sure I am not employees continue to have
the only person in Belfair contracts that give them a
that wants answers to guaranteed pay check for
some questions. I under- years no matter what they
stand that according to Mr. do or how they act as long
Tipton's golden contract as it isn't criminal? Isn't it
he gets three days pay time for the people of Bel-
for overtime, but before fair and the State of Wash-
a commissioners meeting ington to demand major
that starts at 4 p.m. is Mr. changes, for the better, at
Tipton already gone for the the BWD?
day? What days and hours
does Mr. Tipton have? Also, Betty Jones
if Mr. Tipton is excused Belfair
from all commission meet-
ings that would put him in
overtime, isn't it true that
Mr Tipton, by his own ac-
tions, makes it impossible U se
for commission members
to hand correspondence Mr.
to Mr. Tipton? The big-
gest question is why are Editor, the Journal:
the restrooms locked at Last Saturday, I par-
public meetings? Isn't the ticipated in Denny Heck's
BWD building publicly Listening Tour event in
owned? Who is the person Shelton at the Civic Center.
dictating that at public The event, meant to be a fo-
meetings the restrooms be rum to discuss local issues
locked in a building owned in Mason County, brought
by the people? Am I wrong together a bipartisan and
or do the people of Belfair diverse group representing
have no rights when it many walks of life in Mason
comes to the BWD? If the County.
restrooms continue to re- For more than an hour,
main locked, why aren't the the group discussed issues
public BWD meetings being ranging from Washington
held somewhere else? The State's Shellfish Initiative
public meeting room at the to the nation's federal im-
library is a perfect place. If migration policy. Seated
the commissioners need to around a table, the con-
meet in private, the public versation was lively as the
would have a warm dry twenty-or-so attendants did
place to wait and the rest- not shy away from speaking
rooms are always unlocked, their mind to Denny. Den-
I worked for one family for ny, in turn,was attentive to
more than 20 years as a each question and showed a
professional nanny. If the deep understanding of the
JOurn:al Letter Policy
county's issues.
As I sat there contem-
plating what Congress
should and could do to help
Mason County, I couldn't
help but think that the to: t:he editor.:: will print signed, original letters
thoughtful discussion I was
watching about substantive OflocaHnterest :We will not publish letters that
issues was an example of
one thing missinginWash- a:re ::l: i:b:eil0:us: :or sCurrilous in nature. Signed letters
ington, D.C. should provide:contact and address information
Thanks to Denny for
throwing the event and
for the reminder that civil
conversation among people
with differing concerns and
viewpoints about serious mitted, efficient team and just ordinary citizens who tion for that matter? Is it a
issues can still happen, a personal commitment like the idea) still practice matter of time before reli-
which makes him the right polygamy, even though gious clerics will be fi)rced
Marlene Taylor person to represent the they can't legalize theseto perfbrm these marriages?
Shelton 10th Congressional District unions, the Rule of Law in This is why we have a stan-
Heck i in the House ofRepresenta- our country, andhasbeen dardlawofmarriagebeing
S tires, since its origin, is that mar- a legalized umon of one
riage is a ceremony, either man and one woman. We
the best Karen Sandberg religious or secular, be- are headed down a slippery
Shelton tween one woman and one slope by diverting from this
nd idate man. It is illegal to practice very ba.~ic law.
ca polygamy, it is illegal to Labeling same-sex
marry your sibling, it is die unions as marriage will
Editor, the Journal: gal to marry underage chii neither give absolution tu
I met Denny Heck for the is rule dren and in the majority ot' the union uor uplift it; it
first time on Saturday at states, still illegal to ma,~y oni) t,~kt:~ w h,~ ih~ m~jo~
his pnblic forum in Shelton. of law the same sex. Andyes, itityofAmericansbeheveto
I am aware of his business is illegal to buy and sell be holy and distorts it to
experience and his past drugs, even if your opinion whatever certain groups
public service. I learned a Editor, the Journal: is that it is harmless to so- desire it to be. i harbor
lot about my new 10th Dis- In response to Thomas ciety and protected by the no ill will against gays
trict (stretching from Shel- "Birdy" McKee's comment constitution, and lesbians, but with
ton all the way to Puyal- in the Feb. 16 Journal By your own interpreta- civil unions and legal docu-
lup!) and was impressed by about the opposition to tion of the constitution, Mr. ments, they have every
Denny as our Democratic same-sex marriage and the McKee, all laws forbidding right that any married
candidate for that seat in Constitution: Mr. McKee,same-sex, polygamous, couple has without the
the United States Congress. I really don't think theincestuous, etc, mar- title. The Rule of Law in
Speaking to a bipartisan Founding Fathers had riages (or even drug use) America that marriage
group, Denny showed a same-sex marriage in mind should be null and void is between a man and a
thorough understanding of when ibrming this Consti- because (quote) "under woman as it was originally
our region's many issues, tution and to tell you the the Constitution, everyone created should remain as it
His focus stayed like a laser truth, the government (nor has the f~eedom to do orhas for centuries.
on how Congress' work in I) doesn't give a fig for what marry as they will, after Another thing, Christi-
D.C. would affect Mason legal-aged, consenting (fully all, they aren't hurting any- anity is about 33 percent of
County and its residents. I conscious) adults do in the one." Isn't that what you the world's population, but
believe he is very qualified privacy of their bedroom, as said? Are you ready for the 85 percent of the United
to address the lagging eco- long as the public doesn't legalization of polygamyStates. Granted, the per-
nomic development of our have to witness it, so you or the marriage of deeply centage is dropping as soci-
area. can wash that argument devoted siblings? Marry-ety is slowly throwing God
More than anything else, down the drain, ing 13 year olds? Do we out with the bath water.
I was impressed that he The issue here is Rule of stop there? There are
listened to each questioner Law. While some religions families of plural wives that Katie Groves
and took notes. He showed (Islam, some Eastern, orwould love to legalize their Shelton
real curiosity and concern, some self-proclaimed re-union. Why gays and not
Denny Heck has a com- ligious splinter groups, or them or any other combina- See Letters on page A-5
s all
The Republican Party needs This is so
a likable, electable person if ~ evident that
they hope to win the White ~i pundits on both
House so I'd like to nominate sides of Fox
Sara Lee. News are begin-
Established as a brand in 1939 ning to specu-
she's over the age of 35, a U.S. late on a bro-
born citizen (according to the kered national
Supreme Court's Citizens United convention.
decision) so she meets all the re- By TOM The last time
quirements set by our Founding MULLEN a convention
Fathers. was brokered
And, of course, nobody doesn't was in 1952
like Sara Lee. when the Democrats pushed Ad-
Neither Mitt, nor Newt nor lai Stevenson into an impossible
Rick nor even Run seem to be able match against General Dwight
to capture a majority of the party Eisenhower.
faithful nor the momentum need- Pretty much everybody liked
ed to seal the deal with voters. Ike and that idea became the
greatest campaign slogan of all Democrat, is someone we can like. date.
time. Like Ike. What I'm saying here is corpo-
The trouble with the Republi- Sara Lee is an Illinois corpora- rations don't come with baggage
can Party is that it has become so tion so the Republicans would be so why stop with the president?
fractured that every time some- taking the fight directly to the Imagine an entire executive
one new is handed the football he/ president's home state, branch filled with the names we
she gets gang-tackled by his/her As a corporation she is sure to grew up with, the corporations we
own team. win the favor of business interests already love.
By the time the Grand Old and no Super Pac could compete Mr. Clean would make an ex-
Party has its nominee (Aug. 30 in with a true corporate candidate, cellent running mate for Sara, se-
Tampa) President Barack Obama Who better than Sara Lee to riously, he is the opposite of dirty.
will be in full re-election mode shed a contrast against the likes G.I. Joe was the first corpora-
which leaves Republicans just a of Hillary Clinton who once de- tion to pop into my head as Sec-
couple of months to rally behind meaned those women who stayedretary of Defense but after seeing
one candidate who can convince at home and baked cookies? his Super Bowl commercial (star-
that great silent majority'that it Corporations protect their im- ring the Rock and Bruce Willis!) I
is time for a change, ages better than any human can. was reminded of those Hollywood
And what we want from our Fidelity problems have been the
president, whether Republican or undoing of more than one candi- See Paper Boy on page A-5
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Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 23, 2012