February 23, 2012 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 23, 2012 |
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Letters satirical? He mentioned "I
always ... take the time to
Continued from page A-4 check with as many sources
as possible ..." Really?
Realtors Here's the reality the
press is not covering: In
2006 Congress passed the
Postal Accountability En-
hancement Act, mandat-
city, port
ing the U.S. Post Office to
pro-fund their retirement/
health benefits 75 years
Editor, the Journal into the future and this
The Mason County As-'
must be accomplished in a
sociation of Realtors would
mere 10 years. This cost the
like to encourage the City U.S.P.O. $5.5 billion annu-
of Shelton and the Port of ally and they have already
Shelton to continue their deposited $326 billion into
dialogue related to the Hall the U.S. Treasury. This is a
Equities/Shelton Hills Proj- manufactured problem cre-
oct. We are excited about ated by a Bush Congress.
the huge possibilities this If privatization occurs a
project brings to Shelton by greedy corporation will
way of jobs and revenue to
swoop in and clear out the
the city. We recognize that billions already deposited.
the Port of Shelton has val- And once again the taxpay-
id concerns relating to the ors shall be forced to pick
project and we want to urge up the cost for rural routes
all parties to keep thinking that will be eliminated
outside of the box and to because they're not cost-
work toward a solution that effective. Don't be fooled
stops the flow of taxpayer my friends, the U.S. Postal
money toward litigation. Service is one of the most
Shelton and Mason County solvent, if not only truly
need this project, solvent sector in the federal
government and the only
Kelly Zoldakone forced to save/pro-fund
Mason County 75 years into the future.
Association of Realtors Congress created this mess
Shelton.and with your help to raise
hell, Congress will have to
b [ take responsibility to right
A pro em this wrong. Contact Norm
with the ,ic, s 1.800_947_6676 and
let him know what you
think. Congress has put
Paper Boy
this issue on hold until
early March. Educate your-
self online at saveamerica-
Editor, the Journal: spostalservice.org or go to
I was astounded that
democracynow.org. Help
Mr. Mullen thinks the U.S. save more than 220,000
Postal Service is "on the
brink of collapse" because American jobs and your
"they don't have enough mail delivery service.
junk mail to deliver."
Petrina L. Walker
Hmmm was the "Paper Shelton
Boy" column supposed to be
replaced by Victoria's So-
Paper Boy cret. I've read countless is-
Continued from page A-4 sues of her magazine and
I still don't know what her
ties - and that's no good.
So I'm thinking General
Electric for SecD.
Seriously. The General seem like a natural Fed
already makes a lot of our Chief and events over the
jet engines and as an orig- past four years would lead
inal member of the Dow many to believe that cor-
Jones Industrial (1896) potation already runs the
who are you going to find Fed.
better connected to Wall A lot of people will prob-
Street? ably say this is nonsense,
Another old-timer, B.F. that it can't be done.
Goodrich would be a shoe- Those same people
in for Secretary of Trans- would tell you that we live
portation, in a Democracy where the
And Janet Napolitano person with the most votes
as the Director of' Home- is elected president.
land Security could be Hah!
By KEVAN MOORE total loss is $100,000, which in- and Fire Marshal Mike Patti used
kevan@masoncounty.con~ cludes the loss of the building, its the fire to remind area residents
contents and the travel traiIer as that gasoline is a flammable liq-
well as a Ford pickup truck that uid, as are the fumes that it pro-
Crews from Central Mason Fire was parked inside the garage, duces. Gasoline fumes are easily
& EMS were dispatched to a fully Officials said that the property ignited when exposed to a heat
involved structure fire Wednes- had not been connected to eleetri- source.
day, Feb. 15, in the Timberlakes cal service and the occupant was "Please be careful when re-fill-
community, using a portable generator to pro- ing gas tanks on portable equip-
Upon arrival, the incident com- vide power to the trailer, ment," Patti said.
mander found a one-car garage The occupant was apparently Central sent three engines, two
fully involved in fire. The fire ex- re-fueling the generator while tenders, one medic unit and three
tended to a small, older travel it was running and the gasolineofficers to respond to the blaze.
trailer parked within three feet of fumes ignited. Mason County Fire District 3 from
the burning garage. The estimated Central Mason Assistant Chief Grapeview also responded.
High LowPrec. corded for the Nationalwest southwest wind of 5 cent chance of showers
Feb. 15 45 24 .00 Weather Service at Sand- miles per hour. with a high of 45 and a
Feb. 16 43 32 .19 erson Field. Friday will be rainy low of 33.
Feb. 17 48 41 .53 Thursday should be with a high near 48, with Sunday has a chance
Feb. 18 45 39 .64 foggy before 10 a.m., and a calm wind between 6 of showers, but should be
Feb. 19 44 30 .03 partly sunny after thatand 9 miles per hour. partly sunny with a high
Feb. 20 ~ 44 32 .20 with a high near 49. Friday night will have of 45 and a low of 29.
Feb. 21 48 46 .08 On Thursday night a 100 percent chance ofMonday shouldbe part-
rain is likely after 4 a.m., rain with a low of 36. ly sunny with a high of 44
Measurements are re- with a low of 35 and a Saturday has a 50 per= and a low of 30.
Wall-raising ceremony at Habitat home No. 20
Habitat for Humanity of Mason : : ~ '~ : '~: :: ~ z~ :~ ;~ }:~:/~/;:::'/: z :/:~i!~:z/~ ' '~ :::/~: :;: :(
County officials are welcoming the ~ ~ ~~ il
public for the Wall-Raising Cer-
emony of the Morris family's future
home at 50 E. Park Drive, Shelton ~i:~ii ~::~ i~:fi~i~::~i~ ~t~t!lr~ ~
at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 25.
The raising of the first wall is an
important step in the homeowner-
ship process, organizers said, add- ~i ~:~Pa~ i::She
ing that they would love for commu-
nity members to join them for the ~i;(~~a~0n~2g
The Morris home is being built
through a partnership with Thri-
vent Financial for Lutherans and
their alliance titled Thrivent Builds
with Habitat for Humanity, which
provides 65 percent of the funding
for this home through a grant.
The three-bedroom, two-bath-
room home will be for the Morris
family, who have worked to get
simple, decent and affordable shel- together to improve the living con-
ter for people in need. Each of the ditions offamiliesin Mason County.
Habitat for Humanity homes are Since 1996, Mason County Habi-
built and certified to EnergyStar of- tat has worked with 42 families in
ficiency standards, building or rehabilitating homes.
For more information on how Thrivent Builds with Habitat for
you can be a potential Habitat horn- Humanity is a multi-year, multi-
eowner, volunteer, or support Habi- million-dollar volunteer and advo-
secret is so you know she's tat for Humanity of Mason County cacy partnership between Thriven~
good. through the application process, in- call the office at 426-8134 or visit Financial for Lutherans and Habi-
J. P. Morgan would eluding: meetin~ income and credit the website at~ www.habitatmason- tat for Humanity International. As
.... guidefines aridworking on C0m-: wm0rg: ' ....... a not-for-profit," faith-based mem-
pleting 400 l{o{lrs of "sweat equity" Habitat for Humanity of Mason bership organization, Thrivent Fi-
needed before they can move into County is a faith-based housingnancial for Lutherans, through its
the home. ministry partnering with the corn- 2.5 million members, multiplies the
The family will be on-site work- munity to improve, maintain andimpact of Habitat for Humanity by
ing on these hours, meeting volun- build affordable quality housing for providing resources of volunteer
teers, and learning skills that will those in need. time and talent, as well as financial
help them when they become hom- By engaging the entire commu- contributions.
eowners, nity, we offer programs for people in Thrivent Financial is the larg-
Once the house is finished, the need of affordable home-ownership est non-government sponsors for
family will buy the home from Habi- opportunities and programs for cur- Habitat for Humanity. Thrivent
tat for no profit, with a zero percent rent homeowners seeking to pre-recognizes that owning a home is a
interest loan. This home is part of serve their homes, family's largest financial asset, and
an effort to support Habitat for Hu- Through partnerships with fami-a key building block for economic in-
manity with its goal of providing, lies, volunteers and donors, we work dependence.
Sheriff - Casey Salisbury
Date: February 2!, 2012 Prepared by':
Detective William
Bulletin#: 12-02
The Masou County Sherifl"s Office is releasing the following flfformation pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 ~md the Washingtoo State Supreme
Courl decision in ~. which authorizes law en/iwcenleta agencies to mlbrm the public ola sex oflbnders release when; in the
discretion or'the agency, Ille release of inRmnadon will enhance public salbty and protection. The individual who appears on this notificatign
has been comicted of a sex ol!~nse tbat requires registralion vdth the Sheriff's t)['ficc m the cotttRy oJ their residence. Furthe[; their previoos
criminal bislory places them ill a classification le,,el which rel~iects lhe potential to re-ofl~:nd, l'his sex ofl~nder has served the sentence
imposed on him by' the courts and has advised the Mason Counly Sheriff's Office that he will be living in the location below. HE IS NOT
IS OIJR BELIEF THA'I' AN INFORMED PUBIJC IS ,4 SAFER PIJ BLI(, The Mason ('aunty Sheriff's Office has nu legal authority to
direct where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless court ordered resa-ictions exist, this offender is collstinaionally free to live vdlerever
be chooses. Sex olIk'nders have ahvays li{ed in our communities, but it wasnt uldil passage of the Connnunit}, [ rotection Act o[" 1990
(~vhich mandate.* sex offender r~gl~slraliotl) that la~ enl~3rcelllenl even kne'¢~ where they were living. In illany eases, law enforcenlent is nOW
able to share thai taft)relation with you. Citizen abuse of this intbrmalion to threaten, intinlidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be
tolerated. Further, such abuse could potentially end la~', enRircement's abilily to do community nodlications. We believe the only person
who wins if community notifica|km ends is the sex offender, since sex ofl~nders derive their po',~,er through secrecy.
If you bare nuy intormatiou remtrdiae current criminal activity of this or any other offender, nlease call 911.
For other sex oflbnder information, hj~:l/st~.ct~.masonoWa,us/and
go to:{{ :: {{~
WHITE MALE - DOB: 08110/82
t t~
Ronald BOTKIN has recently been released from the Stallbrd Creek
CmTections Center and moved to Mason County. He is required to
register as a sex offender due to muhiple sex crime convictions. On
06./25/1996, BOTKIN was convicted of three counts of Rape of a
Child I'* Degree, Mason Couuty Superior Court eanse number
96-8-00136-3. ~ll~is cmrviction stems flora BOTK1N at age 13,
sexually assaulting as many as five children, both boys and girls over
at least a two year period of time. On 03/01/2003, BOTKIN was
charged with Cbild Molestation 1st and Cmnmunication with a Minor
for Immoral Purposes, but the charges were dismissed. On
05/01/2003, BOTKIN was charged with 4 counts of Luring, but the
charges were dismissed. On 10/16/2007, BOTKIN was convicted of
among other things, Possession of Child Pornography, Cyber-
Stalkhrg, Harassment and Failing To Register as a Sex Offende~
Thnrston Connly Superior Courl canse nnmber 07-1-01336-2. This
conviction stems from BOTKIN at age 25, living un-registered in
Thurston County, possessing child pornography and sendiug
harassing emails to a knowu woman. Due to these factors, he is
considered a level 3, which is a HIGH RISK and is on Department
of Corrections supervision. BOTKIN is assessed by the Mason
County Sheriff's Office as a '~ "~ ' ' . This is the
highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that this registered sex
offender is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend.
BOTKIN has given his residence within Mason County as:
Within the 200 block of S. 12 Street, Shelton, WA
Sheriff - Casey Salisbury
Date: February 21, 2012 Prepared by:
Detective William
Bulletin#: 12-03
"l'he Mason County SherifFs Office is releasing the tbllowing inlbrmation pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington State Snpreme
Conrt decision in ~, whicb anthurizes law enforcement agencies to intbrm tile public of a sex of['enders release Whell; ill the
discretion of the agency, tim release of intbrmation will mthance public safety and protection. The iudividual who appears on this notificatitm
has been convicted of a sex offeuse that requires registration with the Sheriff's Office in the county of their residence. Further, theh previous
criminal history places them in a classification level which reflects the potential to re-offend. This sex offender has sel;'ed the sentence
imposed no him by the couris and has axlvised the Mason County Sheriff's Office that he will be living in the location below. H E IS
lS OUR BELIEF THAT AN INFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Sheriff's Office has no legal authorib~ to
direct where a sex offender may or may not live. Unless court ordered restrictious exist, this offender is constitutionally free to live wherever
J t
he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our con:tmunities, but it wasn't until passage of the Conunuuity [ rotection Act of 19 ;0
(whk'h mandates sex qff&uler registration) that law enforcement even kuew where they were living. In many cases, law enlbrcelnent is no;,,'
able to shark that iulbm~ation with you. Citizen abuse of this intbrmation to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be
Ioleratcd, Furlher, such abase could potentially end law cuforcement's ability to do commtmity nolifications; We believe lbe only person
who wins if communily notification cuds is the sex oflbnder, since sex offcuders derive their power through secrecy,
If you have nay infarmnfion regarding current criminal aetivilv of this or any other offender. 91ease ear 911.
For other sex offender information, ~ mason wa us~ and go
WHITE MALE - DaB: 05/14/70
Ryan ROSE has recently been released from the Monroe Corrections
Center and has registered as Transient/Homeless within Mason Couoty.
He is required to register as a sex offender due to multiple convictions.
On 05/09/1996, ROSE was convicted of Promoting Prostitution 2"d
Degree, Whatcom County Superior Court cause number 95-1-00693-3.
This conviction stems from ROSE at age 26, introducing an undercover
Officer to four women, three of whom he said worked for bim as
prostitutes, discussed prices of sex acts and then arranged to have two
of the women work as prostitutes. The arrests were made after the
women were provided money attd began to disrobe. On 01/31/2011,
ROSE was convicted of Assault 3ra with Sexual Motivation. This
conviction stems from ROSE at age 40, sexually assaulting a woman
whom he had invited to his residence and to whom he provided drugs.
He was odginally charged with Rape 2''~ Degree. Due to these factors,
he is considered a level 1, which is a low risk, but due m his Transient/
Horaeless status, ROSE is a level 3, which is a HIGH RISK.
ROSE is on I)epartment of Corrections supervision.
ROSE is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a Levet 3
~due to being transient. This is the highest level given to
a Sex Offender, meaning that flits registered sex offeuder is at a H IGH
RISK to re-offend.
ROSE has eiven his status within Mason County as:
Transient/Homeless within Shelton, WA
Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, February 23,2012 - Page A-5