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Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
Junior Vanessa Gilbert, who plays saxophone and oboe, earned a
"superior" rating and a spot as a first alternate in the statewide Washington
Music Educators Association's solo and ensemble festival.
High School band
students at contest
By NATALIE JOHNSON Senior Jake Juhl and junior Vanessa Gil-
natalie~qnasoncounty.com bert earned "superior" ratings for solo per-
formances on alto saxophone at the contest,
They were named first alternates to the
The Shelton High School (SHS) band state WMEA solo and ensemble contest.
sent 19 students to the Washington Music "It's a really, really cool competition," G il-
Educator's Association (WMEA) Chinook bert said. "Performing is very interesting
regional solo and ensemble festival on Sat- because you get direct feedback."
urday, Jan. 28, at Timberline High School Leonard, Juhl, Gilbert and junior Sabrina
in Lacey. McGlothlin were also named first alternates
Nine came back to Shelton as first alter/ for their saxophone quartet.
hates to the statewide WMEA contest. A percussion quintet including senior
"It's a lot of fun, it's really fun to watch Brandon Zappia, junior Nathan Chapman,
them realize, 'Hey, I'm pretty good ... I'm senior Keenan Bevins, junior Josh Craig
going to try to achieve beyond the average and junior Russell Pisciotta also earned a
student,' " SHS band director Roger Break- spot as a first alternate to the state contest.
field said. The SHS Jazz Band also earned a "supe-
Breakfield started at SHS in fall 2011 riot" rating at the WMEAregionaljazz band
after spending time working at a private festival on Feb. 9 at Black Hills High School.
school in London. On March 20-21, the entire SHS concert
'~rhis is the most participation we've had band will go to a regional contest fbr full
from Shelton in a really long time," he said. high school bands.
In 2011, the school sent four students to Breakfield said he expects more students
the regional competition, will participate in the solo and ensemble
The contest is competitive, Breakfield contest in the future.
said, but also serves to introduce students "I think there's a lot more potential for
to solo and ensemble performing. It can also solo/ensemble work," he said. "There's kids
boost their self-esteem, already working on next year's music°"
"Quite a few of them were rookies -- first- For the ensemble Contest, small groups of
timers. Some of them were quite scared," students can pick their own music, as long
he said. "It was nice to see them gain confi- as it falls under a general category of"West-
dence through the day." ern art music," Breakfield said.
"It's also really exciting to see your "It',s fun to work with your friends on
scores," said SHS junior Zack Leonard, who something you're really passionate about
plays alto saxophone and French horn. and want to excel at," Leonard said.
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Shelton,Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 23, 2012
Senior Brandon Zappia, who plays a variety of percussion instruments,
earned a spot at the Washington Music Educators Association's solo and
ensemble contest.