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February 23, 2012 |
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Journal photo by Emily Hanson
The Mary M. Knight boys' basketball team holds up its trophy after winning the District IV Boys Basketball Championship on Monday, Feb. 20.
MMK Boys
"It was the best team moment,
Continued from page C-1 the best i've ever seen us
added 13 while junior Kyle Willey
put up 10 and senior Sean Sexton ~[I,~m tl
scored seven.
Johnson said the team is excited
to be the district champions for the played with very good defense." Sexton said the team passed the
first time in school history and added The first quarter was a close one ball very well against Columbia Ad-
that they can't wait to win state, for the Knight Owls as they went into ventist.
"I think we have a pretty good the second quarter down 12-14. They "It was the best team moment,
chance at state if we play like we outscored Columbia Adventist 21-15 the best I've ever seen us play," he
have been," Johnson said. "We need in the second quarter and then held added.
to take our time passing, though. If them to five points in the third quar- The Knight Owls are set to be-
we lo0k a second longer tLhan we do, ter while scoring another 15. In the gin the 2012 1B Boy~' Basketball
we'll get it to our guy. I think if we fourth quarter, the Knight Owls se- Regional Tournamen~ :~this week-
can conquer that, we should be pret- cured their victory, outscoring their end. Their first game is against Mt.
ty good." opponent 18-9. Rainier Christian at 8 p.m., Friday,
Prior to their title-earning victory Sexton led the team with 28 points Feb. 24, at Timberline High School
over Taholah, the Knight Owls de- and 15 rebounds while Johnson put in Lacey.
feated Columbia Adventist 66-44 on up 15, Willey scored eight and Dier- Diggle said Mt. Rainier Christian
Saturday, Feb. 18, at Montesano.kop added seven, is virtually unknown to him.
"We just played mediocre the first "We played very well," Sexton "I'm sure we'll be getting tapes
half, feeling them out," Diggle said. said. "Our team didn't take any time and information this week," he add-
"In the second half, we knew what we to start playing and just came out ed. "The guys have got to come stop
wanted to do and we did it. The boys taking over." us from doing what we do."
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Page C-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, February 23, 2012