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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 23, 2023     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 23, 2023
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page 36 — Shelton-Mason County Journal Thursday, Feb. 23, 2023 Classifieds ACTIVITIES ATTENTION HAM Radio Operators! The MC—ARC Is hosting the MC-ARES daily Weather Net at 0800 on their N7SK meter. re- peater. AII hams are en- couraged to check in. See details at: https://mc—arc. org/ or Tom Dennis at KA— (D 2/2-2/23) BRIDES...SUMMER dates are filling up fast! Plan your weddings and receptions~ for up to 350 guests. The Pavilion Event Center, 360- 764-0710. (8 tfn 2/2) APRIL 1, 2023 — No fooling. Annual Spring Bazaar at the Senior Center/Pavilion, 10 AM — 3PM. Vendors, lunch and fun. 190 W. Sentry Dr., Shelton, (360) 426-7374. (8 1/12—03/30) BAZAARS APRIL 1, — No fooling. Annual Spring Bazaar at the Senior Center/Pavilion, 10 AM - 3PM. Vendors, lunch and fun. 190 W. Sentry Dr., Shelton, (360) 426-7374. (S 1/12-03/30) CARS/TRUCKS FOR SALE CARS $1,995 and up, Sun Auto Sales. Large selection of low priced cars, thcks, vans, SUVs. Cash priced to sell. From Sheiton, take State Route 3 E. towards Belfair. Located at 5961 E. State Route 3, Shelton. Call 360—426-2907. (8 tfn) COMPUTERS COMPUTER SERVICE at your door and more. Dave’s Computer Service 360— 898—3800. No travel fees, free estimate (D tfn) consmutmon J'.E. FRY INC. Remodels, additions decks. Jackson Fry Cell 360-229-2216 jefryinc182@gmai|.com; licenced and bonded— JE— FRYEF823JB (J tfn) EDUCATION LOOKING FOR quality and stability for your children? Shelton Valley Christian School provides Kindergar» ten 8th grade education. Strong STEAM program. Small class sizes. Afford- able excellence. Enroll- ing now for next year. See ‘ website sheitonvalleychris— tianschoolorg for details or ‘ Call (360) 426—4198. (3 tfn) EVENTS APRIL 1, 2023 - No fooling. Leaf YOUR ENTIRE PURCHASE 3 CALL us TODAYFOR K A FREE ESTIMATE .BACKED BY A YEAR-ROUND 'CLOGJ’REE GUARANTEE I 1 O rm GUTTER ALIGNMENT v OFF rm GUTTER ‘ SENIORS 81 MILITARY! PTOI'IIO Number: 235 Mon-Thurs: 8am»11pm. Fri'Sat: Barn-59m, AW“. Sun? 111-8 mESI ‘l-IAFHOME p 9 'FM mos: mo quarry. 011: mm per mm no obligation ashram ma for I year. “one: vane at'nme 01 minute wry. 21m mum; (Oflsumcl reporting Anna/tonun a 11. month Dumper mi 0131mm guards In (OIO and rerogmzml mammal-cs the 11 rated prommnany trwtted gtuev'guam system m America Manufactured Platrmeil, Michigan and processed at LMI Matter Group 1110M: Ste Heprwruabve for mu mme was napalm 03115920922 (sun 11735795 Hegtxtranomr mr. 0649915 Ircenseh racomm 1,10th m 51504 My 15113001101 mum Hansel! 959w gum mt cums» 512.19» 1mm 2101212931. bee/15M 261000012 muse» 262000403 mental amtmuew warm 1225 fiegrstraborw new Imrm42313flkegrstlam 151731304 mam sous rimmed m9: nmsxraumc imam; Regumuovw mar 14 1.1mm 2132a Aquatic» 9mm Lumen «334 trans»: 7656 DOPL 1117153652 5501 mange» 4233301112115“ 2706169M'1luemxtifimwazzlztkmse» W12 Annual Spring Bazaar at the Senior Center/Pavilion, AM — 3PM. Vendors, lunch and fun. 190 W. Sentry Dr., Shelton, (360) 426—7374. (S 1/12—03/30) FOR RENT 2—BD, 2-BA Home in Grapeview with reduced rent of $300.00 per mo. for a caretaker to perform du- ties. No smokers. No pets. (360) 275—4127. (P 2/9— 3/20) FOR SALE ————.—— —_———__. gbclmn'illawu County 7011111 PHOTO / LOGO Classi- fied Special: $15 extra for a photo or logo above your ad when you buy 4 weeks. Call (360) 426—4412 to- day to get your ad noticed by thousands of readers! Deadline: 5:00 pm. Mon— day. (J tfn) HOUSEPLANTS MORE The Shelton Plant Shop (360) 229-5203, S. 3rd Street, Shelton WA 98584 www.TheSheltonPlant—, email theshel- tonplantshop© Find us on facebook, Insta- gram & TrkTok (S —tfn) GARAGE SALES ‘ RUMMAGESALE, Matlock Grange, March 4th &45th 9 AM 4 PM. Table-rental is $10. (860) 581-0713. Ace Cepting' donations. (B 3/2) ADVERTISE YOUR garage sale here. Include location, hours, highlights. 20 words $15, 35 cents per extra word. Call (360) 426-4412 or visit www.masoncounty. com. (J tfn) HELP WANTED JOIN OUR team at Ma- son Health! Mason Health is seeking a collabora— tive and creative. part—time Event Coordinator. Mason was established in 1968 and since that time it has experienced tremendous growth and success and In 2023. Mason Health will celebrate 55 years of serving our patients and community. Mason Health is recognized for its Mis- sion of United Commu- nity, Empowered People, Exceptional Health. The Event Coordinator reports to the Chief Development Communication Officer and is responsible for ad- ministrative and fundraising aspects of special events and support of the philan- thropic efforts for Mason Health and Mason General CLIANING" 1-888-360—1582 Hospital Foundation. The Event Coordinator is a self— starter, who flourishes in a fast-paced environment with a high degree of own— ership, accountability, and role clarity. The ideal can— didate will come to Mason Health with impeccable writing, volunteer meeting facilitation skills and be ad— ept at communicating with diverse constituent groups. The Event Coordinator must be well-organized and a team player with a high level of work integrity and ethical standards. Some weekend and evening work will be required. To apply or learn more, visit our web- site at www.masongeneral. com and visit the Careers section of our website! (M 2/23-3/9) COMMUNITY SERVICE Officer Jail Setting; Es— tablishment of Continu— ous Eligibility List with the Mason County Shenff’s Office $3,432 to $4.567/ month. Please visit our website at: httpszl/mason-—service/ jobsfinélexphp for employ- ment application or Mason County Human Resources, 423 N 5th St, Shelton, WA, or phone 360-427-9670, ext. 268. (M 2/16—2/23) ENTRY LEVEL Corrections Deputy — Establishment of Continuous EIigibility List with the Mason County Sheriff’s Office $4,757 to $5,783/month. Please visit our website at: https:// service/jobsfindexphp for employment application or Mason County Human Resources, 423 N 5th St, Shelton, WA, or phone 360427-9670, ext. 268. (M 2/16-2/23) SUPPORT SPECIALIST — Establishment of Continu— ous Eligibility List with the Mason County Sheriff's Office $3,517 to $4,892/ month. Please visit our website at: https://mason——service/ jobs/indexphp for employ- ment application or Mason County Human Resources, 423 N 5th St, Shelton, WA, or phone 360-427—9670, ext. 268. (M 2/16-2/23) TAXI DRIVERS wanted! Part-time, days evenings; day shifts are Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays; evening shifts vary. Must be age 25+ for insurance pur- poses. Please call Mason County Taxi (360) 426- +TAXI or (360) 490-4212. (M 2/9-3/2) LANDSCAPING GROWING LANDSCAP- ING for Lawn Maintenance, Brush Clearing, Hauling, Bark, Tree Services, Re- taining Walls, Roof Gutter Cleaning, Moss Removal, Decks Fences. Domingo 360-972-8920 (G tfn) ZJ’s LANDSCAPING, Con— struction Tree Service LLC, Residential, commer- cial, free estimates. Brush clearing, edging, thatch— ing, hauling, lawn mowing, drainage, weeding, brick laying, moss removal, paint— ing, firewood, gutters roof cleaning, pressure wash- ing, fencing, snow removal, concrete pouring, sprinkier systems, construction, retaining walls, land clear- ing, remodeling, excavat- ing. Licensed, bonded, in— sured. General contractor #ZJLADLK848DC Find us on Facebook and Google+ free estimates, call or text, references available. Zacharias 360—463-4834. zj.yardmaintenance@ also, check out website:https://www.zjlser— (Z tfn) LOST FOUND FOUND DOG, small Shep- herd coloring, found on Northcliff on Saturday. Looking for home. Please call and describe (360) 868- 2381. (C 2/23) LOST IT? Found it? Call (360) 426-4412 for an af— fordable listing here. Did you know the Journal will run found pet listings for free? It's true! (J tfn) MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISE WEE with a classified Iist~ ing or $1,600 for a display ad. Call this newspaper at 360-426-4412 or4WNPA at (360) 344—2938 for details. (Wifn) ARE YOU BEHIND $10k or more on your taxes? Stop wage & bank levies, liens audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, 81 resolve tax debt FAST. Call 866-973- 1302 (Hours: Mon—Fri 7am— 5pm) (W tfn) DONATE YOUR car to charity. Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details, 855-635—4229. (W tfn) ELIMINATE GUTTER cleaning forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris— blocking gutter protection. Schedule a Free LeafFilter estimate today. 20% off Entire Purchase. 10% Se- nior & Military Discounts. Call 1-888—360-1582. (W tfn) PREPARE FOR power out- ages today with a Generac home standby genera- tor. $0 money down low monthly payment options. Prepare for unexpected power outages with a Generac home standby generator REQUEST A FREE QUOTE! 888-674;?053 1 Warranty" 7 AUSTRALIAN Request a Free Quote. Call now before the next power outage: 1—888—674—7053. <th) MUSIC LIVE CELLO solos make your event special. From Bach to the Beatles. Ideal for weddings, receptions, celebrations of life, holiday parties etc.- Reasonable rates, call Dave (360) 490- 4695. (P tfn) ORGANIZATIONS MASONS, GUESTS: Union City Lodge #27 F. A.M. meets across the street from the Lucky Dog Ca- sino, North of Shelton at US Hwy. 101, on the 2nd Thursday of each month. Dinner 6:30, Lodge 7:30. (June, 1st Thursday.) Sojourners welcome! Email (U tfn) PETS FOUND DOG, small Shep- herd coloring, found on Northcliff on Saturday. Looking for home. Please call and describe (360) 868— . (C 2/23) SWEETHEART TABBIES looking for a loving home. Tabitha and Tibby are litter— mates, rescued, 3 months - vaccinated and fixed. Brother outgoing, sister shy. (360) 878-5756 (T 2/9) PETS FOR SALE MINIATURE SCHNAUZER puppies, males, 1 fe— " male, white w/blue eyes, 1 black silver parti w/ brown eyes, and salt pepper parti w/brown eyes, 5 weeks old. Call 707-738- 7040. (Y 2/9-2/23) SHEP— HERD puppies: females, males. Red and black tri’s,~some with blue eyes. 181 shots, de-wonned 9 weeks; $900.00 ea. (206) 422—4727. (L 2/2-2/23) GOLDENDOODLE PUP- PIES: Standard F2B weeks old. Vet check, shots, worming and health guarantee. Call of text for more info and pictures. (253) 318—4442. (M 2/2- 2/23) AKC GERMAN SHEP- HERD pups, dad is a Ger- man import police canine. Puppies come with a health guarantee. (707) 631 9985. (M 2/2—2/23) Washington lmuact atls get results! a 31113115116113sz if 1 I SHIH—TZU POODLES, 9 weeks old, vaccinated, ready for forever homes; 1 female, 5 males. $800.00 each. (360) 250—3043. (W 1/19—1-2/16) PET SERVICES PYR HOPE Farm dog day— care, lodging park. Invest in your pets’ health and wellness. Dog daycare, dog lodging, dog park. (360) 482—3225, pyrhope—, 440 W. Bulb' Farm Rd., Shelton (P tfn) :1; tacenrtw’at1~4’ ‘ ; sent ,, ages better; HUD stiirsidized, centretled access.‘igardén ;‘ $9111 -. E'doWntoWh Shopping} 50-4 639113 ADD YELLOW highlight to your ad. Get noticed for only $20 more. gittheSIieItdn-Mason County Journal 3604264412 ADVEi-‘ITISING REACH THOUSANDS andythousands of local readers per week. 20 words pr less: $15 for the 1st week, 35 cents per additionaI word. Dead- line: Monday5 PM. Email cIassIfieds@masoncoun- or call the Journal 8AM-5PM Monday-Thursday at 360-426-4412. SPECIAL! Buy weeks, 4th Week is Free! (J tfn) Reach 8 Million Readers Festivals, Fairs, car shows, resorts and golf courses love the results they get! Inquire at this newsmtwr (II‘ call 36113112938 21115071111173. as 71 ~