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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 24, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 24, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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t at 8: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Presents By Barb is a Bereavement Counselor with Providence Sound-HomeCare and Hospice. She has worked with families and friends after a death. She will discuss how to support and understand each other through the grief process. Continental Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. Class from 9-10 a.m. /s/nv/ Breakfast and presentation at Alpine Way Retirement Apartments 900 W. Alpine Way, Shelton Call 360-426-2600 ask for Beth or Kathy RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ASSISTED LIVING AND ALZHEIMER'S SPECIAL CARE 900 West Alpine Way • Shelton, WA 98584 ~i i~iii~:i%ii!i.iiii/ i!ii~¸ iii~i~: :ii! : ~i~!i~i:i~i~i~iii~!i~!!~ii~iii~ii!i!~!ii~!~i~i~ii~i~iii~iiiii~!~i~iii~i~i~~ the reader i i ~i~ i~i~ii~ii~i~ii!ii!~ i i iliii !i !i i iii!iiii~!i:iiiii!ii~iiii~i~I : i i~i~i~i~!!~i~i~ii!i~i~i~i~i:iiii¸ By NATALIE JOHNSON According to community members, com- munication may be the key to conserving Mason County in the long run. The Mason Conservation District held a public meeting Thursday to discuss their next long-range plan, a strategy for ad- dressing conservation in the county that is updated every five years. "Our work plans evolve from community needs," Mason Conservation District's man- ager John Bolender said. "Our focus in the past few years has expanded from agricul- tural issues ... because land-use patterns have changed dramatically." Community members in attendance in- cluded representatives from the conserva- tion district, the Squaxin Island tribe, pub- lic utility districts, the Department of Ecol- ogy, Green Diamond Resource Company, Taylor Shellfish and other organizations as well as private landowners and farmers. After a short presentation from Bolender, community members in attendance were in- vited to weigh in on new district priorities for the next five years. "What are the primary natural resource concerns that people have?" Bolender asked. "This is just an open forum for you to tell us what we need to focus on." Many people commented on the need for better communication between landowners, possible volunteers and the conservation district. Some suggested creating chatrooms so local landowners can communicate with each other about conservation strategies. Others, like Mall and Alarm Krivor from Skokomish Farms, Inc., commended the district for its efforts to restore ripar- ian areas by removing invasive species like blackberry bushes, but were concerned that when the bushes inevitably grew back, all the effort would be wasted. They also expressed concern that such invasive non-native bushes were working to keep the riverbanks along the Skokomish together during flood events. "It's not that there's a flaw in the process, it's a process," Bolender said "It can take "it's not that there's a flaw in the process, it's a process. it can three to fi years to get any ki native back to a state where it can and shellfish. "I think we all need to look as a commu- nity for how to fill that need," she said. Some people suggested creating more volunteer opportunities. Others said that the district needed to advertise their abil- ity to provide technical assistsance and help homeowners more. Bolender said that even with minimal advertising, the district is at or over its ca- pacity for projects. 'Tee're keeping up with the demand we have now," he said. "We're in a marketplace where the resources to respond to demands are diminishing." Overall, the comments trended toward I three to five years to get any kind of native a need for more communication, Bolender i plant back to a state where it can hold it's said.I own." "The question I take away from this is: Bolender discussed how stormwater 'How do we better integrate our communi- management has been a major focus of the ties?" he said. current long-range plan. He also mentioned While the district is only required to ap: the progress the district helped make on the prove a new long-term plan every five years, Skokomish River estuary restoration. Bolender said that the plan should be fluid "It was the second or third largest estu- and change with the needs of the area. ary project in the area," he said. "This proj- "We approved our last long-range plan a ect is rapidly approaching 1,000 acres, its little less than five years ago ... we haven't enormous." gone back to the public frequently enough," Community members also discussed how Bolender said. the increasing number of hobby farms in the The district plans to approve its updat- area have contributed to water quality and ed long-range plan on March 17, Bolender runoff issues. Contaminants in runoff often said. The district will continue to accept end up in Oakland Bay, and affect shellfish comments and suggestions from the public. production. To comment, contact John Bolender at Diane Cooper, from Taylor Shellfish,, or by phone at commented on how different organizations 427-9436. Comments can also be mailed to and landowners need a way to work togeth- the Mason Conservation District at 450 W. er to preserve the health of the environment Business Park Rd., Shelton, WA, 98584. Example: WASHER AND dryer, Maytag, 2 years old, like new, $300 each or $500/pair. Must sell before move. Call 360-555-2184, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. i iii iiiiii!ii!iiii ii! P.O. Box 430 • Shelton, Washington 98584 • 360-426-4412 CLASSIFIED ORDER FORM i!ilili!!ii!!iiiii~ii!iii~ !ii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i,i,!,i i i~i,i:i:i:i~::i:i:i~i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil !i!ii!iiiii i ili!iiiiiiiiil iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiil Name Add~ss PHONF Card # DEADLINE: 5 P.M. MONDAY Just fill in this easy-to-use order form and then mail to: Shelton-Mason County Journal, Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. 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