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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 24, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 24, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Snow news isn't good news Residents of Western Washington are not known for their superb winter driving skills and a light dusting of snow has been known to cancel school days and close banks. Probably because Western Washington rarely experiences severe snow storms and icy conditions, road crews are unable to keep our genfl~ roads as safe as they might want to. But none . yourwheeI~:start ~lock up, of this is new information. So, help keep the roads safe this week. If you .............................. don't feel comfortable driving in slick condi- tions, then don't. If you have to get somewhere follow these tips provided by the Weather ..... Channel for driving in icy conditions: !i i 'i f= LETTERSTOTH E E DITi )R Local color Editor, the Journal We live about seven miles up by Lake Cushman. At 9 a.m. on February 19, there were four inches of snow in the yard. The future be- comes even more uncertain as the level of our lake will not come up this year. As usual we are forgotten by Olympia till summer begins and then we will see what happens when the rich folk with summer places com- plain. We are the northern- most part of Mason County and we aren't on the North Mason maps. The last ver- sion had our development (Division 1) on it, but not the other two down the road. This year's incarna- tion stops at about 4 miles as we continue to fade from everything but the property tax records. I have to un- plug our own culverts etc. or lose our road. To resurface, they spray thick oil on the crumbling pavement and sprinkle with gravel. I had to wash the" sign pointing up to Cushman myself; it was so green with slime you couldn't read it. The high- way department did help me out by taking my sign for my store I spent $200 on it. We are the prettiest part of Mason County. We cotild and should be using our parks and adding to them instead of cutting back more. You can safely bike around the Olympic Penin- sula on Highway 101 until you get to Mason County. You can safely walk across the Olympic Mountains from west to east. But, if you try to walk to Hood- sport from the Staircase you may have to jump for your life just after mile markers four and five. Pedestrian and bike lanes on Highway 101 and 119 would allow safe use and attract more foreign tourism. Another question about the world, why do the ac- tual owners of our property up in Lake Cushman basi- cally charge us rent (lease fees) as we pay their prop- erty taxes for them. Now that is what I call income property. Pretty sweet gig eh? David Beers Hoodsport Thank you County for your help Editor, the Journal We wish to thank all the citizens, students and staff for the great support and service you have giv- en to the Shelton schools. We are especially grateful these past several months for your help in preparing for and passing the school levy. Unfortunately, the state doesn't fully fund our schools and it is only through the support of the community that we are able to do so. We know that these are economically dif- ficult times and don't take lightly our responsibility to use the money we have been given wisely. Our objective is to provide the most effec- tive education possible to all our students so they can live successful lives. We also want to thank you for your input in help- ing us prepare for our su- perintendent search and for participating in the in- terview and vetting process of the top four candidates. It was a vigorous and time consuming process but well worth it. We feel the final four candidates were all well qualified making our decision most difficult. We look forward to your contin- ued support of the Shelton School District and our new superintendent. Working together can we make our schools even better. Thanks again. You all help to make Shelton the place to live and work. The Shelton School Board Sue McCausland, President Kudos to Mason County Editor, the Journal Kudos to Mason County. It was my pleasure and de- light recently to tour the new facilities that house the Sheriffs Department. It was indeed a voyage from the abysmal to the renais- sance. Now, there is ample space to perform required duties. There is designated space for specific purpos- es: registration, state-of- the-art filing and records systems, state-of-the-art technical room, offices for management, fitness room, communications center, interrogations rooms, etc. There are windows provid- ing a panoramic view not one dirty window facing an outside wall. It is aestheti- cally pleasing. It is clean. It is secure. There is ample parking and easy access to the building. It is indeed a facility of pride. See for yourself. Now, there needs to be a mandate to restore ad- equate staffing to provide the services necessary to not only ensure safety of the deputies, but to provide for the protection, safety and assistance to Mason County residents. This is a testimony of what can be done with involvement. Complacency and apathy is defeatist. Either you stand up for something or you fall for anything. Stand up and be counted. Jean A. Gall Belfair Short sighted- Editor, the Journal It seemed a little short sighted for the Journal in its half-page salute to the Green Diamond Resource Company's truly remark- able accomplishments and awards without explain- ing that Green Diamond is, to many, a new name and business structure, now a part of Simpson Timber's local forestry history, stem- ming from the 19th century beginning. The name Simpson has evolved from the Simpson Logging Co., through the Timber Co. and beyond, into today's Simpson In- vestment Company, by the continuing Simpson/Reed heirs and associates. And, it would have seemed fitting if each of those good-looking people in the photo had been hon- ored with a name. Robert Holt Union ,i m ,i i i I ] t Shelton-Mason County USPS 492-800 She~ton-Mason County Journal is a member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Shaiton-Mason SUBSCRIPTION RATES: County Journal, P.O. Box 430, Shelton, WA 98584. $37 per year for Mason County addresses, Published weekly by Shelton-Mason County Journal, Inc. $51 per year in state of Washington but outside at 227 West Cota Street, Shelton, Washington Mason County, $61 per year out of state. Mailing address: RO. Box 430, Shelton,.WA 98584 ; Tai~one (360) Ow~ and published by Periodicals postage paid at Shelton, Washington She#on-Mason County Journal, Inc ,i Advertising: Composing room: Dave Pierik, advertising manager William Adams, graphics Harvey Morris ad representative Gaylene Wiseman, paginator Mat Taylor, ad representativeKoleen Wood, classifieds/legals Front office: Becky Corrr, typing Donna Kinnaird, bookkeeper Pressroom: Rick Kennedy, publisher Newsroom: Jesse Mullen, editor Kevan Moore, news editor Dean Siemon, sports Aria Shephard, North Mason, environment, reporter Natalie Johnson, reporter Margot Brand, circulation Kelly Riordan, productionmanager Cricket Carter, mailroom supervisor Travis Miller press operator Page A-4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 !