February 24, 2011 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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February 24, 2011 |
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What is your favorite mythological creature and
Dave Phillips
"Minotaur - because it's the
biggest, scariest one."
"The Loch Ness monster.
I like water and sea crea-
Ariane Paysse
"A unicorn because it re-
minds me of my childhood."
Shawna Cooper
"A beast from 'Beauty and
the Beast.' It reminds me of
my childhood. He got cute
after a while."
macies to collect controlled reason to compound the plan brings to mind our
substances but it does notproblem with the 33 rail- recent ballot in Mason
n ti n
create or fund actual take- lion containers of unwant- County on schools ... why
reven_.n back programs. The drug ed medications in Wash- werent the school issues
c an-e., manufacturers feel doc- ington eachyear, included in the November
tors or insurance compa- Learn moreatwww.take- ballot three months ago?
hies should foot the bill but backyourmeds.org. Make Wouldn't that have saved
Editor, the Journal since many medications a call or send an email to money? Is there a little pol-
are over-the-counter, this your legislators to let them itics involved here?
State legislators have does not make sense, know we need this impor- Val Reineman
the opportunity to vote .yes The statistics are alarm-taut program for our public Shelton
next week on SSB5234, ing. In 2009, three-fifths health, public safety and
which would provide man-
ufacturer-funded, state-
wide medicine return pro-
grams for residents. There
is no cost to the govern-
ment. A similar British Co-
lumbia program collected
133,477 pounds in 2010.
The drug manufacturer
lobbyists are fighting hard
against this legislation
that will cost them two
cents per prescription.
Some law enforcement
agencies are currently col-
lecting medications, but
their budgets are tight. Re-
cent changes to federal reg-
ulations will allow phar-
of new prescription drug
abusers were under 18.
In Washington, 85 percent
of poisoning deaths in-
volved medicines in 2006.
Medications have been
found in surface, ground,
and marine waters as well
as soils and sediments in
the Northwest.
There is seldom one solu-
tion to a problem. Medica-
tions are in our water due
to excretion, drug abusers
will continue to steal from
medicine cabinets, and
children will be acciden-
tally poisoned. There is no
the environment. Legisla-
tor contact info is at http://
T. A. Thomas
Editor, the Journal
I read on the internet to-
day that Governor Gregoire
has proposed eliminating
the 2012 presidential pri-
mary voting in Washington
State in order to save $10
million. This cost-cutting
gift for any
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Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011 - Page A-b