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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
February 24, 2011     Shelton Mason County Journal
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February 24, 2011
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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CALLS REPORTED TO SHELTON POLICE, MASON COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFI'CE AND TRIBAL AGENCIES INCLUDED: Burglaries At 7:16 a.m. on February 14'a caller from the 1700 block of Olympic Highway North reported a burglary. At 2:49 p.m. on February 14 a caller from the 100 block of Lambert Lane reported a burglary. At 7:13 p.m. on February 14 a caller from the 100 block of Greenview Lane reported a burglary. At 10:45 a.m. on February 15 a caller from the 400 block of Pickering Road reported a burglary. At 11:29 a.m. on February 15 a caller from the 1700 block of Brockdale Road reported a burglary. At 11:19 a.m. on February 18 a caller from the 200 block of 1st St. reported a burglary. At 10:54 a.m. on February 20 a caller from the 2100 block of Olympic Highway North reported a burglary. At 12:46 p.m. on February 21 a caller from the 500 block of Shelton Valley Road reported a burglary. Assaults At 2:50 a.m. on February 15 a Mission Creek Road caller reported an assault. At 2:03 p.m. on February 15 a Railroad Avenue caller reported an assault. At 9:09 p.m. on February 17 a caller from the 100 block of Greenview Lane reported an assault. At 1:15 on February 21 a Colony Surf Drive caller reported an assault. Sex crimes At 12:26 p.m. on February 16 a Reservation Road caller reported a rape. Disturbances At 3:53 p.m. on February 14 a caller from the 700 block of Road of Tralee reported a disturbance. At 6:03 p.m. on February 15 a caller from the 900 block of Mountain View Drive reported a disturbance. At 8:06 p.m. on February 15 a caller from the 100 block of Spencer Glen Drive reported a disturbance. At 11:18 p.m. on February 15 a caller from the 1100 block of Fairmount Ave. reported a disturbance. At 10:55 a.m. on February 16 a caller from the 300 block of T Peeksin Lane reported a disturbance. At 7:30 p.m. on February 18 a caller from the 12400 block of State Route 106 reported a disturbance. At 9:30 p.m. on February 19 a caller from the 30Q block of Wallace Kneeland Blvd. reported a disturbance. At 7:54 p.m. on February 20 a caller from the 6700 block of State Route 106 reported a disturbance. At 10:08 p.m. on February 21 a caller from the 700 block of Arcadia Ave. reported a disturbance. Domestic violence At 10:44 p.m. on February 14 a caller from the 100 block of Blevins Road reported a domestic dispute. At 5:18 p.m. on February 15 a caller from the 100 block of Dalkeith Road reported a domestic dispute. At 6:16 p.m. on February 16 a Phillips Lake Road caller reported a domestic disturbance. At 6:42 a.m. on February 17 a caller from the 100 block of Sunrise Drive reported a domestic disturbance. At 2:43 a.m. on February 19 a caller from the 800 block of Cook Plant Farm Road reported a domestic disturbance. At 10:50 a.m. on February 19 a caller from the 2200 block of Old Olympic Highway South reported a domestic dispute. At 7:35 p.m. on February 19 a caller from the 600 block of Turner Ave. reported a domestic dispute. At 5:33 a.m. on February 21 a caller from the 100 block of Steh Chass Place reported a domestic dispute. At 5:20 p.m. on February 21 a caller from the 2400 block of Crestview Drive reported a domestic dispute. At 8:10 p.m. on February 21 a caller from the 100 block of Park Loop reported a domestic disturbance. Thefts At 10:48 a.m on February 14 a caller from the 2100 block of Johns Prairie Road reported a vehicle theft. At 4:54 p.m. on February 17 a caller from the 1700 block of Summit Drive reported the theft of a three-wheel ATV. At 2:11 a.m. on February 21 a caller from the 100 block of State Route 108 reported a vehicle prowl. At 5:53 a.m. on February 21 a caller from the 1700 block of Mason St. reported the theft of a white 1993 Saturn. At 5:35 p.m. on February 21 a caller from the 100 Twana Court reported the TOO LATE TO :LASSlFY 1716 FERRY. Neat 3 bedroom, 1 bath home with 2-car garage on fenced lot. Fireplace/woodstove insert, W/D included. One-year lease, credit check, references required. No smoking, small dog negotiable. Deposit, $825 month. 360-427-1889. A2/24 MODEl/TALENT agency seeks personal assistant. Part-time work, must be flexible on hours. Computer and good people skills a must. Looking for upbeat, mo- tivated, energetic person. Email photo and resum6 to mpiprod@ N2/24-3/17 DROP-LEAF TABLE, utility stand, lamps, pictures, lots more. 360-701-3066. Mc2/24 ' THANK YOU! ' I I Shelton and Mason County residents ' I I , for supporting us in the past. We will J, be closing our Shelton business and L. moving to Tacoma at the end = ,I of Februrary. Visit us at = I ', Badabin and , I I I I I I I , RiZzer, & come see us in Tacoma! : 324 Railroad, Downtown Shelton I at Evergreen Square I (360) 462-PIZZA : ...remember... don't dial the ',4' 7499 ,,I Open Tue-Wed 11-8--Thurs, Fri & Sat 11-9 ~~ ~1 ,am i ilm nl Illl aim-II r= iil==,l "1 I'd like a one year subscription mailed to the following address: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: 0 $37 in County Mail with check to: [ O $51 Elma or Bremerton address Journal ] O $51 in Washington State PO Box 430 [ Shelton, WA 98584 i O $61 out of state I . I LQ_uest_io_n~ C_all 360.426... _4412. theft of a silver 2000 Ford Windstar. ARRESTS February 16 Colton Lee Andreoli, 24, of the 1100 block of Millcreak Blvd. in Millcreak was booked at 11:12 a.m. for DWLS 2nd. George Richard Lopatto, 60, of the 1700 block of Stewart St. was booked at 4:13 p.m. for DWLS 3rd. Richard Rey Gilbride, 39, of the 200 block of Challenger Drive was booked at 4:44 p.m. for possession of stolen property 3rd. February 17 David Ardell Hernandez, 31, of the 100 block of Chase Lane was booked at 1:44 a.m. for DWI. William Sherman Zibell, 49, of the 100 block of Angus Court was booked at 7:49 p.m. on a hold for another agency. February 18 Joseph James Birchall, 29, of the 200 block of Sunnyside Road was booked at 2:25 a.m. for possession of a controlled substance and possession of drug paraphernalia. Kelly Kay Turner, 44, of the 8700 block of Cloquallum Road was booked at 2:57 a.m. for possession of a controlled substance, possession of drug paraphernalia and dangerous weapon possession. Sheriff - Casey Salisbury I SEX OFFENDER INFORMATION BULLETIN LEVEL 3 NOTIFICATION OF TRANSIENT/HOMELESS SEX OFFENDER Date: February 17, 2011 Prepared by: Detective William Adam Bulletin#: 11-06 The Mason CotlnW Sheriff's Office is releasing the tbllowing intbnnation pursuant to RCW 4.24.550 and the Washington Slate Supreme Court decision in State v. Ward. which authorizes law enforcement agencies to inform the public of a sex offenders release when; in the discretion of the agency, the release of information will enhance public safety and protection. The individual who appears on this notification has been convicted of a sex offense that requires registration with the Sheriff's Office in the county of their residence, burtber, their previous cfimthal history, places them in a classification level which reflects the potential to re- offend. This sex offender has served the sentence imposed on him by the courts and has advised the Mason County Sheriff's Office that he will be living in the location below. It E 1S NOT WANTED BY TIt E POLICE AT Tills TIME. THIS NOTIFICATION IS NOT INTENDED TO INCREASE FEAR, RATHER, IT IS OU R BELIEF THAT AN 1NFORMED PUBLIC IS A SAFER PUBLIC. The Mason County Sheriff's Ofl$ce has no legal authority to direct where a sex offender may or may not tlve. Unless court ordered restrictions exist, this offender is constitutionally tree to live wilcrever he chooses. Sex offenders have always lived in our communities, but it wasn't until passage of the Community Protection Act of 1990 (which mandates sex offender regislrathmj tbat law enforcement even knew where they were living. In many cases, law enforcement is now able to share that information with you. Citizen abuse of this information to threaten, intimidate or harass registered sex offenders will not be tolerated. Further, such abuse could potentially end law enforcement's ability, to do community notifications. We believe the only person who wins if community notification cnds is the sex offender, since sex offenders derive their power through secrecy. If you have any intbrmatlon re_oardln~ current criminal activity of this or any other offender, nlease call 911. For other sex offender information, MICHAEL JACOB ERWIN WHITE MALE - DOB: 10/12/1976 6'01 "- 230 LBS. BRWON HAIR & HAZEL EYES Michael ERWIN is required to register as a sex offender for the 1998 of Rape of a Child yd Degree, Mason County Superior Court cause # 98-1-00295-6. This conviction stems from when ERWIN was 22 years old, he invited a 15 year old female friend to his apartment when she missed a bus ride i to her home." ERWIN provided alcohol to the girl and subsequently offered her a place to lie down. Shortly thereafter; ERWIN raped her and reportedly used force and threats. ERWIN also has an extensive criminal history of non-related sex crimes as well as Failing to Register as a Sex Offender. ERWIN has stered as trausient/homeless within the area of Shelton, WA. ERWIN is a level 2 registered sex offender, but due to his transient/homeless status, ERWIN considered a HIGH RISK. ERW1N is assessed by the Mason County Sheriff's Office as a level 2 sex but is now a J.d~because he is now transient/ This is the highest level given to a Sex Offender, meaning that the subject is at a HIGH RISK to re-offend. ERWlN's Location is Transient/Homeless Within The Area of Shelton, WA Did you know that in addition to producing award- winning display ads the Journal advertising staff can help you plan a campaign that will help you grow your business and reach new customers? We have the experience and expertise to partner with you in the success of your work and goals. Call us at 360-426-4412 We are invited into thousands of homes each week. Page A-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011